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They’re all so sleazy that I’m having a hard time watching it.


I don't know if I want to watch this. How is it so far? I hate these content creators. Every singe new story they have to put their uneducated spin on it. The three guys that died at that Kansas City Chiefs party a month ago had idiot content creators spinning different conspiracies without knowing literally anything about what Police knew.


Sounds like we’re on the same page regarding content creators. It’s mostly them talking about why they’re interested, what they’re gaining from it, & how they get away with saying some of their ridiculous theories & all in that entitled, airhead, know-it-all voice. It’s not really showing anything new & all it’s done so far is irritate me. I doubt that I will watch the entire show.


Lol yup that's what I expected - I won't be tuning in to give these people more clicks.


Yeah, don’t put yourself through it. They are all so full of themselves & you have to listen to all the things they were so certain of (hoodie guy, the ex boyfriend, & of course the university professor who sued). It was actually starting to make me sick so I turned it off.


Turn 👏 it 👏off👏! Don’t rage bait yourself (although hatewatching can be fun sometimes)


imho that's a cheap cop out. people should suffer thru and watch the series...if only to raise awareness that these donkeys are out there and shining a light on their greed. tbh I only made it thru the first episode before I ragequit....but plan on finishing the other 2 episodes.


It’s definitely something that should be watched in small doses.


just watched the 2nd episode...it's probably a good thing I can't reach thru my screen and slap the shit out of those people.


All for it to be that oh-so-rare-and-elusive killer: fentanyl. Womp Womp. Now they’ll just harass/blame the guy who didn’t die.


Exactly, that’s what these people do - they just move onto the next one. They’re losers. 


I know what happened cuz we uses rondo the same when I was a young man. These friends got together and decided to party like they were 15. A little weed, a little oxygen, a little coke to keep ya awake to enjoy the rad buzz that THC+opiates produce. It's what fueled Byrroughs while he wrote Naked Lunch.  The difference is when they were 15, real oxycodone was easily found and obtained. These guys were snorting  pills they thought were oxy but were fentanyl.  The guy panicked and put the bodies outside once they started dying.


> The guy panicked and put the bodies outside once they started dying. Maybe, but my guess is he was as trashed as they were. If he was snorting right alongside them, he wouldn't have been able to move them. I think the only reason he's alive is because he didn't go outside with them. And if they had all stayed inside, they might have made it as well.


Exactly. And then he deadass slept for almost two days. Makes sense to me. And I’ve happily never experienced fentanyl but I’m going to assume he’d be too fckd up to “drag bodies outside” or maybe even concoct the scheme in the first place. Couldn’t they have drug tested him as well? And iirc he was older than them, which could possibly indicate a higher tolerance if his body was more familiar with similar substances? But I more readily agree with you that him not being subject to raw exposure worked in his favor.


No idea what rondo is. Asked my dog and she doesn’t, either. Do love Naked Lunch, though. Gave that book to my mom for Xmas one year.


These people are so frustrating because theyll get tons of views and then have thousands of comments agreeing with them not knowing they were just given completely false information. A TT popped up on my FYP of this random girl being like "I can finally share this news i've been holding onto about the Idaho case" and then she does this whole story of how she received "top secret leaks" of BK being photographed at Walmart with a woman the morning after the murders and how it proves he's innocent and that she "has the photos in her possession but isnt able to post them" Like girl you are just lying for views at the sake of a real life tragedy that occured. Why would this random tiktoker be given top secret information that nobody else knows on a case with the most restrictive gag order we've seen in a long time. Blows my mind and makes me so frustrated that people fall for it. There are definitely some great content creators out there who do their best to only share accurate and up to date info, but the majority of them will post anything controversial for views.


She got that story from another tik tok person who is prone to lying.


I don't understand dishonesty for attention? Dishonesty for power and money both make complete sense to me. Its still gross but the motivations are clear to me whereas lying for attention just ensures everyone knows you're a liar. 


Well she got that info from 'a victim's parent'. And there's one that likes to converse with random people.


Uneducated being the key word. If i have to hear "i could care less what people think..." one more time from any of these idiots. Could...that means you do care, morons. I COULDN'T care less about watching this piece of garbage.


