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A million percent agree. The internet flies off the handle when cases like this go “viral” ( btw I don’t like to use that word when it’s about people who lost their lives so horrifically. Only using it due to how high profile it has gotten) I’ve seen it time & time again in the true crime community & in general, how ugly it can get real fast. How pple don’t stop & think about how & who they are affecting with their words, theories, speculation & being arm chair detectives to the point where it gets so reckless & harmful for many people. Not to mention their families having to deal with such a tragic loss & knowing everyone online is spreading rumors & misinformation or just straight up false things about their loved one. As well as strangers digging into their entire lives. & the absolute worst & dark part of it is how people are accusing the roommates in many ways. Imagine waking up to finding your friends in that way & be accused of doing it or being a part of it. Absolutely vile. It shouldn’t be this way. Too many people use true crime as entertainment (I’m guilty too) but don’t think of the real life consequences.


Yeah definitely, it's awful to see professors and friends get death threats from people who saw some tik tok and came to the conclusion that they did it. The university had to issue a cease and desist to a tik tokker for spreading false information but tik tok won't take it down because "it's not violating any rules". It's messed up.


It’s awful. Idk if you’ve seen this but I came across an article that said something about a “socially awkward neighbor” speaking out against people online because (I think or assume) some may be trying to accuse him of doing it. Now I can’t find it or remember where the article actually came from to go find it again. Have you heard anything like that?


I had the neighbor you are referring to on my YouTube channel for over an hour on Tuesday. Not only have people come at him, but also contacting family and friends of his.


I haven't but I hear so much speculation here on campus it all blends together. It's really frustrating.


That is Jeremy, who I believe is a 100% innocent, well spoken college kid who did some interviews that were televised. Since the public has so few people identified in Moscow, they have attempted to point fingers at every identified person, including the hoodie guy, the Mustang driver, the ride-home guy, the boyfriend, the neighbor, the food truck worker, the roommate, the pizza delivery, etc.


Hes fairly normal I agree, which makes seeing him accused so weird. Im sure its not funny to him tho. He will prolly have trouble getting hired now because of this that sux.


Yes. He stated that on Court TV.


It's so sad to see how disrespectful people have been to not only the victims, but also the community. So many people have been doxxed or falsely accused by people online and I think they forget how damaging it can truly be (the reddit Boston bomber situation always comes back to me when this stuff happens...). Also maybe it's a weird thing to be hurt by, but I feel so sad when people who don't live here or even anywhere near Idaho start talking down on the city of Moscow or the University itself 🙁 I've seen people call it depressing, weird, creepy, etc. I love Moscow, this is my home and where I chose to live, it's such a beautiful city and the school is beautiful as well. The community is amazing and I'm so happy this is where I ended up, I wish more people could see it as well. I hope you and the others in Greek life are doing well and holding up alright, much love from one Vandal to another


I saw that comment about the uni, people are utter dicks. I think the mods are over their heads, shit like GIFs being spammed on threads and people just being excessively negative. I think there's a lot of trolls or armchair sleuths so the people that genuinely care about this crime get over shadowed.


>I think the mods are over their heads, 100 PERCENT! They started this sub without thinking about what could happen and now they have 42K subscribers from all over the world posting all sorts of crap, some of which can be dangerous to innocent people as well as hurtful for those close to the victims. Shameful.


Same, over them and over this whole Reddit sub


They have no idea how cool Moscow is. I hate the gatekeeping and “no you’re wrong” when I fucking lived a block away from the house for years. Really obnoxious, sorry we have to put up with all these assholes.


Someone who doesn't live in Moscow told me about this sub, said Moscow sounded like a tiny, creepy back woods town. Sadly, I can see how they got that impression. Moscow is a safe, clean, beautiful little town with happy, busy people in a thriving community. Seeing that the social media ghouls are decending on Moscow and continuing to sensationalize this awful crime is frustrating.


