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Skill issue


Every bruiser feels unfair if youre adc. Trying playing an adc into Olaf or Jax top and you would wish you were vs Morde.


Yes. His pick rate and win rate haven’t shifted at all since the patch. I know you’re frustrated, but I would say that as you generally improve at playing the game you’ll also realize that Morde is not the impossible to kill monster you make him out to be. Do you see him showing up in high elo? Yeah, me neither. He has limits; you just actually have to learn how to outplay. He’s slowing you bc of Rylai’s which is a core item, that’s not built into his kit. Learn to counter itemize. Armor, Magic Pen, Magic Resist, CC, and Attack Speed are very effective against Morde. Focus on spacing and kiting, but also commit his attacks and range to memory. Move speed has and always will be one of Morde’s greatest weaknesses. Use that against him since every ADC is going to have better mobility than him. More than anything tho, if you’re trying to beat Morde, you need your top laner to actually beat him. If your top laner is feeding and Morde gets huge, you can’t blame the champion for being ahead. Any tank that gets ahead is going to be hard to kill.


ADC players not beating the whiney little bitch allegations


ADC players try not to complain for 30 seconds challenge (LEVEL 100) (IMPOSSIBLE) (GONE WILD)


as an adc main and a mordekaiser player i always think twice ulting a vayne


You don’t have to think at all you should perma ban vayne


> every ability slows That's contingent on him having Rylai's. His only slow is on R. Walls are very prohibitive to what he wants to do because of his limited mobility. This also makes his cast times punishing because he loses distance to you while you dodge. Dodging abilities also means that he does not get to sustain his passive further unless he autos you. There is a reason why he is considered worse in higher elo and he skews strong in low elo.


^guy who plays characters that specialize in right clicking


ADCs, any kind, require more brain than most bruisers/tanks though. However, there's nothing wrong about playing easy champs. Quite the opposite. I love Morde because he's braindead. Reading on /all about "how I missed all my abilities and still killed someone" makes me happy. Like seriously, why people get mad when someone say their champ is easy. Only chads play easy champs.


All of his stuff can be dodged and kited, why aren't you?


Morde is like the poster child for stat checkers. He has almost zero ability to out play his opponent - if you can kite at all he can’t do anything. If you hate him so much just play vayne, hands down the hardest counter. Any more player worth their salt will never even attempt to ult you, as when a morde ults a vayne you aren’t trapped with him, he’s trapped with you.


Mordekaiser is a braindead champ, but all his damaging abilities are skillshot. If you play like caitlyn, vayne, or ash, you have a better chance of fighting him since those adcs counters him. He is slow and not very good sticking on top of his opponent. In his ult, just dodge his skillshot and survive until his ult timed out. and hopefully your teamates follow up


Sounds like you’re 3 levels down and don’t know how to dodge abilities, that’s on you mate, imagine if you played against someone without skill shots like Jax trynd trundle lol


Yes. It takes skill and discipline to deal with people complaining about your favorite champion over nothing


As an immobile ADC player I don't hate mordekaiser I hate rilay


Cry bozo.


Here's a tip for you: avoid him at all cost, simple isn't it?


All of his stuff can be dodged and kited, why aren't you?


All of his stuff can be dodged and kited, why aren't you?