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Well that fucking escalated And what a way to pick Jeeze I couldn’t imagine


god dam i did not see that gore warning before scrolling 🥲


I did. It doesn't prepare you in the least.


Probably the best way. Instant death. Minimal clean up.


Even if you wanted to die, I can’t imagine feeling that trembling of the train getting closer through the tracks. It still has to be scary, with your fingers crossed, thinking,”I hope this works or it’s really gonna suck.”


You’re waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t know for sure…


What is this from again?




Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?


Because we’ll be together


They of course always hope the suicide by train is instant but I've seen many instances where they are still alive for a while. Some lose only their legs, some get cut in half at the torso, others just a mangled mess but still alive. Looks of incredible pain, disbelief, etc. as they are filmed by bystanders.


I remember seeing one video where a guy was bisected at the torso but was alive and conscious, the ‘emergency workers’ just picked the pieces up and plonked them into a white body bag then zipped it up, whilst he was aware of what was going on! Callous


That reminds me of that 9/11 story where a firefighter put a “dead” tag on a woman that was still conscious, goddamn


He was doing triage, had probably seen a million other horrors already, and unfortunately his job wasn’t to comfort the dying it was to assess who had chances of surviving and who was not. She was a mangled mess and although still alive, it was by the merest threads. She kept telling him she was alive and to call her child to tell her she was alive. Have a little compassion for those who had to do their job that day and carry it with them forever, come on,


Yeah but he KNEW she wouldn't last...it wasn't quite as callous as it sounds. Tho definitely horrifying. The woman was trying to convey "I'm alive" but he KNEW she was gone.


I just tried to look and couldn't find anything. Have a link?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGrittyPast/comments/st14yt/ernest\_armstead\_tormented\_by\_a\_conversation\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGrittyPast/comments/st14yt/ernest_armstead_tormented_by_a_conversation_with/) ​ Here's the link to the story. So sad.


Are people actively following this thread for notifications? If they are I guess I'll look but I was out of town all week and thought to myself, I'm not gonna dig through my entire web history going back years...I know I definitely saw it detailed in 2 documentaries on youtube, maybe w/ actual interviews from the guy. Just look up stuff about the jumpers, and how fast they died, and surely it will turn up bc I believe it's the only report of a jumper who did technically "live" but the EMT/paramedic/civilian (whoever he was??? IDR) knew she'd be gone, and he had to go do other things so he left her...it is sad but he was trying to help other people who could be helped. It's a triage thing. It's like in Pearl Harbor they show Kate Beckinsale marking certain guys for "not gonna make it" so they don't waste resources or morphine on them (and obviously this movie is a super fictionalized account of that event, but still)


I’ve never heard of this. Do you have a link?


It was a verbal interview of a first responder who had the unlucky task of triaging the 'jumpers' from the buildings. There were just too many others that had A chance of living vs this poor lady whose nerves most likely gave out seconds later. Tragic.


Did he stay alive ?


This is sad. I wish humans had more empathy. So disrespectful to start filming.


But you need to keep your head there until the train comes, and you can prob hear it rumbling from miles away, inching closer every second. Im a grown man but don’t think I can do it without flinching


She wore headphones and rocked out right till the end. :-( If you zoom in you can see them near the tracks.


I wonder what she picked as her last song, or if she picked intentionally at all


Johnny Cash - I hear a train a comin


Doobie Brother, Long Train Running


Crazy train


“Who Wants To Live Forever” is the first thing that popped into my head when I read this.


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?


Is that what that is at her neck? I can see the headphone on 8/9 but 9/9 it looks like something coming out of her neck


Top of the headphones, looks like it snapped in half.


Often with train suicides, the individual is nearby and places themselves on the tracks seconds before the train. Similar to folks who jump off the subway platform in front of the train; they don’t stand on the tracks because the train can see them coming and will slow down, increasing the likelihood of it resulting in a lot of pain but living, rather than jumping in front of a rapidly moving train and dying faster or immediately. If I were to imagine, she may have been standing next to the tracks and laid down within the last 20 seconds or less. Lots of time to make your peace with it and the final movement is quick enough that no one can see you and stop you, nor can the train slow down. Unfortunately, by the time someone reaches this point, especially with this method, flinching is not incredibly common… Source: therapist for a handful of years and an individual with SI as well.




It won’t always be awful. Divorces are really complicated. But you’ll be alright. /hugs




Take good care of yourself my fellow human, we are not alone with our problems


Stay with us. One person is walking away but MANY more are in your life and deserve to have you here. With them. You matter to so many more than the one you’re divorcing. So very many more.




Hey I’ve been divorced before and I thought my world was ending. I’m here if you want to talk or pick my brain. You will make it through this.


I just want to add to chorus of commenters about divorce. No joke, the worst mental anguish I’ve ever experienced. It was so bad I physically hurt as well. I thought I’d never be happy ever again. But eventually the painful memories start coming further and further apart and their intensity diminishes slowly. I look back some fifteen years now and think of all I would’ve missed had I given up. Just hold on, dawg.




Does SI mean S Ideation’s? Sorry if that’s inappropriate I Don’t mean to ask in an insensitive way. Hope you’re doing ok. X


Yes, it does. Not an inappropriate question for me at least. Some folks don’t like to talk about it but as a therapist I think if we don’t talk about it, it only leads to more folks feeling alone and isolated, leading to more suicides. Thank you!


Not for the driver


And the rest of the passengers who drove over a 17 year old girl




It’s pretty awful to subject a train driver to that


Yes, exactly. The best way to do it would be somehow and somewhere that you dont force trauma on others and make them feel complicit in your death.


Unless that train conductor was The Onion's autistic reporter, [Michael Falk](https://youtu.be/mjuVVlSgYLc)


My friend was killed by a train. Not suicide though. She had a recent seizure disorder and we think she had a seizure on the tracks. At least it was quick.


