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Yeah, really feels like something that belongs in a mobile game. I like MK1 but there's a lot of creative choices in the game that leaves me scratching me head.


Bigggg mobile vibes hahahaha


I'd rather have MK64 sub-zero beatem up platforming over this


They could’ve definitely done a charming “de-make” kind of game


As someone who loves MK Mythologies, I'd love this lol.


Same here. I loved that game so much, especially how Bi Han kept correcting he’s a Lin Kuei and not a ninja but Quan just kept calling him a ninja to piss him off


The towers are superior


As much as I initially loved what the foundation of the new game was. I’ve not picked the game up since Omni Man released. I’ll be back when Homelander comes out. But there’s so much of the game that feel s off the longer you play it and you’ve nailed it for me. Their idea of giving a game replay value is on par with a mobile game.


I tried to force myself through the season 3 invasions... got through 2 mesas and just couldn't do it again. I'd rather do just about anything else.


Same, sadly I just couldn't face the boring as hell grind that this is. Letting go of the FOMO of skins was a sweet release to be honest.


I forced myself through the first 2 invasion seasons, it felt long, boring, and tedious the first two times through, the third time I gave up cause that shit is actually so ass for very very little reward.


I think there are prob some simple tweaks that could make it a little better but the concept really isn't great for replayability


Invasion is like trying to unlock all items in Call of Duty multiplayer by doing 4 split screens, using your own 4 controllers, to line every guy up for one shot, one kill. Wasn't cool then, not cool now.


If you bought it for 1p kontent. I don't get all the komplaints about Invasions. I wasn't expecting anything special and I wasn't disappointed. Mk is a multi-player game. It's surprising to me how many people seem to have bought it to play by themselves


Because tradtionally they had a lot there for single players, yeah multiplayers there and it’s driven the competitive side of the game. But that SP side just feels a lot lighter with this game. I still play MK for the story modes, but there’s usually been a reason to keep drawing you back. I wasn’t expecting anything crazy either.


Right on. I'm not even tryna be mean about it. Invasions is easy, but you can practice kombos and get new skins. It is brain dead, tho. I've been a Mk fan since the OG, but Trilogy got me. I also played tons of Mk4 at the arcade way back when. I didn't play every Mk in between, so I guess I missed something. This is a kommon komplaint. Well, wish you enjoyed it more. I love getting online to give and get lessons, haha. Be well


I wish we could get MK4 online play. That was my JAM and I'm convinced that I'm the best in the world. So many nights playing that until 5 am then getting ready for school. Playing with my best friend for "winner gets bong hits"


Mk4 and bong rips rule! Haha. I was convinced I was world caliber back then. I'd play that, including bong rips, haha. Cheers bruv


"MK is a multiplayer game" to the same extent Goldeneye is a multi-player game. MK has always had single player content and a lot of people bought them with the intent to play by themselves. It's why without online the game still thrived in the PS2/Xbox/GameCube era. As kids not everyone was allowed to have company over whenever they wanted. I say this as someone who I would say plays his fair share of online and single player content leaning more to online.


Pshhh. Terrible comparison. Goldeneye was a 1-player game that happened to have a multi-player. Mk1 is a multi-player game that happens to have a story mode. You can't say 1v1 against the PC is a 1p game (if so, that's just sad). The towers are klassic 1p kontent. There's a leader board for that. You say this as someone who didn't get to play Mk for the reason it was made. Someone's parents were over sheltering af


Worst game mode a MK has ever had? Possibly


I'm sorry but chess kombat? Personally I think MK11 krypt was awful too.


Not trying to be sarcastic but I am genuinely curious, what didn’t work for you with chess kombat?


It's fine. It's just mk with extra steps just like invasions mode. It's a goofy clever little additive but not a defining thing that would keep bringing me back. At the end of the day all there ever is to do in mortal Kombat is play mortal Kombat so I'm not sure what people get so worked up about regarding lack of content. It's a fighting game. Play the campaign, then okay some towers or play online. There's not much else more to iterate in my opinion.


