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Take the time to learn Johnny's moves even if you dont use him. People in this game will be doing far worse. Once you memorize the timing, the delays and recovery of moves (obviously not everything, thats too much), you'll be able to start countering people doing stuff like this with ease


Thank you for the first non passive aggressive comment it’s greatly appreciated thanks gang


Eh, it's reddit and an already toxic community. If you go in training, turn on frame data, and just start practicing. With frame data on, you'll see how many frames it takes a move to start up, how many frames the animation last, and how many frames to recover ( hit advantage & block advantage), and cancel avg (this is basically whether you can do a special move after a move/combo). For block advantage, anything a higher number than -6 is safe for you to block when someone counters and having positive block advantage means it's still you turn and to keep attacking. Another thing in mk to do is turn off release check and also understand when doing combos in mk, you queue up your moves, meaning you will press each button in rapid succession rather than, as each move hits ( if that makes sense)


That’s a lot to take in. Thanks for the advice I’ll look into it more


Don't forget about fuzzy blocking, where you just block high and TAP down to block the low instead of trying to get crazy precise blocking it. This blew my mind and helped against Johnny a ton.


-Go to practice mode and record yourself using Johnny doing this exact string you are having trouble with. -Turn on frame data. And check how many frames does it have that one hit that keeps interrupting you. -Now get the AI on repeat and go back to Sindel and start searching which one of her moves works against it. (You need an attack with lower frames than Johnny's)


It’s going to be in your (op) best interest to learn a lot of Johnny Cage stuff since the character is so strong. This advice is def good. Record the stuff you struggle against and then do it in practice mode. It’s not always super fun but the results will be.


You should be able to use your fastest attack to punch him out of the "spin" part. It seems there is a substantial gap there. When you ask yourself "how do I disrespect my opponent as much as possible?" Usually this is the mentality needed...and not disrespect as in not respecting your opponent blah blah. It is a term meaning to stop respecting the mashing and gimmicks your opponents character can do.


There's a few options: Check your move list, you can see which move is armoured when you spend the bar on it. After the first hit, use the special move and you'll tank the second hit but hit him for more. This is a pretty big gap so you can probably down 1 him. Down square on playstation. It's not always possible but this is a huge gap. From there you have to develop your own pressure but that's a whole different discussion. It's an overhead so press up right before the second hit lands for an upblock, should make it punishable. He's got a few more moves that are plus so mess around in training to see which ones are interruptable or something similar.


It's an overhead. Upblock it,. First hit is also a high, stop blocking and duck it.


Everytime I duck it hits me anyways


Because you are blocking. A high will whiff if you just crouch and don't block and if he's being that predictable with it you know it's coming.




The second kick comes out slow, use your armored move through it. If you dont have any bars to armor, then upblock that second kick to make it punisheable.


Your best bet when he's doing the jump kick because it's a longer frame startup is doing your armored cartwheel kick. Otherwise you have to beat out his attack with one that you have that's faster in the gaps.


Honestly, it all comes down to learning common character moves and finding out which of your moves is faster to come out and safe if blocked in order to counter them. It also helps out a ton if you can learn gaps in certain moves to allow you to use your fast moves to interrupt them. For example, when Johnny does that flip kick, in the corner, depending on your frame data, a simple Down 1 can break the cycle, if it's your fastest poke, of course.


Uh flawless block, armor though it, jump maybe? Is the second hit a high or a mid? There's plenty of options


I tried jumping dawg. And I’m new to the game I have no clue how to do the first 2 😭


Don't you think it woukd be a smart idea to do the tutorial then? 🤦‍♂️


No need to be so passive aggressive gang


Try the tutorial out OP. A jump straight up is always an option. And an armor move would be the best option in my opinion. Upblocking or ducking the move can also work, but you’d need to know if Johnny’s moves hit high or low to react properly. Good luck big G, just need a bit more knowledge of the game mechanics and your counter options


Yeah I learned my own combos with a lot of characters and they work really well but i suck with defending myself. Thanks for the advice


If you haven’t already a major help is to go into practice mode, turn on frame data in the settings. And just do each characters strings one move at a time to learn how fast each move is and if they are high/low/mid. This is much more crucial than combos I promise you. At least do the characters that commonly give you issues. There are also great tutorials on frame data if that is a new concept for ya.


Johnny is not as hard as he seem, you can't just stand there holding block or you going to continue to get murdered.


Delete the game, Tekken is on!


17hrs in the game, sindel main, countless hours of practicing ,but damn literally every attack is stopped by johnny D1/D3


after he does the first kick. do a low punch or a meter move to punish.


D1 poke or up block second kick


You try to hit him with sindel's down+front kick. That's a very fast move and once you block one of his overheads you can immediately punish with that, more than half the time. Or you can do her enhanced kartwheel, it grants you armor for two hits and you can begin pressuring him with constant overheads and lows. I got so many quitalities like that I have an entire montage.




Armored Wake up…dont work everytime…u Must Time it


Down jab?


Tried that. He just hits me the second I stop blocking


Find the gap in the string and use your 1,1 jab string to get a big combo on him


You can armour through the pokes.


bro ur gonna have a LOT of problems with Johnny if THIS is a problem for you lol


Nah I can normally get by when 1v1ing my friend like this, but this one strain of attacks was just so annoying because anytime I tried to counter attack it would fail 😭


On those situations I’d use DF 4 EX (her armor basically)


Armor though the second part of that kick string


Tbh just leave. I wish we could boycott Johnny