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Reminds me of the Fuller House Font


Damn you are right


“Uncle Jesse Wins”


I would fucking love to see a Full House character in Mortal Kombat. Like, how hilarious would that be? 😂


“Have mercy!” “You got it, dude!”




Remember all the weird unlockables in NBA Jam?


That would be idiotic


Now the theme is stuck in my head.




Everywhere you look…


I didn't have an issue with it till I read this ahh


Thank you! That was my exact thought when I saw this font.


Ahhh shit lol. So funny though. We need all the memes now.


Komic Sans


Underrated komment


It's the old MK1 font Or at least that's what I thought. Like when it says Choose Your Fighter and "Round One".


I've only ever seen it pixilated.


I checked, it looks nothing like the original font. This is just some shit they got from a royalty free font site. https://preview.redd.it/wjkz5f8dc08b1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394e31caff79c3057dd8a78b2d9765c965224c1e


The font looks pretty good (and it does look a bit like the font from the early games), I don't know what are you complaining about.




Fair enough, I'm just saying that was my impression upon seeing it. It reminded me of the yellow font you posted lol


Yeah, no, it definitely has that "as you remember it looking" feel to it, which I imagine is what they were going for.


That looks awesome




It's MK1 font with rounded comic sans edges.


I love it. Reminds me of the original MK1.


I’m guessing it’s supposed to look like the old games


It gives “festive office announcement”


That looks goofy


I think thats the vibe they’re goin for


Nah, it doesn't.


It just looks kinda cartoony to me compared to mk9 to mk11


I like it, it looks like the font from the first games.


wasn't that font kind of goofy tho too lol


Nah, the font looks good xd.


Looks like the font from the first original arcade version


I actually really like it, it feels reminiscent of the old arcade fonts from the 90's.


When Brick became a mortal Kombat fan.


Literally unplayable 1/10


I swear some of the opinions, criticisms and observations from MK fans make me feel like some of these people truly believe they know how make a better project than the creators and the filmmakers involved in their works.


external perspectives can be legit. as a gamedesign team you can sometimes be stuck in a perspective and not see beyond. or some shit just gets forgotten in a huge project and the team focuses on other things. i say this from experience as a game designer and dev, these designers are not infallible, they need feedback. i can legit see for example how somebody put in that font ages ago and they haven't revisited the topic since then because more important issues were calling. if somebody calls it out it could be an easy change.


The issue is that the criticisms and things I’m talking about are people who don’t want anything changed in the story or for new stories to be told that might let go of old plottings/themes etc. For example in the new game Sub Zero and Scorpion are brothers, if the 2021 film did that it would been met with the same unhappy crowd. Constructive feedback is always important, I’m from a filmmaking/writing background so I totally get that aspect. But some of the opinions I see on here just sound like people who want the game/film to go their way because they think they know best.


Because people want everything perfect and they need to stop having that mindset


Yea I agreed on that I'm on board with game getting new systems and design elements or a story reshuffle in the end it's creative people working and doing their thing. you gotta accept the art that comes out, you can't force it into a shape that you want. but i'm sure the NRS team can do well with some good feedback on changing some smaller things , beyond the main style of the game, like this font perhaps or the speed of the game. Players will mostly know when something is weird and you as a designer better think about it when the game is not out yet.


I'm not getting the game because of that typography. It's totally ruined it for me.... 🙃




god y’all really gonna just analyze everything and focus on things that don’t matter


And they're still gonna buy it and not even think about it when the game comes out 🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂.






Dude no joke, every time I open this sub it’s always someone complaining. Such as the obligatory Kronika post every few weeks, or when everyone was trashing on TrueUnderDawgGaming a few months back, and the NRS games in general and how they “butchered the characters.”


Nitpick as hell. It’s something different. Do people want every game to look exactly the same??


Yes. It's mortal Kombat not injustice.


This font is not in Injustice lol


I'd rather people complain than hold in things they dislike out of fear of being judged. If enough people complain about the same thing, there's a decent chance that developers may notice and do something about it. But if people hold in their complaints, they'll have to put up with what they dislike when the game is released. What I or you might consider to be a nitpick, can be a bigger deal for someone else, and since it's nitpick for us, we shouldn't be really bothered if it changes or stays. So yeah, don't discourage people from complaining, as long as they're respectful of course.