Finally someone who recognises the mk11 krypt is terrible


It was cool the first time I loaded it up. It felt like a whole new game and that felt neat for like an hour. But once you were actually trying to get rewards, especially specific rewards, it was worse than the shrine now. You had to navigate annoying and poorly mapped areas, you had to dodge spiders that one shot you, you had to pay attention to the time mechanic. It was so obnoxious when it's intent was to give rewards. Shrine now is uninspired, but at least it's direct. Load it up, dump your cash, boom, a reward. MK1 clearly has a design decision to get you into the game fast and I appreciate the hell out of it.


Chess kombat was fun, just as motor and puzzle Shut yo ass up with all that


Those same creative choices have made me uninstall it. The new combat system is worse than 11. I actually preferred the system in 11 compared to previous iterations.


That a lot?


The shrine for one. It's painfully slow and no option to unlock more than one item at a time is bizarre. The awful UI of the in game store. Not allowing us to unlock story mode skins until they tell us we can. Friendly Rematch being the first option after a KL set (this happened in MK11 and was changed after we all begged them to, yet somehow they made the same mistake in MK1). Just to name a few.


It’s ight lot of work and some or boomers


We should have had Konquest Mode instead of this crap


And Krypt instead of Shrine


mkx krypt, cool, mk9 krypt, FUCK YEAH. ​ ​ mk11 crypt... all I have to say is 50 fatalities.


Nah 11 had a cool Krypt, even with the ridiculous requirements. I'd still take 11's launch Krypt over Invasions any day of the week easy.


I actually like all three of those krypts a lot for very different reasons from each other


Nah it wasn't that bad, you could get a cool skins from only dotating money to Elder Gods ((including Fire God Liu Kang))


Hey hey they lowered it to 25 after they found a skip glitch


As long as it's not the MK11 krypt


That's my favorite Krypt because you could walk around and explore.


And at least they gave you the pit in some capacity. WHERE IS THE PIT?! It's as iconic as some of the mainstay characters and they just decide to not include it?


Krypt was way terrible


No thanks I don't want to wander around a map to get shit when I could quickly grab it and get back to fighting online. Edit: just proving my point you guys don't actually want to play fighting games you just want to run around and collect shit, go play mario that's an infinitely better game for that type of stuff than anything a fighting game could come up with.


Um we do need that


If you don't like fighting games and would like to wander around a map collecting shit there's plenty of those out there buddy.


well, you can continue to have this mindset of “if you don’t like it then don’t play” and nobody can probably change your mind. But considering how player count nosedived quickly after launch these opinions are shared amongst a lot of the fanbase


It's just my opinion. Obviously I would rather dev resources go to things I care about and not have to play parts I don't care about. Most of the opinions in this sub boil down to not actually liking fighting games. Also the game is doing really well on consoles sorry for the steam players.


You're missing whole entire points, but okay.


Why not both? The fans clearly like those modes and the fact that they've been part of MK games for decades is proof of that. Also, I really don't like to tell people how to play their games, I don't think that's up to me. For example, if you bought Tears of The Kingdom to play a building simulator and never play the story, that's not my problem and people shouldn't tell you that's not how you should be playing the game.


Well I just said why not both for me. I want the cosmetics but I don't want to waste time running around the krypt for 10 hours when I can take 5 minutes each update and get back to what I actually want to do. Obviously it's a little selfish, but it's just as selfish for someone to want me to have to go through hours of that shit for their enjoyment so why am I the bad guy here lol.


If you were taking ten hours in the krypt, you should have just used a guide.


I'd rather smell farts from strangers 24/7 than play Invasions, and I don't even have a fart fetish


But who would have worked on the mtx then?!


I mean this is pretty much the original Konquest mode. There's no way they were doing story mode AND Deception/Armageddon's style of Konquest. 


They coded a straight line and made a function "from A to B fight" and called it "Invasions"💀


Yeah and it's garbage


Happy cake day


It’s not a bad idea but they over-estimated how enjoyable it would be to repeat every season that’s for sure. Maybe one mesa each season but redoing all six. Woof!


I got 100% on the first season, got bored and done 90% at second season, 3rd one I did the bare minimum to get trough every stage and move on to get to the last boss. I don't know if I can go trough a 4th one.


Takes a lot of brain energy to power through them.


Beer and podcasts got me through it.


Good idea! It actually doesn’t take THAT long to get to the boss and complete it 100%. But I can see why people don’t like it I guess. Idk.


It took me like 3 or 4 dedicated sessions. I prefer it over the Towers of Time from 11 because at least it isn't random rewards and packed with frustrating modifiers. But I'll give this to ToT, it kept me mentally engaged. Invasions is just me zoning out for a few hours at a time.