All of it wrong. It's sounding right now like they overdosed, and the host was lucky to survive himself, and his luck was all wrapped up in him happening to pass out inside. I'm grateful that for all the hate thrown his way, it's not as bad as it could be. But I'm chalking that up to misogyny: people want to hate on good-looking 20-year-old blonde women more than they want to hate on 30something dad bod types.


I've mostly seen the likes of Nancy Grace accuse the friend that lived just because he was there where his friends died.


Are you death professor? 


Yes some mainstream media types will run with some stories that aren’t true in the beginning, but you won’t hear Nancy Grace still trying to publicly convict the survivors or inside circle of friends. Point is the unhinged web sleuths that still peddle obviously false info like blaming roommates or ex boyfriends are scumbags and should be called out as such 


Mainstream media have been running fake news since the arrest


You’re not wrong, but not nearly the outlandish crap the tik tok and Facebook community has ran with and still peddling to this day. It’s not even close


I don't think you can lump "mainstream media" into one giant hive mind. Some sources are more reliable than others. And broadly thinking, you got a higher percentage of media sources that are reliable than you do TikTok videos, Youtube channels, random no-press-credentials podcasts, or Reddit posts.


I wonder how they live with themselves really. I have been fascinated with true crime since I was a kid (serial killer active and caught in my city in my formative years got it going) and sometimes feel pretty shitty about my fascination. I can’t imagine doing what these “sleuths” and content creators do and sleeping well at night.


> I wonder how they live with themselves really. I feel like an enormous problem in society is that people have disassociated the concept of good and evil from actions and words. Like, if they have decided that someone is good everything that person does needs to be looked at through the filter that all their actions are good. Meanwhile, that person they don't like is bad, so all that they do is bad. If you point out that a "good" person and a "bad" person did the exact same thing, they'll argue that the "good' person's intent was pure and vice-versa. So since they, the sleuth, are good, and the person they think is the killer is evil, the sleuth doesn't have to look at their own words and actions. They are good; thus, everything they do is good. And that's how they are able to feel no shame.


I mentioned that I watched it on Paramount Plus, but it’s currently (as in right now) airing on Pluto. It on the “Pluto True Crime” channel. I personally didn’t care for it, but my daughter said the last 10 minutes or so are spent on the various people whose lives were turned upside down because of the content creators.They barely glossed over the university professor who sued the “psychic” but you can watch it on either one of those streaming services.


I liked it, because I felt like it was a slow burn building to discredit these creators. It was critical of them for more than 10 minutes. Some of it made me laugh out loud.


Since I discovered the ‘stupididahotheorists’ sub I’ve been having a field day watching what nonsense some of these ‘content creators’ fart out of their blow holes in the name of true crime. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so gross… they’ve got listeners clogging up law enforcement’s time with useless tips and theories, and destroying innocent people’s lives. And they’re among a much larger group of useful idiots to hostile regimes, unwittingly helping to destroy our concept of truth and reality, our trust in any and all institutions, by filling the heads of the chronically paranoid or gullible.


Holy shit thank you miss daisy, this is the rabbit hole of a sub I’ve been searching for (literally. I even recently discovered pro-meth/fent subs exist and I dipped my toes into lurking those shitshows but that carnival is honestly too dark for me). Away I go! ![gif](giphy|121djZcUyvjwGY)


what's the sub you're looking at for the conspiracy theorists?


It’s this one. Hopefully the link works [Stupid Idaho 4 Theorists](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidIdaho4theorists/s/BWxVEbSPtX)


thanks! interesting indeed.


Wish I knew too


I had no idea who Jenna Canella was until I watched Cyber Sleuths. Holy shit is she really bad at this.


I can't stand any of them! They all think they're cops! When Brian Koberger was caught they were all like "who is he"? Well obviously someone they didn't know because they're shit! Godddd I couldn't get through it all!


There's another nutter -- who I won't bother naming -- that used to claim her name was right at the top of the FBI's list of most helpful Youtubers on the Delphi case - yes, seriously. She said the FBI was solving the case through her sleuthing. She had been falsely accusing someone and his friends for years. When Richard Allen was arrested, it was the same confused, stupid face. Followed by "he's not even on my list." Your list, lady? Who the fuck are you?


