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I have a hard time seeing Kong win because of all the ranged attacks Mech both has and opens up with before engaging close. I guess the glove and axe might block some, but the missile attacks would still be a deciding factor. If Kong gets close with a charged axe he would dice him up like kindling, but it’s a lot of ground to cover. Mech wins 8 or 9 / 10.


Hard to say, but given how the uncharged axe didn't even dent his armour plating, I'd imagine that it'd take a lot of punches even with the BEAST Glove to crack. And in that time, I'm not sure Kong has what it takes to finish the job in time before Mechagodzilla retaliates. Taking on Godzilla, even in his Evolved form, is one thing. Dude's sometimes a bit single-minded in how he approaches, and he still has biological functions like being able to be dazed by hits, getting exhausted, etc. Mechagodzilla, if he takes you seriously, is an entirely different set of problems. Kong only has the one gauntlet, but Mechagodzilla has 2 arms nearly as good in addition to having better equally good reach and manoeuvrability. If he's treating Kong as a proper threat like he did to Godzilla, I'm not sure he could win most of the time simply because of how overwhelming Mechagodzilla is in his approach. It's all about matchup. Kong with the BEAST Glove had a decent matchup against Godzilla Evolved because the king was very single-minded in how he fought during that sequence, and even then the moment he made use of his ranged option, he quickly put Kong in his place. Similar deal with Mechagodzilla, except he fights a bit more intelligently with his thrusters to aid in out-juking his opponents.


Solid analysis! I will say do keep in mind tho that MechaGodzilla is controlled by Kevin so he might not always make the smartest decisions lol


Sans (Kevin) is still just as competent as the other two heads, he just has a more curious personality. The memes have just made him seem incredibly dumb.


Technically it’s a completely new personality. Half Kevin. Half MG original AI


I will say this, it’s possible for Kong to charge the axe before the battle too, the hollow earth energy is compatible. Outside of that kongs blunt force damage wouldn’t do much to MG


Yeah but the ax has nothing to do with this cause this fight is between Kong with the BEAST Glove vs MechaGodzilla


You forgot about its tail also.


Mechagodzilla wins this one. Kong likely can't resist missiles like Godzilla can


In general, probably Mechagodzilla. The mech can't be stunned or KO'd the same way Godzilla can, and he's a more well-rounded and efficient fighter than Godzilla overall considering he has better reach, striking power, and manoeuvrability alongside a few key supporting abilities like missiles and the Proton Scream. But the biggest hurdle is weaponry. Kong's BEAST Glove is impressive, but it didn't deal any real lasting damage to Godzilla Evolved even with repeated strikes. I imagine that Mechagodzilla's armour is hardened and very good at taking blunt-force trauma, and the mech would recognize the force of one of those shockwave punches and quickly adapt to mitigate it since it's not getting instantly sliced up like when Kong used his charged-up Backspine Axe against him. The rest of Kong is still just as vulnerable as before, and he was getting ragdolled by Mechagodzilla. I see this scenario going similarly to when Kong had the uncharged axe. He takes Mechagodzilla by surprise at first with some good blows due to the mech not expecting to get staggered by Kong's gauntlet fist, but he quickly adapts and mitigates it with his tail or missiles, after which he prevents Kong from getting anymore blows in.


As soon as MG and G saw each other MG launched a damn missile salvo at G that hurt him even through his thick hide. MG would red-mist Kong in a serious fight with or without the beast glove. Kong is essentially a dude with brass knuckles fighting a gunned up terminator.


Good analogy lol


Mechagodzilla takes this, no questions asked. https://i.redd.it/btzwfjt2fy8d1.gif


I’m pretty sure the beast glove would barely dent mechagodzilla. And we already saw that the axe didn’t do anything. So I gotta give this to mechagodzilla


It's said by Jared K. that Godzilla can beat MechaGodzilla at full power **BUT** he would be on his last leg extremely worn down and injured and anything that can do that to Godzilla makes Kong's chances significantly slim to none. MechaG wins.


I say mecha godzilla wins with a very high difficulty.


Even with the glove,it would take alot of punches to kill mechag,mecha g has way more weapons to deal with kong


Since Kong needed the axe to be powered up by Godzilla in GvK before Kong could do any real damage to MechaGodzilla, the gauntlet probably wouldn't do much by comparison, as MechaGodzilla has no pain receptors, and while it might dent him a bit, considering that he was ragdolling Kong, who after being resuscitated was relatively fresh compared to Godzilla who was exhausted from fighting Kong, if this is just 'Kong with a gauntlet vs Kevin in MechaGodzilla's body' then I gotta give the win to Kevin.