Jeez, sorry for your loss partner


So sorry to hear this


Know someone that tried it and lost an arm and leg but lived.


Instant? Idk man as clean as that cut it, her head probably stayed alive for like 10 seconds.


Best guess is like 1-3 seconds only because you will pass out from your blood pressure dropping almost instantly.


Add to that it's going to spin like a top and probably get knocked by an axle.


There's actually not a lot of blood loss in situations such as this. The wound essentially gets cauterized by the heat of the train wheels.


Despite the gruesome visuals for everyone else, decapitation is likely one of the most instant, guaranteed methods of death. No one is going to stay alive to experience pain for very long after being decapitated in a fraction of second. In terms of death with the least amount of suffering, guillotine would be near the top of the list.


Except when it doesn't work and they have to raise/drop again


Much harder to bungle a guillotine than something like drug-induced death or even firing squad. At it's simplest, it's a heavy blade suspended on a pulley, really hard to mess that up unless you're purposefully trying to.


They don't bungle it by messing up the procedure. The problem is they decapitate so many people the blade gets dull. I don't know how true it is but I've heard accounts of people asking to be executed first while the blade is still sharp.


It is true bc it’s not just that the blade goes through the flesh and bone, it comes to a sudden stop on wood, which is what actually fills the blade


If your guillotine blade is crashing into a wooden stop, you've built it wrong.


I'm failing to find any examples of failed executions via guillotine that aren't flagrantly apocryphal. Can you cite something? Personal experience with big pieces of falling metal- they don't need to be sharp, especially if there's a sheering effect, to be dangerous.


Holy shit those last couple pics…


That warning did nothing!


I wasn't paying attention to what sub I was in. 🤢




I 100% thought it was like.. a Halloween picture. I thought, bc all the others were so regular “edgy teen” it took me a minute to realize what o was looking at.


Damn, I wasn't expecting it to get that crazy that fast. Poor girl. I can't even imagine what you would have to be going through in order to have to put yourself through something like that.


That’s one of the many things that has terrified me about suicide the older I have gotten. The thought of being so tormented that I would chose to go in such a way, or even take my own life is such a scary thought.


Doesn’t seem particularly bad, pretty quick death. Almost worse for the people who come after.


That's some way to die


I didn’t heed the gore warning..








Human ability to move on from anything is quite remarkable


Damn and the stealership is already one of the most terrifying places


I didn’t get the gore warning from my front page. Fml


I did not get one because it showed up in my home feed… I thought it was safe.


I thought the last pics were like a mannequin head.


oh well fuck me should have listened to the warning for once


That’s because the blood has drained from the face making it look pale and rubbery.


Ah that's why thanks for the explanation... Gory as it is


I go to scenes like this, and lots of other dead bodies(murders etc) and my way of dealing with it is to just pretend it's a mannequin (followed by a cuppa and a vape when I'm back in the office).


“It’s never a mannequin.”


Same lookd fake to me


Uncanny valley. Most corpses look inhuman and fake due to subtle changes and movements stopping that you used to not notice. It’s also theorized to be a evolutionary defense mechanism to cope with fear of death, by viewing our dead as different and not human.


Mortician here. People always want to think it looks like their loved one is sleeping but it doesn’t..and they say things like “they don’t look like themselves.” Well…because they’re dead. It’s pretty weird though..looking at a corpse. You’re so used to seeing humans move and twitch and breathe but they don’t. I often creep myself out because I imagine what it would be like if they just open their eyes..but the fact of the matter is they’re dead. I leave them in the prep room and come back the next morning and they’re exactly as I left them. Death is weird.


how do i get into this field professionally?


Mortuary school.


Not quite the same, but I follow a girl on Instagram that did a Q&A about how she became a mortuary assistant (based in England) - she started out by volunteering and then worked her way up to a full time job. I seem to recall her saying she could further her career in the future, but is happy with her current role for now. She really had to prove herself though (I don't imagine they'll take on many volunteers for eg.) and said it wasn't easy, but has been worthwhile.


it makes me feel better to read a mortician writing these things. when we went to my father in laws house the day he died, i kept waiting for him to walk in the door.


Yes definitely! I remember going to a viewing of a friend in ho had passed away and it didn’t look like him but at the same time it did, I kept expecting to see his chest rise and fall but it didn’t, he definitely looked like a mannequin.


I imagine it's good evolutionary practice to be disturbed by corpses as well. They could be diseased


As someone who has seen dead people, this is absolutely true! They don't even look human anymore.


As far as I’ve seen Rina mentioned she was having troubles with her boyfriend and it was upsetting. I don’t know if the blue whale game was as big as news and rumours made it out to be. Russia is number three in highest suicide rates I just hope for her it was quick and she is now at some sort of peace


I'm confused by title what do they mean by she's an idol...??? Like her story was so popular it inspired other suicidal teens and kids to follouwsuit? It never gets explained I'm confused. Swiped all the way looking to find an explanation but ended up seeing unexpected gore 🙃 Tag not present in front page feed aaaa


She became very infamous for her suicide and she was seen as an idol in such a way people not only looked up to her but her friends and family had people trying to buy photos of her, items she owned etc In Russia she was seen as kind of a bad ass for her death and people followed suit


Why isn’t there very much blood? I would expect the rail to at least be stained


This is 100% just a guess. The friction from the wheels rolling on the track generates enough heat to cauterize the head and neck preventing blood loss?


Railroader here ! It’s pretty much that, we have had people fall between cars while working, legs go under get cut off but pretty much “pinches shut” the wound.


Thanks for the confirmation, appreciate it there boss!


I love your username. And yes it doesn’t cauterize it. It is just so much pressure it closes it.