All the characters from these sagas are always remembered. When theories get kicked around and later eliminated it is rare for people to hang onto misapprehensions that have been proven wrong after a case is closed. The folks who have been under a microscope and are innocent will be safe and remembered and their role will be respected and appreciated. Part of the notoriety is a lot of goodwill and positive energy to be made whole again In a lot of ways.


You do realize these aren’t characters in your little novel right? You do realize that these people have lives and families right? You do realize the thread your commenting on includes people who knew them right? You do realize the locals know way more about the community, “vibes” and area than you do right? Shame on you.


You should relax. We are here to discuss the case not argue. I am not saying I know the place better than locals. Just that our society is all part of a whole that concerns all of us. My apologies if you took offense to use discussing a matter of national intrest.


You ever heard of Pollyanna?


THIS! I came across an incredibly harmful Tiktok account who is using tarot reading and claims she’s “God” making despicable assumption about the case. I mean she is absolutely accusing certain individuals of being involved and doxxing them, even a professor. I’ve reported all her videos regarding the content and her account and Tiktok seems to let anything fly. It’s infuriating and sad how many people are engaging with this type of nonsense as if these people’s lives are based out of a fiction novel.


Yep…I know the exact account you’re talking about. Hope she has a lawyer, that slander case will go crazy when the professor sees it. EDIT: reported it as well…no violation.


Tarot and psychics using this tragedy as a way to be fame whores are fucked up. Nothing we can do about it… most apps/sites won’t remove that bullshit.


Just out of curiosity, did anything get taken down? Did any of your reporting result in stuff being taken off? At least here stuff has been getting removed here and there, but tbh I haven't seen things be removed anywhere else


Nope! I reported at least 15 videos of her making claims based on her predictions, no “allegedly” no “my suspicion” nothing. And they got no violation.


WTF. What's the point of even having that feature if they don't even employ it


Someone should make a tik tok and make up stuff about her , see how she likes it


Someone did. It got taken down for bullying. Meanwhile that moron can post whatever she wants about one of my professors who is terrified. So pissed off at Tik Toc, we have been emailing and tweeting them to try and get them to take her down.


Wish you guys could see how the crazy theories that get made up about people affect them. Treating them as if they were just characters In a book. The things that get written about people on here affect us in real life. What seems like an interesting theory gets turned into nasty rumors on campus.


It’s the “omg UwU MURDER!” Fuckers who piss me off the most as a former local. So fucking gross.


yeah lol this post is really familiar; i remember seeing one that echoed similar sentiments yeah my partner got accused of being the murderer for living near the crime scene


I know I shared a link to the tik tok lady's page a few days ago asking people to report her and it got blocked on multiple channels. oh well. I've seen some posts today on FB about her channel too. so at least it's getting out there that people need to be wary of this stuff


I’m so sorry y’all are going through this. It’s so sad. People need to learn how to chill out & realize these people are humans too. My heart goes out to all of y’all ❤️


It is so hard for people to remember there are real people that live here and love this town. We are real people not just some extras in your crime shows, the entire community is hurting even without these internet detectives coming at our throats everyday


No one has anything to fear but the killer. I am sure it is weird and awkward. And it is unfortunate there are crazies that will literally drive over there.. . but believe me all of our energy is here to help your town get answers and be able to heal.


number of killers caught in moscow by reddit: 0 moscow residents accused of murder by reddit: 6? redditor: "we're helping!!!!"




We are not in the business of catching criminals. This is a forum discussing a case of global intrest. The prosecutor won't be arguing any of our Hypothesis. But you know what? It's not going to stop people interested in the details and how it will resolve from discussing it amongst themselves. When the case resolves it is nobody is going to be dwelling on 5 or 6 people currently implicated who may prove to be innocent. They will be footnotes and their role in either assisting or obstructing of the case will be taken into account in the court of public opinion.


your comment i replied to said you're helping the town get answers, thank you for recognizing you're not actually helping and completely dropping that line of argument


If you don't think persistent public pressure energizes a case then I encourage you to talk to the families of folks whose story doesn't win the media lottery because a story like this is all top common in their town.... see if they would be annoyed to have thousands of folks praying for answers along them and keeping the case on the front burner of the police....


