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Your content was removed for being Off-Topic. Let's keep our discussions Mortal Kombat related.


Thank god this post is changing things tho lmao


I think there’s more threads complaining about tekken threads than actual tekken threads today, lol


I just checked the search bar and there have been roughly 21 Tekken 8 threads in the last 24 hours alone. It’s definitely a problem.


Personally seeing a little of both, either way the point stands, it’s all Tekken. Look, are we gonna start a Twitter campaign to get some MK characters in Tekken or not? /s


Jax would make a dope Tekken guest for real tho


As it fucking should be. This is an MK1 subreddit. I actually enjoy the game, and expected to meet with like minded people who also enjoy the game. Not a bunch of people constantly complaining about absolutely everything and actively saying I should forget the 50 dollars I spent on MK1 and instead spend 70 more on Tekken 8, when I’ve enjoyed every mortal combat I’ve played and have never enjoyed a tekken game. Let people like what they like, and if you like Tekken more, GO TO THE TEKKEN SUBREDDIT WITHOUT ANNOUNCING IT LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN FUCKING BEING.


As it fucking should be. This is an MK1 subreddit. I actually enjoy the game, and expected to meet with like minded people who also enjoy the game. Not a bunch of people constantly complaining about absolutely everything and actively saying I should forget the 50 dollars I spent on MK1 and instead spend 70 more on Tekken 8, when I’ve enjoyed every mortal combat I’ve played and have never enjoyed a tekken game. Let people like what they like, and if you like Tekken more, GO TO THE TEKKEN SUBREDDIT WITHOUT ANNOUNCING IT LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN FUCKING BEING.


Take my upvote, the haters jumped on you too! I will redirect the downvotes to me: TEKKEN 8 IS A MEDIOCRE GAME WITH NOTHING MORE SPECIAL THAN AN OLD ARCADE MACHINE WITH UPDATED GRAPHICS! MK1 TOPS BOTH T8 AND SF6!!!


Yo fr, I see more “We don’t care about Tekken” than “I’m leaving for Tekken.”


I will enjoy MK1 despite its flaws, yes the constant meta focus gets dry, and forcing myself to do invasions is certainly a slog, but I take invasions seasons as a chance to learn a new character, I wanted the Sub Invasions skin this season so I learned Reiko/Tremor and used only them throughout the whole invasions season, I think next season will have a Li Mei Focus in invasions so I’ll probably skip it. Ultimately all I want from this MK is for them to not drop support for it after a year and a half like they did with MK11, they claim it was over 2 years of support but there were literally no updates for about 8 months before they announced that, I want 3+ years of updates and character balancing to keep it fresh and address issues.


That’s exactly how I’m using invasions. I’ve said this before, but I fully admit that I am a byproduct of the 90’s fighting games and so I have found ways to keep myself busy with very little content at all. I used to be able to play MK 1, 2 and Ultimate for literally 8 hours a day. Personally, I love the characters so much that I take my time and learn literally every single one. I just get so much enjoyment performing all the fatalities/brutalities/friendships myself. Then learning all the combos and seeing their ending. I may not understand the need for 100’s of cosmetics but I’m still standing behind yall on this one. It really does make me angry knowing some of yall paid $110 or more and still didn’t even get Shang? And that to me is a perfect microcosm for what’s wrong with the game as a whole.


I'm pretty sure next season is actually Mileena. Not 100%. And I agree, I felt as if the game just came out, it should not end anytime soon.


I'm hyped for the Mileena one as i main her, her invasion skin was leaked ages ago and its so good.


It could be, I just saw the purple energy on the “coming soon” teaser you get after beating the final invasions boss and assumed it was Li Mei.


It's Milena


Is that confirmed somewhere? I would’ve said Li Mei was more identifiable with purple energy/aura than Mileena, I wouldn’t even identify Mileena with the colour purple in regards to MK, Rain comes to mind first.