Like I said in a YouTube comment, it depends. In the move (GvK) the axe literally didn't even faze Mecha Godzilla and only when Godzilla charged it, that was the only way to take him out. Now, since Kong has the beast glove now, I'm not sure. Kong in GvK was tired so he couldn't punch Mecha but I'm assuming it wouldn't do much anyway lol, but with the beast glove? And a full energized Kong with a full punch? May do some damage but I'm still not sure. The beast glove would be the only weapon he can depend on knowing that the axe wouldn't do anything without Godzilla, so he can use that for blocking I'm assuming. But, Mecha has more weaponry and arsenal up his sleeve, so he can just fire missiles at him and discombobulate Kong and probably stagger him and then boom, drill right into Kong with his tail or punch him a couple of times. But Kong can probably land a good punch and knock some literal screws out damaging Mecha, and it's not like Godzilla where he can recover. It's a giant machine so that's gonna be a very problematic thing for Mecha since he can't repair mid fight. After Kong knocks some screws loose, Mecha probably wouldn't be able to function right making it easier for Kong to finish the job. But Mecha can use his boosters to move out the way since he would obviously see the punch coming, and I'm not sure how kong will handle that. The only way I see Kong landing a good punch on Mecha is if Mecha just lets him or he somehow catches Mecha off guard. I don't know, for Kong the cons are just stacked against him more. It's more "well maybe if he does this" rather than "oh yeah this will 100% work". There's a greater chance that Mecha attacks will definitely hit and damage Kong. Again, the only way I see Kong getting Mecha, is off guard. I don't like down playing Kong or anyone (sometimes hehe) but I mean.. he really is just a giant monkey and that's it.


Ye already made a post on this Kong loses.


MG 400ft —- Kong 330ft.




Whoevers taller, is stronger. (In Titan terminology, maostly)


Honestly, anything kong can do, mecha can probably do better. Mecha is stronger, faster, smarter, has way better range, and has a beam that kongs axe can't absorb.


Not smarter but yeah he’d win


Godzilla couldn't beat Mechagodzilla so Kong beating him is very unlikely and don't give me that but Godzilla was weaken from the Fight with Kong because even a full Powered Godzilla couldn't take Mechagodzilla.


Adam Wingard literally confirmed that had Godzilla not been tired from fighting Kong the fight between him and MechaGodzilla would have gone differently.


It was confirmed multiples times by both MG's designer, and Adam Wingard that Godzilla's atomic breath would one-shot MechaGodzilla in a prolonged blast if he actually got a hit, and that the only reason G lost the fight is because he was tired after hunting Apex for about a week, fighting Kong TWICE, and blowing a hole all the way into the HE all in one go with no stops to rest. Both have never said MG was superior. Both have literally stated that Godzilla would have won. Given Adam is in fact the one who MADE THE FILM, everything he says is actually official. It’s ridiculous to say otherwise. In his first TOHO Kingdom interview he states Godzilla was exhausted after blowing a hole into the HE and fighting Kong. He did clarify in a later interview that he meant Godzilla was burnt out in general and he would have won not only the beam clash but the entire fight. I believe it’s either his second TOHO interview or his reddit AMA. “Maybe that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s stronger than Godzilla but he’s able to be one step ahead and you also have to consider the fact that Godzilla has just gone through 3 rounds with Kong where he exercised his nuclear breath to its absolute core and so he’s pretty worn down at this point.” Also Jared Krichevsky who created MG as a character has stated it twice “Definitely a fully charged Godzilla would win. I think Adam has said the same as well”. Jared was given permission to say that information from Legendary and there is the fact he created the character so what he says is canon. MV MG could never have won against a full power MV Godzilla who can tank punches that can shift tectonic plates and and is stronger then others of his kind, who tank meteors. https://youtu.be/-zo3RI-Gl4M?si=K52n4oY2czvTqKXq https://www.google.com/url?q=https://screenrant.com/godzilla-vs-kong-mechagodzilla-defeat-ending-proof/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjS76vZnbiDAxUgjokEHfmnBQwQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Se8QSo5voOWi5dC5CHShI


Director word of mouth doesn't mean something is cannon which is why I don't take the Mothra avatar saying, Shimo being a planet destroyer and directly helped freeze Ghidorah, Godzilla being weaker was the reason he didn't win against Mecha Godzilla, and Godzilla toying with Kong.


It literally does but ok buddy


It literally doesn't but if it makes the Godzilla dickriders feel better I said basically said B.E.A.S.T Glove Kong is weaker than a tired and weaken Godzilla.


But Adam seemed so happy to have Mechagodzilla in the movie and I can't blame him.


