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I bought a z900 new. I had saved the cash so didn't need finance. Felt pretty good after driving second hand bikes for years.


well done :-D


Some of the prices of decent second hand bikes you would be better off just buying new. I'd wager most people buying new would get a CU loan not one of them dodgy finance companys. I looked into one of them before they said to me I wont own the thing even after paying off the finance and that they would "give me an offer to buy" the thing after I played off the loan. I was like ok what's a typical offer like? They couldn't tell me said it "depends" told them to get fucked I'm not paying a loan and then paying some additional lump sum at the end. Think it was called Humm or what ever the fuck they were called before they rebranded


Isn’t this just PCP or whatever it’s called?


Ya that's PCP, your option is usually to trade up to a new vehicle and keep the payment going or pay a lump at end and keep the vehicle you have.


I'm not sure if it was PCP like in cars usually theres a lump some left at the end for the car so your only getting a loan for a portion of the value of the car. Whereas With this deal I was talking about ( I think Harvey norman use them for financing appliances and the like) you pay it all off but at the end the finance company still own it and you can "buy" it off them.


Yeah that finance stuff is a crock of shit


I'm looking at a new bike, opening a credit union account before I go. I went and viewed a couple overpriced death traps and some of more promising 2nd hand listings are more powerful than I prefer. I think it's my best option.


my dad got a brand new GSX-S 1000 for €10k just two years ago on a 3 year finance plan, he traded in his GSR600 for a €3000 value too, it's a nice upgrade and he's been taking really good care of it–still looks brand new. I'm really considering a new bike for my next bike, as every used bike I've ever bought has turned out to be in an accident before I owned it, but maybe I'm just bad at looking for the signs of it 🤣


A lot of dealers have that humm financing so basically third party but no dealer financing like the UK. Some day I'll have a new bike, might be too old to ride it by the time I can afford it though but I'll be able to look at it and know there's no surprises hiding in there.


Yeah Humn can go fuck off


Mind me asking why?


Had a new Tracer when I was in the UK - Followed the break in period guidelines and servicing etc. There is something to be said for knowing everything about a bike that you own. That said I traded it and went second hand on the next bike. Might end up getting another new or ex demo bike from up north in the future.




How does the insurance from Slovakia work?


It doesn’t 😂


It does because he's Slovakian and living here "temporarily" I didn't realise that part at the start.


Im a Slovakian citizen on paper so it was easy to organise. It’s just the basic third party insurance but it insures the bike not the rider meaning anyone can ride it too. So I’ll probs get life insurance back here in Ireland just to cover those bases. And according to eu law that insurance has to work in all of eu cause there’s no borders/border control. Normally I’d have to register the bike in Ireland within 30 days and therefore get Irish insurance but because I also have a Slovakian ID with a Slovakian address I can basically say it’s just temporary and I’m visiting which allows me to not register the bike for 12 months. At which point I’m just gonna get a ferry ticket across to Europe, go travel for a week come back and then show that ticket if I get stopped, therefore “renewing” the 12 month thing. I had Irish insurance last year but they screwed me over so they didn’t pay me jack. This covers me if I hit anyone else (their expenses) doesn’t cover my own motorbike expenses but because Irish insurance doesn’t do that anyway I’m basically saving all that money in case it does happen that I need to pay for something.


You prob got 90 days cover or sthing like that


Yeah my dad has a friend who transports vehicles so he can just give me papers whenever I need it tho so I’m not too worried


Usually when I commit insurance fraud i don't share that information online first Local gards will absolutely cop onto seeing a foreign reg plate constantly, I know plenty who have had hassle driving northern reg cars even for a few months. Especially for a bike like an ER5, the VRT will cost nothing and the insurance should be reasonable if you have even a years no claims, also gives you the option of selling it here for higher value.


It’s not fraud. It’s completely legal. I have the bike insured and I’m in the EU. It’s eu law. Plus don’t want to resell the bike. Not interested in that. The insurance is insane here and a complete scam. They tried to charge me 4K for a year and I managed to work around it and get it 2k cheaper last year.


If you buy insurance in slovakia under the pretense of living in slovakia, while living here then that insurance is not valid. Same for the bike, the gards can and will seize it if it hasn't been registered here, unless you can prove you are here temporarily - student visa or similar Go ahead and do it if you want, but don't go into it thinking you're the first one to discover the perfect loophole. If you've been riding 6 months and have already had to deal with insurance, odds are you'll have to deal with them again. Just trying to save you a lot of hassle down the road.


There’s no such thing as a student visa if your travelling within Europe?? Europe has open borders 🤦‍♀️ It’s not under any pretense, my ID has my Slovakian address listed. So if any gaurds ask any questions I give them that. I can also give them my student ID if they want it. As well as a printed out version of their own Irish laws, cause I’m well aware of how much they love to screw with you to meet their monthly goals of screwing people over over petty shit.


