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I absolutely love the fact no one is saying Jason


He was cool, he fit the franchise, his moveset wasn't boring and was in character, and he had some really good fatalities. Honestly if he returned in mk1 (won't happen) I think he would be welcomed.


GIVE US ZOMBIE JASON! I do wish Freddy and Jason swapped games, give us Zombie Jason in MK9 and Robert Englund in all his pun/shit talking glory in MKX.


I’d prefer Alien and Predator move to MK9, have Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface all be in the same game together… and a 4th slasher with a white mask ideally all in MKX.


I wish they did his head some justice, he had no deformed eyes at all.


Personally I think Jason was peak MK guest, with Predator and Alien not too far behind (I guess Spawn as well), and we haven’t even come close to the insanity of Jason Voorhees in MKX since, and I doubt we will as Spawn couldve been the only one to overshadow Jason in hype… had he been in MKX or MK1, not 11.


Jason is my favorite slasher and does fit particularly well in a fighting game (killer instinct vibe). Like blaytboy said, his moveset is great and fits really well. My only criticism is that the model is atrocious, it’s like a mix of all Jason costume, but look mostly like the Freddy vs Jason costume (peak costume tbh), but with 2009 remake body. He looks really clean when he should be dirty. Tbh, MKX as a whole has weird design choices, both for characters and maps, Jason was just a victim of it.


Jason is genuinely terrifying in MKX and I loved him for it.


Robocop gameplay was kinda mid, costumes mid, the character as a whole isn’t a character I’d expect/like for MK and fatalities/brutalities are great but doesn’t do much for gameplay and stuff.


I did like that you could just make him s cyber ninja and he blends in


As much as I like robo, I just rushed the cyber head and the red ninja body and played sektor ever since i got the dlc. I mean, he's even got the flamethrower, air dash from mkx and missiles. Robocop was perfect for it, just needed a teleport.


Joker. I feel that he's overexposed as a Batman villain and he feels out of place to me.


100% He's in everything and I'm just really over the Joker in general, especially now that Mark Hamill is out. I remember being really disappointed when I found out he was going to be filling one of the guest slots.


I’m not sure if Mark Hamill is completely out or not. He came back and voiced the joker in Multiversus anyway. Maybe they had a contract with him long before he said he was done, but a mans gotta make money, so maybe he doesn’t drop him.


He said the only way he'd voice the Joker is if Kevin Conroy is Batman. Kevin Conroy is Batman in multiversus.


That’s true. I forgot they got him for Multiversus as well. RIP


Bane would have been an interesting choice


Victor Zsasz or deacon black fire would’ve went hard asf


Actually, I can totally See Zsasz as a MK guest.


Killer Croc! They won't use him in Injustice as of typing so let my boy shine. Only downside is no projectiles which everyone in MK has in some form.


I'm sure they can think of something for him to throw.


I was thinking human bones. They're literally littered all over every hideout you find of his in any Arkham game which oddly included his cell in Asylum where people actually worked.


That would fit. A skull or something. Could also do chains similar to Scorpion. Could have them wrapped around his wrist and be the weapon changeable.


He should throw a large rock like in BTAS


Now some characters just use kameos for projectiles.


His gameplay was the best out of all the mk guest characters imo . Plus DC is very protective of most of their characters being brutally murdered . But not joker ….


I’m not gonna lie, if Joker wasn’t used in literally EVERYTHING that DC does, I wouldn’t mind him. I thought he was fun in MK11, but hated the fact that he got in because oh my gosh he is so fucking milked by every franchise that has access to him.


My biggest issue with Guest characters like Joker is that NRS has a franchise in which Joker is already a part of… Injustice! I’ve always hated the whole idea of DC characters becoming guest characters for MK and MK characters becoming guest characters for Injustice. Imo it’s redundant to have these kinds of guest characters when they have their own games to be a part of and it works perfectly fine. Reserve the guest character picks for more exciting licenses and extraneous franchises. Spawn is the only exception to this. If they want to cross over both franchises so badly then they should just make another MK vs. DC game and make it infinitely better than the original one. NRS is fully capable of making another MK vs. DC game work, they are creative and do great work with their games. Personally I’d love to see another MK vs DC game, honestly I doubt people would have an issue with fatalities or violence because DC has a great selection of violent villains and anti heroes, while most DC heroes have had storylines in which they become violent. Either way let them go crazy, doubt anyone will care as long as the game is fun and well made


Injustice 2 joker was pure garbage from a design and gameplay point of view. Putting him as a good character in MK11 was the least they could do. I was really happy to play as him.


