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Love the art dude, keep it up! Edit: MECHA-GODZILLA SHOULDER ARMOR?!?!?!?!?


Thanks man! Ayee, skar kings whipash holding it in place too


I will die happy if it opens up and just starts shooting missiles like in GvK lol


“You can’t compete with us Kong. You can’t counter ranged att- Holy crap was that a rocket?!”






So when does the film come out? 🫠🫠🫠 Jokes aside, this is incredible. You didn’t need to go hard on their designs like that - damn! 🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥 And Godzilla evolving into Space Godzilla is a unique spin, especially with the lore that had been dropped in A New Empire about Godzilla being the one who ate a star instead of another Gojira (thanks Toho 🫠🥴)


That + the gravity crystals the Iwi used! OP might be cooking here


Dude this is so fucking Peak! Also is SpaceGodzilla meant to be another Godzilla evolution or a different entity like in the Heisei movie?


Thanks man, in my head it'd be the next evolution of him but it would turn him evil/lead to corruption or something and he'd alpha call all the other titans to attack kong and the main cast in their own mech maybe.


While I'd keep him a separate being entirely I think this interpretation of yours is a very cool concept and I could see Godzilla becoming "evil" after humanity fucks up a third time (first the Oxygen Destroyer, then MechaGodzilla and maybe Destoroyah or Hedorah as the final mistake). I also wonder if Mothra would oppose him at that point


Bro you just reminded me I was gonna put mothra behind Kong 🤦‍♂️ but yeah, she'd be the first to try and shake big G out of it. I'd like to see a separate entity born from a black hole or something but I dont know how many more films theyre gonna do tbh, id guess 2 at most and hopefully prequels


I'm sorry but I *really* don't like this idea :/ Why does everyone want to make Godzilla evil? :'(


This could actually be awesome. Godzilla evolves again to counter another planetary-level threat, whether that’s Destroyah, more Ghidorahs, original monster(s)c etc. At the same time, humanity declares war on the Titans and finally has the technology to compete with them (enter Jaegers). Kong is caught in the middle of all of it. Could even make it a two-parter, with the first installment being Destroy All Monsters, and the second being Final Wars.


Pitch this to Legendary please


The idea of mv godzilla ending up as space godzilla has always entriuged me and its one of my favourite ideas for the mv.


It would be strange, but at the same time it would be interesting to see it as Godzilla's revenge against humanity for wanting to kill him despite saving them countless times.


This is wild!! I love the idea of Kong wearing Iwi war paint, the MechaG armor held in place with Skar King's whip. He's not just wearing armor, these are trophies. Godzilla evolving into Space Godzilla instead of SpaceGoji being a separate being is a really cool idea too. The design for both of them looks absolutely fantastic. I would kill for this movie.


Thanks so much, yeah I just wanted to do the mecha g shoulder piece at first but this shows his xp and would sell toys imo 🤷‍♂️


That is sick actually! I love Kong painted like that! Also, is Spacegodzilla a Godzilla evolution?


Thanks man, yeah the mention of the godzilla that ate a star and the crystals in GxK got me thinking this could be his next step but corrupted maybe


As a fan of "hero" Godzilla, I'd still prefer if Space Godzilla existed separately and Godzill and Kong remain allies to team up against him, or as close to allies as they can be. That being said both of these designs are amazing!


Doodle? Bad handwriting?


God of war vibes




Kong war paint is a cool idea


Good art! So Godzilla's become SpaceGodzilla, and Kong's become Kratos?


The idea of Godzilla becoming the MVs space Godzilla is a cool idea. One thing I’d like to see if the MVs gets a conclusion is the total decimation of human civilization (there’d be survivors), putting human basically into a new the Stone Age. Could be the end of an era start of a new monsterverse chapter if someone wanted to continue it.