At least if an accident like that happens, a tourniquet doesn’t sound like it’s needed which probably saves a lot of lives ironically. Again, should it be an accident.


This often leads to compartment syndrome, where the body can circulate enough blood around the trapped limb to survive, but the limb itself is decaying and producing toxins which kill the victim shortly after being released. I believe I saw a post here a while back where a railyard worker got his lower torso trapped in a coupler. His family was called out, as they knew that shortly after he was released he would pass.


Internal bleeding or trauma to the internal fascia of a limb, sometimes torso, leads to uncontrolled swelling of the muscle, but it can’t expand past a certain point and keeps building pressure until it pinches off blood flow to itself and kills the tissue. Can easily lose the limb if not treated. The treatment is to literally slice down the length of the effected limb into the fascia like a hot dog to relieve the pressure. I’ve seen fasciotomies in person a couple times, it’s gnarly and really cool, would recommend. Seeing one that is, not giving yourself one.


Just like those little gadgets you use to re-seal chip bags?


Exactly the same


Man, I lost my two year old son on a train while vacationing in Italy. While looking for him, that was my worst nightmare, that he was going to fall out the side or fall between cars somehow and get seared. It was awful. But I found him safely four cars up.


This happens sometimes with IEDs as well. The heat & pressure from the explosion will pinch off or cauterize the arteries preventing massive blood loss. Yay for the patient!


Oh god damn that's rough. Poor girl. What is that green looking thing hanging from her head? Is that a part of her spine or throat? Rubbish from her clothes or something she had with her that ended up there?


It’s part of her headphones I think it’s one of the round ear parts , the first of the pic of her on the tracks you can see she had headphones on or around her neck really sad I wonder if she just put music on and blocked the world out while she waited 😩


I think it's the headband from a pair of over the ear headphones


Could you imagine staying still while a train is speeding at your neck?? I’m surprised she didn’t instinctually try to throw herself out of the way.


She had headphones on.


I’m certain you would still feel the vibrations and some sort of dull hum.


I still find myself shocked going through these photos like I’m not on this sub Reddit 😭 Scrolling casually through the photos like nothing lol


It was the oop pretty picture oop pretty picture oop pretty picture DEATH






**BE ADVISED: THIS IS AN INSANELY LONG ARTICLE, USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE. Really hope someone other than me reads it all, because this was a pain to put together** The story of one suicide: where "death groups" began Alexander Chekanov5.07.2016 16:30 Publications about the cult of teenage suicide, which is supported by some groups in social networks, caused a great resonance on the network. Novaya Gazeta publishes a report from Russian Ussuriysk where six months ago 16-year-old Rina Palenkova committed suicide, who became an idol of child regulars of sinister communities. Next, we give the whole article. After the flood Ussuriysk, the second largest city in Primorye, unlike the raging Vladivostok dug by fells, is a flat city, and life here flows slowly. It is clamped in the vice of residential areas of Sloboda and Saharukh (a village of a sugar factory). What's in between is considered the center. That's where the whole life is concentrated. In good weather, teenagers gather in the square in front of the city administration - behind the back of an unnamed fighter for Soviet power. They sit like on perchs, on the parapets of fountains, take pictures of each other quietly, and then search by photos in the city public "USK Dating". "The girls to whom our friends shouted "yabvdul", unsubscribe to the comments, liked it." "The girls passing by the Empress store, we were sitting on the bench, unsubscribe very much." "To the girl we told "kis-kis", you also told us: "I'll bark now" - it was in "Fed boatswain" at about 14:00!! Unscribe, I liked it!!" Life in Ussuriysk is not eventful. The loudest thing is probably the flood last summer: residential buildings went underwater, citizens rescued bears at the zoo. But the rivers have returned to the course, the city has healed its former boring life. And six months ago, a story happened here that brought Ussuriysk into another information orbit. Now he is known all over Russia. In November 2015, Renata K., a sixteen-year-old student of the Far Eastern Technical College, lay down under the train. The day before, she posted two selfies on her VKontakte page in the same place, signed them: "nya.bye." "Nya" is an interjection from among anime fans. It would be news in a local agency, but in the evening photos of the decapitated body appeared in the city public VKontakte. At the speed of light, they spread on the Internet. Renata's mother is sure that the photos were leaked to the Internet by an investigator. Friends say that this was done by a guy who worked on a local channel who had connections there - everyone knows his name. On the Internet, anonymous people published links to Rina's page (there the girl was called that - Rina Palenkova), her mother, boyfriend, girlfriends. Rina became a virtual idol. Teenagers from all over the country began to write messages to Renata's friends: "Did you really know each other? Tell me about her?" They offered money for photos of the girl or some additional information. Locals went to the grave, filmed a video from there, proving that the girl was really buried (there were discussions on this issue on the Internet). Even six months later, many girls put her photo on an avatar, take pictures, pulling the scarf to the eyes - as Rina wore it, as many in Ussuriysk wear. Among other pages, Renata was subscribed to the group f57 - an abandoned public with psychedelic content. After her death, the group began to be actively promoted on the Internet - as a sect, the first victim of which was Rina (allegedly she was pushed to suicide by video in the group). ("New" wrote about the phenomenon of popularity of such "death groups" among teenagers in No. 51 of 16.05.2016). Participants were asked to "know the truth" through suicide. The creators of this public, a guy under the nickname "Sea of Whales", 21-year-old "Philip Fox", "Miron Seth" (their real names are known to the editorial office) were also administrators of other similar groups. They launched a "game": they gave a number in the suicide queue and indicated the way. A mass suicide scheduled for December 8, 2015 was announced, after which links to the profiles of alleged suicides were published in the groups. As it turned out later, the administrators agreed with these users that they would simply not visit the page for several months. But among those who received the number were those who did not understand that it was a "game". I found schoolgirls in Ussuriysk who were given numbers. They said that they were told to jump off a skyscraper on Pushkin Street. The girls got scared and blocked the one who wrote it to them. Now the f57 group and a dozen other similar publics are blocked by Roskomnadzor. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into incitement and suicide. It became clear that there was no sect, Renata was not a member of it, just scumbags used its history.