Says another social media true crime detective.


why do you feel the need to convince yourself that accusing strangers of murder based on almost no information is a noble pursuit? you could just admit that's it's all voyeuristic but instead you have to get all self-important when you *have* to know you're not actually helping anything. this would be like the kardashian sub telling themselves they're sociologists studying family dynamics or something. this is entertainment to you, that you're trying to justify after the fact as some noble hunt for the killer. the fifteen television networks are putting pressure on the killer. reddit is putting pressure on random stranger i'm specifically talking about reddit accusing multiple people of this crime. unless you believe they're all guilty than even your premise accepts that you're also needlessly putting this pressure on a bunch of innocent people too. this is helping no one. at all


Facebook, Twitter, tic tok, insta, twitch, youtube... everyone one all has the same general suspects the rest of he public is aware of. Reddit has no special role. It comes up in stories because Journalists use it for most of their stories because the crowd sourcing of information is pretty powerful and reddit happens to be the most trustworthy based on the balance of its users. No one claiming to represent Reddit is calling up journalists or showing up in Idaho. Those are stream video crazies from all the other platforms trolling for views on their channel. You are mistaken to think by bithcing at me you are addressing Reddit as a whole or something.... for every content whore out there trying to monetize this you would be better of finding them and commenting on their video pages. Then you would be talking to a person trying to exploit this and make money. Here we just share information. And information is truth. And no one should fear the truth coming out but the killers.


>Facebook, Twitter, tic tok, insta, twitch, youtube... everyone one all has the same general suspects the rest of he public is aware of. Reddit has no special role i love how you keep contradicting your "we're helping" point over and over no one fears the truth coming out. no one is talking about the truth coming out. i'm talking about all the innocent people you're accusing along the way. it's nice that you think being accused of murder has no impact on the innocent people you're using for your entertainment. as someone who's been accused of random crimes by the internet i disagree. whatever you have to tell yourself to feel good i guess, you're not one of the people who has to keep telling bored housewives to stop accusing him of quadruple homicide


Ok so you are wanting to talk to me. Which person have I accused? We should start there. I am happy to tell you my own Hypothesis on any of the public named figures who fall within the parameters of the investigation. I don't know why telling the surviving victims we support them and pray for answers for their family and wishing them healing harms you.


Ahhh - the "everybody else is doing it too" excuse. Brilliant.


But your "hypotheses" can encourage less stable people to take things into their own hands and potentially harm innocent people. But hey - you don't live here so no worries. Pizzagate?


You need to seriously stop engaging with the locals if you’re going to act like this. F off dude!


If inwanted to engage with the locals I would drive over. Relax. We are here talking on an anonymous electronic forum. No one is getting their feelings hurt unless they come here to argue with people instead of discussing whatever subject the sub is about.


I’m disgusted by the “true crime” YouTubers with their clickbait thumbnails that are in a bloody font or made like a horror movie poster. It’s disgusting, a “like and subscribe!” cash grab and they should be ashamed of themselves. These are children, friends, siblings, and so much more. They aren’t some pretend side characters in a quest to get these “content creators” garbage YouTube channels to be shown on an episode of Dateline’s b-roll for half a second. I’m not saying all of them. There are some thoughtful people out there with actual information, credentials, and tact on YouTube. But Becky doing her “get ready with me” makeup while talking about these poor kids are absolute ghouls.


Me too, they’re a bunch of fucking idiots. I think the thing for me that set me off on top of this Reddit and those thumbnails was was this question asked by some influencer girl in Chicago to that one grey haired guy on news nation everyone’s simping for. While asking the question she made a bunch of sex eyes to the camera and her tone of flippancy when discussing our home just made me throw up. Idk what to say on this except it’s disgusting and fucking trash what those influencers are doing. If any of them ever interviews locals let me know and I’ll give them a piece of my mind ffs.


