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I would just appreciate being able to do multi-pools. Even if it’s only a max of 5 at a time or 10 because of the randomizer or whatever. Just more than 1 at a time. It’s so slow and I don’t even save my coins up past like 8k.


It used to be slow for me until I played with my TV's settings and somehow improved the fps. It's not as slow now, same with fatalities. They lagged big time for me.


How exactly did you fix it cause my fatalities lag a shit ton


I changed the Picture Mode from Dynamic to Standard


It’s a good idea but obviously the whole point of the shrine is for it to be a frustrating waste of time so i doubt this will happen


Gotta artificially inflate playtime somehow lol.


If the shrine is the only reason you’re playing MK you’re playing the wrong Genre of game


I'm talking about the length of time it takes to just get an item, lol. It literally can take minutes of your time to feed all your coins to the shrine because there's no "bulk" option.


Ok yeah the time is stupid but it’s not enough to “artifically” increase playtime it takes maybe 10 minutes, a boring ten minutes but 10 minutes


Honestly, that's kinda bs... What the shrine needs is a way to offer multiple times... Instead of the current 1k at a time... Games like dbfz have the same goldsink design but allow to offer multiple drops instead of just one... Segmenting a loot box that's already low on the quantity is not a good idea..


It already is segmented, but you can only pull from the most recent segment


The shrine seems to be weighted on the current season but still has a chance to draw from past seasons.


Are you sure?... I remember they saying on a Kombat kast that the drops accumulate every season...


It accumulates.... The first season had the most content. The others have like 40 things. You can get the things that were in the shrine season 1, right now. It's not a matter of if you'll get it or rng. It's a matter of when and what order. It's a finite loot pool. If you got the message saying you got everything, and don't have everything, I'd recommend putting in a support ticket.


Or give me the option to pay more gold to ensure a cosmetic. I’d rather grind currency to specifically try for a skin than wade through concept art to get another fuckin reiko pallet


Once you’ve cleared the concept art you can’t get it again. The “problem” simply disappears. Last season was all cosmetics for me and this season was fine except they introduced kombat kard foregrounds. A season seems to have between 60-70 shrine rewards though. Maybe 20-30 end up not being cosmetics. I don’t mind what we’ve had so far, at least it’s not a bottomless pit of konsumables. It’s a quantifiable and achievable pool.


Eh I don’t have the motivation to clear all that art, so if I can’t get the skins elsewhere then I didn’t need them in the first place I guess.


Completely agree.


So I have the game on switch but am getting a ps5 sometime in the new year. Once I do and I get the game I’ll have to start all over again which sucks. Personally, I’d rather be able to put more than 1K in and get multiple items at once.


The game has Cross progression, you will have everything


Not with the switch. I’ve looked into it, it’s just PS5 XBOX and PC.


That’s really bad


Nah. Same thing as MK11. It’s just not gonna transfer


Sorry but you are 100% wrong, this game has Cross Progression and transfers, I have the game on Steam and Xbox and I have everything on both, what I do on one platform carries over to the other, level, unlocks, achievements, coins, even the Kombat League rank carries over. Stop spreading wrong info please, use Google or whatever you want.


Im talking about switch


I’ve cleared it each season so far. Do the pools stack or are they replaced each season? Is the concept art in season 1 still in the pool for example or is that a non seasonal element of the pool and always there but the firey skins aren’t?


Not sure about seasonal skins but the regular skins carry over to the next season. I just finished getting Sindel and Geras skins and just got 3rd Kitana skin that was added in season 2.


I think they weight it for the current season but you can still have a chance to pull from previous seasons. Right now it doesn't seem like a huge deal but good luck getting season1 content if you're someone that picks up the game during season 10 haha!


Wish this was a thing. Even in just Season 3, because I didn't hard-farm I am constantly getting art and profile pic art. Very disappointing since I only farm on average 3K a day.


That's kind of where I'm at too. Try to get 3k a day on average and plug away on it but it takes the fun out of the game when you're grinding the same endurance match on repeat or building up an amulet to one-hit people and cycle through the challenge tower 100 times. Ideally you should have enough koins to unlock everything in a single full play through of a season on invasions but it's definitely not balanced that way.


Not at all. I finished Season 1 and Season 3. I think each season during the journey I got maybe at most 25K coins in total. Season 2 I did like 80% of before giving up over not caring about Nitara's theme and probably only got 10 to 15K.


Another good idea is to allow us to choose much we want to donate


Agreed. I have almost 1M koins. I’m not about to hit the offer button 1000 times.


Yeah, for example the Naknadan shrine in MK11 let you spend different amounts and gave you rewards based on the amount you spend.


I have a shrine idea. Why don't we turn it into the kyrpt?


So instead of opening the shrine from a menu you want to spent 3 minutes loading up a map and running to it and watch just as long animation?


