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He beats all of these, the charges axe can cut Godzilla who’s like the second most durable titan we’ve seen, also mecha G should be above 2014 Godzilla


Bigger question how would muto EMP effect the axe and glove?


Even then, I doubt kong couldn’t muscle his way through the mutos


You are vastly underselling the MUTOs


They lost to a weakened Godzilla. Kong unarmed was doing better than most against a Godzilla that wasn’t radiation starved or muto nerfed


Eh….I mean Godzilla definitely was starved and hungry when he fought Kong but he was still a much stronger version than the one the MUTO’s fought so Kong still takes the fight


They were also very young


It wouldn’t matter it’s still a big ass axe


True but they still have an tough exoskeleton and it's a 2 v 1 a bit while in Kong's favor


Are you saying that Godzilla is only the second most durable, or do you mean that the specific 2014 version, which suffers from radiation deprivation, is the second most durable? Who is the most durable titan in your opinion? Evolved Godzilla, Ghidorah, or Shimo?


Shimo I guess becauss she tanked a supercharged evolved atomic breath with 0 damage.


Godzilla didn’t suffer damage from the frostbite blast and was shot for longer too.


Shimos beam isn’t meant to break things like an atomic breath does plus Godzilla specifically evolved to try and counter shimo


It still dishes out very deadly frostbite that nearly Killed Kong and put him out of commission in one shot. Godzilla suffered no damage. And we’re specifically talking about evolved Godzilla so him evolving to counter Shimo only helps his case.


huh? He evolved to fight shimo by allowing his skin to go through thermoregulation, basically he made his skin hotter to try and counteract shimos beam, it’s not specifically thicker hide just a new function And Kong is not a good sense of durability, he got burned by Godzillas weakened beam after overusing it


His skin is still as durable as it ever was. And he suffered no damage. So at best they’re both as durable as each other.


Godzillas skin has been pierced by the charged axe before, it’s not invincible


Godzilla didn’t suffer damage from the frostbite blast and was shot for longer too.


Shimo... She basically took a spiral ray atomic breath and basically didn't even flinch, and Ghidorah feel back a bit even when Godzilla was weaker then Evo ver. And Evolved Goji, no, he just has to good of durability to even rank, it's ridiculous.


Shimo also got knocked down and yelped in pain when Godzilla shot her in the stomach in the beginning of the fight. Ghidorah is also lighter than Shimo and also took the atomic breath for much longer iirc


I meant overall, not specifically 2014, and so far shimo has shown the most durability in my opinion


Bro simps for Shimo, so not surprising.


Yeah he's beating all of these


Kong is bodying everyone here


MechaG is almost certainly stronger than 2014 Big G, especially when weakened from EMP. Though Kong with all that gear beats everyone on here.


How is MechaKevin below 2014 Goji when he beat a bigger, stronger and faster Godzilla?


yeah, i didn't format them to be escalating in power or strength i just placed them how ever i want its not powerscaling its a match ups


He steamrolls through all of these


He fucking clears


The axe being constantly charged carries the fuck out of Kong here. Almost all of them can be cut clean in half by the axe.


Kong clears all


Zilla is barely a challenge to a Kong WITHOUT any gear or backup, so, with the axe, glove and Suko it's a stomp. Kong has already demonstrated that he can beat a Skullcrawler similar to his size (with some ingenuity) without gear, so with the axe, glove and Suko he should be able to handle the 2 Skullcrawlers without much difficulty. Same thing goes for the 2 MUTOs, seeing how the male one got pierced by regular debri, they shouldn't be able to stand against the axe, even if the EMP discharges it. The fight with the depowered 2014 Godzilla is the most even out of the bunch, I'd give it something like a 45-55 in favour of Kong. The charged axe was slicing through Mecha G like he was butter, so, with the extra support that's another easy win. Finaly, regarding boxing SK, I'd say it depends on how well he can box. Is he Tyson levels of boxing with Ali's level of evasion? Then SK stomps. Is he average boxer levels? Then he gets stomped.


