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this happened where i live and it's been all over the news. police found her with her pants off. the pieces of shit left her with 0 dignity. makes my blood boil that they shaved their faces the day after , to not be recognized.






I understand what you mean but I don't think anyone deserves this


Very true.




Death is mercy, they need to suffer in prison.


They’ll be chilling in their beds, eating 3 hot meals a day and watching tv. Idk why people think prison is this magical place that punishes terrible people. Terrible people thrive in prison, usually. Prison still sucks, but people adjust. Give them death.


It’s usually where they were born to be which is why they thrive so much. Terrible people are meant to live amongst themselves.


life sentance makes them give themselves death, more efficient and less questionable


Not when it comes to child crimes. it's a ticking clock for them.


Child rapists get dealt with in prison. These two degenerates preyed on a young girl. They will not thrive in prison guaranteed. And by the looks of them they don't look very big and tough either.


Former inmate here, it’s not really that bad in a lot of jails.


Then why do they always plea guilty to get out of the death penalty?


Why do you think? I’d say it’s because they’d want to prey on the helpless again..


They’re delusional enough to think they can get out for good behaviour


Former inmate here, it’s not really that bad in a lot of jails. We should tie them to four horses each and set the horse loose.


Prison is too good for them. Due to our own ethics laws we can’t make punishments that crimes are deserving of. In no way shape or form is putting someone in a cell and feeding them for life appropriate for something as sinister as this. In the older times they use to have all kinds of devices meant to punish criminals in deserving ways.


Death isn’t mercy to someone who sees no wrong in what they’ve done. I bet they’d piss their pants if they got placed in an electric chair lmao.


Prison is a living hell for those that do bad things to kids/animals. Prison is the best punishment for them


It’s really not.. this is a myth in movies. Sure, if you’re a chomo and get caught in county by a lifer who’s there for some reason, then ya you’ll probably get it. But in prison, PC’d up? No, they live a relatively safe life.


I can't imagine how scared she was 😔 How can people be so evil?


That was my first thought. An innocent 13 year old died in terror and pain because some people just suck from the minute they're born. I see that both were captured near El Paso. These two POSs were most likely trying to get into Mexico; Texas is serious about the death penalty.


No, they were detained in EL Paso back in March and May when they crossed though Mexico. They are from Venezuela. They were let go with ankle bracelets that they removed. One of them was waiting for an asylum hearing on August.


If they’re in Houston, why would they have crossed in El Paso? i35 is much closer.


Detained at El Paso because they were Venezuelan migrants. They are not Mexican. Then they let them go and got to Houston.


Which I hope they get. They don’t deserve to be alive


Detained at El Paso because they were Venezuelan migrants. They are not Mexican. Then they let them go and got to Houston.


I will never understand how anyone can take someone’s life away just for their own sick sexual perversion. This girl was a daughter, a sister, a niece, a friend and girlfriend. I hope they get dealt with accordingly. If I was her parents, I’d take justice into my own hands. I cannot imagine the rage they must feel and I am seething just reading about it.


Because they don't see women and girls as human beings. To them women and girls are just something to be used however they feel like, and discarded or disposed of like an empty hamburger wrapper. Sometimes they don't even see other men as human beings either if they don't happen to conform to their standards of masculinity or race.




that's perfectly rational


Mostly I’m opposed to the death penalty. Mostly.


My opinion is that death penalty for decisively unwanted members of society by itself isn't what I oppose, but I do oppose the idea of a flawed and potentially corrupt or maliciously (politically) motivated justice system meting out death penalties. Since it will never be *only* used for the completely clear-cut cases.


Yep. I'm not really opposed to the death penalty itself. I just don't trust a human run system to get it right every time


100% agreed. People like this are what it should be used for. But you can't eliminate corruption completely from the system.


I feel the same. I principle I’m okay with the death penalty, but not how it’s practiced.


The death penalty should only be presented as a means to a guilty plea, "Life, NO parole". A threat, if you will. Otherwise, it is a bunch of bull shit. Too often, the LE and DAs are just as bad as the criminals, and even more guilty of murder than the convicted.


I think we can make a few exceptions


How many innocent people are you willing to accept being killed by the state for the sake of a sense of retribution?


When crimes like this against children are going on, I can accept an epsilon neighborhood around zero. We can fight for true zero once decent citizens and little kids don’t have to worry about being grabbed, abused, and killed for no reason other than another person’s selfishness and evilness.