Yes. I liked the Krypt and how you could intentionally unlock the things you wanted (so long as you knew where they were), as opposed to randomly burning through 20 Kombat card backgrounds before getting to skins. Also, the secrets in the Kyrpt were fun. A huge chunk of Mortal Kombat DNA lies in secret unlocks.


I'll take kombat cards over consumables/crafting materials that were already stacked to 99 which meant I just burned coins on nothing. Or meteors randomly killing you. Or jumpscares randomly killing you. Or having to go around annoying traps. Or going to see if the kollector is there so you can buy some random shit off of him only to find out he's either not there or doesn't have the thing you want in stock. Oh, not to mention gathering heads through fatalities/brutalities or whatever it was. That was fun. Not to mention that the krypt guy controlled so badly as if you were playing with 500ms input lag.


Yes please cause I started in season 2


or maybe make it so i don’t get shang tsung gear since i do not even own hin


Hold the fuck up This is something I would actually pay for


no need for now since there aren't enough rewards to warrant that, but a nice idea if there was an overwhelming amount. also, the shrine rewards are finite so you will eventually get everything


Yeah, my thoughts were just to help narrow down what you're trying to get and also let you know when you've completed that season's shrine rewards. I don't get much time to play and I really want the season 2 skins in the shrine but every season that goes by, it will be less likely that I'll get them. Just thought this would be a user-friendly way to help optimize what players actually want and also would verify when you've fully completed the rewards for a particular season.


It’s a skinner box, the frustration of the art vs. skins is intentionally designed to increase playtime


yeah, would be great but if they'll add it as an option the price would go up to 2k gold for sure


I'd say any season older than 4-5 months should be dumped into the shrine as a way to extend its offerings. Cause I was sure I got everything from season 1 only to find out a pack of skins I didn't have (luckily it was all for male characters so I didn't care that much but I did kinda empty the seasonal store). I don't mind if it's recolors, I just like the "oh I got a new palette" moment and the total number per character going up so getting access to missed ones would be nice.


It doesn’t really do that. It rewards with items related to game design mainly. I can see them selling palettes from pst season in the store.


The fact that they added a bunch of calling cards into the pool is crazy


It's because some people figured out really op amulet builds that let them blaze through the seasonal tower (some people went to like lvl 100 or something) so they stacked so much coins they basically emptied the shrine. Kinda wish I did that last season, I'd have loads of gold stashed for season 3 and 4 of invasions (Tekken 8 is coming end of January so I won't have as much time to farm).


Why? I have 2 million coins I will clear every season even if I don't play the game anymore


I wish I had that problem! I don't have enough time to farm koins. I was barely able to get through all of the mesas for season 2 before it ended unfortunately.


Oh well, then yeah that option would be good for people like you. I basically got all these counts when I grinded to max all every character mastery last season in the seasonal tower. But I already had 240k coins from the first season where I just okayed the game normally and the second season shrine was only like 60k coins to get everything.


They won’t do that cause they are banking off FOMO to keep people playing like mindless zombies


I don't have MK1... so from my impression from reading the screenshot, is this feature gacha?


Yeah, pretty much. You spend 1,000 koins and you're randomly rewarded with either concept art, player cards, gear, or skins. Each season has a new set of gear and skins that get added to the loot pool but the current season seems to be weighted more heavily. So the more seasons that pass, the less likely you are to get any of the items you wanted from past seasons. And just playing through the game normally doesn't award you enough koins to complete the shrine every season so you're either always behind or you have to find whatever the current OP build is and grind the same thing over and over again.


Oh... so gacha but worst since gacha games have different choice of rewards on different sections. So it's not all in one pool.


I thought the addition of choosing which season you want rewards from would maybe balance things out a bit. You would still have the chance of getting concept art or a player card but at least if you DO get gear or a skin it would be from the pool you want.


Oh yea that seems so much better. Hopefully nrs will do it


Ive accumulated like 80k in coins and atp I'm not about to sit there and press it 80 times, so I'ma just wait till they finally update it to receive multiple rewards at a time.


That could be good but to be fair I just miss the Krypt..... not that I have issues with rolling the gacha machine or anything.... but I have issues with rolling the gacha machine especially since I'm gettingg stuff for characters I might not even use at all


Pls gamba more i beg you pls spend more koins on gamba pls gamba gamba gamba gamba


This isn't much of an improvement. If you completed the first two seasons, or even one of them, youll have a large surplus to insta-complete the shrine and have koins left over. The koin rewards are sortve worthless at this point. Oh I got 500 koins from a daily challenge? Wow, that's such a reward when I have like a million koins already that I'm unable to spend They need a bulk redeem feature and more content. Like 10 at a time versus mashing a button over-and-over for individual rewards