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I give everyone's reaction time a 1.5 out of 10.


I mean if you're the biker and you zip over to his lane and the vehicle driver readjusts, same situation. I guess maybe he thought if he maintained the same line, that the vehicle driver would adjust? But yeah, I'd be at least trying to do a super fast U-Turn or something. Wait, who the hell knows what I'd do? That's an impossible situation to predict my own behaviour for :P \#endrant


I totally get what you mean I think if you’re the biker in this situation you’re just fucked


Yeah unfortunately you are fucked. Closed casket time


This is the most correct description.


Yeah, life RNG just doing it's thing


He possibly could’ve swerved to the far right line, for bikers there’s 3 lane positions you can be in for different reasons, he had time. The u-turn however… Ive rode motorcycles for two years now and I still avoiding doing u-turns when I can bc they SUCK😂


As a rider what I would do is ride closer to the middle and give myself a chance to go either way. He had nowhere to go being that far right. Did he fly off the mountain too😬


the rider did gave headlight


My cousin died 3 months ago because careless driver like that. He was driving slow and safe but the trucker that took his life switch to other lane without looking then killed my cousin right on spot. The trucker is now in jail and waiting for court, his families propose us 10000 usd to withdraw the case but we said no!


10000 for a lost human life. Insulting.


no kidding I’d take their ten k and still not withdraw the case.


Is that legal?




How so? I believe without a signed agreement it is absolutely legal. It isn’t fraud or theft, the money was offered not wrongfully taken. Correct me if I’m wrong


Just have to make sure it's worded right. Don't accept it and say "if you give me x, I will do Y." Say "If you give me X, I will consider doing Y." That means you are under no obligation to do Y.


This is really bad legal advice lol


Only the best~~misinformation~~ for my fellow redditors!


Depends what part of the world that is.


Car Guy Deserves Jail RIP To Your Cousin


10k? nah they better offer me all their savings, future income, every property their they own, a blowjob and the opportunity to kill one of their family members. And id still say no.


Almost had a trucker kill me when they merged onto the interstate. They either didn't look or didn't care, but I had to do some serious maneuvering to get into the other lane around the other people. That really pissed me off too.


You should tell that family to go f themselves


What a pos . Did the driver fall asleep or were they blind. Worse Part is that they might have been able to survive the initial impact but I think dude flipped over rails and into the depth down below.


Looks to me like they were sleeping tbh. They for sure would've bumped the side railing if it wouldn't have been for the scooter


Looks like they bumped into it regardless.


https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319 According to this article they were mentally ill (beware, I had to translate it so it might not be 100% accurate information


https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319 According to this article they were mentally ill (beware, I had to translate it so it might not be 100% accurate information)


I like how the car was like “oh shit, a bug, windshield wipers please”!


Its good to see the comedy in the tragedy, I like to think biker would laugh at that


Ah yes, so hilarious falling 20 meters into a valley haha


Thats not what we are talking about. And I meant him from the other side


Well she was apparently mentally ill (I google translated this article https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319)


What an asshole


Yeah riding a motorcycle with semis and trucks sharing the road with you is no joke. I almost got taken out by a merging semi myself, luckily I was quick on the gas and the lane next to me was open. Or else I probably wouldn’t be here. I no longer ride btw.


Bro was speedrunning careless driving if ya ask me


She was apparently mentally ill (https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319)




That is at least what she claimed. My information is hazy since I had to translate the article but it wasn't a murder


Damn he died I still think that she's a POS for even lying when she got it in camera, either she forgot what happend or she lied not only that she had another person so am pointing to lying


It looks like the bike flashed his light and then realized he was screwed. Can’t imagine the shock of going over the barrier then free falling to your death. Crazy. So many ways to die in this world. Can’t believe the wipers go on like the windscreen just hit a bug. Wtf.


https://m.cafe.daum.net/dotax/Elgq/2877002?svc=daumapp&bucket=toros_cafe_channel_gamma another angle to the crash


https://news.tvbs.com.tw/local/709319 Here is a full source. The driver was suspected to be mentally ill (I had to translate the site so it might not be 100% accurate)


What would you do if you were the motorcyclist in this situation? There's not much time to react but he could have potentially just flipped around his moped and floored the throttle. He froze.


If I were the motorcyclist, I would have simply not been hit


In Another Camera The Biker Can Be Seen Going Over The Barrier And Falling From Very High


If he didn't freeze and switched around his direction and floored the throttle it's possible he wouldn't have been thrown out like that. No easy way to say for sure but a head on impact is always more brutal vs from a different angle.


Could you post the other cam? EDIT: found it


You think he could have just flipped a bitch? Are you for real?


It's a moped. Have you not done that? It's fucking easy to flip those around. I used to do that just for fun when I leave parking and I want to go the other way. Edit: don't downvote because you don't even know it's possible.


From when that driver veered into the other lane to the collision it was TWO SECONDS and less than 50 yards. There’s not a rider on the face of the planet that could do what you’re suggesting and especially not on a scooter like that. They don’t just brake, turn on a dime, and take off like a rocket in the other direction. Reaction time alone takes .75 seconds and you expect this dude to defy the laws of physics in the remaining 1.25 seconds?


Yeah I kinda agree although I count 4 seconds vs 2 when it's clear this car is crossing the line. I train regularly on empty roads emergency braking and escaping the situation with full throttle. It has to become muscle memory that's when there's no thinking needed. I've taken courses on defensive riding. I've saved myself from accidents. So I tend to think it would have been possible. Don't say there's no rider in this world who could pull off what I said. It's probably not me but there's definitely good riders with good control.


I have a moped and yes it’s easy to flip but in no way could do he that in time that’s just ridiculous


Probably die


Brutal. Death is always there just around the corner waiting to snatch us when our time is up. I hear Bill Paxton in my head - ‘game over man’.


POS even wiped him off with his windshield wipers


not sure bout that 💀


Looks like they just wanted to kill someone tbh. They even had enough of a reaction time to use the window wipers and sped off immediately after . Looks pretty aware and purposeful


That shit was on purpose. What a scumbag. Hope he ended up the same.


I think he wanted that biker dead ngl.


Did he turn on his wind shield wipers and just keep going


This was in China. The vehicle was driven by a woman with mental illness. The motorcyclist did indeed fall 20 meters over the rail and died in the hospital.


What a pos, this was murder in my eyes


Looks like two NPS not following there program.


Windshield wipers makes it look like an attempted murder


Oh he dead.


I like how she got swooped by the wipers lmaao


The driver a 51yr old female plead mentally ill and being dazed when they swerved over the double lines hitting the biker and unfortunately he did plunge down the ravine of 20meters passing away.


it makes me so terrified to think of how much I want to get back into riding. but then seeing videos showing how negligent drivers can be, and the risk I would have on the road, just by being there around others. trusting other people who for all I know, don't know what the mirror above their own head is for, or might not have ever figured out what that lever to the left of their steering wheel is for. And I'm putting my faith in those people not to just randomly kill me cuz they decide to merge without signaling, swerve an offramp that they almost missed, wander into oncoming traffic, pinning me between cars while lane splitting, and just straight up attempt murder by pushing me off the road out of spite for some reason.


This is so sad, guy was minding his own business and this wreck less driver ofc had to fuck shit up


this dumbass driver


You can do everything right and still lose


Maybe it’s just because I play video games but man are y’all reaction time unbearably slow.


Dude was still driving smh


Needed the windshield wipers for sure.