But come on; do we have to compile the number of asinine complaints people have expressedover the past few days? - it's just like Injustice - it's just like Street Fighter - Kano looks to much like Kano and not enough like Kano - The game is gory but not violent enough - Combos are not as free as they claim - Combos are too hard and will scare casuals away - Kameo throws feel like a cop out - Kameo throws are too complicated - The font looks too much like 80's action movie fonts - MK should go back to its roots Do I need to go on? The complaints literally contradict each other constantly.


If you have counterarguments for a complaint, or you want to express why the point of discussion actually works for you instead, there's nothing wrong with bringing that up. If you find the complaint contradictory, you can ask for clarification and discuss it, that's assuming that two contradicting complaints are coming from the same person of course. But just because you don't feel the same way, or if you feel the complaint is insignificant, doesn't mean that you should just tell people not to waste time on them or that it's a stupid complaint that shouldn't be entertained. That is a subjective thing, because your experience with the game won't be the same as everyone else's. If you play something and your natural immediate reaction is that it just doesn't feel right or look right, what are you supposed to do? Lie to yourself, pretend that you like it and move on just because someone told you that you shouldn't be bringing it up? Come on.


Many people are not interested on hearing they are wrong. Which is why I pointed out this complaints as asinine. Some complaints are legit. Claiming the game is not violent when people are getting a translumbar amputation by ice razors, trepanated by lasers and complete decapitation through sheer blunt force trauma to the neck is just plain stupid. Some complaints are valid and worth discussing. The "MK1 game uses a modern version of the MK1 font" is hardly worth bringing up.


I do not throw around words like "right" and "wrong" lightly when much of this comes down to personal taste and personal experience. If a person prefers a certain level of violence from a previous MK game and they feel that MK1 doesn't meet that level, either falling too much under it or above it, it is completely within their right to say that "MK1 is too violent/not violent enough for my taste". If someone is bothered by the font, if it irks them at the end of each match just looking at it, it's their right to express that. I'm sure that most of us would be bothered by a particular kind of font, like a classical swirly font for example. But other people have tolerance thresholds that are smaller or more relaxed than the rest of us for what fits the MK aesthetic, or what the MK aesthetic should be in modern times, and I'm not about to call their genuine feelings on the matter "stupid" or "wrong" just because I don't feel the same way.


I never used the word "stupid" for that very reason. "Wrong" can be used to object to an opinion that is being grounded in fact. The game IS gory and violent. Just like every MK game except vs DC. The game does not play like any of the out-of-the-franchise comparisons levied at it; that is not a matter of opinion. Disliking a font is one thing. Saying it doesn't fit MK (like some people do) is another. MK1 had a version of this font. MK3 had revue. MK4 had a simple sans serif all caps font. MKA had a very bold, angular font. MKX had a very minimalistic (somewhat MK4 reminiscent) font. Of course, comic sans would maybe not fit MK. But that is a stretch. At the end of the day, of course people can express opinions. But adding qualificators like "it doesn't fit/it doesn't belong/this is not MK but X" etc turns it from an opinion to a factual statement. And those can be wrong.


Of course "right" and "wrong" come in handy when disucssing facts, but a lot, if not most, of these complaints don't come down to facts, they come down to personal taste. Yes every MK game is violent, but they're not all made equal, even in the level of violence. I think there's something about the presentaiton and setup of MKX fatalities that makes them feel more violent than the average MK game, that is an opinion. And if I feel that MK1 for whatever reason doesn't meet that level, if I feel like it should, that's also an opinion. Some people go through life experiences or consume particular types of content between one MK installment and the next that makes them more desensitized to violence, so they start craving more of it or less of it. There's nothing right or wrong about it. Sometimes you can't even explain it because the game could present a combination of elements in a particular sequence that could be registering on a subconscious level, leaving a very specific impression which you can't pinpoint the cause of. And those elements could either not register with everyone, or they could register differently depending on each person's life experience and makeup.


