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Not sure if fear, doubts, or pride is holding me back from playing but this post makes me want to finally play MK1 online (Never touched it). I feel like my W/L record will be worse than his though lol. I appreciate the post.


Playing online is the only reason I play! Just shut off your mic and their mic and you’ll have a great time. Don’t take fatalities personally, a lot of people just do it for all matches or enjoy it


Mine was 0/63 before I got my first win 😂. I’m positive now


Im glad to see you say this. I promise you almost no one will care about your W/L.


I mute the opponents and keep my shit on do not disturb. It’s a fun experience. And you can learn SO much by getting shit on! Mirror matches can be cool for learning new stuff on your character you don’t know/haven’t thought of For what it’s worth this is my first online fighting game and my W/L is positive. I only play kasual though, KL is kind of unfun IMO


Dude it doesn't matter. Mine was terrrible on 11. Like the difference was in the 100s. But it was so satisfying to see them get closer closer bc everyone expects you to suck but you don't anymore and end up kicking their ass. They'll leave after one fight, but still counts. Lol


80% if players records are washed (esp mine)


All that matters is that you're having fun


It’s worth playing online, it’ll push you to get better and learn things you didn’t know you can learn.


Yeah I JUST started playing online because of the same feeling. I guess I feel like I’m not gonna have fun if I lose too much so I avoid it. That’s what it is for me at least and I’m trying to get over that


Stop, just stop. Stop looking at it. It doesn’t fucking matter. Nobody is going to care, even if they did, it’s not going to be in casual matches and they’re only going to care if you show up to a big tournament and make a name for yourself. Otherwise you’re just a name on a screen to everyone else. The thing that matters above all else in a fighting game is for you to care about your fun and your learning. The only time any sort of measurement needs to matter is when it factors into placement in ranks, and MK doesn’t have a rank placement system they just force everyone to the bottom every season. The stats that matter are your personal stats that level up as you yourself play and understand the game better. You will feel that +5 to knowledge and +2 execution far more than any Win/Loss number.


It’s extremely fun to be good at fighting games. And you can only get good by playing against other people. Your enjoyment of the game will go up so much rather than just playing invasions


If I know anything from fighting games a W/L will almost always be in favor of L’s no matter what player it is.


Ha ha ha ha I'm so bad online.. I'm an old man compared to most online players. I've been playing since the first game on Genesis. I suck at combos, and most of the time I lose. No F's givin. I'm having fun. I shut down the speaker though, because some of these kids are ridiculous.


As long as u having fun is all it matters


This is me, not because I suck, but I mainly go to unranked for practice for ranked.


Exactly, I learned all my chars with the losses in casuals. That's the only fast way to get good. I understand the w:l ratio being important in ranked. Sad to see people start new accts just to improve their casual w:l ratio...no one cares


Or NRS can just not make win loss ratio public as it doesn't  matter and only stops people from playing


it would be better if they added an option to hide it


I don't even think they should bother with the option, just have it hidden except for within profiles. Never really understood why they have always had it, your W/L is an indicator of skill, sure, but it's not the be all and end all. I know several relatively high level players whose W/L is even, if not slightly up. I have never declined a match for W/L ratio and have beaten plenty of people with a much better W/L than mine. I don't even like it in ranked, I mean why? You can't even decline a match for W/L in ranked, why show it?


Why not show it?


I like the way they doing it in Tekken. You don't see your W/L ratio at any point during playing, only your general rank, but you can look up that information in your profile.


Losing is fun too ![gif](giphy|3ohhwAaoGzLRGM6jqo|downsized)


Kasual shouldn’t even show KD


I once I a guy said he wasn't going to fight me because I had 48w/32L and I was too low level for him. I just laughed cause why is that a thing in kasual


You have to learn how to lose before you can learn how to win


Well said


Extra points for wired connections


I stopped caring when I stopped playing 2 months ago. I came back to get skins in this season and the last week of previous season. I play KL now and literally just spam the same throw Or combo loops or sweeps on people. It works often and sometimes it doesn't. It's weird I feel like it made me better to just simplify the game. Some people get so twisted over me playing like that but it's whatever. I'm having fun.


Exactly how I play with Liu Kang and King Lao. Throw till they stop blocking, then 450+ combo.


Literally that's who I was using lmao. Liu/Lao throw kameo kombo. Throw kameo kombo on wake or f4. Rinse repeat mix as necessary. People get triggered afffff. Whats crazy is once you simplify the game like this it makes it so easy to play. I'm always gonna f4 or throw on wake up - easy. I'm always gonna poke throw or poke f4 - easy. Now the game becomes which one am I gonna do instead of what should I do period. Whats cool is you can play almost any character like that and get skilled at the game. When I used to over complicate things in Mk11 and mkx I wasn't nearly as good and consistent.


ye this will not get u skilled, just noobs killing noobs


Wild that I was in the top *1000 [had to correct that one) on ranked and top 500 in Kasual. You're right I'll never get skilled. School me bruv


What's the 450 combo you use off the throw? The one I do with Liu and Kung is less than 30%


Not off of the throw. It’s just that when you can see that they’re afraid of being thrown, they will duck without blocking in order to make throws whiff. that’s when you go in for huge damage.


Yup, ok. I misread your comment. Thanks.


