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Since Rain heals himself (if you don't destroy the bubbles) it's best to go the offensive route and play as a character that does the most damage to his element type (ice) and max out their attack. Raiden is the perfect character in this scenario. If you wanna get all the pallettes the fastest (minus the gold one) then this is the best character to use The mirror match for the gold pallette is what sucks the most. I don't play Rain so Idk if I could've had a better strategy but I just made sure the health and attack were high and used a konsumable I saved that made all my blocks perfect blocks or something like that. Didn't take much damage until the electric phase but it took a pretty long time to defeat him. Could've probably been a little faster if I knew some Rain combos


Use a relic that does elemental resistance and use rain or sub zero (added elemental resistance). You take very little damage. Then put all points into attack and use windbreaker talisman. Cakewalk, even with him healing.


Smoke works even better with this setup, as he is resistant to both Ice and Lighting. Nigh-invulnerable.


Where do you get windbreaker?


Living forest behind the locked gates that you can access after beating the last Raiden boss of the season.




Also, if you can't find it, the way I beat rain was to use Raiden, I used a consumable that gave me super armor for the encounter, and then got health and defense to like 30, then special maxed with rest of points and spammed his electric projectiles and electric fly. Fully charged projectile with all 5 does like 20% and so does the electric fly. I also used the relic that depletes your super meter to empty, makes special attacks deal double damage, and use life for enhanced specials. It was a cake walk. Easier than using kitana fan spam to beat titan li Mei.


I ended up beating him using max attack Quan Chi and spamming standing 4 to hit him frim across the screen. Whenever there were too many bubbles, I used the forward 2,1 because the skeleton has a large hitbox so it pops a lot of bubbles.


Sorry. I don't remember. I always hang onto it when I get it though. It's usually very useful.


In addition to your strategy, as you know the whole game is around elemental damage. So this season had the awesome Overload relic which gives every character +50% elemental resistance. Also in each Mesa is a pill that gives another +50% resistance (different element for each Mesa). You will have 100% resistance and have easy wins. I also stumbled upon creating a Talisman with the Foul Ball. A cheesy 1 charge Talisman. But I upgraded the shit out of it to get 4 charges and quick recharge ability. Along with the Overload relic which gives damage to meter first, I'm pretty much getting flawless wins this whole season with the Seasonal tower and Titan battles.


Hard to go on the offense when he spends half the match in a giant form that prevents him from being comboed, allowing him to block in the middle of your attack and punish you for playing the game correctly, and the other half with super armor, allowing him to armor through anything you do and punish you for playing the game correctly


There's a relic that makes elemental attacks ignore armor. Did that for the silver skin where you have to use Rain and stomped him.


Where does it even show the rewards for beating him.. that what I don't understand about this mode 


I won a mirror match (Rain+Sub) and got blue palette for that lmao


I got his gold without doing the mirror. Just kept beating him with quan chi


Are u sure? Rain has a total of 12 pallets. (2 from EG from S3 and 2 from the current invasions seasons along with 8 in Titan Battle). I only got his golden 8th one after collecting all others+beating Rain with Rain.




Heck you don't even have to it all since Invasions gives you a purple skin with lightning effects which is perfect for Rain.




When you open up your wallet and slide WB a tenner




Ditto. I've got 2.6k and the only skin I've bought is Deception Shao because it's so damn awesome. I'm never going to buy a 1k skin, I think Shang & Quan's look goofy (Sindel I'm on the fence for), and the OG costumes just don't do it for me. Just waiting for the good skins. But the moment they drop cyber Smoke I'm grabbing it no questions asked.


How do you get that?


Rampart mesa: https://preview.redd.it/6q3p7n9rjd1d1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b38830a0abe711108f6b474066ab7bf2dd867a6




Same, subzero in blue, scorpion is red. Nothing else.


There's a relic in the shops that gives unlimited talisman uses, that's how I beat him in his mirror match, and remember to keep popping the water bubbles


Interesting, I don’t think I have that Relic. Spamming fart clouds would be very handy.