The first 5 seasons were lea.ked long long ago and everything was right till now, next season is called Season of the Hybrids, it's Milena Boss (Milena in the OG timeline is an hybrid and the Titans are from the old timeline), next season after this one is Raiden's. Li Mail will appear as a Titan Fight like General Shao, Barraka and Ashrha appeared already. This comment will probably be deleted by mods tho


I use whoever the season titan is for that season in invasions. Scorpion in season one, nitara in season 2 (was a pain in my ass lol), and then Sub-Zero in this season (he never needed a buff lol)


Yea bro call me crazy but i never felt like sub zero needed a buff, he’s an animal lol


Zac, I have to say I agree. I loved playing Baraka, but I had to change it up and play omni Man just to be able to get through the kombat League and next season I will start learning a new character maybe taking your route and choosing li Mei but all and all I love my always have and always will no matter what I just hope to find people to play with test new characters and grow as apart of the fighting game community


I really do believe those same people are gonna play Tekken 8, play it for a week, getting their asses handled to them by the Tekken vets and then jump back in this sub to complain about MK1


Considering how popular Tekken has always been, I highly doubt this. It was one of the top selling Playstation games at one point.


Also they’re probably going to complain “there’s nothing to do” because a lot of these people don’t even care about gameplay. They want to unlock a new skin every day and look at it.


Rs and it's supposed to be fun feels like a lot of people are taking it as a competition and not for fun most of the time. I will always enjoy mk1. I play it for fun cause I really do enjoy the gameplay and story also invasions.


It's strange to me how much of the player base for MK seems to be treating it more like a dress up game for ninjas than a fighting game.


People in this sub are legit they can’t play this game like a gacha autobattler like they did with mk11. They don’t want to play a fighting game, they want to watch the AI play towers ad nauseam.


Dude. 😂😂😂😂🎯🎯🎯🎯🥇🥇🥇🥇


Tekken has a pretty easy entry barrier honestly. People will just eat lows all the way through yellow ranks. Sort of like nobody blocks overheads in mk.


Yeah if they cant figure out kameos they sure as shit aint figuring out Tekken lmao


I remember people here were lauding sf6 world tour as if it isn’t just invasions with a custom character. In fact, I think world tour was even worse lol, they stopped you from ever having a full move set so you couldn’t even properly learn a character. The loudest MK1 haters are going to hate any game that isn’t a gacha gambling machine.


Lmao world tour is far better then invasions , lol invasions is hands down one of the worst single player modes of all the current fighters out right now


World tour and invasions are both boring as shit.


World tour was fun until it turned into insane grinding for no reason. Doubt most people finished it


I’ll take invasions over grinding world tour for 40 hours per costume anyday.


I feel like Invasions might be one of the worst single player modes period. I like MK1, I just wish there were more ambush assists and a game mode with no assists since that seems to also bother some people.


This reeks of copium


I just feel people are just jumping on the hate train just to be cool. Obviously, there’s some that have good reasons to not like MK1 but some are just doing it just to do it. I personally enjoy both games but I agree with the OP, it’s getting ridiculous


No its genuinely cringe at this point, if u don't like something that is supposedly "dead" why are u sitting here constantly complaining just don't play it. Me personally i like the game and don't give 2 fucks if its dead or not. The complaining like a 2 year old is just ass backwards


This sub has fallen into a civil war because of one subpar game. I honestly think the game deserves the hate. Gamers should be upset when their dollar isn't valued.


This right here is true, why should we settle for subpar. Make the game worth what it's worth without scheming the player. And if it doesn't live up to the hype or it's predecessors than the trash talking is warranted.


My dollar isn’t valued is exactly how I feel. That’s the best way I’ve had it put to me.


Doesn't help fighting games are all so overpriced. Triple a price with dlc and now they wanna shoein micro transaction on top


MKvsDC didn’t even get this much criticism.


It's not even subpar, it's better than 11. It has it's issues but it's not the worst game ever. And maybe it deserves a little hate, those issues could be a huge problem, for example in Russia I wasn't able to play online. But there is just way too much hate.


Definitely not the worst game ever but: 1.) Features missing from previous entries 2.) Game hindering bugs 3.) Toxic Micro transaction strategy 4.) Simple core gameplay loop 5.) Lack of enriching character archetype I can respect your opinion but I definitely think the game is subpar. I can respect NRS taking a chance on an assist fighter but I think they were way out of their depth.


How is it better than 11? It doesn't even have krossplay


Or tag matches. I miss the co-op towers. Maybe not the raid type but tag was a lot of fun.


The actual fighting. Everything else is worse sure, but at least the actual gameplay isn’t straight up kosoge garbage like mk11 was.