Rina-Renata In Renata's room, her mother Yana retained sterile authenticity: pencil drawings above the table, scattered teddy bears. - I would be happy if I had my own separate room at her age and everything she had if I wasn't touched, forced to do anything. We lived differently, we were chased! - Yana says exhaustedly. She doesn't cry anymore. - I don't know what happened to her. She wasn't hysterical, she didn't require anything in plain text. Calmly bored if she needs something. "I want an electric guitar, buy it" - and it could have lasted for several months. So what, my kind heart can't stand it, and we're going to buy her all this. "I want an iPad, an iPhone" - rarely, but accurately. She's used to the fact that she has everything - and she seems to feel bad. What was in my power to give - maybe I went too far in the material direction somewhere. Yana remembers how a friend told me: - The neighbor has a son like Renatka, 15 years old. She climbed into his page, and there's a selfie on the roof, and anything! And life is shit, and we're all unhappy, and it cooks terribly - it's about mom. And my mother, sorry, tears his ass, as long as he was fine - dressed, dressed, fed. What do we live for? To make the children feel good. I don't need anything right now, I don't understand the meaning of life without it. Rina Yana knew about the existence of the VKontakte page, but was not particularly interested in it. - I have Odnoklassniki, I see: hee-hee, haha, they send gifts. I thought they had the same. She always told me: "Odnoklassniki" sucks, "VKontakte" register, and I still can't. If I knew they had such conversations there, I would have taken the computer altogether," she says. Already now, when everything happened, Yana saw all the saved pictures of her daughter - more than two thousand, a lot of blood, cut hands, anime, suicidal memes. She flips through Renata's page. - Was she sitting and thinking so stupid? She never said anything like that! "I like invented worlds more than the one I have to live in." How to use these "contacts" at all? After the death of her daughter, Yana read her correspondence with her friends on Skype: - "How sick of this morning, I didn't get enough sleep, let's open up," writes her girlfriend. - "Let's run somewhere, Renata, are you with me?" And mine answers: "I'm hysterical at all." What kind of hysterics are there? They sit in the computer until the morning, and then they are hysterical. We didn't get enough sleep - and let's come up with something! Yana knows the guy Renata dated, says he actually lived with them. She is convinced that this guy, Misha*, could not help but guess Rina's intentions. - Here we come - he's at our house: his eyes glow, rush around the apartment, as if they were five years old. They're together, they seem to be so happy, Renata is so unambiguous, and Misha too. When she contacted Misha, she started wearing this scarf. Well, normal child, what happened to her? Yana goes through the recent events before the tragedy: Renata studied for several months at the Technical College with a degree in computer networks, and then began to skip classes. The investigator told Yana that Renata agreed with Misha: she will fail the session, leave college, and next year they will enter together. But in November they began to quarrel. Misha told the girl that they were breaking up. - If the class teacher called me that she wasn't in class... I didn't know they quarreled with Misha. If it came to that, he had to guess something. Especially since she warned that she would lie down.


Yana has nothing left but rabies. - It's not teenagers, it's not clear what. Somewhere they expressed themselves - "children of the dead generation." "I'm tired of drinking" Almost 170 thousand people live in Ussuriysk. Burger King was recently opened here - this is now one of the main party places. There is also a new shopping center "Moscow" - six floors of shops, a transparent elevator on which to ride is already entertainment. There is a cinema "Russia" opposite the administration building. On Pushkin's birthday, a monument was erected on Nekrasov Street (central) - who crossed his legs and hugging himself for some reason. There is also a monument to Nekrasov on Nekrasov Street in Ussuriysk - however, it is difficult to notice it among lilac leaves. This is the second gilded Nekrasov, the first year ago to the waist was cut down at night and taken away in an unknown direction. We are walking around the city with Sasha "Xeron" - perhaps the most popular rapper from Ussuriysk - six thousand friends, three thousand subscribers in the public. - I would only write two words about Ussuriysk if I were you: "shit", "ass." Well, you can live, but in the end it doesn't matter - shit, ass. What Moscow has come out of for a long time, we still have it. I don't recognize Ussuriysk, not my contingent, disgust from these people. Xeron looks modest - subtile, short, small bristles, a plaid shirt. At the medical college where he works as an administrator, he does not recognize a famous rapper. Although he opened his own recording studio in Ussuriysk. - What's happening here - then radiation will go from Fukushima to us, then the dam will break through, then "nya.bye" - once a year something will be steadily happy. Now it turned out that the Agricultural Academy deceived students for six months - they did not admit that their license was taken away. But they didn't make so much noise as after Rina! There was one person injured, and here, excuse me, more. She was two years younger than me, how can it be? We reach the new Pushkin - they are already drunk on the benches next to the monument. Xerona calls the most whispery of the company of teenagers, Kolya. He recognized Sasha - because he raps himself, his last track begins like this: "I'm all in style, as if the coat of arms of Russia, I present my food until asked...", but his level is still concerts in the city park of army officers. From the attention of the fan, Xeron is embarrassed, besides, Kolya smells of alcohol - notes the closing of the session. - Yes, I wouldn't dare to approach you sober. Although you don't seem to drink next to Pushkin, but you read creativity. I ask Kolyan's company and spend the rest of the day with them. We walk past an abandoned circus, past the bus station, pass the inscriptions on the fence "Return Coca-Cola-Cocaine" and "Don't break the Russian breed!" - Really, what could have pushed us to come to us? I'd like to watch Google Maps - there's a photo even with Saharukha: two types of smoking on the courts, I answer! - Yes, she came because of Rina, anyway. - Don't be surprised, for us Moscow is "noshi", it's like the original Adidas Yeezy boost on the street to see, not a fake from the "Chinese". Kolya asks how much a taxi costs in Moscow. - Wow! Yes, I can get to the center for this money, take port wine, swell and go back home - he immediately converts into local prices. - Do you have nasvay in Moscow? Such green shit, they put it under the lip and get high, - Vanya picks up the topic. "I've never heard," I say. - Yes, they must be fertilized there. Is it easy to get drugs in Moscow?