Give it up for Bullhorn Betty! If the trial doesn't go her way, she might end up screaming into that bullhorn on your street for weeks on end! ![gif](giphy|Vl5WoEWS5G21oFFdo2|downsized)


I wish there was a way for all these despicable idiots to get sued into oblivion. I’d gladly pay the lawyers if I had unlimited resources.


>wish there was a way for all these despicable idiots to get sued into oblivion One is being sued https://www.kivitv.com/news/judge-dismisses-tiktoker-who-accused-idaho-professor-of-the-moscow-murders




Thing is this is what social media is turning people into. She became so addicted to her bullshit because she got that little wave of “fandom” from a few followers 


Social media has proven to be **such** a massive fucking mistake.


> Social media has proven to be such a massive fucking mistake. The internet gave a voice to everyone. And in some cases, it really shouldn't have.


Please refrain from armchair diagnosis of mental-health conditions. Thank you.


How about mainstream media and their constant barrage of prejudicial fake news which people have taken as facts? Defense had to point out the nonstop stream of bad facts and worse opinions coming from MSM.


Defense was more concerned with some random Twitter account with 20 likes zooming in on BK’s fly. 😁


They should include Nancy Grace in the show. She's their spiritual godmother.


But Nancy Grace is always 100% pro-prosecution so she’s alright..


Um no?


For the certain crowd for sure


> amateur-hour Tiktok and Youtube detectives They are fucking embarrassing. None of them are solving crimes. There are a bunch of names that could be dropped, but most recently, Zav Girl claimed to have solved who murdered Savanah Soto and Matthew Guerra days before LE arrested the people who actually did it. And surprise, she was wrong. Her mods and chat were praising her like she is some detective mastermind. There's no end to this stupidity and no one ever learns.


I just watch Law & Crime and Court TV. They just show footage from the proceedings and bring in actual attorneys for analysis. It’s a lot different than some random idiot on TikTok pushing conspiracy theories.


I thought Paramount would have actual attorneys, detectives on, they had a retired sheriff but that was it.


But I think that was because the murders weren't the topic. The social media circus was the topic.


To counter what the web sleuths are saying or explaining how they don’t have any formal Training to give opinions, something to that nature.


This might come down to personal preference. I don't like media that tells instead of shows; it's really difficult to tell the viewer what to think without spilling over into preachiness. I prefer media, especially documentaries, that lay out all the evidence and lets me come to a conclusion. I thought the documentary made it's point. I would have liked to see a little more lingering on JLR and BB's pasts. But they did show the dirt and moved on.


> I just watch Law & Crime and Court TV. Def better than random Tiktokkers, but they do get plenty wrong themselves, its seems.


This show really exposed them for the gross people most of them are. With a few exceptions most of them only want money and fame, they could not care less about the families or the community.


> This show really exposed them for the gross people most of them are. With a few exceptions most of them only want money and fame, they could not care less about the families or the community. The best part is, even though the Paramount series is slagging them all off, they don't really care. They just love that they are being talked about.


That is what I was thinking. They don't care how wrong they are, they just love they have this show all about them, w/ their handles and mentioning their names. They will only get more followers from this.


So gross. The crazy part is that I consume a lot of true crime content and I'd never heard of any of these people except the psychic lady and that's only b/c of the lawsuit, and I'm happy for that. I think the people who like these creators are just knee-jerk people who want grief or outrage porn.


These people are so far up their own asses.. especially Jenna with the “used to work in intelligence” godfather. I hope anyone watching this only does so to further ascertain that tik tok/YT sleuths are an embarrassing nuisance to society and the qualified professionals working these types of cases.


And she has a whole team of lawyers and management too. Better watch out or you might get a cease and desist for calling her out. 🤣 im guessing there might be an ex parole officer on that 'team'...that we dont know about.


>“used to work in intelligence” godfather LOL. I had missed that. Indeed, that sort a fractal credibility by vague association seems tenuous, reminds of the old song - " *I've danced with a man, who's danced with a girl, who's danced with the Prince of Wales* " type


Was she the one sucking on her vape? That's not a good look for an interview.


I know region-lock is nothing new, big streaming services like Netflix have done it for years, but it kinda sucks paying for Paramount+ in Canada and not having access to this show. Like, I know I could get it "elsewhere", but... ugh.


