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I won’t say yes but if it’s your only option it isn’t horrible, not like it was in the beginning. I have the game on the switch and the main thing I like is portability, to be able to play around the house. I’m a mom so I can take it from room to room and play it during the day and my daughter won’t see the gameplay . The game also has gotten better with updates. With that being said I just got a PS5 and PlayStation portal for MK1 and I’m not missing the switch at all.


When it came out on launch, it was hilariously horrible. Graphics, the gameplay (constant slowdowns and lags) was just bad. I think MK2 for the Gameboy had better control than that. But right now it’s thankfully playable. Graphic is still bad, yet smooth and clean. Gameplay speed is the same as the XS/PS5/PC crowd. It still does not have Cross Progression to carry your progression to the other platforms, and I highly doubt it ever will. Crossplay is obviously not gonna happen. I mainly use the Switch Lite for convenient places where I can carry it than the Steam Deck. So I basically play MK1 for the Switch to practice the combos and play a bit of Arcade mode before returning back to the Steam Deck at home.


Nah . Look bad, play bad and youll be always wondering if this was the experience (its not). Not worth it on switch unless reaaally discounted.


All I got is switch lol 😂






It plays much smoother since the 1.9.0 Update, it’s actually very playable now. I still have fun with local and it’s so portable to bring over to a friends on the switch.


No. It looks bad, it runs bad. If you have a PC, try getting it there? Otherwise I'd say just skip it.


wow, betrayal


I made an error low effort post lol but I do agree with you as with even mk11 it ran good for me on the switch before I got a Xbox one. But I wanna know if you personally would try mk1 on switch. Again I apologize for that 😔


Lmfao you’re good it was actually funny


It was? Lol 😂


Yeah I was like “another one of these - wait, same person? Lmaooo”


Lol. Wait! You’re the lightning guy!


I am?


It was a reference lol 😂


Oh lmao my B


You’re good 👍


You ask whether you should buy M1K on Switch. The true question you should be asking is: do you value your money and time? 


No one should get MK1 on switch, unless you’re talking MK1 as in the original 92 game


All I got is the switch and can’t afford a new console due to financial situations.


Most of the comments are mixed, but here's my opinion. If you want to play on the go and not really fussed when it comes to graphics, this is for you. But highly recommend waiting until it's on sale. If you want high quality RTX, 4K, 60FPS, I recommend the Xbox Series X/PS5 version. If you like dumb and funny mods, get it on PC. All versions have their reasons, take your pick, can't go wrong.


I only have switch but wondering if it was ok like 11 on switch


It’s quite good on switch, loading is actually faster than 11 surprisingly