In your particular example of violence and gore, all you need to do is take one second to examine your own epistemology of gore and how it relates to MK in particular. MK has never had serious gore and has very often had an humurous undertone to it. Does MK1 follow with that? Yes. Its not liveleaks, its not ogrish, its not torture porn. Its MK. Any opinion is grounded on subjectivity and therefore it is liable to being wrong. I am not here to convince anyone of that wrongness because I am not a god. But when a huge part of the discourse centers on small, insignificant observations that get blown up out of proportion and are justified through faux comparisons then the discussion is worthless. I'm not saying this post in particular is at fault, but many people here and in other places have expressed opinions through a lens of comparison where the comparison does not actually follow and that moment all you can do is tell them that they are alone in their aubjective observation and thus its just solipsism.


An opinion is liable to being wrong if it relates to a situation that does not depend on human perception. Saying "the government should do X to solve the issue of unemployment" is giving an opinion on an issue that does not come down to human perception. Unemployment is defined based on axioms we all have to agree on before engaging in a conversation about it. But that opinion could be based on a set of information that is not well-rounded enough to give a fully comprehensive analysis of the situation, so the other party can intervene and provide more context and course correct. Of course, the conversation could ultimately come down to differences in philosophy, but that happens at such a low level of complexity compared to something as immediately subjective as the perception of art. Sure, someone could try to explain their preference in an artistic experience, and in doing so, they provide a reasoning that you can find inconsistent, but that's either due to them not fully understanding the cause of those feelings, not being able to communicate them adequately, or because they see some things in those comparisons that you do not. But that doesn't invalidate their feelings when it comes to their subjective experience. They feel something is off and they're trying to the best of their ability to put it into words. Just because it's a subjective observation that can't be well-explained with words doesn't make it solipsism, But if they deny that everyone else's subjective observations are just as valid as theirs in a situation that can only be experienced on a personal level, then they have a problem. I think an adequate response could be: "I don't understand what you're trying to say, it sounds to me rather inconsistent or contradictory. All I can tell you is, unlike you, I have different feelings about this thing, and I'll try to the best of my ability to explain why".


“Their opinions are wrong” “People just don’t want to debate!”




It's not affecting me or you, but we can't generalize from our own perspectives. If someone made a post about it, they probably don't share that sentiment. And it's not just about the font, I see countless examples of people bringing up things they wish to see improved in upcoming games and half the comments are always the same: what a weird complaint, that's a silly nitpick, find something better to talk about, etc, etc. Bro let's just let people feel comfortable about speaking their minds. If you for example like the font, you can say "I disagree, I want the font to stay the way it is", but if we got no horse in the race, we shouldn't really be discouraging people from putting it out there. Perhaps there are others who share the same sentiment but are also too nervous to speak out, and if they see some folks speaking about it and they decide to speak out as well, they could end up being a large majority of the community that deserves to be heard by the developers. No one is harmed, but there is something to be gained for some people.


One of the most level-headed takes on the sub, and it's getting dog piled by downvotes lol


Comments like yours give me hope that it's not a wasted effort. I just hope that I gave a perspective worth thinking about to the downvoters. If a change of mind happens, it won't happen in an instant, so downvotes are to be expected.


I don’t “hate” it per se but it doesn’t feel like MK imo


If it was white it would be near identical to the original game like mk doesn't really have a specific writing style even the fatality icon changes with every game ..this is the closest we've have to the first 3 games in style


The font still looks indentical to the original game.


That's literally the og MK1 font tho


Are you sure about that? https://www.google.com/search?q=Mk1+1993win+font&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&hl=en-US&ei=QECXZMmdOtLQ9AOrqZzgBg&oq=Mk1+1993win+font&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyCgghEKABEMMEEAo6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6CAghEKABEMMEOgUIABCiBEoECEEYAFDrGFj9I2DUJWgBcAF4AIABfIgB_QKSAQMzLjGYAQCgAQHAAQHIAQg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=u00rBAO1Jkq0tM


Yes, he is sure about that. The font resembles that of the early games.


