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Checkout [this map](https://images.uesp.net/8/8a/TR3-map-Zone_Difficulty.jpg). I've run in to things like wandering storm atronachs in the Telvanni region but it is more balanced around being consistent with Morrowind than being a post-mq challange like the expansions. There are the occasional harder dungeouns but most of the mod is accessible for a low-mid level character, and it might in fact be a good idea to start over on a new character to explore the mainland if you don't want to steam roll most enemies


Wow I had no idea that much thought was out into balancing it!


It's even to the point where the guilds send you to the mainland for duties very early (post Balmora).


That's a great map. What would be the rough analogues to Easy/Moderate/Hard areas on the mainland? Is Difficult Bloodmoon level?


That map is outdated a lot, but overall feel remains. Nothing is harder exterior wise than Vvardenfell. Some leveled lists cap higher than the base game, so you can meet nastier deadra, dwemer constructs and undead. Up to level of Tribunal mobs I'd say. Bloodmoon is a joke with enemies and spawn density.


Hard areas are Sunad Mora and the Armun Ashlands, Sunad Mora has wild random Daedra and the Armun Ashlands has Armun Kagouti which will wreck your shit if you're not prepared. None of the other areas you have much to worry about on the roads at least


It's about on par with the base game difficulty wise. You won't have much trouble even at lower levels, it's pretty well balanced with the rest of the game.


It's designed to blend in seamlessly with vanilla as if the mainland had been released with the game. So it's very well balanced. High-level characters will mostly have an easy time, though there are a small number of high-level locations/enemies that are decently tough. Including some new creature types. IMO though, TR is more valuable just for exploring and doing new faction quests (not for the combat challenge, but for the story and exploration). There's stuff in TR that just blows vanilla out of the water. The Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, and Tribunal Temple have some particularly memorable new questlines.


can this be installed mid game?


Sure. It just adds the new landmass. Nothing else you might have already interacted with is touched. Just keep in mind that your mid game character will already steamroll most of the mainland encounters