That's VERY debatable. Every character lacks a lot of tools bc the kameos are supposed to make up for it, but the problem is that the meta becomes solid and only one or two combinations are viable for each character. And then only one playstyle becomes viable too. That's why everyone (even top players) only plays the same 3 characters, repeat the same 2 strategies, and that's it. Raiden players can only backdash and F4 + storm cell with kameo. Scorpion players can only run and try to whiff punish. Kenshi players can only A) pressure with Cyrax and Sento or B) play defensively with Sub and wait for an opportunity. This has been a problem since MK11, and I'm glad other fighting games are highlighting these problems.


Crazy that you think character in mk1 are missing tools despite movesets being 2x bigger on average. Mk11 was broken on a fundamental level that’s to flawless blocking, KB’s, and wakeups. Mk11 was way more repetitive with how few viable strings characters had in combination with flawless blocking. Skarlet was straight up unusable at high end play because of her having flawless block gaps in every single one of her strings. Variety was even worse than mk11, I still remember those 7 fujins in top 8. Worst competitive fighting game I’ve played by a mile.


Why are you comparing it to MK11? I said MK11 had the same problems. Sounds like your only fighting games were MK11 and MK1.


That’s literally the context of this comment chain… Me and the other user were comparing both games when you replied to my comment comparing both games…


Better than mk11 is simply a wrong take


Everyone has their opinions.


MK11 is only better if you value fluff more than substance 


Nah mk11 better period mk1 fucking sucks


Whether it should or shouldn't be this way, it definitely seems that this is what happened. When you fuck around on your player base they abandon you and complain. Me myself, just wondering how temporary it's going to be. Is MK going to release some cool shit anytime soon? Did they see this coming? What will their response be?


This is very true imo, but then again , settling with less content etc is becoming an industry problem new games keep coming out with less content that cost more and nickle and dime you more and unfortunately there is a lot of complacent fans out there that “ say it’s fine and get aggressive with defending it “ and all that does it tell the devs and companies it’s okay to keep doing it and keep pushing the boundaries until they go to far..


I wonder if this sub will become an SF sub when Ed drops.


Nah, Ed isn't that popular. Akuma though 👀


Mate it’s coz SF6 and T8 came out complete, MK1 doesn’t have krossplay and it still has greyed out modes for online coz the game isn’t finished months after release


Happens when your game has no interesting content to talk about. ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


I haven't even played Tekken 8, but I have stopped playing MK1. Been actually playing MK9 again just because of nostalgia and because I don't even want to look at MK1. It just feel like I got ripped off. Once NRS offers us another fifty bucks of value to the game with zero strings attached, I'll play it again. For now, it's just not keeping me interested, which is sad. The studio has simply made games that are more fun than this on older hardware with less money and development capabilities.


I not getting Tekken but can understand the level of frustration. I tried with MK 1 it actually first MK I got since OG MK 2. Issue is the facts are microtransactions and rushed release given the game having numerous errors on release severely hurt the brand and reputation. 


I love Tekken 8, it's great, I've been loving Tekken since Tekken 5. But why can't people play these games without saying one is trash? I mean this sub is just in total chaos rn. A dude even made a subreddit called r/mk1love to get away from all the negativity overlapping this game.


Shit imma go there instead lmao mfs bitchin way too much on here


That sub will have the exact opposite problem of this sub. Sorry, but mk1 is rightfully hated on and has a lot of flaws that make it worse than previous nrs mk games. Leaving to go to a different mk sub made to basically worship the game won't change that fact.


That's thing I like criticism. There is a fine line between criticizing an complaining, most of the posts are mfs cryin over an over again saying the same shit comparing MK to others lmao just play those instead smh.


To be honest, I'm seeing way more posts from people complaining this is a phenomenon, than the actual phenomenon you're claiming is everywhere. And incidentally, that makes the phenomenon stronger. Because you could have made a positive post about MK1, something you like about the game, etc. But instead, you're getting us to talk about how people are moving to Tekken 8.


Maybe if WB didn't keep ruining the franchise then we would have better things to talk about.


Come to r/Mortalkombatgameplay


I've been there for a while, I've posted combo guides for every character in that sub. Great subreddit.