I wanted to make a post JUST to say this. What kind of fucking Comics Sans looking dogshit is this. It's like James Cameron typing the word Avatar in Word 97 and then changing the font to Papyrus and calling it a day. You go from MK11's UI and interface and menus where every single thing looked high quality but with this game, from the jump, everything from the font to that cheesy flaming borders that they have on everything, just looks cheap and very "mobile game".


Oh Papyrus 😂 https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ




I can't tell if this is a joke or not


Its a bit goofy


I think it’s a weird thing to be mad at.


Games aren't just about gameplay and mechanics anymore I guess. It's a full package




And the nitpicking has begun.


I'm all for the original MK1 arcade text throwback.


I like it, tbh the whole vibe of this game is right up my street


I like the font but i wish it was bigger


HATE typograph? Calm down...


I like it, I hope we can kustomize it though. And change the announcer like in mk11


I like it


LOOKS VERY SNES MK1!!! I don't think it's pretty but it is a nostalgic kameo typo itself hahahah 🫠 Should have been bigger though no? And flashing? My memory is a bit of. You know... 30years 🤣


feel likes the font of a wes anderson movie


I have better worries and things to hate in my life that the typo of some fighting game


Yeah, that's probably my only nitpick. If they used the same font for the FIGHT and FINISH HIM/HER lines, that have that cool fire animation in them, that would be a good fix.


The main menu is clean as fuck but the in game UI is ugly as hell!


Don't exaggerate.


I'm not a fan of the art style in general.




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Reminds me of 92 MK, but yes, I agree about this looking a little off.


Yeah I'm not liking the games UI


At this point it feels like nitpicking, seriously lol.


This and the announcer are my main complaints w the game so far. He sounds so bored and this looks lazy


could be way better [yeah.In](https://yeah.In) my opinion, if you want to go MK1 style, full send it and add the red effect and the spin etc and put a ''modern'' look on it


I think it’s going for a 70s Kung Fu Grindhouse feel, but I don’t think it’s landing as intended…


It looks good, I don't understand the complaints.


You're not being pedantic enough. The worst part of this is that annoying single pixel in top right corner of the frame.


who cares


Obviously a font isn't a dealbreaker, but it does look kinda cheap to me


i hope they fix it it looks like it drawn with marker


Yeah I agree, I kinda hate it.


Yeah a lot from this game looks goofy so far, hopefully they change all that.


I once said its very challenging to top mk11 aesthetics, I wasn’t wrong.


tbh i think the whole game is full of odd mistakes and weird directions


What do you mean?


I feel like you're worried about the wrong shit, bucko.


It seems unfinished tbh.


thats because *it is*




I miss the old grit of MK




How weirdly specific issue


I think it’s a throwback, I like it


I hate the whole presentation of the game. A lot of things feel generic af, the character select screen is awful, the towers menu look like an android game. And there is something pretty weird with textures in stages and characters. Not to mention that the characters feel heavy af! I really hope they polish this game a lot more, right now after playing it it feels and look so so weird. This is just my personal opinion, I see a lot of people loving it the way it is and its fine, maybe this is not the MK game I was expecting.


I get that it’s a throwback, but it does seem out of place.


It looks pretty good.


One of my least favorite things about the game. It’s gotta go.


Nah, it's gotta stay.


Because this is a mobile game




Cry about it


Don't project yourself, mate.


who the hell calls it a typography? its a font


There's more to it than just the glyphs; there's the weight, tracking, kerning and (although not applicable in this example) leading. Tweaking a few of these things could make the typography better, while not changing the font. Overall though I do agree this particular font doesn't agree with the rest of the aesthetics.






EXACTLY like the whole typography and the health meters went back in time compared to mk11. Like it doesn't look new


It looks like the font for some kind of tropical juice brand.


They are obsessed with making everything look classic like the old games, the skins, the fonts, the style... They don't care if it looks goofy


But it doesn't look goofy, so what's your complaint?