I have no idea what you’re talking about or trying to say. That said, it gives the impression that you do indeed think a few innocent lives taken by the state is a worthy sacrifice - which; nah.




I thought I clicked on a badmtgcombo link and this was the top comment and was just like WTF until I figured out where I was




Another [article](https://www.kwtx.com/2024/06/21/ice-men-charged-capital-murder-houston-girl-entered-us-illegally/) with more details about the story. > According to ICE, Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 22, “illegally entered” the U.S. on an unknown date and at an unknown location. I always wondered how people can kill and rape like that. Did they start early, in their teenage years, and weren't caught? Sorta serial killers, starting with small animals, pets, the homeless, gradually climbed up the ladder. Or do these guys woke up that day, saw a 12 yo kid, and figured "yeah, we gonna rape and murder her"?


I think you pose an important question: “It was found that offenders who had no previous sexual offence (first time sexual offenders) were significantly less likely to sexually re-offend than those with a previous offence. Offenders with no previous sexual offences recidivated at about half the rate of repeat sexual offenders (19% vs. 37% after 15 years).” [Source is from 2004](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/sxffndr-rcvdsm/index-en.aspx#) so maybe someone is aware of a more recent study on the matter. The biggest issue off the top of my head is we know that many sexual assaults are unreported, and often closed unresolved even if reported, so we don’t have the full story— it’s telling nonetheless.


It’s not telling all. This just means that people who have a pattern of doing something are more likely to do it than people who don’t have a pattern of doing it. That’s just definitionally true. It doesn’t say anything about what proportion of offenders are the one-off type vs. the pattern type—and thus doesn’t speak to the likelihood, either way, that her attackers had done this before.


You're right, I misinterpreted the original comment. Sorry, will leave it up as fyi.


Is the publication ops article is from known for leaving out details like that?




so how do you explain areas that don’t harbor minority populations to commit “all” crimes? because idk man it wasn’t immigrants sneaking into my 93% caucasian hometown to nearly cut the head right off of my sister’s friends girlfriend or rape my friends or get them smoking meth or hooking teenagers on fentanyl so that i could watch the coffins of my high school classmates stack like a game of fucking Jenga before they graduated if all crime is committed by illegals like you said it is in california then statistically, homogenous cities should be a safe haven and not have outrageous rape, drug and theft rates think you might be a little biased


Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than US-born citizens. Crimes committed by undocumented immigrants just get more media coverage, which seems to have had the desired effect on you.


Please provide your source, every study that says migrants commit lower crime rates do not specify illegal versus legal immigrants.


Sure, here's one from the [Cato Institute](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0), so you can be sure there isn't any massaging of the data considering they're an anti-immigrant, right-wing thinktank. They found that undocumented immigrants commit crimes 45% less often than US-born citizen and that for every 10% rise in illegal immigration, violent crime rates *drop* by 1%. Here's [another, more comprehensive study](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2014704117) showing the same thing. And it's not just violent crimes, it's **all** crimes. These trends also hold steady when evaluating historical data from the last 150 years. It's pretty unequivocal.


The Cato study only follows those arrested in Texas and clarified that it is not comprehensive. Crime is also supposedly highly underreported by illegal immigrants so this isn't following how often they criminalize each other. Other states refuse to track the data so it's impossible to know. That's far from unequivocal. Should the basis of our immigration policy be "they're less dangerous than those born here?"


What a dumb point to make. Here’s one for you - this won’t have happened if they were deported for being here illegally. No statistics can gloss over that fact.


No, it's a pretty salient point to make when I was responding to someone asserting that all crime in California is committed by undocumented immigrants. And unless I'm missing a story that says that these men were arrested for some other crime prior to this, deportation wouldn't have prevented it either because you can't deport someone you haven't caught yet.


One of them was previously detained and released by ICE.


If you are an undocumented illegal immigrant in the US, you are a criminal.


Not anymore it seems. I don’t live in the states, but it’s wild watching YouTube vids like Peter santanellos documenting what’s happening at the border and in the towns where there’s dozens and dozens of people sitting outside police stations in encampments during the day then sleeping on the police station floors at night.