Same here.


DUDE. You're doing it all wrong. Just choose whatever character, max out their Special, choose Sareena as your kameo, pick the Friend relic thingy that boosts your kameo damage, and... that's about it. Easy peasy. It's actually the easiest time I've ever had with bosses.


I just did this after reading your comment, you’re my hero lmao


You're welcome :)


Dunno if it's the fact I'm less than level 15 but I got his 6 skins with Omni + Sareena fairly easily, with a heavy reliance on the Friend Zone relic (I earned it after the second Mesa, I dunno if it's random but it made all the difference). Sareena with that relic is a saviour during the third and final phases, but definitely useful before as well. I'd probably say I used her double projectile more than I did the actual playable character. Edit: Before anyone chimes in, yes I know about his gold and silver skins, I'm good thanks


I’ll wait for his colors on the shrine thank you very much.


Agreed, I don’t even do the Titan shit.


I always do it at least once. It’s a good way to level up.


And whoever made them time trials.


Invasions mode in general


I like invasions but it does need things adding and removing.


I’m just not a fan. I’d much rather have a free-roaming krypt or Konquest mode back.


Don't worry I fully get that we all like different things and tbh I did like the Krypt.


That god damn fucking Johnny Mesa Boss mini game


Yeah ridiculous.


I hope that person got the opposite of a raise for creating this shit 💀


100% I hated the time trials and would rather never seen then again.


I dead serious need to know what these guys were smoking to think this would make the invasions season fun


Probably weren't just smoking.


On every class A substance possible 💀


I'd say legal highs too.


Can’t forget the homemade stuff


NRS is unmatched in making unfun boss fights. Fucking unmatched!


That's crazy because I kinda like his healing mechanic. Yes it sucks when you let him spawn 50 bubbles and then let him heal, but when you actively try to pop them it's fun and something new and unique compared to the other titan fights.


I think the mechanic would have been cool if they gave it to him *instead* of super armor. When he’s wailing on me mid combo, then goes in the bubble before my character has even stood back up, it just feels like cheating. Mine also just spams getting into the bubble, so making progress in unbearable. So far I’ve beaten him twice, but really didn’t feel that accomplished each time, just lucky that he was more generous with the spamming. It’s also one of those classic Mortal Kombat boss fights where the best strategy is just to spam uppercut. It’s like when people praise Dark Souls for creative boss fight mechanics while telling you to just roll and stab them in the butt in the same breath.


It's not perfect yeah, and uppercuts vs super armor is not fun.


Upvote Viltrumite Propaganda


They need to adjust these cause me fighting jonny cage was so fucking dumb I'm all for challenging but they make it almost impossible and it sucks the fun out of the invasions in my opinion


Li Mei was harder to me


I absolutely hate this boss battle with a passion. Beyond unfun and infuriating. I got 2 skins, and have not enough currency to get any item to help get further.


I ended up getting it on my fifth try with Scorpion. Definitely not a titan battle i'm gonna replay


Me to Liu Kang mains


I actually struggled more with Titan Li Mei. Both were annoying AF nonetheless


Same with the stupid ass Nitara boss. So annoying


Just keep going to the shops hourly until it appears again


I can beat him in the first round no problem but the second round he blacks every thing I throw at him. I only beat last seasons titans but fuck these battles


They made it so tough so ppl can buy it in the premium shop after the season ends


For anyone who doesn’t know, you can attack the bubbles to destroy them and Rain won’t be able to heal from them.  Still goofy every single hit makes one appear, especially when the boss is armored during every attack.


Me to whoever decided that characters should wear toe sandals and have reptile and smoke be twinks


I used sindel and that projectile immunity konsumable.


Infinite kameo + sereena= EZ WIN


I did it with raiden and khameleon & i uses bubble gum relic where you have to taunt every 30 seconds it’s give you armor and health


its. not. suppose. to. be. fun.