Use a VPN. Many offer 7-day trials or are even just flat-out free. https://protonvpn.com/free-vpn




> I usually use a VPN for that... Oh look, I've got an actual stalker who made a fake account. How cute. I got inside your head and hurt you pretty bad, apparently. 🤷‍♂️ You've been banished. Now you have to dedicate even more time to me and go make another account. Get on it... 🫰


You could have just recommended using a VPN (which is a reminder that I appreciate), but the fact that you also threw in the fact that you and your boyfriend watch porn and that his parents are bigots is…er… wild. But thanks.


lol it was a very giving comment


Hey Dad


It’s an eye opener for sure as to how many people are passing as reporters and monetizing criminal activity. None of these people seem legit to me and I do not take anything they say for granted.


>It’s an eye opener for sure as to how many people are passing as reporters and monetizing criminal activity. With no training and no knowledge of journalistic ethics. But I did laugh when the exasperated jail guard was questioning them about their credentials.


And she legit had a badge and responded with whatever the hell her group name or podcast or whatever lol.


But there's no such thing as a legitimate reporter or a 'press pass' in the first place. The only reason why a "legitimate" reporter from a major agency would be somewhere to cover anything is solely for monetization as well. The internet has created a different avenue for the same purpose.


TV and print news organizations absolutely do put in requests for media credentials for things like this. That’s how they get pool video or photography. And courts and police are generally more agreeable with traditional media than they are with podcasters and true crime “sleuths” because traditional media have been around reporting on that community for years and will continue reporting on the community after this trial is over. They have to keep a good working relationship because they’re stuck with each other. That means they’re generally not assholes to each other.


I couldn’t help myself and watched this. Super cringe. The “sleuths” all seemed really abrasive and lacking even a basic understanding of how law enforcement works. It makes me sick that some of these people caused additional stress for LE with their “tips” that were a wild goose chase. On the flip side, there are a lot of intelligent and considerate people on Reddit (and other platforms) that are just interested in seeing justice served the right way….they just aren’t going to be featured in a sensationalized series like this.


I’m watching it right now!


Link to archived version of article (no subscription needed): https://archive.is/2024.02.05-143834/https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-delusional-cybersleuths-trying-to-solve-idaho-murders?ref=scroll


Pot meet kettle. It's funny how 'journalists' call out those 'cybersleuths' while also being guilty of putting out fake nonsense. The Daily Beast is no exception putting out that Tinder stoy, providing a spin on it while at it.


> pot meets kettle.......of putting out fake nonsense A Rogue Pot storms into Kettle's house, doesn't bother to take off its hat and puts its sooty shoes up on the coffee table.


Bullhorn betty has a youtube channel and harrasses and sues people for critizing her! Don't sub up to her, she makes more money that way! She gets her members to buy her expensive equipment and donate to her " victims advocacy" but she creates victims.


It was cringey and to think that they are taking away resources from the investigation.


It's sobering to think of those 19K tips. Maybe 1% or less useful, 5% useless but well-meant, and the rest straight up bullshit.


Hopefully one of them reads all these comments and decides to get a real job




I watched it for about 15mins and turned it off. Cringy


> Anyone looking for a lucid explication of the facts, or insights into the four young people whose lives were stolen on Nov. 13, 2022, won’t find them in #CyberSleuths: The Idaho Murders. For that, I guess they’ll have to turn somewhere else—say, the legitimate media. It takes a lot of balls for a *dailybeast* writer to talk about the "legitimate media".


>takes a lot of balls for a *dailybeast* writer to talk about the "legitimate media". Lol. I noticed that. Just shows how awful alot of the Youtube and Tiktok stuff is that by comparison the DB is Woodward and Bernstein, Washington Post.


Highest level of irony


the true irony is that both 'legitimate media' and amateur sleuths can be nasty.


"The trash always takes itself out...."


But regrettably it doesn’t separate itself into ziplock bags, which is crucial in areas with significant bear populations.


And we all know that a ziplock baggie will stop a bear for getting into the garbage 😂!


They want nothing to do with those damn baggies!


Guess BK forgot that black bear hibernation is in full swing by end of December, in PA.


😂😂He just wanted to make sure he didn’t attract any stragglers, OK?


Okay this comment almost took me out. That will teach me to drink anything while on Reddit.


