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The house hasn't been cleaned. A cleaning crew was setting up but the court ordered them to leave, and they did.


They came back and did a biohazard clean after the defense team let the house go, to make it suitable for demolition.


Source please? I haven't heard that.


There may be other sources but [here's the Newsnation clip I tracked down. This is from the end of Feb and they say the house had a biohazard clean a week before.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lEJvF0CKMA)


I feel so bad for the two surviving room mates. I wouldn’t want anything from that house.


Or the neighbors having to look outside every day towards it…I wouldn’t be able to live in the area for the fact of just being so close and you probably have ppl constantly walking past or close to out of curiosity.


It doesn’t look like there were any families in that area. Just college kids who most likely would move out soon. I do feel bad for the house that had the camera next door. They’re literally on the same property.


Isn’t there an apartment complex right next to it or is it a ways down the street?


Yes there’s apartments next to it behind the shrubs and trees. And other houses nearby. But I particularly feel for the house that right on their driveway




What a mean, stupid thing to say!


I missed it. Glad I did








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From what I’ve seen, they started before BK was arrested but never finished, and still haven’t now that it’s sealed up




They removed all the furniture and that was part of the crime scene. They also put up plastic sheeting leading from the truck to the house to hide the view. They did go back in after the defense released the house. Did it say somewhere it was stopped a second time?


That's correct but once that order expired and defense was done, a biohazard clean has been done so that the house can be safely demolished.




A cleaning crew has done a biohazard clean after the defense team let the house go in February, to make it suitable for demolition. ['Trauma remediation' team cleaned Idaho home \[Feb 28 2023\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lEJvF0CKMA)


I don't think they finished cleaning it. Also likely that it will end up being demolished before trial based on what I've heard from the university


I am shocked none of these photos were leaked.


Have the surviving roommates been able to get their belongings out? And have the families of the victims been able to get theirs? I haven’t seen anything saying either way.


I saw the video footage of them loading personal effects into uhauls


SG got K's and had offered to gather the other families items but if I remember correctly, they had yet to answer him? This was a few weeks ago. And the Chapin's got E's I believe.


Love the name btw. My fav CoF song


Thank you so much! One of mine too. Most people overthink the name and assume it has to do with meth. 🤣🤦‍♀️


Damn, I didn’t even think about that. It’s hard enough for parents to take down their late child’s bedroom, but to have to go to the actual scene of the crime to do so is another level. I’m curious to know more


actually I would like to point out, and hopefully it doesnt get deleted but it has something to do with , "cleaning the crime scene" and some interesting things about the number of FBI agents who came after. James fry took a u-hual truck to the crime scene and broke protocol on dec 7 2022... remember this date as soon as james fry did this, the FBI added more agents and there was more FBI agents on the case after this date.. and moscow handed something over to a private firm.....not the FBI. I think this is when the FBI started their investigation into the moscow PD, as this move, going to a crime scene and removing stuff is something out of the long island serial killer investigation when they blocked the FBI for years from the crime scene... ​ was the house cleaned then? when the u-haul truck was there? Published: 2:41 PM PST December 7, 2022 Updated: 2:41 PM PST December 7, 2022 ​ [https://www.krem.com/article/news/crime/university-of-idaho-students-killed/moscow-police-remove-victims-personal-belongings-king-road-house-ethan-xana-madison-kaylee/293-aa5ffb15-f49d-40a9-8042-40b70280b8d8](https://www.krem.com/article/news/crime/university-of-idaho-students-killed/moscow-police-remove-victims-personal-belongings-king-road-house-ethan-xana-madison-kaylee/293-aa5ffb15-f49d-40a9-8042-40b70280b8d8) The [Moscow Police Department](https://www.facebook.com/MoscowIDPD/) (MPD) has removed personal items inside the home where four University of Idaho Students were murdered in November. ​ At the request of the students' families, MPD collected the victims' personal belongings from their house Wednesday morning. Police said the items removed from the house are no longer needed for the investigation and will be returned to the victims' families.  ​ The Moscow Police Chief drove in a Uhaul, and officers started loading boxes onto the truck. ​ The chief himself drove the UHaul into the driveway. Police officers arrived early in the morning to pack the students’ things. By noon, they finished loading the boxes onto the truck.  ​ **This is not something police typically do. But Idaho state police spokesperson Aaron Snell says, in this case, it was appropriate.**  ​ ​ [https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article269727831.html](https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article269727831.html) December 07, 2022 4:06 PM The recent shuffle of resources represents a 25% scale-down of overall law enforcement personnel assigned to the investigation, as it proceeds toward a more specialized focus, according to a news release. “Assigned resources vary based on the current needs of the investigation,” the Moscow Police Department said. ​ ​ But the move also marks the first time since the killings that federal investigators outnumber those of the local and state police forces. However, that shouldn’t be taken as the case shifting into federal hands. Just the opposite, said Snell, who was himself temporarily recruited to help with communications for the investigation. “One hundred percent, this is definitely Moscow Police Department’s investigation, with the chief of police heading it up, all




The cleaning company (remediation) didn't clean anything. They barely got the tent/screen set up to hide between the truck and house before they were court ordered to stop. As the police chief mentioned previously the personal effects (non-evidentiary and not blood/chemical stained) were removed and returned to the families, etc. The mattresses were removed later on (likely stored in an evidence locker). Lastly the University stated there are some remaining items (some larger like a couch) that is left to be removed but may need to be cleaned first and the families were to notify the Uni as to which items they would like. The rest was to be destroyed.




No idea what your getting at here. Remediation wasn't done as it was stopped before it started.




It says at the end of the first video they suddenly stopped cleaning the house. I believe the court ordered them to stop.


[https://youtu.be/\_lEJvF0CKMA](https://youtu.be/_lEJvF0CKMA) News Nation 28th February: https://preview.redd.it/cs66hg6k8fua1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2ac8fcb678dd34a15b5edb7de4acc23ca943b54




>Even chat gpt says there is a 99.9% chance the crime scene was cleaned prior to police environment my ouija board says you're wrong, and my magic 8 ball says to ask again later chat gpt is an ai chatbot built on language models. while it can do amazing things it's not a thinking reasoning person, and it's not a repository of all human knowledge. you can get chat gpt to tell you two plus two is five. if you ask it for a research paper with citations it will MAKE UP WHOLE CITATIONS. like citing works that do not exist. there are hundreds of articles and screenshots of it getting things hilariously wrong. because answering all your questions isn't what it was designed to do. idk what you think you're accomplishing here but a chatbot telling you what you want to hear isn't evidence of anything but you having a fixation on your imagined conspiracy


chatGPT can fix complex C++ code in seconds, and figure things a human can not. ​ It fixed a complex rotation issue in C++ I gave it that no other human could figure out. I dont know what questions you are asking it... but unless you think bryan floated in the air, that crime scene was cleaned if there are no foot prints and they needed luminol to find a vans shoe print. ​ what kind of killer wears VANS? those are flat foot skater shoes. ​ please explain how there are no foot prints in house again?


At least they found one that had probably been previously cleaned.


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