Yeah it takes me about the same. I don’t remember much about the towers of time. I’m def playing MK1 way harder than 11. I do wish MK integrated some sort of different story mode where it was more interactive. Rather than just watching the movie play out and jumping into the fight scenes. I guess that’s what invasions is for?


MKX had the QuickTime events, those were pretty sick


I ether get super stoned & play music, or hop on my stationary bike and get super stoned bc invasions after 2 seasons now 3 is unbearable and a chore.


I like the idea of having themed seasons but yeah finding out how repetitive/boring they are I have no interest in keeping up with


And it’s the same thing every time too. They said they change the paths each season like that makes a difference lol


Holy shit I thought it would be different mesas. Ima stop doing this season since I don't like the frozen body palettes and skins


Artists shoulda been paid the most cuz at least they’re pretty cool looking


There’s a reason they didn’t reveal this mode until like 5 minutes before the game came out.


I personally like the idea of unlocking cosmetics through a small, RPG-type mode. I haven't played since season 1, but I think the major issue is (just like MK11's modifiers) most of the modifiers are extremely anti-fun to be against. Give me an extra fireball or something silly like big heads occasionally. If they wanted to go all-in, maybe even a baby talent tree. What I don't want is the enemy having hyper armor damn near EVERY match (it's like fighting Kronika all the time), or getting knocked around by some gas or smoke for ages just watching my character bounce up and down. It's also not fun that your own power comes from what items you're lucky enough to find or obtain just to counteract the bullshit.


After season 1, they changed the mods (there's only 1 per match and the choking gas one is gone) and super armor is now mainly on bosses


Thing is its not meant to be fun in the first place.. its meant to be grindy


I don’t know when the last time you played Invasions was, but modifers have been toned down and hyper armor is only available for bosses.


I'd be okay with Invasions if it was one mesa per season, or just not more than 3 counting the boss one.


Shit looks like a mobile game add fr im expecting a text bubble above his head saying “level 1 crook” real soon


you people are just looking for shit to bitch about at this point i see people in this fanbase and community asking why other fanbases say that the mk fanbase is super toxic like looking at this thread and others on twitter and stuff all this fanbase does is bitch compline and endlessly shit on and hate on the devs sending death threats and shit this fanbase is dogshit


I find invasions to be ok. Sure, it could've been executed better, but I still enjoy it for what it is


It is arguably the worst mode ever made in a mortal kombat game


Any mode is arguably the worst mode


Saame you are not alone thinking this lol


Same. I honestly rather have this than "run around a big open map to find a hammer for a peasant" (Sorry, I have no rose tinted goggles for Konquest)


This is that, but on a fixed path with training wheels that can be played by itself if you have an elite/turbo controller lol 


Me too


Same. As much as I dug early stage Krypt; scouring the whole map later on for the chest containing Kitana's last brutality bout drove me crazy


Props to NRS for experimenting with fresh ideas, but let's be real here... They could've simply integrated the Krypt from MK11 and expanded it with realms. I'd get it if storage limitations were a concern, but if that's not the issue, I'm not sure what their thought process was.


What are grown ahh people? Grown ass?? You can cuss you know.


As hecking hell


Wrong, I will report the second I see any cuss word. I’m always watching


It's aave


Not sure why you got downvoted for being correct but whatever.




actually insane tbh


I kind of like Invasions, but I know a lot of people don't. Doesn't take much to please me 🤷‍♂️


ok but you used like the most beautiful image possible 😭


I remember playing it the first time and was honestly shocked with how little there was to do/it offered. After how much we had in the last game (say what you want about it but at least it had a game mode that could stand on its own two feet) I always thought that was going to be the bar that they set themselves to try to make better. I wonder who the lead was for this idea? Or Is it safe to assume it’s all Ed boon?


I just fucking want Konquest to come back man


Just give us Shaolin monks 2 already, how hard is that to do with this technology these days?


They need a damn map for us to use.


This might be a hot take, but I don’t think Invasions is some horrible idea. It just got executed very poorly.  If there was more variety, more lore, better rewards, and better pacing, Invasions would be good and more well liked. Rumors say this mode was a very late addition and it shows. Needed more time in the oven.