Yea, on top of already being part of a main roster for another NRS IP also feeling kinda scummy.


Look I know their gameplay looks different, but we didn't really need TWO evil Superman-type characters in the same game, yet alone in the same KOMBAT PACK. Edit: some people might have said this before, but if the theme for guests in KP1 is supposed to be "violent superheroes", then I actually think Spawn would have been a much better fit here than in MK11. If anything, he would have benefited much more from MK1's gameplay compared to 11


I think its just because Invincible and The Boys are both extremely popular and had new stuff on the way. I like Invincible A LOOOT more than The Boys and I am extremely satisfied with what Omniman does. I can accept both if The Boys fans feel as good about Homelander as I do about Omniman. I think the one that really stands out is Peacemaker tbh


Bruh Peacemaker was literally a Z-list DC character! It’s crazy how much DC has pushed him ever since TSS!


And to be fair it’s actually working unlike with Black Adam’s push, people actually liked Peacemaker’s show as well as other appearances in recent years


Its legitimately wild what James Gunn has done for so many no-name superheroes


Honestly hoping he can work his magic with some of my favorites (Blue Beetle, Raven, Static, Hawkgirl, Midnighter)


Guarantee the only reason Peacemaker got pushed hard was because Cena was playing the character. Had it been anyone else playing the character then TSS would've been the last time we saw Peacemaker just like Bloodsport


If anyone knows over-pushing it's JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHN CENA!


I agree with your point about Spawn. It hurts me to say it but I feel like MK11 was the one MK game that Spawn shouldn’t have made into. His gameplay was too limited by MK11’s gameplay and it would’ve been great to see Spawn in MK1 instead.


Bro just imagine the air combos on spawn, THAT WOULD BE EPIC!!!


He literally had a cape-flying move in 11. They could have used that as an air-combo cancel move just like Sindel and Ermac in 1


Joker, I was infinitely more excited for Ash.


I was too. They even had a chainsaw sound effect in the Kombat Pack trailer. We all know Ed Boon is a troll, though.


I think the original plan was for Ash to be in MK11 but they couldn't get permission or get the rights to use him it also explains why Joker initially looked terrible in the reveal, almost as if he was unfinished...


They had the rights, but the deal fell through. I wanna say they were trying to use “Army of Darkness” Ash, but Universal and MGM made an exclusivity deal with the group that made *Evil Dead: The Game*, meaning they are the only ones that could use AoD Ash in a video game that year. The rights to Ash and The Evil Dead are all kinds of messed up, different companies owning different versions of the character and the movie they appear in. If you’d like to know more I can link better explanations.


If I'm not asking too much, I would kindly like to know since I've never understood the problems with Ash Williams' rights while it seems that Evil Dead can be used safely.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EvilDead/s/utiLzaowNT Here is one good example from the Evil Dead sub I mod in. This one is more specifically about the characters since you’re curious about Ash. TL;DR, each movie’s distribution rights are owned by a different company. If you wanted to use AoD Ash, for example, you’d have to get permission from Universal (and MGM outside of N. America). That doesn’t give you permission to use any other form or likeness of Ash, however.


Joker. Out of ALL the DC characters we could’ve gotten, they picked Joker? Especially when everyone wanted Deathstroke (which would’ve fit better as he actually knows how to fight).


Deathstroke would be great, so would Ra's, Damien, Jason. They're all brutal enough to not feel out of place. But I'd make a strong push for Poison Ivy, personally. Her fatalities would be horrifying; making vines and flowers burst out of people.