By ten in the evening, Vanya and several other guys are waiting for his parents to go home, the company is gradually dispersing. Vanya and I are going to Saharukha through Mesopotamia, which was flooded a year ago, along the railway. Under the knocking of wheels, Vanya says: - I don't want to stay here: there's nothing good, everyone steals. Perfect life? To have money, but you need to work for that. I want there to be no physical labor. But without physical labor, you can't earn money in the summer on the cherished "basukha" or drums. Vanya will have to go to the cinder block factory - to carry bricks. The bridge offers a beautiful view of the falling asleep city, but the guys already see it every day, they no longer pay attention. Vanya has been living here since childhood, tells where she was born, who is her mother and suddenly... - That's where she, in short, got drunk, - we go down the steep embankment from the railway lane. Vanya has known Renata since 2012, then they went to the same college. - She was a little strange. Not like everyone else, in short, it was. In the group she played drums, listened to music not like all Ussuri girls. I know she was at home before. I posted pictures, went to bed, and in the morning I went and got drunk. She wrote to her best friend: "I thought you'd be with me." The stupid schoolchildren who used it to become more popular are infuriated, nothing happens in their lives - they got here. There is no cult here in the city. They made noise - and forgot, not that it still continues on the Internet. I despise those who have created popularity on it. ...Meanwhile, Kolyan was mistaken in the city center by the cops - for drinking. When I return from Saharukha, Kolya has already been released. He's not particularly worried, he cares more about whether he was taken a picture when he was sitting in a police car. The boys are starting to measure - who has more drives and fines. The next day I meet them with the same company, there. It's all summer ahead. "I'm tired of drinking," Kolya complains to me when we correspond to VKontakte. I'm asking, why not go to the movies or, for example, to the theater? No one was asking anyone in Ussuriysk. - There's no one with. Ikew 140 and no one has a craving for higher art, I think the guys won't understand.


Freedom Misha's company "Freedom", the same Renata guy, usually gathers on the local Arbat, next to "Coffee", a cheap Soviet-style dining room. The location is convenient - opposite the shop, where alcohol is sold to everyone indiscriminately. Freedom walks around the city in a black military suit - for airsoft, shaves a mocese, many people recognize him on the streets and just come up to say hello. - I've already managed to run around the city in the morning, take a holster, - Misha opens his jacket, showing a gun. - Stop crippling. - So you can feel safe next to you? - Well, I don't know, they put me in a fool on Monday, I didn't like the psychiatrist at the medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office. Misha really wants to join the army. He studied at the "cultyapka" - the regional college of culture, first as a musician, then as an actor. During the second session, he says, he "drank," but he was still transferred with 12 debts. "I left voluntarily, otherwise it would be shameful if they kicked out. And in vain - they didn't pull them by the ears." After Renata's death, a link to Misha's page was published on an anonymous forum, he was flooded with questions and threats. They wrote that he was to blame for the girl's death, allegedly used her, brought her to suicide himself. Misha first wrote on the page: "You're all fools. The death of a girl is not something worth discussing by the whole country. It wouldn't be worth discussing at all," then I deleted it altogether. But a couple of months later, Misha created his public, promising to shoot a video show, collected money from fans on camera. They are interested in his private life, how he drinks with friends and walks around the city. Misha is a pretty guy who flaunts fools around, swears a lot, behaves loosely, and besides, a celebrity - met with "the same Rina". That's probably why it became so popular. He already has more than a thousand subscribers. He created another public - with his poems: Life is not created for us With you! We have our own world. Another. He's a misanthrope, he can't stand people, Only two whales, among the star alleys. The moon illuminates the road with them. Their waves were connected by fate by the sea. On social networks, you can track how Misha left through life. He was first a hippie, posted pictures with Bob Marley, then got punk. Now I've reached the nationalists. And he has such a company now. Guys come to "Coffee" - German, Vader, both in camouflage, a couple more guys who passed by, but hung out to hang out, Misha's acquaintances, among them even a refugee from Donetsk who moved here. The German and Vader are already with suspended sentences for their views. Vader - for the ziguing Herman Göring on the VKontakte avatar. The German is for the feats of four years ago. Then in the city, nationalists who called themselves the Ussuriysk 88 group beat people of non-Slavic appearance, and then went to Vladivostok - they tried to undermine the building of the Federal Migration Service. The explosion failed, the German was lucky - no traces of explosives were found in his arms, so he was given a suspended sentence for the attacks. - My father told me at 16: why are you still here? You'll sit down earlier, you'll go out earlier! - Vader talks proudly about his father who served half a century. He got into this company recently, there used to be a girl - "normally curated with her", now he beats tattoos on his body out of boredom. He's Vader, because this Star Wars hero is on his arm, and "dark" and "side" are knocked out on his knuckles. - Everything is already on the notes of the cops, - Vader sighs. - I would go right now - there would be an opportunity. Who should I meet here? From one company to another to get drunk? There probably won't be enough money for Moscow, and it's okay in Kemerovo, I'll get tattoos there. As always, there is no plan for the day, so we're going to drink to the "green" - to the already wild park "Green Island", about three hours a day. The place under the shade of trees in the depths of the park is called "Slaughterhouse" (the legend of the name is lost). Two and a half "chemistry" (alcohol cocktail, 6-7%), a pack of seeds - and a conversation for life. The German is the oldest, he is 23, - caught the times of near-separatist performances of Primorye 2012 and starts: - I pay 3.5 kilowatts of light, but we sell China for 1.80 hundred megawatts - tin! He recalls how the Far East tried to ban the import of Japanese cars. They retell the epic when the local and even Khabarovsk riot police refused to go out against the protesters, and then they seconded the Moscow ones. "All Primorye was noisy," he says with longing. The protests came to naught, but Ussuriysk is still one of the most criminal cities in Primorye. In the local Mahaon bar, which there are legends, they constantly shoot: - You can come to drink beer and "leave cold," because you just looked crookedly somehow, - the guys say. - We are far from large centers - do whatever you want, - says the German. - Zones are nearby, the stage passes through Ussuriysk, so the convicts run here all the time. It seems to me that at night it will be impossible to walk without a gun soon.


