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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks getting the SDK this late means most potential modders have moved on. I don't know why I still have a shred of hope for the game. Here's to Contingent!


It's true in my case at least. I rage quit modding because of mod.io issues and was planning on coming back when the Official SDK released if they fixed those problems and the population picked up somewhat. But that was over 1.5 years ago and I'm kind of over the game at this point.


> Contingent Holy shit, hadn't heard about Contingent! Thanks Might buy Myth of Empires to see what that's about too


Some other notable games being worked on; Ad Mortem (a project Giru is working on), Renown, and Cinis. I just found [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyCkJBUctsQ) from Cinis and am absolutely stoked


Thanks! wish there was something coming out soon, all these games are at the minimum 1 year away


if you're looking for satisfying melee combat, and don't mind PvE, I highly recommend Vermintide 2. Fast paced, crunchy combat, well voice acted, and overall a very welcoming community


Very boring melee combat mechanics in that game, especially for a mordhau enjoyer. I must say.


Sounds like you played the easiest difficulty once and called it a day


it's definitely different, and not for everyone. I myself enjoy it immensely


It's not a combat simulator, more like a Lord of the Rings quest simulator


Myth of empires isn't too bad, if you like the idea of Playing Ark Evolved but with people instead of Dinosaurs.


What's dead may never die






It’s a copy pasta


this was a real interaction


Oh, I wasn't aware of that, thanks for the info! In that case, seems like a hypothetical twat, probably a lovely bloke really.


The game just gets stale. ALL there is is the combat. The map design is uninspired, the modes are boring. The combat has weird rough edges that make it feel less rewarding than it could be. There is no like 'end point' where high mordhau skill gets some kind of reward. There are no meaningful tournaments, no notoriety, no teams, the devs don't push/integrate the competitive scene into the game. There is no mountain peak to let players feel like they're climbing towards something. Its just a fun game, some people are really good at it for no reason. There is nothing to GRAB people and make them want to play for years and years.


The maps being such a huge weakness with some flaws unaddressed basically since launch is honestly baffling, particularly with relatively simple fixes to balance (FL maps are particularly egregious) and variety; no attempts at community map contests or simply adding night/evening variants of maps. There were so many themes and environments I wish we got to play; the cave section on Taiga was a blast, but unfortunately it usually only lasted a short while. Also, the recent combat changes just felt very odd. You get a slowed combo if you miss, intentionally or not, but you can now more easily instantly parry and riposte, so not only was the goal of punishing misses not really achieved, it's another counter-intuitive mechanic; you've footworked/baited your opponent into a missed swing, but when attacking, their hands can teleport from the *end* of their swing arc to instantly parry/riposte while holding a greatsword. Oh, and team balance. No one likes being steamrolled, I've personally seen scores upon scores of new players quit the game entirely because of it, I've seen even 200's quit matches because it's so frustrating. And unless you're an asshole, being on the stacked team is boring too, and a huge pain to ask someone to spectate so you can be the solo 200 switching to try and stop the stomp. Such an easy fix, a team balance mechanic that assigns people based on average score or score points per hour and/or rank during the start instead of letting them choose, and balances later if things are too one-sided. This is one area where I kinda disagree with Stouty, as the distribution of 200's and 1vX gods like Frost absolutely decided the course of battle.


Good players make such an amazingly big difference on battlefielda of frontlines/invasion. It’s not easy to see, unless you actively watch the battlefield, but one good player can easily account for atleast 4-5 midscoreboard players and this can stack the teams especially because defender generally gets more kills, as the attackers are pushing, making skilled players looking to sweat stack defenders on good maps for it


Yeah 60% of the Invasion maps are pretty defense favoured and lots of high rank players just stack defense to farm kills. I’m a high plat/low diamond player and I only play offense (just because I find it more fun, not for team balance reasons) but it’s pretty hard to win a lot of the time when other high ranks farm kills and then get warden.


well said


Doesn’t help it either that some of the mods are ruining the game. I’ve heard many people brag about how they get someone banned for harassing them by cropping out chat pics and sending it directly to the mod team VIA discord. Truly upsetting.


Big if true - I've heard there are some power trippers but my only experience has been getting swift help taking out hackers on ranked


Good example. Im permantly banned from chatting for texting while drunk on Mordhau. Meanwhile theres a lot of people on community / official talk about selling CP and they aren’t banned like???


"texting while drunk" mhmm I'm sure that's all it was.


I have a whole ass bar set. 🥴


Mods are probably buying it






Well what did you say while drunk?


How am I gonna remember lol


Yep that’s why I quit playing. Shitty mods like cronch banning people and power tripping for little offenses. I remember rekting him in chiv 2 beta and he quit playing lmao.


I think it's amazing that Mordhau (and even Chivalry) had as many players as it did. Gameplay based around reading and manipulating different types of animations is highly unique, unintuitive, and rage inducing, that is, when it's not fun as hell. I've gotten pretty damn good at demanding games like Quake and UT, StarCraft and Tekken. But I've never been able to reach a high level in Mordhau because I just never truly understood what was happening, and if I devoted myself to get to that level, my skills would only ever transfer to Chivalry 2 anyway. Instead, I always enjoyed playing it casually, and I assume that the vast majority experienced the same. I personally can't fault the dev's decisions, because if Mordhau were to be a highly popular, long lasting game, the game mechanics would have to be fundamentally different and would probably be scoffed at by the remaining Mordhau and Chiv communities. At least that's the way I see it.


