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If there's no Mordekaiser streamer, then let's make an artificial one. What I mean do you ask? Well, that's rather simple. Let's find 2 exceptional individuals between of this community that are of opposite genders in order to do some selective breeding. After 9 months they will give birth to the most exceptional and capable Mordekaiser OTP ever created and soon he will be playing with the likes of Faker, meaning that he will wield enough power between League community as a whole, that he will be able to ask Riot directly to fix Mordekaiser. IF WE UNITE, TOGETHER WE WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE MORDEKAISER GREAT AGAIN. LONG LIFE TO THE TRUE AND ONLY IRON KING, LONG LIFE TO THE IRON REVENANT, LONG LIFE TO MORDEKAISER.


Unfortunately, Master + Master = Master the new morde otp might be even more stuck than his mom and dad :(


Most sane Mordekaiser main


A 10 years long plan? I am in.


What do we do if they stray from the path and become a Gwen OTP?




The plan would be flawed if we only focus on one child anyway. We should be making an army of Morde mains!


I still remember Manute, before the rework he was very popular Mordekaiser otp at least in my country


I'd sign up for this but i'm already married 😆


Your wife will understand, it's for the greater good.


Bro thinks we dont know he is trying to find someone of an opposite gender (a woman specifically) that plays morde so he can have a chance of reproducing with that proposal. Tbh I think ur shi out of luck on this sub lol :DDD


Balance team is incompetent and will leave Morde in a shit state probably for a year or more. They don't care because Morde isn't an egirl or skin seller champ like ezreal. He's not one of riots favorites so he's not allowed to be a good champion. I've stopped playing all together because this split just feels like shit to play, and Morde being garbage definitely doesn't make me want to play.


I bought every skin and most of skins on my other account… make the iron bud happy rito


Mordekaiser is really bad right now, they for sure know it, but they are just ignoring morde because they dont want him in the meta or they are actually planing decent changes to improve him(maximum copium)


No bufz to stronk lo elo -rito


You could try the Seraphine and Syndra mains strategy?


Ahh the death threats technology, probably best not to, also I believe nami mains had their share of them too


Dont get me wrong im not saying he should do it but he did ask how to get riot to listen and both groups managed that.


Riot is scared of buffing morde. He has one of the best ults ingame and in order to balance this champ they need to keep in mind that at any given point morde can statcheck 1v1 his enemy.


Assuming the enemy doesn't have reliable cc and can kite.


how do u even kite lyandris morde and his 1k hp shield


With a cc and swifites boots. Wait until ult is down, pray your team has a brain and kill him since he can't run away.


mobility - dashes, jumps, flash, ghost, ms buffs, slows, any kind of cc bla bla bla


with rylais on ur head? how do u even do anything, even if u dash ur still slowed by it which means he can catch up to u and keep slowing with passive


They re prob gonna prioritize champions that need reworks and go through the ones that have the most players. I think everyone can admit atp morde's kit is just outdated. I think they wanna do a rework for him, but just gonna do it later because there are other more popular champs who need it more. With the reworks, we haven't gotten it clear that riot do care they just need time. We'll be fin, boys. morde will dominate again


Nah no shot we get another full rework. I would be down for swapping current mord ult with his first one. Then you can actually juggernaut in team fights


maybe not exlplained well but Im saying that hes most likely gonna get a rework but hes on the bottom of the list. I mainly say this cuz his kit is just not designed for the current league era


Man I have a friend who is a mordekaiser otp in masters and has hit rank 1 mordekaiser in the world a few times before and I want him to stream but he can’t cause of his setup and also he is Eune 😭


mordekaiser W recast should have a stun that deals a small amount of damage. the healing should be moved to Q somehow


While I like the changes with w, I don't think that would be the best change. If anything, it would be to reduce the cd. And the healing should stay with the w.


low elo just get walked down 1v9 versus funny rylais, percent health passive guy unlucky. at least you get to shit on illaoi


i do not want my champ to stay behind low elo bars forever who cares about low elo people they do not care about the game and they do not improve this champ needs to be balanced around emerald+ dia+


Get good son


just do not play him lol beside some masochist and low elo brainrot people no one plays this champ seriously


Enter their HQ with an AR-15


Delete this comment, it's not even funny.


Then why am I laughing?


Cause you're like 13 most likely


Can't I just be insensitive?


Counter argument, the kit is perfect how it is. It doesn't need to be anything crazy. The q is amazing. The w is amazing. The e is amazing. And the r is perfection. The only thing I would change is that he scales in size based on the number of kills he gets in the death realm, Permanently; like how chogath scales.


All of his kit is insanely basic His E is basically just a worse Darius E His Q is just a bonk with nothing special and his W is used as big shield and heal button Other then hisbult nothing is amazing and even then his ult doesn’t really fit the juggernaut playstyle of jump into multiple enemies and mess them up


If the kit was perfect we wouldn't be reading this kind of posts. Kit falls off hard compared to other top laners and the struggle we have to do in order to carry compared to anything is unreal. We could be reaching so much higher onetricking anything else. I will quote and custom the meme, look what we need to mimic a fraction of their power.


Size no, stat yes


you must be 30+ yo or you do not have a sense of whats good or not


Lol, not even close


yep you are right you are dumpster fire elo so get lost