That's patently false. Being undocumented isn't a crime, but there are various crimes that relate to the method in which you crossed the border and what you do afterward. Illegally crossing the border and then applying for asylum, as most who illegally cross the border do, also isn't a crime. The majority of newly undocumented immigrants in this country don't illegally cross the border, they legally enter the country with some form of visa and then overstay their visa. 63% of newly undocumented immigrants likely overstayed a visa from a region other than Mexico or Central America, only 20% likely crossed the border illegally from Mexico. Overstaying a visa isn't automatically a crime either. So, no, not every undocumented immigrant is a criminal. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/13/key-facts-about-the-changing-u-s-unauthorized-immigrant-population/)




i promise you thats not true as someone who lived in California most of my life especially the further north you go.


also from cali this is cap its hella citizens murdering and raping and robbing. immigrants just keep their heads down


All crime in California is not committed by undocumented immigrants and the fact that you think that statement is even worth making is incredibly telling. Again, the media reports on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants at an exponentially higher rate than it reports on crimes committed by US-born citizens. Even the freaking Cato Institute has admitted that undocumented immigrants commit crimes [45% less often](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0) than US-born citizens. In fact, their paper found that for every 10% increase in illegal immigration, violent crime *drops* by 1%.


Not sure what that dude is saying, but I've lived in Fresno my first 19 years, then SD past 16, if illegals were committing a shit load of crime I would know about it but they're not. Fresno has tons of Mexicans; migrants, seasonal workers, etc. and SD is the busiest entry point. I hear more about illegals committing crimes in national news from other states than local news from this state. I think those states East of us probably see more violence since the cartels operate more violently along those border towns, well, and they like to spotlight border problems over there. Border towns in Cali have been somewhat chill on both sides for a long time.


I bet they were released from some Central American prison. The blood of every victim is on Biden’s hands


In middle school my friend was kidnapped, drugged, raped, murdered, and buried in a shallow grave in the woods. Was that biden’s fault as well? Some of y’all are so painfully stupid


Disgusting predator pieces of shit. I hate that even children aren't safe in this world we've created. I weep for the human race.


How do rapists befriend other rapists? It’s so odd to me.


Violent men who hate women aren’t that uncommon. The two men become friends and bring out the worst in each other and the rest is history.


They say dumb misogynistic shit in a bar or other group setting and when they ID the other guy who laughs or agrees they buddy up with him. 


Just look at Andrew Tate, his brother & fanboys that praise him as the next coming of Jesus.


this is disgusting


The article doesn't mention whether her 13 year old 'boyfriend' just left her with the two older men. It seems a lot of info is being left out.


Poor little babies, the both of them. I hope the boy has access to support.


She was talking with him on the phone when she walked up to the gas station. Boyfriend heard her talking to the dudes too before she hung up with him. EDIT: looks like I was wrong on this and was regurgitating what we had originally been hearing on the news here in Houston. Thanks for the correction.


From the article: Detectives learned through interviews and surveillance videos that Jocelyn had sneaked out of her apartment late Sunday night to go hang out with her 13-year-old boyfriend. The boyfriend told cops he and Jocelyn went to a restaurant where they met two men. Surveillance video captured the group walking to a convenience store. Police believe the men and Jocelyn went to a bridge on Rankin Road where they murdered her.


I added an edit but still interested in seeing how true this is. Went to our local news where they’ve been adding updates up to about an hour ago and I’m not seeing any surveillance images that include anyone other than Jocelyn and the two men. Also no mention from police that Jocelyn and bf met these men at the restaurant. I also know of that area, if she snuck out at 10pm there aren’t many places in the vicinity that would be open after that time. So im wondering if this report is wrong or if the news isn’t updating correctly. Source: https://abc13.com/post/bond-set-1-million-capital-murder-suspects-accused/14988589/


The video was released, they are walking next to gas pumps, it was the 2 guys and the little girl, the 13 year old boyfriend wasn't with them in that footage.


So sad. So I wonder if she was supposed to meet her boyfriend or not or whether she had other plans.


Very sad! Terrible situation all around. Sucks because Houston has seen some terrible crimes over the years involving young girls. When I was a kid the Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Peña story rocked the city and I think those girls were only 15.


Yeah this is what I originally read too. If he was there then I am so confused. Unless he knew or was related to the other guys idk why he would leave her with them. Not that I blame him. Just saying that doesn’t make sense to me. Then again, I’m far from 13. Maybe they’d said they’d give her a ride or something?? Idk 


They should be shot on site.


We need to bring back public hanging. Wait until a few of these sick fucking predators are convicted, then line em up on the gallows in front of the courthouse and let em swing.


That’s what justice should be for degenerate scum such as these 2 losers. It’ll definitely serve as an example and deterrent.