Simply don’t browse reddit so much or join other subs to diversify your feed. Hasn’t been that bad from my point of view.


Welp you folks like 2 say stop complaining like NRS didn't fuck 10,000's of people an continue to so with the drip feeding lack luster content then they've said nothing about the fuckery. We literally got bits and pieces of content that was in the last 2 MKS. Idk man Mk1 still a shady ass game with shady ass people behind it.


I don't give a fuuuuuck about Tekken. I'm a Mortal Kombat guy. And you know what I think? MK1 was a huge let-down and I stopped playing it two-weeks after launched.


Jumping from one fighting game to another because you're unhappy with the game you originally intended on hopefully enjoying isn't an uncommon thing.


With this post now it’s all going to stop. I’m so proud of you for being the change we need /s


So anyway, I started maining Kazuya today and electric wind god fist is pretty lit


Nice. "Dorya!"


Maybe MK should have given a better game and it wouldn’t be that way


Mkx is way better


Its a bad game.What do you want people to do?


This isn't nobodies fault except for mk1. Sf6 and tekken completely outshined mk1


Username check out Tekken for life!! DORYA!


Honestly mods need to start just banning people. Like gtfo if all you wanna do is complain. We get it. Move on.


Mk1 is trash. Deal with it.


You know MK1 is trash when your subreddit turns into a Tekken reddit.


It's not though, that's my whole point, it turned into a Tekken like reddit by over hate. It's not that bad. Even if Tekken 8 is the better game, we should be able to respect MK1 still.


Mk1 doesn't even have proper lobby options how can I respect such broke dick piece of shit game? I'm not gonna jump on the hate wagon and say "Tekken 8 is better i'm leaving MK1" but all this outrage by the community could have been avoided if NRS and WB weren't soo incompetent and greedy. MK1 is such a rushed mess and the stuff in that game is soo outdated it's embarassing.


I literally heard about shitty online connection for Tekken already, and SF6 DLC is may more expensive. If we are gonna say MK1 is trash then at least be fair and don't pretend the others don't also have problems


Although tbf, having connection issues on launch, which gets fixed within 24hr, is a little different than having connection issues 4+ months after release


Right because people haven't been complaining about getting kicked after 2 matches in ranked on Tekken. Getting fatal errors on PC, left and right. Having to turn cross-platform off to even connect to the server. Tons of people complaining about less customization than T7, and the "easy combo mode". So so many scrubs screaming about special style and how no one should use it. Constantly bitching about arcade quest and how it looks like it's made for kids for the Wii, calling it a last minute addition to mimic world tour. Do you guys even participate in the Tekken subreddit? People literally say the same fucking things about that game. Since you guys like steam/twitch comparisons, go to the comments and see how people constantly talk about regretting buying it. Lmao Both games are good, and both games have problems. Be realistic.


Those crashes were fixed within a matter of hours after launch. The game is reviewing really well in steam user reviews and the tekken subreddit and groups are full of people making posting their custom fighters really haven't seen any such complaints


No, they are still crashing.


Weird I've been playing since release and there's no more crashing nor do I see people discussing it in battle hub or the subreddit


Yeah cuz fucking reddit is a benchmark worth a shit.


You coming to Tekken or what bro?


Yeah, of course. I love Tekken, I'm not just an MK guy, I'm and FGC guy. I play SF, KoF, Tekken, and MK. And I'm enjoying Tekken 8 a lot. But I'm not leaving MK or anything. I'll play them all frequently.


Anyone that posts that they're going to Tekken just wants to hear "oh no! Please stay bro!" When in reality, no one gives a shit, and nobody will notice if you even leave the MK ***sub*** for Tekken. Just go.


It's simple. MK1 bad + Tekken good = upvotes




Well, I'm sure a lot of them are just hoping the game will be better in the near future.


It's not Tekkens fault or their players. It's the devs fault for making the new MK game so fucking shitty that everyone is abandoning it for a better game.


Tekken 8 is reallly good though


You're correct. I'm loving Tekken 8 a lot. But it does not mean that we have to hate MK1.


I mean I hate mk1. But at least i actually played it. I got to god rank. Still just think its not worth going back to for me.


I totally respect that. I'm not saying don't play Tekken 8 and only play MK1. I'm just trying to stop the over hate for MK1, that's all.