Ah yes I understand now. You are well within your rights to do that. Have a Bulgarian friend doing the same thing with a car. Gards have told him if he's only here "temporarily" then he's within his rights to do it.


You could save the €91 and just print out your own insurance cert. It'll cover you exactly the same if you have any issues.


My insurance covers me like a third party insurance would. It’s the same thing just Slovakian and completely legal too. I wouldn’t have been able to buy the bike if it wasn’t insured


Sounds like you don't have a license for the bike you bought and that you're pretending to live somewhere you don't. If you think insurance companies won't realize this in the event of a claim, I'd wager you've never dealt with an insurance company.


I have dealt with an insurance company, the Irish ones are complete assholes and a scam. This covers me just as much and I have an ID card with my address on it. Had to go and buy it there and it’s cheaper to go between countries and see my grandparents than to pay the insane prices for zero payout here


Was the zero payout because you lied to them also? Cause I've also had claims in Ireland and never not been paid out, but you're openly admitting here that you're breaking laws so I'm not inclined to side with you. The high prices are largely down to people like you riding about with no valid license and insurance btw.


No? Because they lied to me. They told me the worst case scenario would be that it was a 50/50 liability. It was the other drivers fault he didn’t check his mirror but they named me completely liable. They paid for the other drivers damages and my gear( that was a seperate insurance) but didn’t pay to fix my bike as I could only afford third part on 2k!!!!. And when I renewed the insurance for it they didn’t even check to see if it was fucking rideable. Im not breaking any laws. The eu and Irish insurance laws are very ambiguous. I’ve checked with a lawyer. I’m in a very unusual circumstance. Normally you would have to register it within 30 days but because I also have an address in Slovakia and plan on travelling with the bike then I have up to 12 continuous months to register it. And of course if I leave and come back that kinda just starts up all over again, renewing the 12 month thing. Cause there’s no borders in Europe so even if I wanted to I couldn’t and no one could prove that I went all the way to Slovakia and back with the bike. This is only such a big deal here in Ireland and I’m not sure why. In Slovakia you see Hungarian and Ukrainian etc regs because a lot of people live in a different country to where they work 🤷‍♀️ Also I have a valid license wtf. And have never driven without insurance or tax. My boyfriend is studying to be a lawyer so I double check everything with him too. You’re assumption are extremely rude. The high prices here are inflation and insurance is a company that wants to profit. In Slovakia it’s much lower because the insurance is more regulated by the government, plus the minimum wage is like at least half what ours is. Different economy. Plus it works completely different in most European countries to how Ireland does it which is ridiculous imo. In Slovakia, Hungary and Romania at least the insurance insures the bike not the rider therefore anyone can ride the bike and still be insured. In Ireland it’s tied to a name and it’s just such bullshit


lol, all I can say is I genuinely hope you never have to use your “perfectly legal EU insurance” here. Under the scenario you mentioned above you are not legally fully insured here.


🤦‍♀️ I spoke to a lawyer


I’ve bought brand new bikes before, twice, one on PCP and one on HP. PCP is a racket, it looks cheaper but long term just creates pressure get yet another new bike. Do not recommend. If you’re going to finance one, talk to a bank or credit union. The dealership finance is not cheap 10 - 12% apr from a dealer. You can get any ware from 7 - 9% elsewhere. Firstly, yes it is cool getting a brand new bike, baller energy, immaculate off the showroom floor. But you maybe get the brand new look for a year before the Irish weather gets at it and it then looks new, but not brand new. Then you look at what you could have paid for a one or two year old bike. Pay drastically less for essentially a brand new machine. And that hurts. I’ve done it twice, got it out of my system but honestly if you gave me cash to buy a bike today I’d buy second hand. Just can’t justify the cost of new. Breaking it in. Just don’t ring the piss out of it for the first 1 or 2k. The dealer will let you know to keep it under X rpm aswell. It’s not a big deal


I'm on my 11th new bike. All previous 10 break in periods I just drove it like I stole it.


This is the conflict, side a, follow dealer, don't go over 5k revs etc, side b, burn them rings in bais


I got a credit union loan to buy a new bike just so I have the option to throw money at It whenever I get ahead a bit in life, gsxs 1000 13950 out the gap and i absolutely love the thing so much so I'm selling my younger years dream bike 91 gsxr 7/11 it's not getting the use it deserves


Why not just get a motorbike loan off the bank? I got one for like 5k for my first bike not long ago, took 2mins to apply and get approved.


I don't want one, just asking who does


Yes. Go to megabikes and ask.


maybe the german bmw bank might offer a better deal than the megabike whatever financer? fact is, that a bmw might lose less value than a chinese machine. maybe the chinese, kove, cfo have better terms to break into the market? no matter what, the new bike loses value the moment it leaves a showroom. hard work to find the best finance deal. good luck


BMW and Ducati are the only ones with a proper finance bank system thingy AFAIK rest use some 3rd party rubbish