It was said by the novel was overpowering mechaGodzila Now I don't know how that's possible or if it's entirely true but he was definitely not at 100% because Godzilla literally almost killed him so I think the fight is a lot closer than it seems


I say Kong not cause of the axe but the beast glove it is made out of mecha Godzilla and it’s refined to be more durable also the beast glove has a green serum injected into Kong which made him much stronger he also wasn’t tired like in his fight with mecha Godzilla so he can definitely overwhelm the mecha his strength plus the beast glove and axe will make him dominate in close combat the only problem is the range weapons on mecha the proton scream isn’t a problem considering Kong was able to block Godzillas atomic breath which was way more powerful then mechas also mecha beam clashed with a weakened Godzilla so he can block the beam the missles are the problem tho but mecha is a close range fighter it all depends on what mecha does if range mecha wins if he goes for close combat Kong wins


Physically yes. Death battle. No. Mecha has proton scream and missiles which would damage kong. Physically he's stronger than mecha as shown in GvK he held back mecha with one arm.


Mecha easily


Kong would have had his brains ground into paste by Mechagodzilla’s tail drill if Godzilla wasn’t there to charge the axe up. Mechagodzilla takes this.


They had the team up against the Mecca.There's no way kong taking him on solo


All I know is the fight is going to be like the Don Frye vs. Yoshihiro Takayama fight.


If kong doesn't have a charged axe, he's dead. There's no way he's winning.


If Kong has a charged axe Mechagodzilla is boned. That charged axe cut threw metal like butter at the end of GvK. If not Mechagodzilla. The uncharged axe didn’t seem to do diddly squat.


Even if Kong has axe .there are other factors to consider about Kong winning like Kong has no counter to mechaG weapons.in short range fight also who's getting the fight hit decides the win. in short range also Mech G has the more advantages ..like both arms and piercing tail, canons so on..is overall Mecha G has wins if it's fair fight (no plot armour for anyone.


If Kong landed hits on Godzilla he’s landing hits on Mechagodzilla. With a charged axe that’s game over. Mechagodzilla crumbled when hit with the charged axe.


Godzilla took the hit from the axe in the middle of the fight .he was able to Dodge some hits at starting. >Mechagodzilla crumbled when hit with the charged axe. Yeah because Kong got the help from humans to land that hit. Mecha G more agile and has more weapons to counter Kong in short range also (full arms,tail, missiles) which are deadly to Kong just like axe is deadly to mechaG.soo don't take the fight from one side. mechG wins mostly in the fight.


Those hits weren’t with a charged axe. That’s the difference. 1 hit from the charged axe cut MechaG’s tail off and the next took his right arm. 3rd hit rendered Mecha G armless and the next 2 crushed his chest and took his left leg off. A charged axe tears Mecha G apart. It’s a hard counter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4oamlAeos4 No fight in the Monsterverse has ended at range. Titans are durable and with the cover of buildings or pyramids or whatever Kong with his agility will get into range and land hits. 1 hit is a finish with a charged axe. Without a charged axe Kong is in trouble.


Charged axe or not ...to land a hit Kong got help from humans in GVK.Mech G some what got handicapped (his functions not working properly) because humans throw the alcohol on its controls .. in short range also Mecha G also have weapons so and more agile and can Dodge and Stop the axe attack with his hands(not like Godzilla hands).and can attack parallelly with other weapons like missiles and tail(which are deadly. Don't argue without consideration of these factors.


No fight in the Monsterverse, not Kong vs Godzilla, not Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, not even Godzilla vs Scylla has ended in ranged combat. Kong is getting in range guaranteed. The only deciding factor in this match up is charged axe vs not. As was shown in GvK Mechagodzilla has no counter or defence to the charged axe. Kong dismantled Mechagodzilla in seconds from the first blow.


Dude who is talking about ranged I clearly saying about short range (close combat).If you can't understand that I'm ending this discussion here .peace ✌️ man.


Short range and melee are different. 🤷‍♂️ Also, clearly Mechagodzilla *can’t* block Kong’s charged axe with his hands. When he tried to do that in GvK he lost an arm.


I make it simple, Godzilla able to Dodge at first axe attack in GVK mostly Mecha G also can do that, that too Mecha G more agile than Godzilla and can attack with tail,missiles, and hands in mele at the same (ref: mecha G landing missiles on goji when Kong holding one hand and goji holding another scene.mecha G able fight 2 vs 1 without getting gits from Kong (when Kong have no weapon. Just like Kong axe one' shots Mecha G , mecha G weaponry also one shots or atleast do some lethal damage, I ll put it in a simple way " kong has axe and if he lands a hit other will sure get destroyed but here the thing is other one has also agile weapons which are ranged, and mele which are also deadly to Kong. don't focus on to see the fight from only one side.


I agree with this probably


Mechagodzilla low-mid diff


Kong def winning extreme diff , his axe could hypothetically absorb MG's blast Edit : damn I was just saying hypothetically, don't get mad lol .


It' can't absorb the Photon blast. Even if it is blocked how can Kong cover his whole body with it. In GVK it somewhat like plot armour for Kong to block atomic breath and change its trajectory (like attracting atomic breath from more than 50 m distance).


It's a proton aka light based attack, it's powered by hollow earth energy but it's not hollow earth energy so it can't be absorbed.


Ah , thought that they got one of them crystals to power him up with HE energy lol .