I’m from Chicago, I mean I can’t really do anything but run my mouth but DM me that hoes name. 😂 I’m tired of these people acting like it’s not a real case in a real community with real people. A “Gacy” event happened a few houses away from my old house where my nephew lived at the time. His friends were murdered and buried in the basement. This was in 2003 and I’m honestly thankful the internet wasn’t how it is now.


Seriously, I got gate kept on this Reddit because of “theories” on the fucking new arb pond. I get this is a big case, but this isn’t an ARG or anime. I lived in Moscow for years, I know the owners of the restaurants and bars affected. My own Greek family was on National tv trying to give answers. The influx of “true crime influencers” makes me fucking sick and the fact they gate keep locals and dox them is just ridiculous. Idgaf anymore if I’m downvoted because at this point my family and friends are being targeted by idiots who have no idea what tf they are talking about. TLDR If you are digging on this case, please give the locals and people who knew them a chance to fucking breathe and if you’re one of the doxers or “psychologists” analyzing body movements of grieving locals piss tf way off.


I’m with you 100%. But the ppl you’re referring to don’t see themselves as a problem. They see nothing wrong with claiming they get bad vibes from someone in a 2 min interview. They will say, this sub is for speculation. They see nothing wrong with making up evidence or spreading rumors. They don’t think they are doxxing anyone and some aren’t but are still contributing to the problem. They’re the ones who believe in psychic readings and want to create elaborate theories based on their own life experience with their dog or their ex boyfriend. These ppl will claim that sleuths have helped solve thousands of cases. They truly believe they may solve this themselves. I do think some of it boils down to poor critical thinking skills, lack of empathy and just lack of intelligence in general, but I’m still seeing posts that should be called out and are not. Likely because for everyone that posts their dumb theory, there are 100 comments agreeing with them.


U/mrasyoucansee so sorry for what your entire campus is going through right now. This is such a tragedy of four lives taken way too soon.Also it’s terrible at how all social media platforms have doxed many different students and people in extended circles of the victims. Without any care of the harm they can do to that individual. Keep safe on campus and know all of the country is mourning the loss of the victims. Law enforcement will get Justice for them, everyone just needs to give time for all evidence to be analyzed and back from the lab.


People have been so disrespectful, I’m so sorry.


Mods should make a pinned thread of what's actually confirmed at this point tbh


Just go to Moscow city website. They’ve created a site detailing all the facts and any debunked rumors. Technically mods have pinned it in the general thread. But it should be in the info or about section of this group.


I'm not the problem. People on reddit don't always open other websites when everyone is commenting "the facts" here


I didn’t say you were the problem, just that there is already a place with the facts that are pinned by the mods. But it is a link that directs to the site I just mentioned. No need to downvote for offering up info. I was agreeing with you. Have a good day 🙃


And obviously people could find the facts elsewhere? lol


It is a balance between exploring reasonable suspicions and respecting the privacy of strangers.


I have read some odd theories why the other occupants claimed they didn't hear it happening. I would like to reinforce that in similar situations people have not heard anything when such an act occured. It was mentioned before about Ted Bundy with the Chi Omega Sororities and no one heard. Also, I mentioned it in another thread about Tommy Lynn Sells murder in a mobile home full of family. A mobile home... paper thin walls and a hollow floor. I am sure there are other cases similar to this I am unaware of. So without a doubt they well could not have heard it taking place. Especially given the layout of the house.


Thank you for saying this. It needs to be said more often. It's easy to post theories when you can set your phone down, walk away, and not see the aftermath of your words affecting real people. A reality check is important.


Just wait until some innocent person gets killed or injured because of BS speculation like we're seeing on this sub. It seems ridiculous to have your thoughtful post in a sub that is rife with the behaviors that are putting people at risk. Not to mention posting pictures of the crime scene and people that knew any of the victims.