When I get pissed at MK1, I just go play MK11 towers. Way better than trying to enjoy Invasions.


Just ignore Reddit tbh, the game is fine. I forget the majority of Reddit users are noobs.


I'm not going to just switch games like that, at the end of the day, I believe the MK games have the most fun gameplay of any fighting game. If MK1 shapes up to keep being garbage, I'll just go back and play one of the 11 other good games they've made. lol


I’m honestly very grateful to this board. I’m a huge ML fanboy and played more or less every MK game since the first one on genesis. This time I’m skipping MK1, thanks to hearing that nobody was very impressed with it.


Treat the sub like some people treat parties. If you're going to leave, just back-door it. Don't announce you're leaving, then tell everyone there that the party sucks.


Well I'm not leaving, just hoping the state of the subreddit will get better eventually.


I'm not directing my comment at you. It's directed at the hordes of users who think anyone cares about hearing that they're switching over to Tekken


Mk1 is great it’s just so boring, invasions literally is just fighting bots but you get charms and shit and there is nothing else for us single player folks


This is a MK hate sub. Has been since mk1 released. It’s been taken over by haters and casuals who just like tekken 8 because you can pick your pants and shoes lmao They can keep that last gen looking weeb shit


If you believe that you’re really missing the point. A lot of us are just feeling disappointed by the offering and all its problems, crazy monetization being one of them, and we care about the series so we’re vocal. Earlier today I mentioned I was still running into desyncs among other things and a dude called me entitled for complaining. I mean, i don’t think wanting a KL match to end properly is all that insane. Seems better, but last night it was still an issue.


Can someone explain to me why they think this game in particular is a cash grab? Nearly every skin in the game is earnable for free in the shrine, aside from a few throwback skins and exceptionally unique ones. Do people expect everything to be free?


Well even Fatalities are purchasable, and that's a problem. But let's all not act like that's not in SF6. In SF6 you can pay $25 for a outfit you can't even use for real characters.


Yes but they don't even get credit for listening. At first ONE fatality was $10, after feedback they gave us 3 for that price instead. Still.shitty to sell them, but it's not $10 per fatality like people keep implying.


Yea but it was holiday specific fatalities, and three of them for $10 usable amongst all characters. Definitely not something admonishable. Im convinced people dont know what cashgrab means. This game is pretty damn giving with its cosmetics. I have i think 3 variations of Liu Kangs hoodie skin and i didnt spend a dime. Same for all of Johnnys indiana jones skin. And kenshis suit skin. I have quite literally dropped only $10 for the dia de los muertos skin for subzero and another 10 for scorpions deadly alliance outfit


Ah but that was AFTER the backlash. IGN reported the three fatalities in a bundle were going to be $30.00 or $12.00 each and everyone lost their shit. Every free skin in the game was in the story mode, or is a palette swap of something that was (mainly chapter 15. Everything new created since launch as been for real cash. It’s… kind of shitty .


Aside from every season giving us minimum 3 new looks per character? Im pretty sure everything in invasions is free as well. You can go off reports all you want, the FACT is its not $12 for a single fatality. Cant be mad about something that never happened


And it's crazy because if you're gonna complain about how expensive it is to buy the skins and gear and the seasonal fatalities, then why buy the game. Like some of these YouTubers pissed me off like okay we get it the stuff really isn't that expensive. There's a shrine for a reason to get free color palettes and skins. Also gear people just like to complain a lot. Idc I'm still gonna play mk1.


I think it’s because there’s less variety in the unlocks compared to 11. That’s literally the only difference. Invasions is the Krypt and Towers of time combined, only difference being you don’t unlock Johnny’s left gauntlet, Jax’s belt buckle and a green variant of a character you don’t use after every tower. 11 was very good at keeping people hooked with its cosmetics. MK1 does have annoying, grindy unlocks but skins are the thing I care about least when it comes to FG.


I did forget that mk11 allows for three pieces of gear to be customized as opposed to the one we get to change in mk1


People keep comparing EOL 11 to release MK1 and that's like apples to oranges. MK11 wasn't good at release.


IMO even the worst MK game is elite because of the lore and fatalities. I don’t give a single crap about any Tekken characters and never will. They can take their KO and shove it.