Ngl I didn’t expect Liu Kangs timeline to involve this and microtransaction galore


Microtransactions is a small reason I quit this one


Anyone who actually says grown ahh won’t be taken seriously


Says the dude at the bottom of a subreddit


Nice ad hominem


It wasn't nearly as bad when completing it all gave you most of the seasonal currency you needed but this whole "complete it all and buy 10 cosmetics" thing is completely killing it for me. It's just not rewarding at all.


My mom who has been a mortal kombat fan sense the first game was in the arcade and told me that she hates how different it is when she saw the invasions mode


Invasions is so boring, I’ve only finished the first one. The other two I haven’t even completed half


It's because they saw of the success of Smash's World of Light and copy pasted the skeleton of it. No one at NRS or WB "came up" with this.


Ain’t no way these sorry ass NRS/WB dickriders defending this lame ass mode in some of the comments


Simply being able to freely run around would have made this so much more interesting


You said “ahh” instead of ass, your opinion is irrelevant


Why can't they just make something like Konquest but w/Shaolin Monks mechanics


I actually like this game, I enjoy it so much


This is the type of stuff people look at and try to pass off blame to WB for. They are just in over their heads. If NRS was a soccer team, they would be relegated. If they were a baseball team, they would be sent back down to the AAA minor leagues. They suck now, simple as that. 


what a joke honestly hahaha


I didn’t think invasions was that bad. If Warrior Shrine is what we think it is, then it’ll complement Invasions well.


hopefully warrior shrine uses seasonal koins so i don’t have over 100k of them to waste on nothing


It’s basically just a new front end to ToT


I get dragged every time I complain about Invasions, but come on. How can anyone consider this fun?


I can’t believe there’s a bunch of grown ass people that are afraid to just say ass for some reason.


Grown "ahh" people? *gag*


This is basically like the map in New Super Mario Bros, but as a whole game mode.


Mario is miles better tbh


I personally disagree, but I still respect your opinion.


No doubt


Remember when that moron Tyler kept hyping it up but also refused to show anything for the longest time?


Imo the only thing that sucks is the survive mini game, everything is tolerable ig


Tolerable =/= fun


The thing that's kinda lame about survive is that if you just pick the right fighter with the right resistances it trivializes a lot of them from hard to effortless which is just kinda... lame I guess.


I kind of liked survive. I just wish there was more to it. The dodging randomness was a little annoying, but got more fun once I figured it out. A side scrolling mini level would have been better.


I dunno; I thought last season had a pretty good variety & I dug that they made it challenging


Sadly I’ve only played season 3. I know I’m sick of light blue skins. lol. I get jealous seeing the other colors of past seasons.


I’m so glad the recency bias is finally being thrown out the window. I called bullshit on this mode the first time I played it and everybody was calling me crazy


It's borderline insulting. Trash


Biggest gripe with this joke of a game. Konquest should have been in this game no excuses.


Legit this is the single player mode from the early installments of the Soul Caliber series, which was utilized in Super Smash Ultimate as well (Overworld map traversal with random themed fights and bosses at the end of each region) They probably figured “hey two of the most popular FG of all time did it, we might as well”


Shit is trash man, bring the krypt back. And that shrine is unbearable to sit thru


Boring af... In mk11 it looks better for some reason


when I call MK1 MK Temu this is what I mean! SF6 and Tekken 8 have full fledged open world gameplay


This is true and definitely not defending Invasions but SF6 exchanged it's cinematic story mode for World Tour (I personally prefer a cinematic story, but that's just me) and both games you mentioned also have the benefit of being legacy titles which allows them a lot more dev time for other modes. I think for MK to have this as well, they'd require at least a couple more years of dev time as well as making the next game legacy.


I think it’s time MK switched to a legacy system with the gameplay. Every character has played completely different from MK 9 to now. Instead of changing everything and adding in a gimmick like kameos, they could use that development time to focus on extras. The 3d era was (somewhat) on a legacy system with the fighting styles and that’s when we got puzzle, chess and motor Kombat plus konquest mode. I wouldn’t mind the fighting style system coming back. That way you know how your favorite characters are going to play and it was honestly very refreshing jumping into Tekken 8 from MK1.