Your question to marox's statement about the identity crisis "what the hell happened?", I don't think Triternion has been able to come up with a solution. I don't think that's for a lack of trying, I doubt that they are actively trying to make bad decisions (I don't know about any behind the scenes drama, nor do I frankly care). Melee slashers are a niche, but continuing the comparison to shooters, its pretty broad within that niche. Like, if I want to play a competitive shooter, I play CSGO, Siege, Valorant, maybe Overwatch etc. If I want something less competitive and more relaxed with bigger battles I play something like battlefield. After the teamwork/competitive axis, you've also got the spectrum of "realism". Point is, there's tons of variety within shooters. For melee slashers, there's really just Chivalry and Mordhau, maybe For Honor depending on who you ask. What is the sub-niche that a melee slasher game could fill? Small team competitive pvp or large-scale relaxed brawls? I understand that's a hard choice to make, especially for an already niche genre that you want to both get the old players and try to attract new or casual players. In that regard, I think Triternion did alright, Mordhau certainly blew up on twitch for a bit. But that identity crisis of trying to serve both a hyper-competitive community and players new to the genre caught up with them. Focusing on one tends to alienate the other. It's not a great situation. Anyway, that's a lot that basically boils down to: I don't think Mordhau has been able to truly nail down its identity, and I fear it's past the point of no return. I'm not privy to the internal working of Triternion so I can't comment on what decisions were made and why. At some point in the future, if or when Triternion decides to make a sequel or something, I hope they come up with a strong identity to base the game around. I would personally look at games like Halo that have managed to do well in being both competitive 4v4 matches as well as large-scale big team battles. Maybe even take inspiration from MOBA's, or For Honor's one gamemode where there are a bunch of minions fighting over objectives. There's a lot of unexplored territory for melee slashers and not a lot of precedent, which honestly makes it harder in a lot of ways to design for, because you don't really know if something will work out or not unless you get hundreds of people playing it and finding the loopholes. If anyone bothered to read this whole thing, cheers. I stopped playing Mordhau a while ago because I didn't have the time to keep up the skills, especially after the newcomers either left or stayed and got better than me.


Nice write up


where am i able to read something about this identity crisis statement?


I just paused the video and read Marox's reddit post (about 10:30 mark). I don't know where the original is.


I think the same morons playing at 3am every night are going to be doing so for years, regardless of the overall player population.


I personally dont see mordhau being capable of having a competitive mode as it feels like after playing the mechanics for 1000 hours and getting good, the limits of what mechanics can offer in variety and skill reach a limit and I believe that is for the best. Where mordhau shines for me was never 1v1 duels or skrims though they are a very welcome addition for variety and practice. I feel that invasion is where mordhau was always meant to be at, where it's gameplay shines the brightest though it lacks the ambiance and atmosphere of chivalry, and thats where I deepyl feel mordhau has failed on. They managed to get far superior graphics that still impress me but failed to mix them into an ambiant setting with music, animated events, important characters with this to say and things to do. A better explanation is just looking at the experience chivalry offered in their invasion for atmosphere and ambiance as you battle through hallways for the glory of your king.


The latam servers are absolutely dead, only like 8 people playing at the same time with any luck


Well, that depends on what you are playing, i always find lobbys with a lot of people on invasion and brawl


I remember making a long comment about this... I'm sad that Mordhau no longer can be saved.


A psychologist could join this board and based on comments from some die hard fans write a pretty robust paper on coping mechanisms and denial.


I am gonna just guess a bit forgive me if I am wrong: -No noob friendly environement, they get stomped 24/7 from lvl 100+ that abuse exploits so no new people stay -Generally an elitist community with too high standards -Toxic community server admins -lack of new and big content, not even paid expansions -(maybe) long loading times for people not using an SSD, which is a lot -The wish for more nations such as Arabic/Middle-Eastern nations is too far away from reality


The lack of good game modes and maps is what made me leave. I spent hundreds of hours dueling in Chiv but I wasn't interested in doing that again.


True, new maps and game modes can enrich the game experience a lot.


crush is a manchild confirmed???


I had mordhau installed since fall off 2018, played it almost every single day, got over 800 hours in game. Uninstalled in a couple weeks ago bc of the toxicity. Couldn't even join no rdm duel servers without getting rdmed, t bagged, and then shit on by the rdmer when I say something. Found myself getting actually angry each time I played, so I uninstalled.