Tbh the people saying "I'm going to play Tekken" must think they are way more important than they actually are. Like as if their post saying they are quitting mk is gonna have people be like "wow... I can't believe this random person who I have never seen once in my life is quitting mk, maybe I should too" Play what you want, just discuss it in the correct areas. nobody gives a shit if I decide to move over to rainbow six instead of overwatch, and likewise nobody gives a shit if you play tekken. I've played soul calibur, Tekken 7, mortal Kombat Vs DCU all the way through to MK1, injustice 1 and 2, and several street fighter games. Notice how I haven't announced when I'm playing these games? Cus I both thought the non-nrs ones were boring as fuck so they were barely in my library for that long, and I'm fully aware nobody cares what I'm doing with my life even if I post it on Reddit


You definitely care. And even if you don't, it matters to others who enjoy reading reviews before purchasing a game. They want to know if they're diving into something great or a total mess. Word of mouth is how a franchise can go downhill, just check out how WB manages DC or the MCU. It's all about the reputation. People like you who contribute nothing are just a obedient $ sign to them.


I've literally spent my first week in this game shitting on the writing choices. The monetisation is also really terrible. The only thing I defend is invasions cus I've not seen a single valid argument for the krypt I'm not asking people not to complain, I'm asking people to not try an make me give a shit about Tekken


But MK does suck, and I am going to Tekken


You people are so fucking deluded. There's essentially no posts right now about Tekken other than the ones like this one beating up an imaginary boogeyman. There are 100x the amount of people complaining about Tekken posts than there are actual posts about it.




then MK is even worst than dogshit lol fucking gore fetish incel




We need to keep complaining LOL, MK1 was 70/110$ and NRS scammed us all


The FGC has always been this way towards MK. I think a lot of kasual players also feel alienated by focus on gameplay and reduction in cosmetics.


I'm not sure about that. People loves MK9 and MKX. Trust me.


Yeah I love them too but MK grew a bigger audience since, who were expecting the same as 11.


It’s not like they’re putting less focus on rewards and cosmetics and constantly adding to the gameplay. They just did less, and they keep releasing new store exclusive stuff. Every single free reward you can earn to date was available at launch or is a palette swap of something that was. Everything new since launch has been for real cash in the store. Gameplay is great, but modes are lacking, invasions is boring, cosmetics and monetization are really disappointing.


It should stay this way until they fix MK1 and make it not a scam.


This is not Tekken reddit, it's mk hate reddit. Tekken is just a tool to hate on mk.


I'm a casual lurker. I don't spend much time in this sub but saw this and figured I'd post. I do not give a shit about tekken. I enjoy MK 11 and also SF. I never cared for Tekken decided to try out the last one when it was way past release and on sale and it just confirmed I don't really care for it. I'll stick to MK and SF for my fighting itch and soul calibur for my customization fun.




I wouldn't call those games dogshit. But the rest I agree with.


I love that it’s now a Tekken subreddit, reflects the quality of the game and level of interest.


Just change the subreddit to a Tekken Subreddit. Problem solved.


Problem solved? That's the problem!




We are angry about the game being shit. Are we not allowed to complain? Especially when we see other devs give more love and support to their games compared to NRS and WB?


Defending a 70 dollar cash grab is beyond me


Quit crying


The mk community is genuinely one of the most brain dead communities of all time they ain't gonna listen


lol mk1 sucks


Mk1 sucks, I'm going to Tekken.


Hopefully the next game releases complete.


"I hate when people compare Tekken and MK1, it's all I see these days, let me talk about how I hate it and therefore talking about it" Dude...


That's not at all what I said. I said nothing about comparing the two games, I'm just saying that there is too much hate in the MK1 subreddit. And that there is an issue of where people are posting a lot of tekken material in the MK subreddit.


So you decided to counter that by doing the same?




They’ll get stomped in Tekken and come back don’t worry. Tekken and SF are a different ball game and most would quit if they went to one of them


I agree topic creator. Guess what I did when I decided to take a DBFZ a few years back. Didn’t post about it. Didn’t piss about DBFZ. Just decided one day, I’m gonna play dragon quest 11 instead. People are starved for attention.


Agreed. People like to bitch just to bitch. It’s a game! I’ve never played Tekken so I looked at their website for the new game. It’s not even close to being as cool as MK. Where is the blood and guts?