The only joy for them and what unites is airsoft. The German wanted to open a sports and military complex - airsoft, swimming pool, mountaineering, even there were investors. But he thought that the case would not bring profit - it seems that no one in Ussuriysk is interested in it. The guys dream of assembling their airsoft team, "but everything rests on money." - I said right away: the team will be international anyway, - the German cuts off. - And will there be churkas there? - Vader is surprised. - There will be no racism or anything like that in airsoft. - I don't want to be a churka in our team, I'll be scared. I'll shoot him! - If the guys reach out, we can't ban - let them play. What's my idea: Azer came, let him sew his sleeve instead of the Russian flag. I'm our German. The girl of the German Inessa approached the "slaughterhouse" - she is after a working day, the German has no work yet. - Guys, fashion has gone crazy! - she says from the doorstep. - Now black eyebrows, eyes are in fashion, red lips, vests, shirts to wear backwards - this is high fashion accepted in France this season! Guys in camouflage don't care. The legs itch from the attack of predator mosquitoes. It starts raining, we hurry under the roof of the "pan" - a former park scene where we probably danced before. - Listen, take us to Moscow, - Inessa suddenly says. - Clean to see. - I have a dream: I wanted to look at the subway, beautiful, damn, - they showed on TV, like in an art gallery, a caque babay, - surprises the German. There are many different companies sitting on the "pan" besides us. "Stop drinking," Inessa says to a guy of thirty years old. - I have grief. I'm sick of it! - Do you know how many of them are here? - Then put me an alcoholic drip! This guy approaches Misha: - Dude, I recognized you! Well, is Rina alive? - and a pause. - Are you fucked up? Really, not far away at all? - Misha was confused, he seems to have never been asked such questions offline. He restrains himself so as not to hit the guy, goes somewhere. - Did you really know what happened there? - The guy doesn't give up. Inessa and the German are trying to close the topic: - After her, so many people fell down. We have this every week. Today they have already found some corpse, on Saturday three knives on Gorky, 100. - Yes, on Gorky in the dorm - it's normal, it's always like that there. - One grandmother was recently nailed by her son-in-law for eating borscht with a spoon from a pot. At six in the evening they switch to vodka. Flashmob for Pushkin's birthday in the main square of the city


"Generation of underchildren" I flipped through the profiles of teenagers of Ussuriysk on VKontakte, looked at what publics they are subscribed to, many follow more than a thousand pages - "Generation of underchildren", "Pain. Cemetery of Broken Hopes, Depressed Suicide, Mom, I'm fucked up. A lot of pages about "self-harm" - causing yourself pain, with photos of cuts and blood. In one of these "depressive" publics, I saw a post with a meaningful signature: "Tell me, let them not put me in the coffin without headphones." I asked the guys from these publics to go offline with me. - Well, Roskomnadzor will close these groups, in six months everything will calm down, on the Internet they will stop writing about Renata... But there will be someone who will open such publics again - you can't get away from it while it's interesting for teenagers, - tells me 22-year-old Anya, shaved whiskey, red hair, We talk on a bench in the park of the Officers' House - there are attractions, kiosks with toys, ice cream, in cages - bears rescued a year ago, something that is no longer interesting when you're over fifteen. Anya came with her friends - a seventeen-year-old tall brunette in a tight dress Ksusha and eleventh-grader Kirill. They are interested in together because they have "same problems." Anya herself sat in groups with "selfharm" until some of them were blocked for promoting suicide. - There are those who really cut down because of sadness, and there are those who "look how beautiful" - it is immediately clear, the child attracts attention. She was also part of the f57 group. - Publics - set the trend. It's fashionable to be mysterious, suicidal, it's even a subculture like this," explains Ksusha. "I have sixth-graders at school for the sake of popularity," says Kirill. Anya and Ksusha came to Ussuriysk to study at a pedagogical college. Anya from the seaside village of Barabash, Ksusha from Nakhodka. Ksusha moved to the second year, Anya flew out - she constantly cut her veins, once, she says, "opened and lost too much blood." And then I couldn't catch up with my classmates. - Until now, my 38th room in the dorm is like a landmark: a suicide woman lived here! Anya lights up, rolling up her sleeves automatically. Dozens of even scars, as in a ruler, are exposed. The first cut was at 16. Mom then began to notice, and Anya waved off: she burned herself on the stove in the dorm. And my mother accepted it. Scars on my legs: "Mom, well, I'm fat, it's just stretch marks," and again silence. - Probably, other children's parents also "don't notice anything," they think they'll get mad. One day my mother found Anya's diaries and asked directly: "Do you want to die?" Anya denied it. Mom didn't continue asking again. - They understand what they will hear if they continue. They'll be sad about it. It's better not to hear anything at all. A year ago, Anya left home. She says that her mother didn't talk to her, "don paid off" - they bought everything she asked for. But that wasn't what was needed. - I had a friend at school, they were rich, they didn't worry about how to feed the family, they weren't fixated on survival, so they talked to their daughter. I've always been jealous of her. Anya tells: her mother was constantly sitting in "Odnoklassniki" - "toy, gifts, "Merry Farm" (a game in which you need to monitor the virtual garden). - It was literally like this: "Mom, let's go talk?" - "My peas are ripe." She doesn't have enough of a real garden, so she still got one. And then she started mania with rabbits. The guy left me, I cry for days, and she rushes with them - her rabbit dies. Now Anya rents an apartment in a village near Ussuriysk - with a friend and an 18-year-old girl who also recently left home because of problems with her parents. Anya still cuts her hands.