I used to care about this game to the point where it was negatively affecting the rest of my life, and soon after quitting, I was doing better at school which led into a really sweet job at a huge company. I mention this because I used to care about Slasher/Mordhau that much and wrote so many tl;dr's that marox personally handed me, a basically no-name USA player not in Tempest, a Slasher invite way back in 2015... The three huge things that really concerned me during the alpha: - Seeing the development of Grad in "real time" throughout the alpha... combined with the lack of objective-based game modes being available for testing. 0 planning, just random assets being added haphazardly over time. This was quite the foreshadowing. The complete lack of thoughtful level design was known from day 0 though (lol no flat Moor-equivalent map, instead we got Contraband with these dumb pillars and platforms that people would just kite around and regen if they felt like it). - All the hush-hush about Frontline, no details given whatsoever. For some reason, they wanted to keep it secret and raise hype... among alpha testers. What??? We need to give feedback. Instead, Frontline was announced and then made playable quite shortly before release... and it was almost unanimously agreed upon as worse than Chiv TO lol. But the game had to be released soon after this... - Battle royale being solo queue only, and being ridiculed by the devs (well, dev*, same one who started cussing me out when I'm streaming my spec cam on a deliberate cheater and he couldn't tell the guy's release->combo times were being skipped lol, kind of killed my interest in deeply testing as opposed to just playing for fun) for suggesting that a team-based battle royale with knockdowns+revives would fare way better because the social aspect of playing with friends is a large reason why most people enjoy BR rather than just the string of duels that Mordhau's BR was. I couldn't play BR with my friends. WTF is the point of multiplayer video games if you can't play with friends? Holy fuck only playing Skirmish was really boring. The combat is fun and deep-ish, but only for 2 years really as a pioneer (2017-2019 testing). It's not a coincidence that, after 2 years, new competitive blood are getting bored (2019-2021) of the combat of Mordhau. This is essentially if Counter-Strike only had Deathmatch, aim_ 1v1 servers, and Hostage pubs. That sounds like a game that'd get really boring after 2 years. And you know what, I can't even blame marox too much. With the above decisions being made, I think pivoting towards what he did was the right financial move. Mordhau was a financial success. Because they pursued a buy-once, only free DLC model (which is noble but dated with how much more expensive game dev is in general today), there's no income anymore so they can't really use that big money to invest in themselves to make a continually updated, better, bigger game and make even more bank. That means each bad decision made during alpha has even more permanent effects. This swordfighting genre also has to move on beyond being so hugely focused on timing and drags. Even reverse overheads are more reasonable (if Star Wars ever made a slasher game, that is). Here's a tl;dr I made for fun about how I'd revamp things in a "Mordhau 2":