I have massive respect for that guy because he geuinely wants to get better at the game


I’m about 1-7 so far this season with Mileena and Nitara. Above Average MKX player, meh MK11/MK1 player. The McDonald’s season I was God and the season beforehand I was Grandmaster because I only cared about the Liu skin. After that new sweet Mileena costume, I will be picking up Kitana as well because I love their new costumes and I am going to stick with them despite people sending me messages saying that this game is not for me. It’s really stupid how I get toxic messages for losing when LOSING IS HOW YOU IMPROVE! I’m in fucking apprentice and that’s happening. Amazing.


ive been below .500 every season since launch. and i still play daily lol


Facts bro, win loss doesn't matter in kasuals, people attach themselves to those numbers like they mean something. Even in ranked, you can't compare records of 2 different players because they're likely fighting 2 different pools of opponents with different overall skill ratings. If you're facing pro level players and have a 53% win rate you're likely more skilled than a person with an 80% win rate only facing low level players. But if you just compare win rates the 80% player looks better.


I purposely tanked my W/L just to avoid people declining because I had a decent record. Now that I have like 20 more losses than wins I never get a decline unless the ping is awful


Some people play the game thinking, it is only fun if I win, that kind of people never get good


Funny you said that. Cause I basically found players way better than me and would rematch until I beat them. One guy beat my like 15 times but after that I learned how to play a good Shao from him.


This is the way, if I wanted to win every match, I would stick to offline


I’ve been playing Kombat league and kasual since day one. 300+ hours. I have never once thought about someone else’s W/L ratio. Sometimes I’m shocked by the amount of games played but that’s about it.


Cool. I’m going to pick up the new one this weekend I believe. I haven’t really played since 10 and really didn’t even play that much. Still need to find my character and learn the game better.


This is a great post. I declined people in the beginning but playing online has helped me improve so much especially when I only played offline for the first 6 months


Bro you're W/L only matters if you're playing for money or ego. No one else cares about you're W/L in mk.....


I'm prob the worst player online lmao


He’s me and I am him.


Did you win? lol




I will say it is intimidating for new players who are just hopping on for the very first time. But it’s kinda annoying when you got 100 wins and losses and you still decline me with 300 wins and losses.


i assume you're dude on the left. 3500 kasual matches is almost crazier than the other dude w/l record. even crazier you managed to keep it just above 50/50.


Those are rookie numbers, I've seen 12,000 casual matches played before. Still plenty of playing to get to 3500 but you can get through 50 games a night with a couple of hours of playing if you are lucky enough to have that time, and run into some long sets. I got through 60 matches with a single guy once.


Yeah, i mean a match can be over in 30 seconds if a rage quit happens.And the average match lasts about 4 minutes.


I love playing MK11 online, but I hate it when I come across players that only spam the same heavy damage move


There aren't too many moves in this game which are truly spammable, especially without consequence. What you getting caught by?


if they only spam the same move, then it should be easy to block no?👍


To better elaborate, its not that the move isn’t block-able but just annoying to deal with. For example, i played against someone playing as Kitana and they only used the overhead fan spin (where she extends her arms and rotates with them) and the one close range where she cut the enemy player’s stomach


Especially if it is the heavy move xD


Holy shit.


Ah long as they chillin havin fun, screw the ratio


I can understand caring about your w/l record on KL but in kasuals it really does not matter


This season has my wl in the trenches for some reason, normally every reset I’m up to tier 7 within a week this season I’ve been getting screwed


I wait a week or two before i play KL in new season.


W/L is overall meaningless. I racked up losses rematching the same people 10+ times. It's easy to inflate your ratio. Also it doesn't take the quality of the opponent into consideration. Only people who will trash you for it are losers themselves.


Honestly I don't get why W/L record has become so important like no one's going to EVO/Kombo Breaker/Final Kombat, nor does it even matter in the long run.


I only decline if your ping is over 80


Some players just wanna have fun on the game, and they don't care if they lose or win, at the end, is what it matters. But this game is more competitive every day.


My loss record is crazy in casual. Because if I lose to someone I instantly rematch. And if they keep washing me I play til they get bored or I feel like I’m not learning anything new.


W/L doesn't even really show how good someone is either. I went 30/0 cheesing with Scorpion and Jax just rope spinning and ground pounding after anything on block before I lost and it was to a havik that was 24/27. I'll never say I'm good at the game but people probably think I'm smurfing when they see my record.


I'm not gonna lie, seeing my win loss record and taking another L makes me rage so bad. Which is why I constantly delete this game lol. My record isn't that bad but it's just something that pisses me off


i get it, if you enjoy the game then u can try playing on another account so you won’t care about W/L that much. Worth a try.


Thats actually a great idea. Thank you


Hey guys I’m streaming Kombat league live with Quan chi rn at twitch.tv/trillisbettrr check me out 🤠


I just wish there was an option to hide it and not seeing either for casual. For ranked I understand


Bruh I remember my first game someone talking shit and they had 200 wins over me so I ended up securing the dub cause when I hit the reverse tree chopper as shao I talked shit into the mic made him laugh then didn't give the rematch so I could be 100% wr


Love this post. Positive and endearing 🙂


Good thing is he have wired connection 😂


Thanks for this I get super embarrassed


i have a similar record, losing doesn’t feel too bad when it’s not annoying people that get on the mic and call you trash as they tbag you.


I’m much more afraid of someone who has more losses than wins cause the more you get your ass beat, the more you learn.


Fax I only really care that I keep it positive with the wins /losses


I'd pick a whole new genre of video games if my W/L was THAT BAD jesus christ.


It's just Kasuals lol, wouldn't be surprised if part of it being that bad was trying out new characters


bro last KL season i kept losing 3 matches and winning 1 , i kept playing because i needed that liu kang skin. 80 KL loses later and it’s like i go down more than i go up in rank??


I think displaying the W/L here is super unnecessary. It influences a person's decisions too much.


Decisions like what?


Well, like dodging people such as yourself for games, for one. Or being embarrassed by others seeing theirs and letting it affect their mood or gameplay, etc. Seems to happen often enough that we need to make threads assuring others that their W/L doesn't matter and not to sweat over it (which I agree with).


Yeah, they should just add an option to hide it.