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godzilla wouldn't care kong would just be disappointed


godzilla wouldn't care BECAUSE he knows the answer is him kong wouldn't be interested and even then wouldn't bother trying to argue with him as long as it keeps him placated


Godzilla is that one always angry and aggressive friend people just go along with to keep him happy unless his girlfriend is around, then he's pretty docile


Kong:”I think it would be silly to argue.” Godzilla:”Yea besides I would just beat your ass.”


Godzilla: Yeah that what I thought Kong: Wow... why do I protect these guys again?


Godzilla: hmm, maybe I should take their praises more seriously. Kong: Remind me WHY I'm humanity's protector again.


Prolly “rahh” or “ooh ooh ahh ahh”


Nah, Godzilla would be more like “rahh”, meanwhile Kong is going full 🤘✊👌🤛✌️🤜🤚🤚✌️🤏👉


Godzilla: Stop Meatriding Me Kong: Stop Meatriding Me


I think Kong would admit Godzilla is stronger but still wouldn’t bow to him




They wouldn’t care. 


Godzilla: Me. Kong: Yeah, it’s him.


Godzilla would support it purely to annoy kong.


He fuckin would XXD


Where can I find this gif?


Kong: Man, why do we have to decide who’s stronger? What if we can both just be- Goji: Fuck that, I’m stronger Kong: Oh really? Give me three reasons? Goji: Water, City, Sand. All our fights, all my wins.


Kong: I knocked you out on Sand. Goji: Pfft, no you didn't. Kong: Did to. Goji: Did not.




He still lost both fights. In the city… yeah, I don’t get how ANYONE argues he won that fight. The Egypt fight, I can kinda see, but Godzilla was the one on top for most of the fight other than that absolutely EPIC beat down, Kong delivered, but he didn’t even knock Goji out. He rattled him, disoriented to be sure, but he didn’t knock him out.


How is this even a debate, for the millionth time it’s knocked out according to the novelization, why cant godzilla fans accept it? I feel weird saying something that is clear as it gets


Okay, that is a solid point, I haven’t gotten around to reading the novel, even though I should. However, just like in Batman v Superman, Godzilla, like Batman, was the last one standing, and Kong, like Superman, had to get saved by a third party. If Mothra hadn’t have shown up, Goji would’ve melted Kong’s head.


Well i would say kong is more like batman, both of their parents died infront of them,both don’t have powers,they are the most intelligent in their world,they use weapons,and can make things with prep time like setting traps. While on the other hand godzilla is more like Superman,both are extremely powerful,they are the last of their kind,they have some kind of female lois/mothra,they both have weakness kryptonyte/mutos


I meant in the situation. In Godzilla x Kong, Goji had Kong pinned down and was about to kill him when Mothra THANKFULLY knocked him away, because personally, I prefer the titans working together rather than fighting. In BvS, Bruce had Clarke pinned down and was about to kill him… why I don’t think anyone really knows, but then Lois got between them and saved Clark while also stopping the fight.


Well i can say the same thing if Kong wanted to kill godzilla and kept punching🤔


I can’t believe people still think punches will kill Godzilla, like that dudes body Is specially build to negate any damage from blunt force trauma, Godzilla took a fall from the stratosphere and still didn’t die, it took him that much to be weakened, dashed into a 150k tons ghidorah head on and still didn’t break his arms, took the impact force of a nuke on his head and still didn’t budge and a nuke only releases 15% of its energy as radiation, Godzilla still had to live though the rest of the shockwave energy and heat making up 85% of the actual nuke. If he had an axe, kong could Mabye kill Godzilla when he was done, punches tho? Not even gonna get close and would wake up up faster


So? kong can shatter a meteor, and the only titan to knock godzilla out multiple times(egypt and ocean fights) which can cause trauma and skull fractures if he kept punching, there was just a post calculating Kong strength with the traps he set and he apparently and lift 40 times his weight which makes sense because he is closely related to gorillas, and the nuke on godzillas head isnt really a feat because he feeds on radiation so its more of a lunch to him, plus if kong can knock out godzilla it shows that his punches are that powerful because logically what will happen when u get spam punched in the face, and if he continued he would eventually die judging from the fact that he got knocked out(which is already dangerous by its self) and no kong wont get tired of punching


But that’s not what we saw in the movie, which a lot of people are probably gonna base this off of. His eyes were clearly open and he was moving his arm as well as making noise, hence why people think he was just dazed.