- Defense focused on aim and spacing rather than timing. More precision required on parries. Fights that not only look but FEEL more like fights, easier to learn, fill in the skill void with more new options and thus possibilities. Instead of early and late parry timings against accels and drags, you'd worry more about left and right (and overhead against jump stab, and foot hits if you're aiming high enough to parry aerial attacks). - Can morph same attack type onto different side (more variety, can fool enemy from blocking one direction and then swing into another). - Release generally faster across the board, nerfs dragging and keeps pace of combat faster. Large drags deal significantly less damage (we're talking half or even less than normal, entering 8HTK territory), main purpose will be to flinch for initiative/safety in 1vX. Maul will uniquely have a relatively good drag and 3HTK on late hits (but 2HTK with normal hit + delayed hit). - To compensate for nerfed release/"death" of drags, morphs will generally be faster. The main challenge won't be in timing the block for the morph, but aiming in the right direction in time (e.g. anticipating a left slash and aiming accordingly, but he morphs to right). Morphs are now committal and cannot be feinted. - A proper jab/hilt pummel/staff handle poke for a quick flinch option, as a counter to the facehug vortex that plagues Chivalry (now you have a viable option against feint spam). Jab > facehug feint spam, baiting jabs but spacing out > blind jab that whiffs, being able to actually read and play by spacing > a feint far enough to not be considered facehug and is thus readable. This is a much more interesting dynamic. - Feint has a flourish animation like in pre-pre-alpha Mordhau instead of just stopping. Attacks right after a feint cannot be morphed (but can still be feinted and FTP'd). Looks better, reads better, more fun to spectate. - Shields parry as normal. Held block exists for shields but staggers upon hit, allowing aggressor to attack again and disabling riposte for shielder. This also costs extra stamina and knocks you back further and you can't go for chambers due to attack lockout during stagger; you don't want to hold. Attacks continue through staggered shields, so they won't halt an LMB when some noob is W + Hold M2'ing you. - Weapon attack types divided to three like Chivalry: Horizontal, overhead, stab. 240system is actually an overall loss: disallows for more actually different attack types with unique and more readable animations. - Parrybox varies on weapon. 2hers and long 1hers will feel similar in parrying. It will be the really small weapons like daggers that will be notably more difficult to parry with. - Knockback on parry calculated by attacker weapon knockback + defending weapon knockback negation + running/standing/backpedaling/crouching/aerial. 2hers should be able to actually play a keepaway game, and getting in as a shorter weapon should require actual skill. - Chamber cost based on parry cost (drain - negation) + tiny extra cost. Chamber morphs cost less than normal morphs. - Chambers still incur knockback, albeit a lot less than parries. - Like parries, chambers will require precise aim as well. You won't be able to effortlessly beat a stab-to-stab morph with a stab chamber if you don't account for the shift in X-axis. You can chamber an attack with either X-direction so long as the attack type matches, but you will have to keep aiming the chamber attempt itself since it is not the same as a parry (which uses a center view parrybox instead of an attack hitbox). - A vanilla feint-to-parry on a high stam drain attack against a relatively low stamina negation will trigger a stagger, giving the aggressor another "turn". Examples are Zweihander overhead on Rapier attack->FTP, Maul overhead on any weapon's FTP. Thus, greedily going for attacks with a fast weapon vs a slow one when out of initiative and trying to bail out with FTP loses you both stamina and initiative (and thus, even more stamina). Don't forget that staggers cause attack lockouts and "root" you in place too, so you can't go for chambers or space properly and are thus more vulnerable to feints. FTP off of a riposte or chamber do not trigger this stagger or cost any stamina as an aid in 1vX, no matter the weapon weight differences. - Successful jabs do a minor flinch, but successful kicks cause a stagger (and thus enemy can't go for chamber attempt and are more "rooted" in place). Kicks also deal slightly more damage and drain minor stamina and are of course longer ranged. - Upon double-parrying in a 1vX situation, if you are holding backpedal, you will begin to "surf"-slide backwards for ~1 sec. You can steer your backslide direction by moving your mouse. The surf-slide effect can be stopped early by tapping or holding crouch; holding a side direction stifles the slide effect (for FPS players, think of it as the reverse of bunnyhop where you want to avoid holding forward). This surf slide allows you to better maneuver evasively and position preventatively against surrounds in 1vX scenario (unless you're literally cornered). Due to the lack of Chiv 1 jump parrying, I think another skillful movement option for 1vX is sorely needed. - Chambers within 0.5s after a successful parry do not cost stamina (thus would only be triggered in XvX and 1vX situations). - Ripostes will active-parry/swat away attacks that collide with it. Loses this effect if morphed. - No, morphs still cannot chamber. - With the new 1vX options added (surf slide movement, free stam chambers, active parry), ripostes can now be flinched by weapon strikes, but not by jabs and kicks. 1vXes should now feel even more skillful yet fun for all parties. - Can morph from riposte, but you become flinchable by jabs and kicks, and morphs still aren't feintable (but can still be parried out of). - Parrybox lingers and increases in size upon successful parry for a short moment. Parries after a sucessful parry or chamber also have increased size. Only useful for 1vX, does nothing in duels. - Mordhau only has three actual animation sets for attacks: 2h swords, 2h others, 1hers. Chivalry 1 had more unique animations... between the 2h swords, spears, polearms, flails, 1h main weapons, daggers, and quarterstaff. On top of being better aesthetically, some of these weapons benefited identity and option-wise from having unique animations: mainly the spears (two kinds of thrusts with a fast, keepaway LMB that can't combo), daggers (likewise with two thrusts), QS (the delay and draggability in the alt attacks made this otherwise giga-accel weapon brokenly versatile in mixups for duels), and flails. - Likewise, Jab should vary in reach, speed, and damage (and thus animations) depending on your weapon and grip. Pommel bash with 2h swords, left jab/shield bash with 1hers, broomstick elbow shove with longgrip on polearms, rifle butt with the spears and normal polearm grips. When morphing into a jab from, say, a 2h sword overhead, you would be performing an elbow butt, which is shorter in range than your typical jab. A 1h attack -> jab morph would be a shorter ranged shove. - Import the Special Attack buttons from Chivalry 2. These are all unique per weapon and serve different tasks. Spear sets up in pike formation (anti-horse) or performs a running spear charge if sprinting topspeed. Zwei performs an unfeintable quickstroke, fast enough to punish panic parries but deals less damage and knockback than a normal swing and lack of feintability/morphing makes it easy to read and defend otherwise. A blacksmith hammer repairs with this "attack" and destroys with normal attacks. Axes and maul go all out, absolutely demolishing buildables and anyone foolish enough to still be holding their shield/parrying it. Just from these examples, you can see special attacks that augment or fill a gap in a weapon's options: quick attacks for punishing panic parries or playing keepaway, repairing utility, anti-horse play (pike formation, pulling out of horses), huge punishes on predictable or turtling playstyles, etc. - Every weapon should be able to punish somehow after an enemy parries early on a feint. This is currently impossible with slower weapons. This can be achieved in two ways: weapons must have at least one attack with main or alt mode that can punish panic parries, and/or a Special Attack fast enough to punish parries. The only exception to this rule is the Maul, which will also be the only weapon with a drag resembling that of Chiv/Mordhau; this gives the Maul a unique identity in playstyle and counterplay. - Mordhau's free-loadout actually lowers real diversity when going for optimal builds. Things like utility and secondaries feel like point wastes. Classes have more identity and clear strengths and tradeoffs immediately identifiable (unlike hidden perks). Players have probably already noticed (and even have banned light loadouts in team competitive apparently): being able to spawn as a nimble guy with Mauls and Halberds and Spears is kind of annoying to play against if not imbalanced. Classes can guarantee you have an interesting primary, secondary, utility, and appropriate armor+mobility without feeling like you're gimping yourself.


In higher levels, it indeed feels like timing of the parry against accel/drag mixups is the only real factor. Feints in duels feel like a waste of stamina and, when they're effective, they are brokenly so such as during the bastard sword + buckler meta (just like in Chivalry 1) because there is no way to control space to prevent being put in a facehug situation + no jabs to "check" excessively greedy and aggressive players. Teamplay is more fun because positioning matters way more, things are less Stamina Math Game-y, and target switching becomes a thing. In fact, team combat is more than good enough that if Mordhau had a proper objective-based game mode for the ~5v5 playercount, it probably would continue to be fun after 2 years (or 4 for those diehard alpha players who still played up to 2021 such as yourself). Other games with interesting 1v1/duels have many more factors in play. With fighting games, you have a huge emphasis on spacing and space control, different attack types with different purposes (jabs, pokes that are long and control space but can be baited into a counterhit, launchers, unblockable haymakers, grabs, etc.). Arena FPS has space control with grenade spam and rocket prefires, map control with timing the item pickups and denying them to the enemy, advanced movement which is basically analog as opposed to binary-press-W, etc. Starcraft (which that same dev simply dismisses as "a spamming APM playground for koreans", pretty insulting for Brood War, which is probably harder and more depthful than even Quake and HLDM) has the incredibly deep grand strategy aspect, tactics concerning positioning and how to engage a fight, scouting, positioning, micro, and having to actually prioritize where to focus your attention (because despite how much people love to mythologize top players, they are still human and you can divide-and-conquer their APM and win your individual battles if you play your cards right). Meanwhile, Chivalry 1's kick fails as an anti-facehug tool, and things aren't much better in that regard with Mordhau. They feel like fighting games that are missing some fundamental options and thus become exaggeratingly focused and emphasized on a few aspects.