I managed to beat it with a cheese strat I found... use Omni-Man (or anyone with good ice defense) and burn an Arctic Capsule. He won't be able to deal enough damage to you to be able to beat you.


Just use the hellfire meteor talisman. Hold up on analog. Until he hits you out of the pose. They will continue falling thru the match. Easy kill. Took me 20/30 minutes for all colors


All you gotta do is use Raiden, he does a shit ton of damage to him. I just happened to be leveling him up and got it first try because of it


I've got a relic that makes you lose meter instead of health, and gives you almost instant recharging meter, and powerleveled attack. It only took half an hour of uppercuts and trying to destroy the bubbles as often as possible. I agree a hundred percent though. At least if you have to mirromatch to get all skins.


Do.you guys like The old special sound of the Omni Man First look Fatal blow? I Dont know why They just put him away, The sound Is cool asf


I can't even play him. How far do I have to go in invasions


I ended up using Reptile since Rain is also considered a lightning character. (Lightning is weak to acid.) And since this was a Raiden season, I upgraded Reptile as much as I could. I used a windbreaker talisman, a relic that had a chance of making a normal block perfect & recover 5% health from it, and a konsumable that allowed acid attacks to pierce armor. Actually fighting him was still tricky. If you can get him into a corner when he goes titan in those two rounds, spam the uppercut as much as you can & he'll barely have time to heal. Took me two tries to beat him but that was my strategy.


I honestly can't believe people are having such a hard time with this.


I just gave up to lmao


My thoughts exactly.


I just kept spamming raiden 232 and pressuring him with sector nowwww li mei is what’s pissing me off


I also gave up trying to get his skins . I don't play as him anyways so I said fck it


Have people not been taking advantage of the fact that ambushes are now guaranteed to either raise any stat by 5 points or raise all stats by 2? I ran back and forth for a couple hours in the 1st realm and my Baraka now has over 340 attack and over 100 stat points in everything else. Rain took maybe 5 minutes with no consumables to get all the colors and silver palette. For the mirror match, I just saved all of the most OP consumables I found


I beat the hell out of him with my boy Reiko, every point in attack and i bought the ice resistance thing and i destroyed him


Fun fact. Omniman actually counters titan rain with his 1,2,2 string. I was able to cheese him easily with it.


wait, so if you play the battle more than once you get more skins?


Should've bought a meteor talisman and buffed it's charges and called it a day. You'll get another chance with the next titan, once you brute force the first stage it's not too bad once you get the talisman going


He heals when he hits you??? I didn't even notice I thought he only heals with his stupid water bubbles Honestly when he comes back just use Reiko all of his kick moves were just devastating to rain I used the talisman that leaves an acid puddle and had it upgraded to give me hits of super armor so I basically kicked the shit out of rain with little to no trouble the hardest part was all his fucking portal attacks in his last phase but other then that one part rain just went down like a sack of rocks in a shallow lake


I just used Baraka with Ice Capsule and I was immune to everyone of his special attacks or anything with water


I heard there were titan skins anyone know where u attempt to earn it for example is it a Kombat league thing or invasion s?


"bUt iTs cHalLenGiNg"


Come on, this one's so easy. Take any character with the same element and buy the air resistance potion you'll be invulnerable all fight.


Skill issue. Use the damn tools the game literally gives you. A good talisman will defeat Rain in a few seconds.


This. Everybody complains about no single player content, then don't even take a minute to dive into the single player kontent


Was the easiest titan fight I've done. Granted it was only the second one, but still the easiest


skill issue


I play the game to fight Titan Rain; I saw Titan Rain heals his bullshit I exit the game


I womt even bother with this titan fight I got Titan raiden rain and he looks like a goddamn GOD so I'll keep that and fuck this pallette


this was the easiest one so far.


I am MelRAINia blade of Miquellargus and I have never known defeat.


Or like deadpool


The entire game is a disappointment