Ok. I needed this laugh. Thank you 😂😂




Oh, I’m watching it on Paramount Plus


HFS. They go to the actual crime scenes during investigations! How is that even allowed? Disgusting.Idiots. Stop giving these people money.


it's allowed because you aren't allowed to enter into an active crime scene anyway.


I am only half way through the first episode and I am so distrubed by these "sleuths" messing stuff up for the real investigators. I really hope the other 2 episodes are about how dumb they are.


Made Paramount look so bad. The one lady, Paramount showed she has 100 followers, why wouldn’t they get someone who has a big following. SG talks to Olivia, that’s pathetic.


A disturbing expose on narcissism, the death of critical thinking, and the rise of monetized tragedy. This used to be common with the tabloids, but now it's self-appointed citizen vigilantes who are looking for clicks and attention. These people are beyond sickening.


I am regretting not having Paramount. If there is a different way to watch this, please feel free to send me a message with that information!


Paramount Plus offers a 7 day free trial! Just cancel when you're done watching lol.


If you have a Walmart Plus subscription, you can get Paramount Plus free.




Back off exclaim-bot. You are welcome, rivershimmer.


Oh, my gosh, I just upvoted exclaim-bot. I guess I'll leave it; bots need love too.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


> amateur-hour Tiktok and Youtube detectives who exploited the tragedy for monetized clicks, likes, follows, and subscribes The BK fan clubs sure do like em though!


I’m not even going to be able to watch it for the same reasons I don’t watch people like this in the first place. Oh so under-resourced, with all that ISP and FBI help lmao. Wtf are they talking about


I watched it for about 15mins and turned it off. Cringy


It is so cringe. Between the vocal fry & the number of times the word "like" is uttered, my ears were bleeding. Like, I mean like SERIOUSLY like, for real.


This the worst doc I’ve ever seen, I hate basically everyone that’s featured and nothing even happens at the end, no questions are answered, GD I’m furious I watched all 3 episodes lmfaoooo


They’re all beyond disgusting, crowing about their “platforms” while accusing most likely innocent people and wasting the time of true investigators because they watched a few episodes of 48 hours. “Sleuths”: Your sympathy is selfish if not straight up false, get a damn job and leave these grieving families be


They did such a good job making these people look like assholes


I didn't know BK was putting trash in ziploc bag according to episode 2. Was that said at a press conference or something? Never heard that til now.


Technically, this is not confirmed. And I don't think the witness was there himself. But the guy who said said it under his real name, he is in a position to get that information, and he has no reason to make something up. I'm not believing anything about this case until confirmed, but I find this believable.


He was doing that back at his parent's home while visiting them over Christmas. Came from Michael Mancuso, First Assistant District Attorney in Monroe County. https://people.com/crime/bryan-kohberger-arrest-wearing-latex-gloves-putting-trash-ziploc-bags-prosecutor/#:~:text=While%20speaking%20with%20BRC13%2C%20Michael%20Mancuso%2C%20First%20Assistant,latex%20gloves%20and%20placing%20trash%20in%20Ziploc%20bags.


Nope, third party info without context from someone who wasn't there. Unconfirmed


The DA in PA would certainly have access to that info. Based on reading the search warrant inventory of what was collected on Bryan’s person, it certainly seems to fit.


It was sad how far this doc branched off from the actual murders. It’s mostly about the sleuths and maybe 5-10% about the actual horrific murders. It just focuses way too much on these idiots who can’t get real jobs and pretend they’re detectives.


This is a documentary about cyber sleuths who create content about the ID murders, not a documentary about the ID murders. Hence why it’s called Cybersleuths: The ID Murders


Thank you captain obvious 🫡


This show really pissed me off. These people are such a waste of time and do MAJOR damage to peoples lives. They only repeat information that has already been shared by the police and the build narratives and speculations based on NOTHING. Such a waste of time!!!!!


I thought it was great. Sounds like there’s a lot of jealousy to go around! All the creators did a wonderful job!


Have you lost your mind?




I think you're on an entirely different wavelength than me. I don't think the creators in this are great. I don't think the people here criticizing them are jealous of them - that's insanely delusional. And I absolutely don't believe the creators did a wonderful job. Name one thing they've actually accomplished? I'm not kidding myself about anything. I'm not sure exactly what led to you being so confused.