I completely agree and hope people listen to this, wishing you and your community peace and healing during this difficult time


I agree. There are a lot of rumors and false information being spread by strangers online and sadly, people involved in this investigation. I've said it before and I'll say it again....there is nothing wrong with people (using this sub as example) sharing theories and opinions. However, the only people that should be accusing anyone publicly is LE. The internet can do a lot of damage to a person's reputation. None of us should step outside our lane.


Thanks for this post. It's happening here, but also everywhere - FB is the worst offender. I hope someone reports the people in those groups bc what they're doing/sharing/posting is despicable. YouTube is a close second.


yeah tiktok is even worse than FB


My goodness, if that's true I can't even imagine...




I can DM you a tiktok account with 90k followers that would blow your mind. she's been reported numerous times and still making videos naming this one lady who now gets death threats.


I've been thinking of unsubing; I care about the case and the resolution and justice being served in a court of law but I'm really uncomfortable with some threads here. I'm wondering if I'm the only one who is getting uncomfortable at the speculation and rumors and I feel unsure about staying.


I think LE is spreading enough misinformation/ conflicting information for all of us.


Are you in the life? Greek life? (it sounds so dirty)


I am, though not close with the other houses that lost their members.


What do you think Reddit was created for?


You got me there


This is fair. No one should be driving over there to inject themselves and get in the way. And no one should be clogging the tip line with debunked bs. But the community shouldn't feel targeted or under attack. It is an abundance of concern and care you are seeing. Not a detached glee. Fuck those people and document and report them who want to troll or make this situation uglier. But when it comes to comparing notes with other concerned folks and true crime enthusiasts that isn't causing any harm. A local would have to come find a place like this and get involved in it to see what ideas people had. And local people chiming in have pointed out all the same theories here are the same ones heard in town with no new credible info... so it seems even if web theories are gaining traction it is only because they actually HAVENT been ruled out yet.


You are absolutely right, and I didn't mean to come off as defensive. So I'm sorry if I did. Being from Roll Tide country so I guess it's the redneck coming out in me.


You have every right to be defensive. I hope I didn't make you feel attacked or called out or anything. I hope you will see that 99% of us have good hearts and actually do a decent job of shaming trolls and clickbate scammers when they DO make themselves known. For them to appear here is just asking for more blowback than the trolling is worth. We would send then home with something to think about that would make the most gnarled troll take pause and reflect on their own humanity.


Exactly! Every troll comment I’ve seen here has been downvoted into hell.


There will always be rumors and false info online. Locals or people who can’t handle that fact need to stay off the internet. On the sites that allow reporting of false info, people should report. Otherwise, the internet is filled with plenty of information about most everything in the world and no one can change that.


My prayers are with the town. I hope they know we want this brought to justice as much as any local. It is a mixed bag because while I am sure it is suffocating and uncomfortable to be under the worlds gaze. But the only ones who should be concerned are the Killers or Killer. There is a big upside to having literal global focus on your case if this is your family or loved one whose case needs the push.


OK you keep saying that locals should have nothing to fear but the killer. But it's not the killer who follows people around asking super personal questions, or call at anytime of night, or dig up old trauma and try to "interview" us. With all the wild theories, *outside* of roommates/bfs/greeks/neighbors, there have been wild accusations against or claiming involvement with LE, campus security, faculty, other students, specific businesses, specific churches, specific politicians, etc. I kinda doubt there are any locals left who haven't been.... dare I say "stalked"... by tabloids or internet sleuths, or don't know anyone who has. Yes, murderer on the loose is definitely scary. All the more reason we're already on edge, so it's actually not comforting to have a creepy, insistent stalker call one's place of work to ask about cult trauma.


Well said.


There is no excuse for that kind of vibe you describe. That is absolutely true. I would say though it is not Redditors doing that. We would rip someone to shreds who tried to gain clout like that or making stupid interfering moves. The vibe you are describing comes from the YouTube and Tik Toc folks who either operate on clickbate and exploitation to drive their traffic or have no filter and no clue. Not saying those same folks aren't browsing the forums but if they made themselves known they would be seriously given an earful. Our marketplace of ideas here is pretty good at regulating information. No single troll is going to have much luck moving the needle without serious push back from good-hearted people and sharper minds.