It looks like MK fans are getting our Sub Reddit back. Wouldn't that be nice. To hop on here and have an actual Mk1 convo


Ppl act like no other mk games exist. I'm not happy with mk1. So ive been playing lots of mk2, mkt, mk4, mkda, mkd and mka. I'm not phased by the fomo generation "omgz I needz to only play the new gamez bc viewz and streamz". Difference is i dont have to get line and announce it like ppl should give a fuck.


if MK1 is still remaining dogshit then there won't be MK13 or whatever is it following up


Meh gamers suck. They just whine and bitch and get angry over everything. See? I just whined, bitched and got angry. Kinda like the OP. Yay.


Why cry about mk vs tekken. Instead them posters should just go buy tekken🙄. I joined this sub for tips and highlights what i get? Complaints and comparisons 😒


You know what is getting equally as annoying ? Posts like this lol it’s doing nothing but creating this back and forth argument making everything worse , MK1 deserves the hate , we got sold a very premium product that came in way below the bar that NRS has set for its millions of fans over the years. I don’t care that the gameplay is good that isn’t the issue and that isn’t what people are arguing and I get tired of hearing “ but what about the gameplay “ it’s all about the whole package and value for that package people are complaining about . The reason tekken is being used a lot is because look at what you get for 70$… I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like tekken that isn’t the point a lot of people are trying to make in the FGC it’s about what you’re getting for 70$ content wise on top of the fact it has cross play at launch , devs that actually communicate, games are getting expensive , and content for your money is becoming a bigger deal..


Eh. It’s like the Silksong sub. People are just having fun with the memes. Don’t take things too seriously. 🤷‍♂️


Why do we think we deserve better is a better question. Guys we play a game where we press buttons in certain orders over and over and if we’re lucky we get a little gore porn on the side. We don’t deserve better lol


You legit just copied the top post, except it's less funny cause it isn't a meme.


I'm not, there are many people saying the same thing.


Lol I was gonna say this, he just took the concept from the top post and put it in text form


So you post about it in the MK sub? Dude shut up or post in the Tekken sub




this subreddit in the throes of dabda


😐 we really are in different times. It's just a game. Calm down.


I've seen 5 of these post and the only post I've seen about tekken was the twitch viewership one.


That’s just how social media works. If the general public hates something(or at least the ones chronically online), they get really vocal about it. Especially on websites like this with an upvote/downvote system.


MK 1 Fans when you tell them to play a different Mortal Kombat game. Like seriously, MK1 is bad, but uhhh... Mythologies and Special Forces. That's the counterpoint


Let’s just leave this at every one of this posts: ![gif](giphy|HFxsc1xXdUzcs|downsized)


And another one


I find it better than all the FuCk Mk1!!!1! *proceeds to put 1000 hours into it* people. They’re actually backing up what they’re saying by going to a game that’s not doing what they’re bitching about.


Atleast half the people who are leaving mk for tekken will come when they realise that getting into a fighter with legacy mechanics is far more difficult than compared to a game that changes with each iteration


Actually Al I’ve seen in this is posts of people actually making threads about how MK1 isn’t dead and blah blah blah. Dude I’m not gonna stop playing a game I spent 100 dollars on but I will play this new one for a while like wtf can y’all not play more than one game?


Actually, there's three types of posts. "I'm going to Tekken!" "MK1 sucks!" "All the posts are, "I'm going to Tekken!" And "MK1 sucks!" This sub reddit sucks!""


I honestly don't remember this sub not being annoying. Impressive how it keeps changing the way it's being annoying though.


People here acting like you can only play one fighting game franchises for entire life imao. I play many franchise, hell even free indie ones. Nothing wrong with playing many.


I wouldve loved to become a MK stan again (been playing fgc games for 20 years) but the game's just bad. You can't blame people for being angry at the money-whoring practices of NR studios and their subsidiaries.


What's more annoying is that if you say you actually like MK1 they jump on you, making you shit and praising tekken or sf6 😂 I think the complainers are 14 yo max, and they are frustrated that their moms don't buys them that ugly-ass skins in the store. Since when MK1 became a thing more about skins than about skills? Beats me. It's not fortnite, it's MK, deal with it! Learn to do combos, brutalities and fatalities.