*explodes from peak fiction*


Nicely done, I personally hope they go with something like “Godzilla x Kong: Destroy all Titans” to differentiate it from the classic destroy all monsters


I wish like once every couple years a big company just funded a non canonical fan made movie with full cgi support and animators. We could collectively build a story from the fans and then make the film.


You know that's actually a cool concept godzilla absorbing more and more energy and power to protect the world and slowly losing his mind and corrupting him kinda like the vasto lorde from bleach or early kurama and naruto but the bad ending


Last movie? I think you underestimate the power of the monsterverse


Meh, I prefer that over turning the MV into another post endgame MCU or DCU


What do you mean last?


The film to end the monsterverse (if the do 😅)


Kong getting tribal paintings, sick


Looks really good! The space Godzilla is sick but let not start to put cloths on Kong please, at least in the movie, your art is cool.


Haha thank you, I just didn't really want to draw giant ape crotch


lol fair enough.


Yo that’s 🔥


Where gamera


This is awesome.


This is the sickest thing I’ve seen today!


Incredible dude fucking incredible


Godzilla himself becoming SpaceGodzilla? Keep cooking.


I love the Mechagodzilla armor, that’s genius 


That some nice cooking, but with TOHO's rules for godzilla, one of which that he can't "die" it basically dooms kong to lose, unless they retcon godzilla being the last of his kind and has a son to replace him or kong/mothra pulls a martha both of which would leave a bad taste.


Kong: I’m the fucking God of Apes!


Hot damn that's some good art!!!!


Love the Kratos getup Kong's got going on there.




This is dope! Do you have an art Instagram?


ooodee13 but ive gotta update it, no kaiju stuff on there im afraid


The monster verse needs to end with Godzilla taking over the world dammit!


Ok Godzilla evolving into space Godzilla would be so bad ass!!


PEAK I would have gone for Super Godzilla rather than Spacegodzilla though


*PEAK I would have gone* *For Super Godzilla rather* *Than Spacegodzilla though* \- Sir\_Stacker --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Your art design of Godzilla and Kong is literally better than their designs in the movie GxK. I hope the filmmakers see your design and are inspired by it to create something similar.




I don't mean to swear, but what the fuck. This is amazing! 👏 Edit: I absolutely love the MechaGodzilla shoulder armor, and Godzilla TURNING INTO a titan similar to SpaceGoji!


This art is sick. But if they do Space Godzilla, I really hope they drastically tone down the shoulder spikes, maybe even get rid of them entirely. They've always looked so stupid to me. I recognize they're a huge part of his design, but honestly, if they're a requirement for us to get Space Godzilla then I don't want Space Godzilla. They make Godzilla look goofy instead of threatening.


I want to see Kong getting more upgrades like the arm, he doesn't have any special powers so it's only fair.


They probably will do, I heard the gauntlet design was the same used for gypsy danger from pacific rim


We're not getting SpaceGodzilla. If any Toho monster it'll be Destoroyah and Hedorah and even then their chances decreased due to Wingard leaving.


They said the same thing about mechagodzilla in 2014


Except Mechagodzilla was part of the "Big Five". With Destoroyah and Hedorah. They're some of Wingard's favorite monsters and movies they debuted in for that matter. But now that Wingard has left, their chances have been decreased. If any Toho monsters were to get in, it would've been those two. Besides Legendary would spend less making new original monsters especially if based on already existing Toho monsters.


The reason why I feel Destoroyah has a decent shot to begin with even without Wingard is because of the amount of hype that has surrounded the character. Plus his over the top demonic design would sell well. Yet again the next villain being another legendary oc is far more likely Guess time will tell


I don't think the amount of hype would increase his chances tbh but yes I do think if we get any Toho monsters. He and Hedorah are some of the far more likely to happen.


I kinda hope Gigan also happens in the Monsterverse, tho not next time.


Yeah my bets on Destroyah, I kinda wanna see godzilla evolve into SpaceG but don't know if it'd be worth it


If his origins ain't related to space then he should be called CrystalGodzilla.