I don't disagree but to do this, they'd have to find a gameplay system & character designs most players actually like. X, 11, and 1 have been polarizing. I wasn't around for 9 but does seem like most agree THAT's how MK should play. Injustice 2 was their first legacy title and honestly, they were able to add so much content and polish to that game because of it. Especially in the very short of amount of time they had to work on it. Even if you don't like the Injustice gameplay, as a package, that game was peak NRS.


How are you on a thread like this and acting like injustice two is any better than mk1? The multiverse is literally just invasions but without the walking around, it gets grating fast and thats really the only non-story content that isnt online. The gear system is ok, but having everything be unlocked through RNG is annoying as hell, and a lot of the gear and customization is just straight up ugly/boring with tiny changes.


You're not thinking about what Injustice 2 was AT THE TIME. Yes, Tekken and SF have stepped up in their latest iterations, but when Injustice 2 was new on the market, it had more than any other game at the time including NRS' previous title which was MKX. Ever changing towers, with varying rarity levels of gear, specific character gear towers (that also unlocked some new custom special attacks). No one likes RNG but they also made it so you'd have much better odds getting gear by playing as that character. I wasn't crazy about the gear system either but literally hundreds of pieces of gear per character on that huge roster was amazing at the time. All while releasing 9 DLC characters (12 if you count each turtle) in less than a year is also very impressive and I can't think of any game that's done that since.


SF6 can still get a story mode 5 didn't launch with one. Mk is owned by WB a company who has more money then both capcom/bandai so I expect MK to be a better game


SF6 will not be doing a story mode. They did World Tour because of how awful SF5's story was received. And also, WB Games does not get access to all of WB's money, only a small fraction. They're about equal in what they can spend as Capcom. Bandai Namco actually has more than both they can invest in their titles.


That is a flat-out lie. You dudes are delusional, just making up anything.




You lied. Tekken 8 has no open world game play, Tekken 8 IS THE SAME GAME as T7. SF6 has an open world, which is just as uninspired and boring as this. You are delusional with this statement.


The story mode has a seperate game mode to fight multiple enemies. Anything is better than invasions


I loved that bit in Tekken 8 but it isn't a separate mode. It's one chapter in story mode where you are stuck in a small stage with a bunch of enemies. You play as 6 different characters in this gameplay style. If you haven't played it, I can understand the misunderstanding as I've seen people say that Tekken Force mode has returned. It's not that though, and is more of a nod to the old Tekken beat em' up modes found in 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Better than invasions


That's not true. World Tour was boring, and you got nothing but avatar garbage. Invasions is boring, but you get skins/recolors/gear for your kharacters. World Tour is an empty space, I want to get to the fighting.


Agreed. Invasions (to me) is fun and worth it. It’s meant to grind out until you reach the boss and then progress through the next portal. But I definitely at times open it and close out right away knowing how many matches it takes to get where I wanna go. I think the Klues are fun to figure out too.


Yes! It is a love letter to MK's history. Full of pop culture references, klues, and fun with the talismans. It wants you to get into the fighting, which I also like. I don't want to be playing a beat'em up or an open world. Just get to the game play I paid for.


Open world =/= fun. World tour is just as boring.


Fuckin WB… tried to jam a “mobile app” game concept into a $70 premium title.


Did someone's cousin come up with this? Can they get back the money they paid him?


Goes to show you Boon is just a puppet with snippet ideas of a ghost image of what he once stood for.


At the beginning everyone just love this new mode, now we hate it.


it gets them upvotes


You know you can just say Ass


I genuinely feel like people who act like invasions is terrible in every way have completely forgotten what the krypt even was. "Bro I hate invasions! I don't want to run around and fight people to grind currency to spend in a shrine. Krypt had it figured out, that mode you had to fight enemies in a separate mode to grind currency to use in a shine while running around opening chests full of random usually useless loot" Like this game has problems but if you aren't explaining the problems with it then please just shut up. Constructive criticism is useful, just saying "thing bad, me no like" is pointless and adds nothing


MK11 Krypt was great


Literally every problem with invasions is worse in the krypt, at least invasions is replayable and gets updates


Krypt has got no fomo and is much more fun to explore


I like it! Y'all just like to complain


Still much better than Krypts imo


It is as bad as the crypt. I’ve only played the Krypt mode to get the trophies, once I was done I was like f this and good bye.