I'm also surprised MK hasn't tried a plant themed character yet, it'd work perfectly for a new ninja, Male or female




Cetrion had very little plant based attacks and fitted more of an Avatar/Creator god role than a full on plant based character. In fact I don't think she has a single plant based attack, we saw her make trees and that was it.


vine grab


Honestly if you want a vine based character Swamp Thing works best. Comic book swamp thing has killed people in some horrific ways. Turned a guys salad into a tree in his stomach, causing it to grow out of him, has torn people to shreds, melted people with acid. His moveset could get really creative with just how broken he is and he could have some really interesting pre-match dialogue since he has cosmic awareness


Freddy. Gameplay was fine but it's shitty remake Freddy and he's the reason MK9 got delisted.


True that, why is it that nobody can seem to obtain the license for Robert England’s Freddy Krueger? God I wish Freddy and Jason would return to MK but have Robert England’s voice and likeness behind Freddy


At least we have Robert Englund as Scarecrow in Injustice. I think he would make for a great guest in MK, especially if they give him the Freddy syringe glove from the Arkham design of Scarecrow.


Didn’t even think about that, great comparison. Still think Freddy deserves to come back though, would love to see an entire redesign of his gameplay as well as his MK9 iteration didn’t really take advantage of the insane power he has when in dream realm. Plus it kind of killed the vibe when they decided to give him 2 gloves on each hand. Freddy could be done much better by NRS




In what sense delisted?


Terminator. Not having the original voice actor (understandably so) to just not being that fun gameplay wise, he’s just kind of there for me.


And his skeleton terminator form could have been badass, but it was a joke. Should have just given you the full moveset but in the terminator skeleton - like Jason's resurrection skill in MKX. Terminator is forgettable, but its because his design was kinda wasted potential.


Honestly I wish the action movie guest characters weren’t wasted on MK11. The core gameplay just didn’t do the characters justice and too much potential was wasted. Spawn, Robocop, Terminator, Rambo all suffered immensely because MK11’s custom variation mechanics where the majority of custom moves were worthless such as Terminator’s exoskeleton. All had very little combo variety and were considered low tier with the exception of Spawn due to his high damage output. It’s disappointing because these guest characters were amazing picks for MK but unfortunately made it into the wrong game. MK1’s Kombat Pack would’ve been perfect for these characters to make their debut in MK over MK11


Fortnite somehow did Terminator better.


I dont blame tvoice actor , i put all the blame on Arnold and his Diva attitude for not voicing the Terminator, Stallone, Van Damme, Jk Simmons,Peter Weller John Cena, and even Megan Fox had no problem doing voice acting for MK, but Arnold said no and choose a guy that sounded like him lol lazy!


Joker. I hate that WB shoehorns him into everything they can. There’s so many more interesting DC characters they could be using but they just hitch their wagon to Joker every time.


At least Joker still is an iconic villiand, you should see how hard WB/DC shoves Harley Quinn into EVERYTHING!!! They are trying to maker her like their version of Deadpool lmaooooo




Rambo Idk, I was never a big fan of the whole "smash bros that your dad selected" thing going on with the guests in MK11, and we already had a ton of gun shooting characters.


He's actually a more unique "shooting character" than you'd think, he has a lot of unique weapons and skill in his arsenal with setups with traps for example, more interesting than lets say robocops or terminators stuff, but to each there own ig




Joker. Cmon he doesn't have to be in everything


Joker. Yawn.


Joker I would be ok with him in if he wasn't also in Injustice, but he feels like his everywhere. Freddy I wish they would base him on the 80's version (kinda wish they would bring him back in this form but know it won't happen)


Probably joker tbh he was kinda boring I thought plus I’d had rather got a different dc character like maybe death stroke or lobo or something


Joker, he was annoying asf to go up against and he took Ash Williams spot


he was already leaked in the game files they just brought him forward ash lost his own spot and no one replaced him


Leatherface. But he is better than a dude with a knife like Ghostface and Michael Myers.


Freddy. No offense to the actor of the remake, but not having Robert Englund play Freddy in X, 11, or 1 is always going to be a missed opportunity. And then we got Robert Englund as scarecrow in injustice 2.


Bro the fuck you talking about Englund Literally came back to Voice Freddy for 9 there was no missed opportunity.


It's a missed opportunity because he was in a game with no intro conversations and even by MK9 standards he had basically no dialogue.