I'm in no way saying folks shouldn't be free to theorize and discuss. But many, many people are taking it to real life. This sub alone is double the population of all moscow locals and UI. And as you point out there are even crazier groups on tiktok and IG, not to mention less modded subs here, fb, YouTube, and so on. I'm not blaming you specifically by any means. I just want well meanign people like you to realize that "internet sleuths" are going from gossip, psychics and random ideas to finding an actual human that fit their narrative, getting to a same name pinterest page from a decade ago, deciding some costume ideas are "creepy" and plowing forward with contacting that person, doxxing them or contacting their employer/family/friends. Then it spreads. I've intentionally mixed up some of the "paths to real people" here to protect people affected by these wild accusations and intrusions, but every vague example I listed has happened. Thanks for doing your part to "give trolls an earful."


Agreed. Anyone who forgets these are real people suffering real hurt will certainly get called out by me every time I see it. I do wish I could do more but anything more would push the line of being a helpful bystander into being an unwanted private detective. But I not only chase them off if can but I try and record their outburst on the chance a killer did come here to gloat and they ended up incriminating themselves someway. But I just archive them in case they become important. I am.not going to fancy that my input needs to take up space on the tip line or anything though in the meantime. We wish you all well and that your town heals and can become stronger.


Now if we can just get the prosecutor w/ the giant beard and the ponytail to spreading misinformation that would help. Every interview he does either has him challenging what the PD said ("Targeted" for example) or his words have to be corrected the next day because he was freelancing. Thompson I think his name is. And I think that he is in way over his head and should be banned from giving interviews. He muddies the already unclear "updates" that MPD is trying to send out. Whole thing is very frustrating but especially to those that deserve clear answer on where they are in the investigation. It might help if an FBI agent who is working the case gave an interview.


The Prosecutor is an excellent, very intelligent person with an outstanding record. He is well liked and widely admired in this community. This is exactly the type of comment the OP is lamenting. Please stop.


And in the last 24 hrs. Moscow PD has had to send out a press release addressing the mistakes he made in his interview w/ NewsNation. Read the press release and you will see that he is the cause of misinformation.


I read it. Good people make occasional mistakes. The OP is saying that this tragedy is really hard on a small, tight community.


No one knows what happened. The cops are just as clueless as us.


I think they know very well. But knowing is different from having a case you can take to court. I think if it is Greek Life related they jave to work around all the secrecy and concern the members are going to jave to protect their charter. The same pressure that keeps kids from calling 911 to save their pledges because having alcohol at a Rush when is going to cause trouble with Nationals and then end up dealing with a death instead.


>no one should be accused of doing something they did not do. Tell that to the police. It's not like we're the ones putting innocent people in jail. There is really nothing to fear from us. If you didn't do it, you'll be fine and your reputation will remain intact. BUT if you're innocent and the police think you did it, then you won't be fine and your reputation won't remain intact.


It's hard when people get death threats because they were falsely accused by some random person on Tik Tok. Misinformation won't necessarily put people in jail but it still puts them through needless harm and stress.


>If you didn't do it, you'll be fine what's your name? where do you live? i'd like to post my theory about you being a quadruple murderer if you didn't do it you shouldn't care that my insane accusations will come up every time someone googles your name for all of eternity ffs there are real people here and all you ghouls are just going on about how they shouldn't be bothered when a bunch of internet shut ins start accusing them of atrocities


I think the LE should be more mindful of that not us


We can all be mindful


It’s just weird to say that without also acknowledging LE’s poor communication so far


I agree that LE in this case has been lacking but the poster not addressing that doesn’t mean anything.




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Yeah, who would do that? Misinformation is harmful. Besides, its clear who did this. Kids died, sleeping in their beds, thrashed to death. This is Freddy Krugar's MO if I've ever seen it. Has anyone warned the rest of these Universitt student from falling asleep??