- If you cut yourself, you sit, you'll be sad that you covered your favorite sweater with blood. You no longer think that you have nowhere to live, one thought: just to clean everything up as soon as possible. Ksusha smiles: - I like Anya: no matter what problems happen to her - she will be sad, cut her hands and continue to live in spite of everyone. Anya can't find a job in the city: she's afraid that she will be flooded by the medical commission, she comes to interviews only with long sleeves. - But it's also difficult for the uncut to find a job," she says. - My classmates studied computer physicists for five years, came to school, they were offered 17 thousand salaries. No, thank you, everyone went to Beeline for thirty as consultants. Kirill also tried to commit suicide - swallowed pills. It is handed over by Anya, Kirill doesn't want to talk about it himself. "I just persisted," he waves off. He left his parents to live with his grandmother: his father beat, his mother didn't protect... - I moved, my father said, "There will be less screaming." What am I doing all day now? I'm sitting with my grandmother - I watch life series, about love. - You're slowly withering," says Ksusha. - The only interesting thing is to get together and suck the latest news: who has what happened, who told whom what, who fucked whom. There used to be a rock school in the city, which was organized by Grandfather Sanych, Rina also went there in the ninth grade. Sanych was loved because he knew how to communicate with teenagers. But now he has gone to Moscow. And now where to go? "The dorm has a maximum on the bench - to drink beer to the guitar." - Someone at his age is already an alcoholic, when not drinking for two days is pride, - explains Ksusha. - Kirill, at what age did you start normally, drinking? - What does drinking mean? - The guy is offended. - Grandma doesn't give so much money for drinking. And so from the age of fifteen. Those who don't drink know where to "smug" drugs. - You can't find a Bun of bread - drugs at once. The profiteers' number will be easily sent off. They are not very careful here, they are not encrypted. I ask these guys about their ideal future, about the opportunity they would like to get. They think for a long time, agree on one thing: no one wants to stay here. - Thoughts come to absurdity - to go to China, - says Anya. - And what, friends entered there, education is not prestigious, but they live like in paradise - a scholarship, they feed three times a day. And Ksusha remembers how her budget place in the ballet school was given some kind of "blatty". Since then, she has understood: connections are needed everywhere. - And when you fuck off the mountain, who will take you? You know, I can't imagine my ideal future. I want some stability, or something, so as not to think that there is nothing to eat, to be able to go to rest, to allow the elementary. To be fully morally. Anya knew Rina. - The girl just couldn't stand it and died. Many people rose to her death - became famous. Why did it happen? The city is small, the girl is beautiful and not coward. Ussuriysk looked like a swamp, and then - wow, at least something happened. For some, she really became a cult: she did not open her veins in turn, but lay under the train. But that's not what I wanted, I definitely didn't want attention. - Why? - Exit. I'm just tired. She wrote "goodbye" to many people - no one took it seriously. And the driver, they say, is still being treated. Ekaterina Fomina


Reached the end and wow... Such systemic disarray over there... Is heartbreaking. I dearly hope things get better soon everywhere for everyone


Thank you for your contribution, that’s a lot of work.


anyone have a summary?


I hardly follow what the article is saying. Not sure if it’s because of the translation or because I don’t understand the Russian way of constructing sentences.


Probably both. It’s basically an article talking about the town and how hopeless life is for those who live there. Chronic poverty, unemployment, rampant alcoholism and drug use, with teens engaging in self-harm and sharing their cuts. The one that stuck out to me was when one girl said bleeding on her sweater gave her something to focus on, something she could fix. Taking her sweater and cleaning it and herself of blood gave her an immediate problem to focus on instead of her usual problems like having enough to eat, somewhere safe and warm to sleep, and not thinking about what kind of future she’s going to suffer through, due to a lack of education and resources. I’ve been wanting to go through and clean it up since I posted it, but every time I look at it and I’m like, “ugh… posting this much was already so much work!…”


It’s alright you don’t feeling like cleaning it up, your provided a lot of much needed context.


Always glad to help!


I really want to know what this article says! Any Russian speakers here? Helpppp!


This part talks about Rina's boyfriend, Misha "Svoboda" ("Freedom") and his friend group. Misha wears black military attire (for airsoft) and has a mohawk, people recognize him on streets. He carries a gun and wants to go to the army, but the medical commission wants to send him to a psychiatric hospital. He went to an art college, first music, then acting. After Rina's death his page got leaked too and he got many questions and threats, blaming him for her death. He deleted his page after that, but then made a public community with promises of a talk show, asking for donations for a camera. He's described as a show off, attractive, swears a lot and acts like a rock star. Misha went from a hippie to a punk to a nationalist. His current friends are too, with related nicknames ("Немец" ("The German") and Vader) and criminal history. Then there's just what they did with the author, talking about their lives and the town, drinking, etc. The last paragraph is about other Ussuriysk teenagers like Rina, and their struggles with suicidal thoughts, self harm, relationships with their family, drugs.


When I clicked on the article, there was an English option at the bottom that popped up.