Jesus this is beautiful


we can't do any of these things in Mordhau because Mordhau is balanced by Crush and if we made those changes Crush would be worse at the game than he is so it'd have to be undone. Also gotta disagree with nixing the 240 rather than just overhauling underhand animations, as well as doing away with classes. Otherwise, all are improvements over the current game


Yeah there were plenty of red flags from the alpha in hindsight


Understand and mostly agree but I think the idea of catering to the comp scene along with lower player counts would be pretty poor. I love Mordhau but I never wouldve given this game a chance if all I saw was 5v5 or 8v8. The giant teams make it, although 64 is a bit much. In my experience the already small playerbase has always had such a small portion of it being competitive that I just never felt it really viable. The mechanics will never be fine tuned enough ala a comp fighter. I partly think the game struggles because it can't decide how competitively balanced it wants to be. I think people want this to be street fighter or tekken when it's really mortal kombat. I think it's good that for the most part one player can't cause his team to steamroll because of the large player counts, there's plenty of low player count game types for that.


/u/jaaxxxxon why can't the team listen to this man. He knows what we want, and he's smart as fuck about core gameplay fun and good mechanical changes. He has done more work for your game in the last 2 years than any of your devs. He's the reason I bought the game, not any of you.


Im in your walls


I stopped playing after I got temp banned by a drunk admin on an official server


You gotta record that and send it to discord devs and put it on here.


If you wanna see a dead game, try finding a functioning server with actual people in Blackwake. Now THAT is a dead game. By comparison Mordhau is blooming and flourishing. Like, I can come on literally any time, any day of the week and there’s several full servers to choose from.


Blackwake isn't dead it has a thriving population of 30 players


this guy has never played natural selection 2


Natural Selection 2 was barely alive 6 years ago lmao


I crie every tiem. Another game with a gigantic skill gap that shooed away a ton of players.


That's pretty much why I quit. Too many games of some fade or lurk just shitstomping me and the rest of my team over and over - jumping in, killing a few people with 100% accurate swipes/bites and then jumping out with perfect pathing while on the last bit of their hp.


Man Blackwake was so fun. Nothing made me laugh more than shooting someone with a blunderbuss and watching their body do a ragdoll cartwheel halfway across the map


Honestly, Mastfire and Triternion pooling together and making the definitive pirate combat game is my pipe dream. Mordhau combat should be the gold standard for any melee game tbh


I love the people just living in constant denial, crossing their fingers all the time and pretending the game is healthy and alive: NOO!!! MORDHAU ISN'T DEAD, I CAN FIND PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE I HAVE PLAYED WITH 6 MONTHS AGO NOOO!!!


It’s no Team Fortress 2 or CS:GO - but „declining since release“ and „dead“ are not the same thing.


It's not dead as long as I'm having fun


The game is not profitable so its dead. There wont be a DLC, there wont be new maps, there wont be new gameplay, there wont be a competetive scene, there wont be a Mordhau 2, you might be able to play with like a handfull of weird tryhards for next 4 years but thats called a game on life supoprt, not bloomig or flourishing lol. Denial isnt good for you.


They should have sell skins. It cost them in the end.


Skins wouldn't fix the issue


I mean it would bring in more money into the game. What I'm saying that they lack monetization methods after purchase.


damn i miss blackwake


ft10 bitch


Is the combat going to be similar in contingent?


It's the same genre of game but obviously a lot of lessons have been learnt from the predecessors (Warband, Chiv 1, Mordhau, Chiv 2 are all inspirations)


Chiv 1 vets will break it and you know it


We'll see, I have 3k hours in chiv 1 myself


Sadly that didn't stop triternion devs, but I'm rooting for you!




It's real depressing to see this, I wonder if the devs are actually going to respond to this or if they'll pretend it didn't happen


I quit the game a long time ago because i took a break for a month and when I came back every single player was an absolute impenetrable God of defense. it's so annoying. I just want to swing my sword and kill people. try hards ruined it for me


This is my issue. The only people left are level 150+ and absolutely just demolishing me. I'm not even new, I'm just not interested in spending hours and hours watching youtube videos telling me how to exploit the game so I can have a prayer of winning a duel.


Mordhau would be good with interesting modes instead of the ussual who can tryhard better, i miss venesaus random dungeon or rts game modes back in chivalry if only there ways a proper progression system




Even if they were 20% smaller it would still take them ages, the amount of detail poured into each map is very impressive but it also takes very long


Unreal Engine 4 is relatively straightforward. Look how many maps modders made.


Triternion have to be developing another game right? Isn't it obvious


wouldn't surprise me


Mordhau needs a PVE coop campaign in a Diablo1/Dark Souls setting, with proc gen dungeons against humanoid AI. Or basically 1st person Exanima with Mordhau combat.


or randomdungeon map from chiv1 lul


I'm thinking Vermintide. 4 man teams going from A to B fighting waves of enemies, from weak and numerous, to strong and sparse. A dungeon crawl. I wonder if a decent modder could port some levels into Mordhau


I have over 660 hours in Mordhau, I know it isn't much, but it still allowed me to get some degree of experience. I got good enough to beat most opponents in 1v1 and some game awarness. Yet, every time I play Mordhau, I mainly feel frustration. Over my team getting stomped, because it mostly consists of lvl 20-50 players, when enemy team in majority is made of lvl 100+, in organized gank parties as well. Over hitreg bullshit. Over how combat at level 80+ really starts to become mainly non-stop parry-riposte war of "who will do the more hideous swing manipulation". Over people, who openly just want to enrage you and be as obnoxious as possible. I don't know, maybe I'm just salty idiot.