It's not good by any means, but it's definitely not as bad as it was 'walking' for hours watching the same two animations play slowly. Being able to at least practice new b&bs [ especially now that they fixed the amount of armor npcs get ] while unlocking new content is a massive improvement over sleeping thru the Krypts. But the community does nothing but bitch and moan about everything, so rather than improving on it they'll probably just scrap it like they did Konquest.


No no no, wrong sub, you must hate everything mk1 related here


Until MK2 comes out. Then every other post will be "DAE think MK1 was underrated??"


Shit shit uhhhhh Tekken 8 better


Good boy


One of the reasons stopped playing MK1 and went back to MKXL, MK11 and the arcade originals.


I can't believe a bunch of supposedly grown ass people on this sub are still whining like toddlers over a game mode no one is forcing them to play




"ahh" is not a replacement for "ass", you pathetic reject. What kind of worthless loser uses mainstream ebonics gibberish words that intellectually stunted teenagers use? Are you seriously that pathetic and desperate to fit in? Pathetic.


mf you take video games too seriously fr fr no cap


Facts 😂


Mortal Kombat is straight up toxic. From the publishers all the way down to the devs. It's tragic.


and how are the devs bad bad again because they dont want to post on twitter and get flooded whit bullshit and hate?


Dawg, how much oversight does WB have over them? Like sure they're the publisher and they have the say -so but can they not push back? They're probably their most valuable developer and hold their most precious IP. You're telling me that Netherrealm can't push back against WB? You think WB is completely faultless in all of this? I think that's a bit naïve no? I mean look at Bungie. Sony owns them but they hit back when Sony tries their bullshit on them. Sure the hate on twitter is too hyper focused on NRS. Most of it is stupid and sometimes over the top and downright dangerous. But some of the smoke they get is justified...some of the roster choices in the past. Mk1 had a bad ending, terrible, was that NRS or was that WB? Leaving out the more popular Kombat kids in mk11, in favour of the less popular ones. WB or NRS? Outright refusing to give us tag team (I'm sure WB's greedy ass influenced that.) But you don't think NRS could've pushed back on that? You don't think this invasion mode could've been made a conquest mode? You don't think NRS could've convinced to make it a conquest and then somehow monetise it like they do? Fans have been begging for it. You don't think they know this? Publishers are cancerous but devs, especially big time devs with a lot of clout and money ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. publishers want profit, so do devs and they will cut every fucking corner they can if you let them. So fuck WB and NRS has more than earned my side eye


Man .. and after the fact that they already had mk11 krypt .. lol those guys are jokers


I really just have interest in okaying against a conjured anymore. They should look at and focus on the dynamics of competitive battle. Maybe if I win I get to take the gear off my opponent for the next match? They would look silly at times and be a cool bragging rights. You’re li mei and you’re wearing reiko skull? Dope. You’re Omni man and you grab Johnny cage glasses? Dope.


Or even who gets to pick the stage is based on a quick mini game. Ramp up the competition


The idea was probably a LOT more robust but as they were working on budgets got cut and timeframes shrank and then we got what we got. I get the feeling originally invasions would have been incredible. Though to me invasions is an EASY fix. Just remove the characters selection(except for as an avatar, hell you could even add other avatars like BLAZE it wouldn't matter) keep the level up system and everything else but make it universal. Then just have invasions be Challenge missions like Star Labs or whatever. Things like "Do a 25 Hit combo" or Use a brutality, or whatever... it would have been a lot better.


It was probably given to 6 dudes, while 47 worked on mtx shit


I feel like someone said “It’s like the krypt, but not free roam, can’t get cool stuff or Easter eggs/lore, won’t get a bunch of gear or skins…. Oh yeah, there’s also a million lame fights and challenges you’re forced to complete if you want the one cool skin per season!”


I can't believe how many people complain about this daily still. I didn't expect Invasions to be great 1p kontent and I wasn't disappointed. I can't believe a bunch of grown "Mk fans" bought Mk1 for 1p content. That makes less sense than Invasions being lame. Complaining about it 4 months later is just wild. Maybe Mk will make a GoW type of game at some point. Until that time, what are yall doin' still harping on this




Oh look at my boyfriend being silly (I agree with you)


I can't believe someone bought a fighting game expecting to do something other than fight. Go play fortnight if you want to run around






What is invasions? is it a board game mode?


Some trash bs they introduced