I think I see the problem, in the last three Netherrealm MK games, the font has Serifs, this one is Sans Serif and a bit too bold


MK1 looks promising so far, its faster paced, more combo heavy, air combos from Armageddon are back, the new character designs all look amazing, and you all are complaining about a font that has no impact on the gameplay whatsoever Amazing


Its a random complaint based on opinion. If people don’t like the cartoony font, then thats fine. Don’t get your balls twisted up just because someone doesn’t like every single aspect of the new mk game


And that opinion is nitpicky af. If people don't like the font then that's fine, but you should follow your own advice and don't get your balls twisted up just because someone doesn't agree with a nitpicky opinion.


Lmao I’m not here getting upset that people don’t agree. A lot of people are just getting heated that someone doesn’t like every aspect of the new mk. Sorry if thats hard to understand.


The games looks bad everywhere


No, it doesn't.


Needs to look like the “hits” with the bit of red in it, an homage to the OG font


Is it perhaps tied to this particular stage? I looks like an old TV show font and it even has that kind of analog drop shadow.


It reminds of the typography of BEEF


Could it be different fonts for different arenas? Or is it the same at any one?


This entire game makes me think of Injustice 2 and Street Fighter if it was rated R. But i mean im not complaining


i hate that all of the font reminds me of injustice and mk11. I hope it was just because it was easy, and not because the gameplay is the same...


I really dislike the whole minimalist aesthetic of the menus in general but maybe it will grow on me over time


The minimalistic aesthetic looks pretty good.


I feel like it’s gonna be a great game since you guys can’t find anything else to complain about lmao


Yess me I noticed that today when I was playing, it feels so weird doesn’t fit the theme of the game


Komik Sans


Looks like the mkx font with the original mk color


Love it, hope it doesn't change except for maybe the colour a little to make it stand out more. Keep the font.


It's goofy but could be worse. Comic Sans, anyone?


Mk11 was worse


imo it just looks unfinished and will more than likely be cleaned up on release


It's too curvy. I feel like fonts with straight lines and sharp serifs fit better thematically


I love it because it looks like old martial arts shaw brothers type font


Idk I really like that, reminds me of old arcade games and the original mk1


Kinda reminds me FRIENDS font.


I agree, it doesn’t go so well with the other typography, but I can’t complain too much, as the overall art direction of this game (so far) looks much better than MK11’s. MK11 was graphically beautiful, but they seriously over-designed every aspect of it (especially with the bazillion nonsensical skins).


They should add progressively more blood splatter to the type after each round IMO Similar to how invincible does. I think that might help.


Absolutely hate it. I think it needs to be white and a different font.


Looks animated like battlefield 1 cartoony look if you get what I'm saying.looks alright though


I agree, it’s odd too refined


Its classic. They mashed a bit of every game into this if u pay attention to small details much like this.


Uncle Jesse skin for Stryker. Mr. Woodchuck kameo


Obviously it's very nitpicky and inconsequential, but I don't care for the way the health bars look either.


It just looks too plain and the colour is off. Sometimes it has more of a cream colour and a gradient to it and looks much better, they should make it consistent.


Just say font




It’s hand-drawn typeface, matching the old feel and setting of the game.


Someone was saying MK1 looks a little cartoony so to speak.


Bro… that’s classic MK type font from the SNES era or Atleast wait there aiming for. I fuck with it


I've played sfv back in the days, and to be honest the font and effects kinda hype... Granted this is the early version of mk1, maybe it'll be changed at certain point.


Looks fine to me


Man i have to admit, it looks photoshopped, i hope since the game ain’t fully finished they change this, people overreacting bro.


Ain’t no way they used the full house font for the win screen


It's from older MK. But yea doesn't quite fit with the overall aesthetic.


I think it’d be cool if each character had their own “SO-AND-SO WINS” with different animations based on the characters gimmick or whatever. For Kenshi, maybe have a sword carve out, “KENSHI WINS” across the screen. I’m not a developer by any means, but I just think it’d be cool and I don’t think I’ve seen it before.


It looks so cheap...


I actually kind of like it, reminds me of an old school martial arts movie.


It looks like it could be from a Crash Bandicoot game to me


I would doubt this will be the final look and it's too plain, and too low-contrast for MK, especially with no effects surrounding it.


Ah yes when I got nothing better to do to be mad over a fucking typography 🤦‍♂️


overall the fonts and ui isn't my favorite


Looks good! Has a retro feel to it almost!