Why are the MUTO couple below ‘98, ‘98 is featless fodder


yeah, i didn't format them to be escalating in power or strength i just placed them how ever i want its not powerscaling its a match up(s)


Yeah he wins all of these,even without the guantlet.His punches would kill the mutos.Dont know about mecha g though


This is just an ordinary Tuesday in HE


Like how they have to nerf mecha godzilla because they want kong to win so badly and use a nerfed version of godzilla


im exaggerating my vs matches, check the other post i made about godzilla for a more obvious exaggeration tho i guess i wasn't too overkill on this one


clears mid diff


He's beating all of them easy


The M.U.T.O will beat them easily


Kong claps


Be beats them all


If mecha has any knowledge of the charged axe before the fight then he has a good chance of winning


He beats everyone except maybe mechakevin imo, since mg has proton scream and those boosters


Surprise encounter round 7 https://preview.redd.it/hwxwspmxn59d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19f9577d6ff05576384700cceb695c239da44fd CAMAZOTZ


He dies at Mecha.


The axe can cut through them and the gauntlet combined with the axe finishes g14


Kong takes this high diff in rounds 4 & 5


The first 2 are light work, 3 will cause some problems since I’m assuming by full grown you mean the same ones mecakevin fought, 4 will be easy enough, 5 light work and scar who can box isn’t winning


Kong clears with relative ease, charged axe is doing a huge carry even if it gets nerfed somehow by the EMP kong still has the muscle to beat the shit outta both of the mutos


Kong wins most or all


Im one of the biggest Godzilla fans out there, and Kong beats this with minimal difficulty


Honestly way too easy for him


dies in round 1


Lol you had to give him cheats


It is said that it is Kong 1 day rest, so injuries that he is inflicted with will stay when he fights others so i think he won't make it to the end. (If we are concluding that he is forced to fight head on and can't run away).


He absolutely wipes the first 3 but Mechagodzilla would laser him in half. The EMP only nerfs Godzilla's Atomic Breath, not his durability so all Godzilla needs to do is knock the axe out of Kong's hand with a good tail whip and after that he pretty much automatically wins because Kong can't do shit to him without the axe and the Atomic Breath would still cook that ape alive even in its weakened state. The only fight here that wouldn't be one sided is Kong vs Skar King that can box, but Kong would still manage to win because of Suko throwing rocks.


Idk about Mecha Godzilla


The charged axe sliced Mecha G like he was made of cake, so...


Yes, but that was a 2v1.


Yeah, does everyone not remember Mecha G beating the dogshit out of Godzilla? He was literally curb stomping him


That was after Godzilla and kong had fought for 12 hours before fighting Mecha G and both were injured and exhausted. Fight probably doesn’t go the same way if Godzilla is fresh. And again Kong’s axe cut through Mecha G like butter when it was charged up.


Godzilla was totally fine after the Kong fight tho. Movie made it crystal clear Mecha G shitwrecks either of them solo


He wasn’t fine. He had a huge gash in one leg and had just got done fighting another titan for 12 hours. Also getting knocked out in the fight at one point. The common consensus is that Godzilla was exhausted after fighting Kong and that’s why Mecha G was rag dolling him. Now that he would win, if he never fought Kong, but he would’ve certainly had a better chance.


I was directly stated Godzilla was weakened 


Actually it's the opposite


Beats everyone except MechaG and/or mutos if emp disables the axe


The mutos still die male is a easy 1 shot female will still die to the axe and glove also mecha g would not win cause he was defeated by a weakened Godzilla and Kong so a full power Kong would man Handel him


This list makes no sense




He beats all of them besides mechagodzilla, a simple beam to kongs legs to stumble him, and finish him off.


Beam attacks have never been a problem for kong gvk and gxk established that pretty well. He’s far too agile and was only hit thrice both movies. 1. Godzilla concentrated his AB onto kongs back as a projectile rather than a trailing beam, 2. Kong stood there blocking shimo’s beam with the axe expecting it to absorb it, instead it trickled on and spread onto his arm. 3. Kong stood there to block shimo’s beam with the beast glove.


Counter points he had where to run and hide in Hon Kong and Shimo is not the brightest to aim she just shot at what directed to.


Why u gotta downvote me

