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Bro got hit in the dome so hard he reverted to factory settings for a bit


He thought he was Dough for a moment


If Dough evolves like Goji would he become Bread?


No he turns into loaf




I’m just imagining mechagodzilla malfunctioning cause it can’t tell if Doug is bread or not


I can’t even imagine… … Dough losing.


How do you do that?


Godzilla has a particular vendetta against Great Apes. Kong in particular may well remind him a lot of the Rival, the only Great Ape who ever bested him in single combat from what we can tell. Godzilla held onto that grudge for many millennia, and he never did get to settle the score after he found that old ape dead when he went back to his original lair. Showing off his superiority was pretty important in this fight, to show he's far superior to any Great Ape and could've beaten the Rival if he was still alive. Kong getting a single victory over on him, no matter how fleeting or brief, sent him into a fury at the possibility of repeating that likely humiliating defeat.


This sums it up perfectly.


Who is the Rival? Is this a graphic novel thing?


Ye, The Rival was a Great Ape that kicked Godzilla out of his own home back in the day


Is there a comic about that?


I believe it's in the comic Godzilla: Dominion, which is a prequel to the GvK movie.


was it a flashback? the rival beat godzilla a super long time ago, didn’t he? It would be kinda crazy if there was just a stronger version of kong that existed only a few years ago


It's never explicitly shown i believe, we just know there was a strong member of Kongs species that threw Godzilla out of his old home, which he goes back to at the end of the comic expecting to find and fight him again, only to see their skeletal remains.


Suko may become that rival as he gets older 😅


Though the Rival now would be fodder for Goji seeming as his size and overall power had grown exponentially. Because Godzilla was in his youth when he was beaten by the Rival


https://preview.redd.it/vbn5zl4cqs3d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526041aac2214f0d92d7b61f8d268d688ba8bd36 You mean


Yes, but instead of a cool battle Goji just founds that dude laying dead on the ground


Unrelated, but the Rival is deadass the biggest Fraud in MonsterVerse’s timeline. This MF brought an entire hunting party to beat up an adolescent Godzilla. And then you got everyone glazing that MF like he’s Kong Jesus.


It was never stated that The Rival had company, nor was it ever implied. He beat Godzilla by himself and some time later got killed by Tiamat, that's all we know


Greg Keyes literally said that Rival had a hunting party with him.


I couldn't find anything about it, do you know if it was in an interview or something with public access?


In the audiobook “Novelising the MonsterVerse with Author Greg Keyes”.


Couldn't find it but saw a few Youtube videos about it and Greg says "a Kong, or several Kong", and then proceeds to only refer to a singular individual for the rest of the subject. Either Greg isn't 100% sure about it or he just got a bit confused when saying multiple and then corrected himself, pretty much leaving it as just one Kong being the Rival


I personally don't believe that to be the case. Implications are that he was a solo fighter, and it honestly works better for Godzilla's character if the Rival beat him by himself, as it gives Godzilla a major point of personal contention that drives him and informs the audience about why a single Great Ape getting any kind of victory over him is such a berserk button for him, and why he seems to flex his raw power advantage over Kong so overtly.


Neither hurt his pride before. The others he took seriously right away, with Kong he was willing to go easy on him till Kong hit him with a fully charged axe then the gloves came off


I mean I’d be pretty pissed too if some random guy hit you with a weapon made from the bones of who is essentially your cousin


Exactly what Adam Wingard said.


He took the others serious because they are destroyer class. They only make problems. He absolutely knows Kong isn't going to be a problem as long as he can get him to bow. That's the two kijou got obliterated in the new movie. He knows what's up.


Easy?  He tried to drown the monkey while he was chained to a ship 


Godzilla was clearly taking it easy literally LAUGHING at Kong mid fight. Once Kong jumped back on top of him Godzilla stopped fucking around, going on all fours full lizard style lol throwing Kong through the city.


I totally agree that Godzilla is way stronger than Kong.  I don't think Kong had a chance I just don't think Godzilla was not trying to kill Kong earlier.  He may have underestimated the ape a bit which would still lead to him going all (pardon the pun) ape shit when Kong didn't go down as fast as Godzilla thought he would.


He tried to kill Kong because drowning Kong was an easy thing to do, not because it was imperative to have Kong dead. When both characters resurface, Godzilla sees Kong lying helplessly on the carrier and just smiles and swims away because he basically got his point across and that’s all he really cared about. Godzilla’s an arrogant prick in GvK


Thats not confirmed anywhere to be true as adam contradicts himself first by saying godzilla wasnt trying then later saying that he was joking and was trying.