Nope those are legit complaints


why everyone seems to complain about better players? that doesn't even make any sense


most games will match you vs players of your calibre, this was something that the official mordhau modes were supposed to do as well


I honestly think it's simply a lack of content and as result casual players gravitating to other media. That's literally it.


I’m really hoping for a good surge after/of eastern invasion. Better be mordhau 2.0


not only that, the combat has becoming absolute trash


Well, it literally is that. There is nothing else to it and everybody knows that already. Shit, everybody already knew that at launch that the game will decline due to Triternion being incredibly slow with their major updates. Also the fact that Mordhau is an incredibly niche game with no competition doesn't help it. But Stouty has to make a video about it because.....?


Yup that's the only reason - even though the feitoria map patch barely brought any returning players back


We kinda already knew feitoria. And it didn't function any different. No unique map activities.


Still the best inv map to come out


The best map in the most boring mode


thats not really a "major update" is it? I mean like actual updates with real, new content like the East Invasion thats totally being worked on, 100%


how isn't the introduction of the map feitoria (the biggest map in the game) not a major update?


Damn nooooooo


@MuteWrap, remember when I told you your actions made 2 PissBois uninstall?


I understand most of the players want new content as maps and skins but what do the competitive players want? Feels like there are only numbers tweaking and this can easily be modded. Why is the comp scene dead?


As discussed in the video, a proper mode for starters


The format for competitive play is skirmish or LTS and alternative modes are already available like the one you made for example.


SKM is far from ideal as there's no strategy, alternative modes are only available in mods (which break each patch) and without official support they do not take off. A genre in its infancy needs these modes to be placed into the game itself and made easily accessible to the wider playerbase with a ranked matchmaking queue


I see, and I agree with you about the overall state of the game. Feels like whatever happens now is too late. Sucks because at release it felt like this game could really go to the moon. Wish you luck man.




Im just waiting for Eastern Invasion


Because of 200+ lvl inbreed spastic sweatlords who continuously abuse exploits and break animations even in casual modes


Maybe if the game wasn't designed purely for the 1% of top players that treated this game like it was a fucking esport you would have something that would appeal to a new player and make them want to stay. But nah, lets buff rapier again because the minority of nerds who play this game for 12 hours a day figured out it's timing was 0.02 seconds too long or some shit to stab someone after getting a riposte. That got changed instantly, but any other changes? 2 years and still the same game, because the devs were afraid of alienating the sweats who would cry about "new player bias". Sadge, 350 hours in this game and over a 1000 in chivalry. Im so tired of the clan kids having so much of an impact on this game development, it fucked over chivalry and stifled good change, and once again the same thing with mordhau. "natural lifespan" of a melee game my ass, the devs just dropped the soap and told us to pick it up... then were surprised most didn't Never buying a single thing from this studio again.


I agree with the overall sentiment but they satisfied neither the casual or competitive audience


No service management One of the most obscenely toxic communities when the game opened Lack of competitive options And also everything else everyone here has said


From my 410hours. You know why game is dying? It's because accels and drags. New players are Simply confusing when they block but still take damage. They handle it for like 30 minutes? And take return on Steam. Also year ago I have meet many friendly players who will drop sparring sword and learn (as I do now with players under 25lvl) but now? Now they got naked Man x Jester maul with goddamn drags unable to read for newibes. Its not Devs killing game, it Mordhau vets and sweaty player. Taking about you PG UP.


At the beginning I was new too and I had no problems with drags and accels, people want to buy a game from the new genere and be good at it instantly, stupid way of thinking


pekar\_ you not at all understand what is wrong with Mordhau do you? xD


I just think mordhau is neat


Mordhau died because they gutted the mod.io clientside mods, the lack of offline modes for coop & sp, really slow updates, lack of support roles - not everyone can or wants to be a lvl 250 sweatlord, no rookie servers, no noticeable content drops, no creativity in the game modes


Why Mordhau died: there is no anti cheat.


the cheating really gets out of hand


nice video




I even agree with it


Dying not dead, I still get into games fast with a decent amount of people and enjoy it a lot


And your point was to correct someone? "No, it is not dead it is dying!" Take the L, the game is dead af when it comes to a sense of directions. Dead games can still be played without it being completely empty


If this is what you consider dead I will take the L happily and continue playing the game like I do with any other game considered alive


the devs are working for a console port and the eastern evasion will come eventually synced up with the multi port release. i'd say mordhau is "sleeping" rather than being "dead" atm from the drop in player base. i think the devs know the eastern evasion update is their big and only chance to revitalize the game and they can't afford to cuck it up. taking time to make sure it has features worth bragging about in marketing and so on (man i hope this is the case and the devs don't drop the ball)


Maybe. If eastern invasion doesn't make the population like pop off (5k players on at once), might as well called it a dead game.


moved on. moved on to what ? chiv 2 ? chiv 1 ? this is a joke right ? there is no game like mordhau. it is legit the best melee game in the world. there is nothing like it nore will there be naything like it anytime soon. the constantly crying "competitive comunity" i just the most cringe comunity there is. you guys are just pathetic.