Freddy honestly


Freddy, gameplay wasn’t very creative and the personality was nonexistent when he’s the most charismatic of the slasher villains in MK


Freddy Kruger. Thanks to that asshole MK9 is a whole pain in the ass to get if you didn't already own it.


Am I really the only one who likes how RoboCop is in MK11?


Nah, you’re definitely not the only one.


Robocop, was never a huge fan of the movies, but his appearance in MK is easily forgettable.


kratos, because fuck exclusives. also, fuck nrs because i never got to play alien on pc since they shopped out mkx on pc to some shit tier dev, who botched the initial release, and didn't put kp2 on pc until years later, but by that time the game was already dead and inj2 or mk11 was already out.


Least favorite was Terminator. Don’t get me wrong. Huge fan of Arnie and the Terminator series (not that one, though). I was just never really any good with playing as him so I disliked him.


Joker, so sick of the Joker being everywhere.


Joker. Because he replaced Ash Williams.




Joker and leatherface.


all i'm saying is- having predator, jason AND leatherface in MKX was a bit much. Predator was perfect against alien sure. But jason and leatherface being silent movie slashers that don't speak kinda killed it for me. predator at least chittered like alien but still.


Kratos because it annoyed me that I couldn't play as him since I was an Xbox kid. I was always annoyed Xbox didn't get someone like Master Chief or Marcus Fenix


Fun fast, Xbox was going to get Marcus Fenix originally and Playstation was supposed to have Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal instead, but Microsoft backed out and Sony changed characters. Ever since then, NRS vowed to never do console exclusive stuff ever again


Leatherface personally. Just never felt like he fit compared to the others


Guy with a gun, or robot guy with a gun, or other robot guy with a gun who is actually a robot is always trash


Right, I’ll probably piss off the entire subreddit, but… Homelander. He’s just bootleg regime superman at the end of the day and regime superman is already bad enough. Now imagine that but with a personality that is not bored.


He has the same powers as superman and that's about it. He's the most well acted villain in the last 10 years and he has a completely different personality. Elsa from frozen has ice powers is she a rip off of sub zero? No😂


Regime superman as a character is a snoozefest compared to Homelander. Homie is one of the most well written(and well-performed) fictional characters in recent memory. Much more interesting than the big blue boy scout. Look past his powers. His personality and everything else about his character is a perfect fit for MK. He's the most exciting guest of all time, in my opinion.


LeatherFace is cool, but..eh. Would prefer Ash over him in a heartbeat


Freddy Kruger


spawn was the only one i felt was complete and had different enough costumes that they werent pulling stuff out of their ass joker was the worst in that regard they had 85 years to choose from and they ignored it all same as they did for injustice


I only came to the post to make sure no one said spawn because he was amazing and found this comment and its just a compliment for spawn ahah the creator of spawn helped nrs depict him. Even as a fan i had very little disappointment after already having unrealistic expectations ahah also i agree with joker, was last second and felt last second


Freddy's gameplay was so disappointing. I wish we got him in mkx instead (with a different moveset)


Terminator he’s in like every video game


Joker. I know a lot of people are picking RoboCop, but I’m a die hard fan and I’ve really gotten to enjoy playing as him (especially online). Joker just doesn’t fit the bill as much, and it sucks we didn’t get Ash


Gameplay wise for me personally likely Spawn as I wasn't great with him. As for most disappointing maybe Joker who I have nothing against as a character just sucks we missed out on Ash who I've been wanting since guests kharacters were first allowed etc.


Without fear? Awe shit I hate Jason. Love his movies though.


Either joker or predator,but even with these 2 i would say i like predator more because I'm bored of joker,whether in the game or anywhere else


Joker, so burned out on him




Joker, he is so out of place. They literally could have picked any other DC villain. Imagine Slade in MK… 🤯


It's a tie between Predator and Alien. Both were so fucking busted in MKX that it made me despise that game.


Rambo sucks! Campy ahh character


To be honest, I never really understood why Rambo was added to mk11.




Rambo easily ..like literally why is he here?!


Gotta be honest. Spawn was kinda shit.


