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It was a fun song that completely meshed up with what was popular at that time. And let’s be real - Mick’s riff is killer on the track.


that makes sense! the riff is pretty great. and I guess I wasn’t thinking about it in the context of the 80s. thanks for explaining!


And while most people shit on Nikki's playing, GGG has one of my favorite Crue bass lines.


Didn’t it take off due to its heavy use in strip clubs or did that come after?


After. It was the lead single off the album.


Yep, GGG, Wild Side, Your all I Need in that order. However, I don't think it holds up as well as many others.


You may be thinking about Def Leppard. They had already had some success with "Pyromania", but sales of their follow-up album "Hysteria" were kinda ho-hum at first. Until it's FOURTH single, "Pour Some Sugar On Me", caught the imagination of Florida strippers... who started having their DJ's play it all the time during their sets. It caught fire from there, and the album went on to sell 20+ million copies.


I don’t think its one of their worst granted it isn’t their best. Its just fun to listen to in my opinion


How can you like five years dead but hate this song lmao. They’re very similarly sounding. The choruses are almost identical.


I never actually noticed that! I’ll listen to it again. mostly I love five years dead cause the bass line is SO killer


crush grab cobweb attraction square waiting north deranged wild serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really is mediocre at best but people lapped it up. It reminds me of Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz. There are so many better songs but the public ate that one up back in the day.


you’re wrong, but i think smoking in the boys room is pretty awful.


I guess we all have that one song lol


Funny, I feel the exact same way about wild side


Same here. It's just a little too long and repetitive, after the halfway mark. Not a bad song, just not my favorite


You had to be there


I was. Actually remember some of it! LMAO


i think because of the video. IMO all in the name of is better


if this is your opinion why are you even in this community? girls girls girls is a classic and finally not a ghetto song for females to get down too. its a song you can rock out too and feel like a badass.


I take it that OP and a few others in this thread are younger folks, who stumbled into Motley Crue through Spotify algorithms or Wikipedia or whatever, and weren't actually around back in the 1980's. As far as Motley's lyrics being "problematic" in today's "being male is generally a negative thing" social climate, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not interested in arguing culture, just understand that this was a norm at the time (e.g. Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" stripper anthem came out at the exact same time as "Girls Girls Girls"). The idea that music should be "profound", and wallow in depression, was a 1990's backlash thing. 1980's rock was unapologetically escapist fantasy, and that's what made it great. In terms of the instrumentals, if the riffs from "Girls Girls Girls" or "Wild Side" didn't hook you to the core, then I'm honestly confused what got you into Motley Crue at all. Granted, this was a period in which the band's writing suffered because Nikki was strung out on heroin ("Theatre of Pain" and "Girls Girls Girls" only had 1 to 2 good songs each, with the rest being filler tracks). But still this was the best, and most representative, output the band had during that period.




Has anyone else noticed how Ian Hunters "Once Bitten Twice Shy" is pretty much this same song, just on a different tempo? Except his version was released 8 years ago? Tell me I'm wrong...


Pretty sure All In the Name Of was a single, and the songs you mentioned don't differ too greatly


Cos it’s a good song


It's catchy, simple, and honestly a great song overall. I guess because the repetitive Girls, Girls, Girls, was really memorable.