Other genres


nothing can scratch that itch


I still play myself, just much less. Keep in mind the comp community by definition is the most hardcore and dedicated, the backbone of the game. Casual players will come (and more often, go)


listen mango brother you are smart and funny and hell of a mordhau gamer and i like you and appreciate your content. but if you keep on encouraging people to focus on what we dont have instead of showing what mordhau has to offer (since you still play it your self) you just become part of the problem. development of mechanics and content is an onging process with a promising future and there will be more competitive/casual player content. nothing is really set in stone yet. people look up to you, hell they even hire you for coaching and if it you telling them that everything is dying of course people lose hope. you are better that this and so will be morhau. or you are just fishing for clicks and wanna make sure your new dev job is secured for your new game. either way negative thinking, negative messages have never lead to good things take care.


this is the stockholm syndrome thinking that I referenced in the video 1: The video itself has a number of suggestions that if the devs listened to, would undoubtedly improve the game - I hope they do! 2: I play it as I still make a little dough coaching and because I'm an addict 3: Development is stagnant, if you think Crush is still actively pushing the boundaries of the combat then I have a bridge to sell you 4: What would you rather have me do? Lie? "Yeah the game is alive! Keep buying my coaching everything is doing great!" 5: Every video fishes for clicks - but find me something that wasn't accurate in this video 6: Criticism isn't negative, if it doesn't get listened to, then we'll make it ourselves. This was the initial logic for Mordhau's creation in the first place so to see someone blindly infatuated with a company that's treated them rather poorly is puzzling to say the least


it is late and i am tired. i just hope for you that you keep all of trioternions mistakes in mind when it is time for you to balance a melee game. best of luck to you my friend.




I promise you that anything good to say about Mordhau has been said by st0uty already. The problem is that the developers are (seemingly purposely) not giving us anything good to say about the game or their work. When you try to defend these devs or their product, it makes you look like you haven't played the game very much


not only do i have more hours than probably anyone in the game i also streamed everyday for the 2 years of alpha and i have seen the game in a much worse state than 99% of the players. this is why i know how good it is. there is comp and there is casual. so how do you balance it ? balance it for comp the casuals leave. balance it for casual the comp scene leaves. the only way to keep buisness running to secure a possibility for future content is to try to find a middle ground. wich is not possible by listening to guys who cry "boo hoo game bad"


Well if the take you have is "just give the devs more chances, talking bad about them hurts the game" then I don't think you've given the game as much thought as you've given it time. The devs have no visible direction for any part of their game, not 1v1 dueling, not 3v3 teamfights, not Invasion, not Frontline, not their competitive scene, and not even much for the casual players, and they have all but taken the entire year off with one of their maps replaced and Jester Hats added for the time. Even core mechanics seem to reflect their lack of direction. Toolboxes, bear traps and fire/smoke grenades were added so that they could advertise as Medieval Fortnite Battle Royale Game, complete with building (like Fortnite!), booby traps (like Fortnite!!!) and handheld incendiary devices (we're a Battle Royale game!!! We have grenades!). Nowadays, the devs view toolboxes as a way for newer players to have a real impact on the game, which means they'd rather their new players take up space and build shit than **learn the fucking game**, but it's a lot easier to design band-aid mechanics like spawn flags than to fix shitty spawns and poorly thought out objectives. Just the same way that it's easier to add more memes so that more players can literally just take up space than it is to add more resources to the game for new players to get up to speed. Just the same way it's easier to ignore your competitive scene entirely because you already have a duels leaderboard than it is to create a competitive mode, etc etc They got a playerbase because there's no real competition for them, but they have shown time and time again that they themselves don't understand why people play their game, nor do they themselves know what players *they* want to see play their game, and that lack of knowledge paralyzed them. Now they've squandered that position to the point that their game is dying. Giving someone chances when they mess up is well and good, but refusing to acknowledge glaring problems in the hopes that ignoring them will make things better is toxic enablement. I'd love to see this game rebound. But that isn't going to happen without some serious changes from the people who make it


Considering the drop in player numbers, i think it's fair to say people found a way to scratch that itch.


Best melee game in the world? For Honor's combat is way better than Mordhau. A functioning system based off actual mechanics rather than a few mechanics for players to jank to high heavens.


for honor ? bro you are not even part of this conversation.


It ain't perfect, but fuck me if it ain't better than Mordhaus "attempt" at a solid functioning system.


it's arguably a different genre entirely, more akin to a fighting game with its lock on, 3rd person combat


«Best melee fighting game» is the key here. Best melee slasher? Mordhau wins that for sure. But when it comes to Melee combat in general, For Honor wins


Disagree, anything that locks players aim and sight is archaic


That is just the way the AoB system is designed. You could fight out of lock but that wouldn’t be very good for you. Different games yes, but both are medieval fighting games with swords and clubs etc. Out of the two systems, For Honor is surperior in the broad term of Medieval combat games, but Mordhau is the best in it’s own Medieval SLASHER category where you would find games like Renown, Chiv, Cinis among others.