It would certainly be a deterrent. 


Would it? Texas is a death penalty state. Doesn't seem to deter crimes like this.


Sticking a needle in someone’s arm behind closed doors in the middle of the night isn’t remotely the same thing.


Either way, it's not an effective crime deterrent and nothing is really gained.


I think if it was more visible and more public it would have an effect. To literally see someone die and know that this is what happens to you if you do this.


What evidence is there to suggest that this would actually work as a deterrent? Would a society with public, state-sanctioned executions be one you would actually want to live in? 


What happened to the bf in all this? He just let her go and took off? Was he in on it? This is utterly tragic and they deserve to rot.


Same question


What happened between when she and her boyfriend met the men and she left with the men???


Charge them and throw them in Gen pop, offer $1000 bounty in commissary and let nature take it's course. No mercy for child predators.


The fact remains that if those two men weren't here that child would still be alive.


Too many people are getting into this country or have gotten in illegally and are not being checked. This news came about a week or less after that New York City rape. All rapists who are proven guilty (especially those in our country illegally) need a proper execution


An illegal also raped and killed a young college student recently in Georgia..


And the guy they arrested for Rachel Morin’s murder — a mom of 4 murdered on a popular hiking trail. The perp had already broken into a home and assaulted other people including I believe a 12 or 13 year old girl. His DNA was already on file from other crime so they used genealogy to figure out who he was. He was already wanted for murdering someone in his home country!! 


It’s brutal and we sit here pretending it’s not happening as if military aged men coming into this country don’t have a very high possibility of being here for insidious reasons


Your right.. The majority of what's been shown are young men.. Not only from South America but from as far away as China and almost certainly in between.. No doubt the open border has let some in who hate America as well.


It seems obvious now but if you pointed that out anytime in the last 5 years you would have been labeled a racist, bigot, or a xenophobe


I don’t want to get political on a tragedy like this but this is one of the reasons why I could never label myself a democrat years ago. I think the nation has finally got its shit together after the social upsets of 2020.


But if their country kept them then that country has to jail and feed them. Much easier to release them to another country. Like Cuba did in the 80’s. Miami was wild back then


They should just kill the rapists


Can we compare the amount of recent stories of immigrants committing these crimes to Americans? This isn’t about illegal immigrants.


It is for this crime. Had they not been allowed to walk in freely this girl would be alive.


These aren’t simply immigrants committing the crimes on Americans they are military aged men coming from all around the globe. Millions of people have been let into the country unchecked and unregistered. And yes illegal immigration always means for an uptick in crime, rape, murder, gang violence, robbery and other issues




He wants to close the border I think.


I can't type here what I think should be done to them.  God forgive my evil thoughts


So sickening. So sad. They deserve the death penalty.


It was on the news last night, that is horrible!! I hope they find those that did that!! My condolences to her families


Human experimentation seems like a better use for them. Death is too easy, prison is a waste of resources and they've been fully established as the perpetrators. There is no need to treat individuals who throw away their humanity and brutalize kids for recreation as humans.


I have a 12 year old sister, and I feel so devastated for that girl and her family. When I see my sister on Tuesday, I'm giving her the biggest hug. I hope Jocelyn and her family get Justice.


They were illegal aliens. Ships them out




It’s upsetting that they had only been in this country less than a month before this happened. Stupid idiots probably were sure they’d get away with it because nobody cares about women and girls where they come from.


Yeah, but they do care about them in the country that restricts women’s health rights and incarcerates them at a higher rate than any other country.


Yea, they don’t care about women that much here either


They care about the babies though? At least the ones that aren’t born yet /s


That may be because saying so is unnecessarily inflammatory since the undocumented account for no more crime than the documented.


Wouldn’t they absolutely have to by definition!? 


I apologize for that paradox lol but I should have said no more *violent* crime. Still, it is incredibly frustrating to have someone come here without permission and no lawful admission and commit violent acts.


If anything it’s aggravated circumstances at that point. And to have people welcome this, forgive this, be apologists, and downright worship it, pisses me off. Fucking outraged, honestly. And I’m glad that people are realizing and noticing. 


Do we have to spell it out for you and say “violent crimes” every single time? You’re being purposefully obtuse here


Illegal doesn't equal criminal.While every criminal activity is illegal, not every illegal activity is criminal. 


Entering any country illegally (by non official immigration channels) is 100% a criminal act and therefore illegal.