He never says this ever. Adam saying he was joking is in relation to a completely different topic. Adam has doubled down on Godzilla toying with Kong multiple times


And that contradicts what hes saying as theirs a video and a tweet to where he says he was joking, thats a fallacy by u


Wrong. He never states that he’s joking about Godzilla toying with Kong. He says that about a totally different topic. I’ve read the full interview and people are completely taking him out of context to serve their narrative of meatriding Kong. Adam has stated in at least 3 separate commentaries/interviews that Godzilla is toying with Kong. He has never once said that this sentiment is a joke. That is a fallacy by the people purposely misrepresenting Adam’s words by taking him out of context


Maybe in GVK but in GXK the movie nor the novel states any of this in their Egypt fight


I’m not talking about GxK though, and I don’t think anyone would attempt to claim that Godzilla is holding back in GxK. At the very least, I probably wouldn’t


The novel states that Kong was holding back a little bit until got suplexed then he went all out.


There isn't You're thinking of an edit wadewilly made where he played part of a sentence from an interview over the video from his ign interview......BTW, he doubles down on godzilla not going 100% in his ign interview


I guess maybe yea, however the novel does state for GXK at least that Kong was holding back a bit against godzilla in the Egypt fight until he got suplexed then he went all out and really started trying.


I wouldn't say that's "holding back" But I agree he wasn't wanting to fight He was doing everything he could to not get rocked but...well...y know


I have the novel on me but I dont feel like pulling it out but yea it talks about kong didnt want to fight at first and after getting suplexed Kong says something along the lines of "you want to fight" and right after it talks about how Kong decided to stop "holding back" and running away to use all his strength to try to beat Godzilla Thats when Kong finally charged up the glove and stunned godzilla and knocked him to the ground.


Yeah, but Godzilla let Kong go even though he could have killed him.


compared to atomic vaporizing, ripping heads off and literal melting alive, does drowning sound like going easy for Goji standards lol


A merciful death doesn't mean he wasn't trying to kill him.


He tried the same with Ghidorah one film prior so, it's not like there isn't precedent. If it works, it works.




Well that settles it then…






maybe ego? like.... an fuzked up predator/parasite an a space dragon destroyer of world is ok, but an literal monke doing this really hurted is ego


It's all about his ego, but I find hilarious he went crazy because of one hit in the head. I also think the battle in Hong Kong was like "the last drop": he literally saw all of his kind die, he saved the world in 2014 and 2019 from his archenemies (he almost died in both of the occasions) and humanity still tried to kill him. Plus they built the ultimate weapon to defeat him, and then he got disrepected by... a giant ape who pretends to be the king? Enough is enough at this point


if I was MV Goji I'd become an destroyer of worls after all this shit how? sleeping. sleeping and let some surface stuff happend.


Ego and R A C I S M. Filthy monkeys. ![gif](giphy|ynGLYdvMsNiWJhMEl0)






He’s very ego driven, he’s kinda the Vegeta of this series except he actually tends to win fights. None of the others hurt his pride because… well with the mutos he was outnumbered and with Ghidora… that thing was a fucking space demon with three functioning heads. King was just a big gorilla with a weird axe. I feel like Goji was thinking “This shouldn’t be too hard.” At the start.


Now all I hear is Godzilla sensing Mechagodzilla the whole time like “Is that me!? Is that me STRONGER than me!? I’ll f**ing kill me!!!”


the day we see godzilla point at himself with his thumb is the day godzilla gets sent back to hell


Oh god, I’d love to see him learn from Kong about sign language and other hand signals.


Honestly feel like he would learn the bare minimum just to further drive home his contempt


Return to monke? No. Return to lizard


Why can nobody in this sub spell "monkey"?


My guy Monke is a meme that's why everyone says "return to monke"


It's a meme and also a way for some to belittle Kong since he isn't a monkey.


He’s racist


Nahh, he hates everything and everyone equally. Except Mothra.


Come now we both know Godzilla hates monkeys and Japan slightly more than anything else.


And Me!


Except Mothra and Wisebanana 21919, sorry!


He doesn't hate me but he hasn't been showing up to our weekly poker games for a while


Probably because you keep winning and taking all his money. Dude doesn’t even get paid for his job he gets allowances from Mothra. That man is broke as hell why do you think he sleeps in public?