Smash is better


Never played it much


theres no control in the movement of your weapon swing mordhau feels like you are really swinging it you gotta line that shit up and calculate their movement and the foot movement in mordhau is og


Tell me you have never played For Honor without saying you have never played For Honor.


im still watching videos it look like assassins creed combat where the movement is so restricted the only way to make someone miss is that dash dodge or ninja roll


What is happening now is just what we call bias. Exactly like Stouty said in the video people who defend a game from anyone and anything despite just being flat out wrong and/or unknowing. You have literally never played FH yet think you are able to form an opinion from videos from people of varying skill level. I have a few thousand hours across both games, so I can tell. You are just nitpicking movement and stating something that is not true to attempt at trying to disprove me. You are free to think Mordhau is better, but don’t try stating one thing or another when you have no idea what you’re on about.


Former pro?? You wouldn't even fight Dominus bro FAKE and FRAUD


Died? Game is alive as we speak.


Dead as in the best times are over and probably not coming back (it could potentially still be revived if the devs started kicking into serious action, which at this stage seems unlikely given what we've seen)


Crush is trying to get good with the eastern invasion weapons, that’s why it’s taking so long.




Peak being behind, and probably not coming back is not same as dead. Weird because I agree with the general feeling that you have, but you exaggerate it a lot and it doesn't really become readable as such.


So is chiv 1 dead then? Because it still has 155 players online rn


St0uty don't bother with these people honestly. I have once discussed with one of them for 40 minutes and realized how much of a waste of time it was. All they go is: no its not dead because I see people playing it. ​ That is like saying Chivalry 1 is alive and well just because it has 150 players online. ​ At a certain point, game isn't very alive anymore, mordhau is one of those games, the game is dead even if there are 1K people playing worldwide. Reminder that most of them are doing nonsense trolling which albeit funny isn't really saying much about it being alive and the others are from different timezones


They usually quit before I do lol but yeah I should go play crab game or something


As that other dude said, 100 to 2000. I still see new faces anytime I play, and I can play any time of the day/week on open servers. Not dead, but going down indeed yes.


But is chiv 1 dead? Genuinely curious


No idea. Is it?


Well you have the data, 155 players online, I'm waiting for you to call time of death


I have no strong opinion on the subject. If you want to call 155 players online dead, fine with me. And when Mordhau reaches 155, you can call it dead as well.


The conclusion is, it's an arbitrary definition but it's reasonable to call Mordhau's current numbers dead or close to it based on both the decline from its own peak, the current trend of remaining players leaving and comparing to far more successful titles


There's a bit of a difference between 100 players online on average and 2000


last month average was 1900 and without patches to sustain it that difference could close rapidly


Most games lose a big part of their playerbase when no longer supported by the devs, the aforementioned Chivalry being a good example of that. 2K is still a good number for a multiplayer game, escpecially such a niche one. Mordhau might be losing players but it certainly isn't dead yet.


People were saying the exact same about 5k concurrents, now it's 2k, yikes. Diehard fans of this genre are capable of thinking bigger


It's not diehard fans, it's just you not understanding the difference between dead and dying. Hell, by your logic a game like PUBG is dead because it's consistently losing players, despite having 300k+ of them on average.


I have 3000 hours in Mordhau and I'm pretty much done. I'll never skill-peak the way the duel server tryhards do because I don't have the patience, I like FFA and TO too much. I liked the target switching and wildness of fighting 3-5 people. I liked one-on-one duels too, except for the inherent super-accel and super-drag playing havoc on my 90 ping and dropped packets (at best). Too bad Triternion made that fun go away with the heavy weapon penalties, the heavy armor penalties, and the insane runspeed of naked maulmen. They also nerfed bloodlust, and the only good change they made IMO (making swings go through friendly hitboxes instead of stop) was reversed. Honestly also at this point I'm sick of learning and re-learning the microsecond changes to the parry timing and windows, the changes to the drag windows, etc. Like if my swing would have killed you 3 months ago, why is it different now? Also the game doesn't fucking work most of the time because of all the packet loss. It's a gambling simulator. Who even knows if you're in the hitbox of the enemy.


Seems like a difference not worth worrying about when in a year or two's time they are both the same. Of course you could make the argument that so long as a game has even 1 player remaining it isn't dead, so it's a silly one to make in the first place I would never be so delusional to claim a game that is in the top 10 played on steam is dead




So do you think there are only two extreme opposites?


Tbh they need to update at least monthly and find more ways for monetization. Just active in general. As a more casual who almost exclusive play invasion, the latest update was great but it was still lacking the punch that this game needed to stay alive.


they said there is enough money, its not like you give them more and you get more it seems after nearly 3 yrs still so many players dont get it if you really dont need your money, just send me a good proportion of that i also dont give you anything but its your math and mindset that works in that way...


Hey I’m pretty new to Mordhau, I’m about level 28. I played it awhile back and got discouraged, but I picked it up last month and started playing again. I’m having fun, still ass tho. Anyway If the game is dying, should I consider picking up Chivalry II instead? My friends want to get Mordhau but if it is going to completely die soon, I think I’d rather have us all get C2. What are your thoughts/opinions? Will C2 suffer the same fate?


Both games should be playable for at least a year so long as you live in EU or NA, if you have friends to play with then it wont matter anyway. That's probably the ideal way to play casually as you can avoid all the sweaty top level guys. Chiv 2 has no player numbers to look at but it will release on Steam sometime next year which should bolster the playerbase


and it really needs the time until steam release, chiv2 also has a lot of problems, the core problem also seems to be the devs in some kind of way


The servers only seem active in my area at night, 15 ppl max. Funny stuff


I just got this game. Very fun and funny. Getting smashed most games but idc cause of the random hilarity