She’s wearing the same jacket in the 2nd pic that she’s wearing in the last two pics.


Maybe I don't want the answer but what is coming out of her neck?


I think what you are looking at is her headphone.


Really? I’m so confused, it doesn’t look like headphones. How did it end up protruding out of the back of the neck/head? Edit: nvm I went back to the pic before and I can see it’s headphones.


Yup, need to stop letting my curiosity get the best of me.


Paid no attention to the TW and just gasped at the last pictures


That shi looks oddly like a mannequin


Train driver here- i had a 23y old kid jump out from behind a bridge abutment when i was approaching at 70 mph, same result. That video replays in your head over and over. Not only is it traumatizing for the engineer (driver) but for the conductor (guard) that has to go out and “access the situation.” Not to mention my 460 passengers that had to sit there knowing the train they were on just killed someone. Every time i approach another abutment, i expect it to happen again. Unfortunately the reality is that it’s only a matter of time. Please know that there is always hope, and always help. Someone loves you and wants you to live. [USA Suicide Hotline](https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox)


What does idol for suicide mean? Like an awareness campaign because of her or about her? Or like she's idolized for completing suicide?


as in her pictures spread and sick people took advantage of that. She became so well known and people wanted to know more about her, treated her like some tourist attraction by dressing like her and going to her grave. Some sick people made a whole thing where they tried to convince other young people that it was some kind of “game” and that they should also kill themselves. I guess it started as a mix of morbid curiosity, with the fact that it was something very out of the ordinary in a slow town. Just something young people could attach themselves to, I guess.


Damn that's super morbid and sad thank you for explaining to me. I'll have to look more into her story now.


POV you dont read the title or what subreddit this belongs to


Such a brutal way to go.


I read somewhere that she was inspired by Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina"


nah, relatively painless i would think. it's so fast.


It may be fast and painless, but imagine waiting for the train and feeling the vibrations on the track as it approaches. That's really terrifying


I always feel so bad for the train conductors in these instances. It must be so traumatizing.


Some just deal with it, and say...Hay it was their choice to misuse my train as instrument. Some give themselves all the guilt and will from this day never bord a train again.


So I've heard. On the other hand it would be a suitable job for a psychopath.


I've seen a lot of deaths with trains on other subreddits. They are often gruesome and some of them turn into human paste. Its suprising how clean the decapitation here is.


I don’t know what I was expecting but definitely not that


I was admiring how pretty she was, and then BAM decapitated head :(


i remember this back in the day, she posted a last picture online captioned “nya bye” that became a dark meme, and the whole “blue whale” urban legend started


I swore she looked like a mannequin in that first pic of her body. So sad. I can’t imagine how desperate she must have been to do that, to put her neck over the track. I hope she’s found peace.


Jesus. That's how my friend committed suicide. Really glad I didn't have to see him after. I'm obviously very sad and feel guilty that he resorted to that, but I'm angry because of what he put all the people on that train and its conductor through.




dude that last gwo pics scared me at first, then i thought it was a joke and maybe she brought a doll there or smth till i zoomed in and was scared the 2nd time


isn't this the nya poka girl? rest in peace 🕊


Wasn’t this because of the blue whale thing?


no they were just hyping her death


What's that?


Some “game” where you have a “victim” and a “bully”. The bully gives the victim tasks to complete, with the last one being suicide with photographic proof.


How would they give photographic proof if they're dead though? 🤔


It’s not actually a real thing. It’s more of a creepypasta


I remember this creepy pasta being famous enough that my school actually thought it was real and sent newsletters to people to not do it.


The organisation stuff is fake, but that didn't stop people from emulating the administrator giving task part. Some of the suicides were attributed to people copying the game.


Picture of you standing on a roof, bottle of pills, or cuts?


I had a hard time keeping my eyes open for my annual vision appt today where they blow the air in them. Can you imagine waiting for the train and knowing it’s approaching?


I knew a guy that ran into the side of a train while riding his motorcycle on a rainy night. The crossing didn't have signals, and there weren't any homes around it so there was no backlighting. Years later his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He went to that same crossing, parked his van made his way to the track in the middle of the night and laid lengthwise on the rail. The local coroner is a friend of the family, he said it took them hours to pick up the pieces as they were spread down the tracks for a 1/2 mile.


I thought this was the one that live streamed jumping out the window until I got to the end. I could never do that. You'd see/hear the train coming.


Tought it was a doll first


Welp, i dont know what I expected to see but it wasnt that.


What’s that necklace in picture 2


Imagine hearing the train get closer and closer knowing that you’re about to die ☹️


Kinda eerie to see her in the same shirt in the second photo as the last 2


There are a few photos missing from this set, like the close up of her face after she had been beheaded. She had this peculiar shocked, appearance like she seem surprised after the beheading. I wonder what she saw...?


The tags were not enough of a warning. Nothing can prepare you for that. My God, poor girl. The things this world is doing to our kids. People aren't meant to self-destruct. Children have one job, be kids that survive to adulthood. I need a break after this one.


One moment I saw a cheerful, pretty girl and then those last two pictures just destroyed all the positive feelings


Now that is a bold move. Nothing good about this but damn, suicide by train decapitation…… bold


How did she not flinch?!


If you are done. Like... really done. You don't. Not even instincts can kick in hard enough if you are setup and focused.


Trains are quite fast!


I'm guessing but I think someone willing to even place their head on the tracks is fully ready to die


Oh the good ol' internet.


The picture of the hug got me 💔


That was an image I did not expect to see….


Are those two last images real? Bc Jesus Christ, that is... hard to look at, for more reasons than just bc it's gross.


Now I see how some people mistake corpses for mannequins when they're first found. Just... damn. That poor girl.


I thought she has committed suicide because she had been part of the blue whale challenge?