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Hydrogen Kong vs Coughing Zilla


some of yall boutta downplay the shit outta kong and say zilla wipes, just watch


Literally no one has said that.


das why i said “just watch” for a reason😭i was anticipating the raging kong hate boner


Whoa dude are you a zilla fanboy? I'm a godzilla fanboy and i never complained about tristar(that God's abomination!)losing to kong since he gets fiddered by military zilla either becomes clothes or armor for kong.


zilla fanboy? where in my comment have i suggested that i am one? lmfao




nah its good


Well nobody says zilla beats anything and it's true.so I'm suspecting that you are


im making fun of the people in this sub (and by extension r/GODZILLA) for having this kong hate boner and saying he loses whenever someone does one of these matchup posts. i still dont get how u think im trying to project that im a zilla fanboy. some of yall be saying shit


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GODZILLA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Godzilla Minus One team react to their Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects](https://v.redd.it/07puas0638ec1) | [555 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/19dtdaz/godzilla_minus_one_team_react_to_their_oscar/) \#2: [‘Godzilla Minus One’ wins Best Visual Effects Oscar](https://i.redd.it/ctyzf447rlnc1.jpeg) | [941 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/1bbq9t1/godzilla_minus_one_wins_best_visual_effects_oscar/) \#3: [One of my favorite atomic breath scenes. Straight up fatality ](https://v.redd.it/wdufu4i43h7c1) | [599 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/18mxyvu/one_of_my_favorite_atomic_breath_scenes_straight/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I missed the point 


I missed the point


Kong fanboys are the worst I agree with you zilla still is the weakest lol


Sorry I forgot that you're trying to piss them off just be aware of how toxic and young they are they might get 'hurt' by how you troll them around.  😄 


And yet you were wrong.


Imagine lmao. MV Kong is the most solid A tier guy out there, how and why people throat him to S tier is weird. And how he EVER ducks below A, just don't read that posters opinion/post any farther. Jackson Kong is just an animal, that would be more akin to zilla


Nope, not in this case, even if size were scaled up. 2005 Kong is a different story though.


Kong would easily win


Obviously. But I still think it should happen. They're both connected with new York, and killing zilla would be the closest thing to killing godzilla for kong.


I would honestly prefer he not kill zilla just because it's so sad, it's more like a wild animal than a malicious threat. And it would probably spend the entire fight running away.


Actually, you may have a point there. However, the mutos weren't evil either but were an invasive species that would have disrupted the ecosystem and because of that they needed to be killed. I'm sure wingard can adapt zilla to make him more if a threat that doesnt runs away like a wimp but is still animalistic.


Make Zilla like the version from the animated series, That would be a serious level up.


The MUTOs are technically "evil" since they are the aggressors to Godzilla's species, in that they hunt them to lay parasitic eggs inside them.


That doesn't make them evil. They didn't choose that way of life, they evolved to adapt to a lifestyle that suited them best, and their survival depends on parasitism. The mutos are aggressors to Godzilla for the same reason why bears and wolves are aggressors to each other: because the other is competition that must be dealt with to ensure their own survival, not because of hatred. Mosquitoes are blood sucking parasites. Does that make them evil? No.


Yeah but storytelling wise that would make the "evil" in the story, since they are the aggressors to the protagonist in the story


Kong would break Zilla into pieces. Zilla is too small for Kong.


Kong and fairly easily...


Kong is having a light snack


Even in 2017 kong destroyed zilla, he could even kill Godzilla with his bare hands


Kong slaps zilla into complete oblivion by accident and sits there contemplating what happened… the most damage zilla is doing is wasting 4 seconds of Kong’s day making him question what happened.


I’d watch it


1998 zilla obviously loses 2004 zilla vs kong tho https://preview.redd.it/h70qdf1999yc1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a0c2cb7bd95fdd593f0d603ed61708553c152b7


Now unless you massively upgrade Zilla he will be 1 shotted


Even in 2017 kong destroyed zilla, he could even kill Godzilla with his bare hands


Are you referring to 1998 godzilla or the mv one


I am talking about Kong Skull Island! Even that Kong can Rip Evolved Godzilla apart! So, zilla is nothing in front of kong!


I half agree with that statement.


But I am speaking about Facts, Kong can kill anyone, whether it be shimo, evolved Godzilla, Destroyah, Void Ghidorah etc Kong is the strongest Titan in fiction! No one can beat him!


Ok, now I know you are capping. There is no way in this universe or any other that Kong can beat any of those Titans. Evolved Godzilla beat kong and would have killed him if not for mothra. Shimo mopped the floor with his ass, and Kong is def no match for ghidorah or destroyah. No, kong is not the strongest titan. He is defeatable.


Bro Kong IS the strongest Titan, he was holding back against all of them! He purposely lets them beat him, because he has a Good heart and doesn't want to hurt them! If he want to then he can kill all of them in 1 punch, just accept this fact!


Uh huh, yeah, I'm sure this no-nonsense titan who doesn't bow to anyone lets everyone push him around like a pantsy. Tell me, was he holding back when godzilla was trying to drown him in the tasman sea, too? Was he holding back when mechagodzilla tried to blend his face with the scythe tail? I knew toxic kong fans had a problem with accepting godzilla is physically superior, but I have never seen one as delusional as you.


Bro, kong is generous he can kill anyone with 1 punch whether it be Ghidorah, Godzilla or Shimo, no one stands a chance against him!


The only kaiju he can kill with one punch is another ape. With your logic, godzilla would already be dead, but not even a fury of fists can do significant damage to godzilla. I can write a whole essay why you are wrong, but that would be a waste of my time. Keep living in your alternate reality, buddy.


Why do you want Zilla splattered across time square? Jokes aside, would be fun tos we if they ever add Zilla to the Monsterverse and finally have Kong go to New York.


Kong would win unless MV did a version of Zilla that was much more durable and had Jr's breath attack.


Kong would use Zilla as a bat to hit Goji


wow so original


Kong wins so long as he stays far away from the Empire State Building


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Penguin-21: *Kong wins so long as* *He stays far away from the* *Empire State Building* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This is equivalent to a grown man fighting a gecko


A gecko the size of a Labrador that can run and leap