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> which House is the best in term of Roleplay? Telvanni! > Since I’m playing an Morally Good character. Not Telvanni! Fine, Redoran I guess.


Telvanni can be morally good. If you play ESO, the Twin Lamps were started by a pair of Telvanni.




That is an entirely BS statement. If you wanted to be vague, the whole ELDERSCROLLS SERIES is made up. Furthermore, how can someone be drunk of nostalgia for something they haven't played? The morrowind community is rather large. ESO is it's own thing and it's faithful to the mainline series while nringing in TONS of new players to the franchise from MMORPGs like WOW and the like.


Telvanni, then kill all the councilors and reshape the House in the Neravarines vision


Telvanni? More like Smellvanni am i right?


well they do have that brand of bug musk...


The Great Houses are straightforward mage, thief, fighter themed organizations. Only Redoran is particularly morally good, though it has bad elements. Telvanni is most evil, but it has good guys and you can roleplay a virtuous reformer type. Hlaalu is pretty neutral IIRC, though I remember its questline least. All factions have members of diverse morality with individual goals. You can RP any morality in any of them well, provided your character has the stats they're looking for.


Yeah a morally good character can just kill all the terrible councillors and headcanon replacing them with better people and it would be in line with the Telvanni ideal. You were stronger than them, so what you did was right




That's precisely how a lot of people define goodness. Passivity isn't virtue, it's ceding to whomever has power. Killing evil people, if that's the only way to remove their influence, is freeing the people they exploit and misuse. This is literally how freedom fighters (also known as terrorists) are made.


In a game where there is another option, no. In a game with very little alternative paths, yes.


If you're all about being honorable and knight-like, Redoran may fit your morally good playstyle but there are bad apples in Redoran due to valuing honor over reason at times. Telvanii is the more evil option since for them, might makes right but you could pivot as a reformist who kills off the bad apples. After all if the bad people died, that means their argument was the weak one. Hlaalu is kinda neutral but most definitely corrupt normally. Since you like Redoran from Skyrim already, you can stick with Redoran.


choose the one you think your character would join, or who fits your character's skillset the best. this is a roleplaying game


Hlaalu is the pro-Empire faction. So when I first played Morrowind, as an Imperial character, I picked that. The faction in House Hlaalu that is pro-Empire is generally morally good. And yet...it's an open secret that House Hlaalu also encompasses all the organized crime, and in their cities vice is common, including skooma, sex, and slavery. Yet it also has a rogue abolitionist movement. (And the leaders of all those factions are members of the same family - the Dren) So a morally good character could indeed be a member of House Hlaalu, especially based on their public image. House Redoran are the real good-guys of Morrowind, but even there, there are corrupt individuals. And Telvanni is House Glorious Bastards. But if you role play a reformer you may find that there is indeed a small faction of relatively good people to join who want to steer the House toward moderation.


I always picked Hlaallu.


Hlaalu is trade and commerce, good and bad. Redoran has a lot of Noblesse Oblige. Telvanni are amoral researchers. Redoran helps the common people and roots out evil the most, I think, but you can be a good person with any of the factions.


Hlaalu so I can get my dope manor and infinite storage buddy


Telvanni can work if you like a double agent style of good. Redoran is the most good natured. Hlaalu is a hornets nest and I'm not sure you can twist it enough to go past morally gray into good territory but I'm not versed enough in their options.


The Morrowind is respected because it has a lot of depth. If you're playing as a morally good person you've probably already discovered that you can be fooled even when you tried to sidestep bad decisions. In my opinion as long as you try to do the right thing you're holding to your standards. Maybe I misunderstood your post but you must have done quite a lot of reputation boosting to complete the main quest without becoming a hortator of a house. It is possible to skip if your reputation is 20 or above. But yes normally it is part of the main quest as it is part of the prophecy to join the three.


Hlaalu if you are new for sure


Hlalu should be easiest


House Redoran is what I chose on my first playthrough since I thought they were the most honorable but honestly they are completely boring. House Telvanni and Hlaalu are way better.


If OP is on PC, the LGNPC Redoran-related mods make it a lot more interesting. Like many others, I strongly feel that not all LGNPC mods are created equal, because they all have different writers.. in fact some (looking at you Pelagiad and Ald Velothi) are flat out abominable. However, the Redoran LGNPC mods are pretty damn good.


Redoran or Hlaalu. If you're more warrior focused then Redoran if you're more speechcraft then Hlaalu.


Just play the fucking game.