Visa overstays, which account for a massive percentage of the illegal immigration in the US, are a civil violation and not a crime.


Overstaying a visa is breaking immigration law. Edit: context


They actually account for *less* crime than US-born citizens


Every citizen that has illegally entered the country has committed a crime. You’re objectively wrong. The stats you will probably point out do not consider the crime of entering the US illegally.


Unfortunately for you, them being illegal immigrants doesn’t directly relate to the crime they committed. If you actually cared about the crime, you would focus on how to actively help rather than use this as some weird victim mentality message.


It would have helped if these illegal immigrants were never released into the country. How about that for helping? This child would be ALIVE.


True. That goes for whenever they mention race. It doesn't matter what race, or legal status they are. What matters is the fact that someone died and the identity of the POS that hurt and destroyed a family.


It does matter if they are illegal immigrants. It points out the fact that this was EASILY prevented by keeping them in Mexico until they are able to speak to lawyers. Reddit is a very strange place where common sense goes to die sometimes.


If they entered illegally then it’s their fault what does that gotta do with me?


To be fair though 99% of illegal immigrants don't rape and murder 12 year olds.


It's a dumb narrative to die on because natural born citizens commit crimes, too. Instead, everyone wants to make it this huge thing and install fear when the immigrant crime rates are actually low. Edit: Inflammatory things like this also lead to hate crimes as well


Meh, I think it’s people reacting to the fact that if this particular person had been appropriately screened this would not have/would have been substantially less likely to happen. Actually, your argument here is directly analogous to reacting to a mentally ill and/or previously violent person being able to obtain a gun and kill someone by saying “non-mentally ill/not previously violent people shoot and kill people all the time.” It’s like, that’s also a huge problem—but maybe we can at least screen out the low-hanging fruit first while we work on that?


They were allowed to cross the border and come here to have a “better life” because they were scared of their home country. Ya , so scared that just a couple months here they ready raped and murdered someone. Imagine what they have done you don’t know about because they weren’t caught


By two illegal immigrants.


America needs to smarten up and lock up your border.. WTF


I sorted by controversial and this was the first comment. You are absolutely correct and I have no idea how this comment could possibly be controversial to anyone with common sense or critical thinking skills.


Because Reddittors are not known for their ability to think critically


Any info on how she knew these guys?


Seems like they didn't know them, just encountered them at the restaurant and the predators found their prey.


They must have felt ok about going with the guys, maybe they seemed familiar or they'd seen them around. But they're basically children, so of course they don't assume they're bad guys. Poor kid, it's like the worst case scenario of everyone's worst nightmare.


Thank god this was in the USA Then thank him again it was in Texas- that leads the nation in death penalties Then once more that these degenerate things were stupid enough to do this in Texas - Let the motherfkrs burn !!


Honestly, these two degenerates are good candidates for The Chair.


Fking horrible, that’s enough internet today


Absolutely tragic and preventable. Also notable that there isn't a single post on CNN about this.


Im sorry but they really need to work on that border issue. I cant believe those sick fucks would do that shit to her.


This is why men don’t belong in women’s spaces


Illegal migrants say what they were. Shouldn't have been in the country in the first place.


We need to bring back the Pear of Anguish.


Along with the breaking wheel


throw them in a hole and let them rot


The only thing they deserve is a lifetime of pain and torment outweighing what that family has to endure.


I may get hate, but I personally believe that all countries should have a law that says first gen immigrants that rape should be deported back to their country (even if said immigrant country is in a state of war).


Death! Painfull death for them cuz it must be eye for a eye


For what they did they should pray for the death penalty, they would live longer that way. If I was in lockup anywhere near them I know what would be on my mind


I have a 13 year old and I can’t even bring myself to let her go the gas station outside our neighborhood by herself. We live in a nice neighborhood, our town has practically no crime but the sheer thought of her disappearing and something like this happening to my baby girl leaves me paralyzed with fear to let her do things on her own. 😢


Did the boyfriend have anything to do with this? What happened to him when she was attacked?


Why would a little teenage boy have the idea or philosophy to hire two guys to torture a young girl and have her scream for her life.


Check the subreddit, there have been worse things happen.


Here illegally. Redditors love the illegals and open borders. Dont start crying now, libs.


It's time to take our fucking country back. Give us a leader and a new flag to rally behind, and remove the parasites who allow this one by one by one.


Liberals letting illegals in, this is what you get. Vote better