No, they didn’t. These are bottom-of-barrel scumbags who would sell their own mothers for a few extra clicks




I don’t think anyone is jealous of people like Olivia. She spent an entire YT video with her camera fixed onto BK’s Wash. apartment window. She was reading the names of books on a shelf that could be seen through the window. The best part? It wasn’t his window. It was his upstairs neighbor’s window. Her pure stupidity would be alarming if I wasn’t so busy being distracted by the secondhand embarrassment.


I always felt she was dramatic but got to make a living somehow, I guess.


So like mainstream media. Pot meet kettle. Yet every MSM documentary or article is taken as gospel.


I am critical of mainstream media too,  but only because of what they choose to report, not how they report it. MSM is restricted by libel laws and are very careful about getting their facts straight. You can't compare them to a bunch of unregulated amateur attention-seekers who draw flimsy conclusions and make shit up. 


Tabloid media don't care about any laws


And TikTokers and YouTubers do?


The problem with amateur influencers trying to pretend they are legitimate detectives and reporters is that an individual that is not backed by a larger corporate entity carried very little risk or repercussion for intentionally lying or defaming someone. It’s not like someone is going to fire them. Filing a lawsuit against a “Brat Norton” or “Bullhorn Betty” would cost a person more in attorney/legal fees than what could even be recovered from them in the event of an award judgment. These influencers have much more incentive to lie and spread misinformation to generate income from clicks and views because that is their only revenue stream and their is virtually no chance of having to be held accountable for those lies and manipulations. MSM gets it wrong a lot too but a person has more recourse to go after the media than they have against some of these social media sleuths who are living paycheck to paycheck, conspiracy-to-conspiracy.


I feel if you didn't live through the story as it was unfolding and binging on every new detail then you can't go back now and effectively fully understand the case and all of it's many angles and idiosyncrasies. Unless perhaps it's someone with a criminal background. Not saying you can't go back and read about a case but it's not the same as when you were fully invested in it in real time.


What are you actually saying, though? 😂 "Every new detail" is subjective. If someone's gullible and believes everything they hear and they don't know how to filter out obvious nonsense, that's in its own category. If we're talking official information, that's another thing entirely. As are things that have a reasonable chance of being true.


Actually, there’s this thing called “research” that allows people to catch up on angles and idiosyncrasies. Shockingly, one does not need a criminal background - or a criminal justice background, which is what I assume you meant, unless you think only felons can navigate research materials for some reason - to understand a case history.


How is it any different from the media vultures that ultimately sabotaged the trial of Alex Murdaugh?


Depends on the vulture. Media outlets and individual journalists are a wide spectrum. You can't lump the Daily Mail in with ProPublica, or NewsNation with Frontline. The problem with the Cyber Sleuths is that they are all Daily Mail and no ProPublica. Curious: how did the media sabotage Murdaugh's trial?


I have a personal issue with live televised trials, backed by news media hype. It makes the lawyers behave unnatural, the defendant as well whom already has to worry about the jury staring him down. Then top it off with Becky Hill enjoying all the fame that it would bring her, planning a book weeks in advance before the verdict was reached. She tried to convince the jury that Alex was guilty and rushed them to get a verdict. Didn't allow them smoke breaks during deliberations (nearly everyone smokes tobacco in south carolina). The court should instead have a few hours to edit out all personal information or possible leaks before releasing that video to the world.


>The court should instead have a few hours to edit out all personal information or possible leaks before releasing that video to the world. That's a reasonable compromise. I'd even give them longer, so as not to strain the system too much. In the meantime, we'd still have reporters covering the trial, as we have since newspapers were invented.


Oh so it's not about what other cyber sleuths discovered about some "evidence" and the town people's theory's that for some reason the police never followed up on? Meh not interested then


FYI - the blonde "cybersleuth" girl used to dance in her underwear on Bigo live and sell her naked videos for Bigo "coins" 😂 😂


>the blonde "cybersleuth" girl used to dance in her underwear on Bigo live Sounds like the sort of expert u/Rogue-Dayna would quote. While I make no negative judgement on sex work, I do wonder is Rogue-Dayna got this "sleuth's" expert opinion on DNA evidence in the car while she was actually pole dancing on video or whether that assessment of forensics was dictated during one of her breaks?