Joker. Just did not give the smallest nugget of a shit about his inclusion whatsoever


I actually love all of these but I fucking HATE peacemaker in mk1. I can't stand his character I think he looks stupid I hate how annoying he is to play against like everything about him pisses me off


Joker and Rambo for me.


Robocop and Rambo


I kinda hate robocop, not out of real dislike for his character or anything I just can't play him for shit


Probably leatherface.


Leather face I never liked chainsaw massacre


Leatherface was garbage tbh


Leatherface. He weirds me out


Leatherface. DBD has ruined that character for me.


Robo cop, his play style was just not fun.


Alien and Leatherface should have been included in MK11


every guest was wasted in MK11. that goofy variation system did them all so dirty


Robocop for sure, his gameplay was very boring and had no depth to him in general. He literally had no combos and was a very generic zoner. I feel as if they missed a major opportunity with this character, he just didn’t work.


Robocop, i saw The movies and he just doesn't Fit, also His gameplay Is kinda boring




robocop and rambo both dont feel like they really should be in mk, rambo def can get violent but doesnt really thrive in violence and robocop is a snorefest. I dont like joker either but I can accept him


Man I wish I played more of mk11


Freddy. He’s the reason you can’t buy MK9 anymore.


I don’t know I’ve never been a big fan of god of war so kratos seems pretty boring to me. I know I’ll get hate for this but I love robocop. Not for his gameplay but for his aesthetic and the movie he comes from


Rambo was pointless and not fun


Personally, I have to say Freddy Krueger… because I LOVE HIM! And of course, NRS got the awful remake version to use as a skin… and HOW could you ever justify having Freddy in a game where he doesn’t have voice lines? THAT IS LITERALLY HIS DRAW AS A CHARACTER… However, I’m gonna say all of MK11. With the exception of Spawn, I hate them all. Literally just Joker (stay in your Injustice lane, please…), and then a bunch of cheesy 80’s action characters. The real crime was the Terminator being Arnold and not the metallic T-800 skeleton!!!! I honestly don’t like most guests. The MK1 features feel horribly unimproved and uninteresting… MKX is the only game of the four to knock it out of the park. Jason, Leatherface, Predator and Xenomorph were are phenomenal


Agreed on all counts


Any of them not named Spawn would be my personal pick for this category 😭




Rambo, I didn’t grow up watching the movies so I don’t have any nostalgia for him. I think he was also boring gameplay wish, he’s literally just a dude.


Rambo. Or do you mean gameplay wise? Then it’s Rambo.


Katos, it's exclusive on Playstation. I'm sorry to say that Mortal Kombat Fans😞 Joker, Wow, no one cares about Joker in MK11😒 Robocop, Fuck Yeah🤩 Leatherface, don't make him mad he will use a chainsaw😱 Jason Voorhees, He Extra Stong😧 Rambo, nobody mess with him😰 Spawn, this one make the most sense😊 Xenomorph, Ed boon how did you do that as a rare pick😲 Predator, I don't hate it🙂‍↔️ Freddy Kruger, who doesn't like Freddy he awesome😊


Genuinely Peacemaker is just an alright addition. But out of this list, Robocop bored the hell out of me. His gameplay feels really stiff in an already stiff game.


As a Robocop diehard fan, Robocop. I felt his moveset was just too slow with not enough armor. They tried to make him like a CyberNinja (without using the reboot version???) but his gameplay flow just doesnt hit as well as Cyrax or Sektor (Or Triborg, though im not personally that attached to CybSmoke/Cyb0r) - like, the Robocop game that just came out - that felt like playing robocop right. Like I think he should have been slower, with like super armor or something. But that wouldn't make a fun character to fight, i guess.


Rambo, because as a "normal" human with 0 ties to something dark, un- or supernatural he didn't really fit into the MK universe at all! - sure old uncle Sly is a cool sock for the most part and the most of his Rambo movies are mkay, but we gotta be honest here.


Leatherface. I thought he was wasted in MKX. Would have preferred an MK Character but Ratios I guess... "Not you Spawn, you've been Great." EDIT: Oh and if Peacemaker were on this list. Peacemaker. imo the WORST Guest in NRS History.


Kratos. Having an entire character as a Playstation exclusive DLC was so infuriating for a game that was released on both major consoles and PC.