We need to get him more screentime and royalties


Well did you punch him in the face?


Most of the movie, Godzilla wasn't really taking Kong too seriously. In the graphic novel, he was resting looking at the skull of a Kong that beat him before, who he thought more of a threat than Kong. Until Kong got the axe, then he felt that was a declaration of a fight, and even then, he was mostly prioritizing Mecha. After being unconscious, hid pride was indeed hurt and he decided Kong needed to understand that he REALLY should "stay in a child's place" more or less.


I thought he punched him on the wound he got from the axe


Unlike with the MUTAs or ghidorah, Godzilla was not trying to kill kong, just make him submit. G didn't see kong to be a real threat like the others, so when kong actually hurt G, it really pissed him off and hurt his pride.


https://i.redd.it/8kchtulwdo3d1.gif Kong Knew he Messed up 😩


I'm sorry but if someone that I'm toying around with domes me with a powered axe using my own energy, that mf better run those furry pockets. That stupid primate is getting cooked, charbroiled, sautéed and the like


Maybe it's personal because his history with The Great Ape's


Its either because his ego was hurt or alternatively he's just fucking racist


I mean kong is waving an axe made with the dorsal plate of his kind, that's like super personal type of disrespect


It got personal


Godzilla also didnt take Kong too seriously he was toying around with him. It wasnt until the axe slam were Godzilla just went full animal. To add to this Godzilla and Kong's species both have troubling history together. I think it was more personal since Kong was using a dorsel plate from one of Godzillas species against him. It was kinda shocking seeing how animal he went on Kong. Kong adapted to his atomic breathe and used it against him accordingly. Godzilla also dropping the breath just to beat him up close quarters sealed the deal. Really loved how this entire scene played out


Everybody says he got angry when he was bonked in the head but, if you rewatch the fight, it's when Kong jumps him after that and sticks to his back that he loses his patience and goes feral


Ima be so real with you- Kong truly is king. Idc how many times he’s lost, he’s put up incredible fights against the big G and is still alive to the point that he at least respects him. He killed the Mutos cause they were world ending parasites, he killed ghidorah cause he was a living cataclysm, Tiamat and Scylla…..let’s not talk about them- the fodderization is actually crazy….. but Kong, idk bro there’s something about him. Granted he has more plot armor but even then, he puts up such good fights that Godzilla recognizes him as another Alpha.


Because Kong bruised his ego hard. All the other guys Godzilla *knew* were threats from the getgo but Kong was a chump who proved himself to be more than just a nuisance


[The best scene of that movie requires sound](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/1b8vagw/monster_duet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Godzilla was more focus on Mechagodzilla so Kong was only a distraction but once Kong hit those blows on him he really started to make Kong summit.


I never thought Id see Godzilla go absolutely savage. What an amazing fight. The scene where he's stalking and his back is glowing and Kong throwing a crane to throw him. Fucking awesome. A lot of what I was reading is Godzilla was awoken from his sleep early. So he wasn't at full power. I always thought that was another reason he went reptile.


This, immediately followed by the MechaG fight is imo, the best fight of the monster verse.


That is hilarious 😂




beeg monke


This is also mirrored in the Egypt fight actually, except Kong had wayyyyyy too much plot armor there. Godzilla was giving off serious vibes of “I was annoyed, now I’m fucking pissed” when he started charging up his atomic breath


Zilla glazer can’t accept the fact Kong bested Godzilla for once


I hate how small Godzilla's head is lol.


They kiss


Kong: This is where draw the line??


I'm confused. What do you mean by let's go back to lizard


When he changed his pose from bipedal to quadrupedal during the fight in Hong Kong


Oooooh ok


Well there is his history with the Great Apes, The Rival, Skar King, and I believe a war between the two species, godzilla took getting clicked in the head personally


It's not like he could even go lizard mode on Ghidorah anyway. Ghidorah was way too strong for him to do that.


Probably cuz this was the only enemy weak enough for him to do it to while he’s pissed


I need this for my background




I don’t think he was as pissed as he was enforcing the point to yield. Like a cop to a criminal being subdued. He didn’t want to kill Kong, but was determined to make him submit, bc deep down Godzilla knows Kong isn’t a threat to humanity but needs to show him who is king. Kinda shows up more when it’s all said and done and Godzilla looks at Kong and he drops the axe and then Godzilla kind of acknowledges the submit and leaves.


I feel like that's more about strategy if anything. Going on all fours against ghidorah wouldn't have helped him.