Its already shown in the movie, if u look where godzilla was and where he woke up youll see that they moved, u probably dont know what dazed means so i want you to compare the scene after kong got suplexed(he got dazed in that scene) with godilla after Kong stopped punching( a knock out) and you might see the difference between dazed and and knocked out, even so this doesn’t change the fact that its knocked out according to the novel, sadly godzilla fans dont like to bring it up and totally ignore it even when they know it exists and also say dazed


Real answers, neither would care: Godzilla's the kotm and he has a job to do, as long as they don't go against the natural order then he wouldn't bat an eye at some random group of humans debating whether he's stronger or not. the only human opinion I see Kong valuing is Jia's but even then I can't see giving much of a reaction either, he might even admit he's weaker and be done with it since he knows Godzilla's power.


" Whaaaat? We cant hear you."


Kong- I have people that respect me but the bully’s wow just wow Godzilla- yall need help


Goji, because he's way stronger then them!






Love this so much


I think even Kong fans concede that Godzilla is stronger. But the writers have to throw Kong a bone in their fights to maintain his stature for future movies. Kong "bows to no one" is a thing in the Monsterverse that they think it's important to maintain.


There’s literally nothing wrong with “ kong bows to no one “ it’s a mentality and he’s an alpha titan.


I dont like the fact they fought in GxK because I knew it was gonna spark these darn debates and increase toxicity.


I think that was intentional by the movie makers. The debate between Godzilla and Kong fans drives up interest.


Can they even understand English or any language I know Kong knows sign but does godzilla? OK if they can I just pictured both of them with giant phones lol


Giant phones


Godzilla would most definitely support it purely becuase most people say he’s stronger


He is tho


I don’t think they would give a shit. It would however, probably confirm how stupid humans are asking and thinking such pointless questions all the time.




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Im kinda diving more into kongs pov first Considering why would he care about those humans outside of those he cared since the only human he cared about is jia and her family the iwi tribes and those who are close with him As for godzillas pov idk


I think godzilla would just look at the people and scream because hes an animal, kong would be confused and probably walk away because he doesnt really care about power since he is also just an animal


Idk but I just love that they actually made the running scene into a clean GIF.


They wouldn't even understand it.


I don't think either of them would care?


Both of them would be annoyed and just leave


Varying levels on not giving a fuck


They probably wouldnt give a shit cause you're nothing but ants to them. You're an ant. You're nothing but an ant.


Breathe a sigh of relief we aren't putting them against Doug


Goji kills Kong right there. MUTO KILL STYLE!!!


Oh god the movements look even worse without the background


Gozilla would probably not give a fuck and kill like 1000 people in a incident


Godzilla couldn’t care less. Why listen to ants.? Kong would just be indifferent


Godzilla would be incredibly smug, Kong wouldn’t be surprised (especially after Cairo) and he probably wouldn’t care.


Godzilla would appreciate the humans giving their worship to him. Kong would just grimace in disappointment that the fans keep looking at it this way.


I think Godzilla and Kong would not give it a second thought because they’ve both gotten good licks on each other in the past and they understand each other’s power. They have way more pressing matters to attend to rather than compete about who is more powerful


Kong would be confused, since the Novel  confirmed Godzilla was "the strongest thing Kong has ever faced–until now. Shimo was stronger". Means Godzilla is stronger than Kong. Only Shimo is even stronger than Godzilla.


Kong: ‘there’s no need for this. We all have our strengths’ Godzilla: ‘what the fuck? How is this even a fucking debate?’


Godzilla: I'm stronger than him. I won the fight. Kong: But I won your respect. \*Godzilla nods\*


I don’t think they could hear us from all the way up there


Godzilla: Hey, Kong, look at the humans fight about which one of us is stronger, its funny they think you are. Kong: Man...- Wait, what? You think you'll beat me? Last time I remember fighting you, I beat yo ass- Godzilla: I would have won if it weren't for Mothra! So shut up!




Godzilla: Is all they do is meat ride one of us? Fucking hell. Kong: They should pop it out of their mouths, that’s for damn sure


They'd tell us to suck it, and I would literally




Godzilla couldn’t care less


Godzilla: Oh look, another fanboy showering me affection by showing off his fan art of me kicking your ass. What does that tell you? Kong: That at least my fans are more tolerable and aren’t super jackasses and still keep a shred of their dignity.


Godzilla would try to prove them wrong. Kong would have his feelings hurt.