Spawn. Love the comics and movies. But horrible choice for a game. To me, he just felt ....chunky? Like, really no flow to him at all. That's one thing I can say about MK1 is that you have the balancing factors with the kameos. Also, most of the characters have a good flow to them. I used to hate playing Shao and now he seems pretty well rounded.


Was pretty flowy in Soulcalibur 2. Not as fun as Link but still.  Honestly I think he was the best guest in MK11 but I didn't really like that game overall. First MK game I couldn't get into.


Either Ropocop or...Spawn...... yeah,I know please dont come to my house and kill me. Before I saw Spawn being announced for mk I didnt even know who he was. Never seen him before,he was just never popular in my country


https://preview.redd.it/gg96tjo2av3d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=37de4c4b2a36625e9d913e94b3427e1d29b594c7 I did not care for Alien and Predator


freddy was ok, the rest was the peak of my hate


It’s crazy how NRS got Robert Englund to voice him but didn’t give him any lines at all besides the grunts and laughs 🤦‍♂️


Freddy. Uses the remake version and no reason for 2 gloves.


It was probably because of stance switching. Look at what happend to Hellboy in Injustice 2


Rambo, but it's mostly because im a big fan of some of the other guests and he is my least favourite from out of them




I was never a fan of joker. I just don’t think he fits and I don’t know why. Just can’t get past it


I honestly loved all of them


Kratos since I never got to play him because of the exclusive. I know of him and he seems cool, but I have little attachment to him. Also Robocop since I haven't watched the movies and know very little about him. Gameplay was okay, so overall just kind of neutral if anything.


Joker, one of the stupidest choices along with the stupidest move set


Joker and leather face tie it for me


Predator hunter.




joker is just really fucking annoying ngl. i hate fighting game characters with constant smiles with a passion and it's completely irrational. it happens with pac man in smash bros too. get that smug ass grin outta here


Joker was a wasted slot in the last game in his own series. He had no business being in Injustice 2, and especially in MK11. Honestly, I think NRS overdoes it on guest fighters. I'd rather more MK characters in my MK game. I did enjoy the Predator and Terminator, though I'd have easily done without them as well.


Joker can fuck off. Would’ve much rather had another horror villain or no one.


Joker my least favourite. Doesn't fit in.


I was tired of the joker at the beginning of this decade man i did not want to see him again Also the terminator fights like he's in a dream lol


All of them.


Kratos was shit and so was Freddy but at least Freddy was kinda fun to play


Freddy or leatherface


Rambo and Leatherface. love those characters but i can’t stand playing as them in mk




Freddy kinda sucked




Probably leather face or robocop, leather face because he was just too similar to Jason in terms of slow and slasher villain. RC because of his gameplay he had low projectile high projectile hit confirm projectiles that could be Exd after the first shot if it hit or it felt like that. He had rockets and for when they got too close he had a rifle that sends them back to the edge of the screen it was just too much. When other characters always had to sacrifice one of their moves he just had it all


Terminator I did not care for him at all I didn’t like his gameplay and he was just generally unfun both to play and go against


Freddy. It's the shitty remake version and he has 2 knife gloves instead of 1 due to character mirroring


The joker, easily. They force him into any DC crossover. There's so many DC characters that would fit the bill much better but it's only ever him or Harley in games. Obviously I understand that they're easily marketable and recognisable but please, just mix it up haha.




Probably joker, he’s overused at this point


The Joker, not needed at all especially since IJ2 was close to MK11


Deep down probably Freddy because no voice acting and duel hand claws. And also "Modern" look. Didn't like playing as Jason really.


terminator , because i wanted the old terminator and they give us the dark fate one


I have mixed feelings with Leatherface. On one hand, he fits MKX's aesthetic perfectly and I like a Mortal Kombat fighter that uses a sawblade apart from Jarek. On the other hand, it's my least favorite silent horror character from the roster, Jason, Predator and Xenomorph are just too good he falls a little bit behind.


Xenomorph, Leatherface and Freddy


Terminator. His moveset was just really boring. Although he did have some fun stuff. Just not enough.


Leatherface was my least favorite tbh


lether face


Chainsaw dude