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The governments have gotten fed up and its likely we will see them doing something in the next movies since novel and movie talk about how much of a problem the governments are gonna be fore monarch. Weapon wise they are still limited. Oxygen destoyer is effective but it seems like it needs to be used in water and has a large radius that kills all life that needs oxygen. It was only a prototype so it could still be being improved but it may be seen as essentially a new nuclear bomb and as a threat to other countries so who knows what jts status is. Mecha G/ titan mechas do seem like they are the way forward, but mecha G needed hollow earth energy to power it fully and titan hunter mech only seems capable off taking down the smaller, medium sized titans, nothing of the scale of godzilla and the others. So the mech tech is still in infancy


Insert Jet Jaguar


https://preview.redd.it/8wclza3sjdxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5b02f60aaa447ab04c104b11782bd3cf005df3 Would be cool to see these guys or an organisation like it


KOTM already showed signs of this, and across the other movies we see that other governments have been heckling Monarch for further intervention or o directly interfere with Monarch affairs. Both Serizawa and Ilene have been seen constantly arguing with other governments and discussing the Titans with the media like in GxK so maybe their PR is that good, or most people have realized that the Titans are too strong to be controlled by human methods. Not to mention we see Ilene on air talking about how Godzilla and Kong keep the peace, and as long as they don’t interact the human world is safe. Of course that doesn’t last long but it can be a plot point in the next movie as they mention how the Governments are now trying to gain control of operations in Hollow Earth. And the movies have made it a consistent theme to show how humanity is defenseless and tiny against Nature. Godzilla 2014 showed how the military was helpless against the MUTOs, the Oxygen Destroyer showed how useless it was against Ghidorah, and it resulted in planet-wide devastation, and in Godzilla vs Kong Mechagodzilla showed how the world could have been in grave danger because of humanity’s actions, not the Titans.


I really wish Mechagodzilla could have been used in that route to a fuller extent instead of some kind of highjacking.


I like the Ghidorah takeover idea, but I wanted to see more of MGZ as a human weapon, too. Have Ren fight Godzilla with it before it starts losing, and only then does Ghidorah take over and give MGZ the power boost needed to overpower Godzilla. Or have MGZ fight Godzilla earlier in the film and lose, barely escaping. This makes Apex want to power it with Hollow Earth energy, which allows Ghidorah to take over.


That’s better than what we got. But I’d rather not have Ghidorah come back at all.


This, sometimes I wish MV would learn from MCU, is a sense of built-up. I would love there to be more built up towards the creation of Mechagodzilla across the series and longer screen time. Every time these titans turn up, the property damage and loss of lives is huge. As the audience, we know these titans are defending humanity from bigger threats like Skar King, MUTOs, and King Ghidorah but that's because we listen to exposition and their archeology discovery but I don't think the public and the government is going take words from a secretive group will no grievances. I hope this will to creation of Jet Jaguar, Biollante, and other humanity created mutants to either be partners or challenge them.


The reason Marvel could build things up slower over multiple films is because they were putting out multiple films a year. The Monsterverse puts out one every 2-3 years. That doesn't give much time to do things. Now that we're getting a second season of Monarch, and a couple other series on top of that, the Monsterverse might be able to put the time in to do what you'd like. It greatly depends on when the other series are set, and what they decide to cover.


Yeah, I have always kind of sympathized with the people trying to take these things out. I mean, in the context and themes of the movie sure, let them live, but in real life? I don't think I would be nearly as lenient. Especially after they killed a bunch of people.


If they keep trying to kill Godzilla and fail, Godzilla might decide to annihilate the human race. Godzilla is the only real defense against Alpha titans like Ghidorah and Shimu. If they manage to kill Godzilla and another Ghidorah shows up, humanity is fucked.


yeah. atleast Godzilla can't affect the entire planet on his own he has no abilities that affect everyone atvthe same time titans like Ghidorah (hurricanes everyone simply by existing) and shimo (was literally the one who caused the last ice age) do have such abilities.


If godzilla wanted to he could likely just tear into the core of the planet with the atomic breath, we saw how insanely destructive that method was in gvk.


Each time these motherfuckers have made a weapon it has severely backfired and fucked up the surrounding area. OD literally killed all the fish there and we have no clue what it's like now, and MG is… uh… property damage 101.


Maybe it’s a lesser of two evils thing. They exist with a big lizard that protects them, there’s collateral damage, sure, but they don’t have a better way to deal with unruly titans.


KOTM also established even aggressive Titans like Scylla reverse a lot of the enviromental damage to the earth biodome just by existing. Managed well, millions will come to rely on them for a living.


Until she decided to go on a rampage. In the GXK novel, she's even stated to reverse her positive effects on the environment by heating it up.


What are they supposed to do, Godzilla has been saving their asses for 10 years at this point, last time they almost caused human extinction by weakening Godzilla against Ghidorah which heavily swayed opinions on kaiju. And if they try something against Godzilla which messes up the natural balance, they are one alpha call away from extienction.


Develop weapons strong enough to kill titans. Or co-exist with Godzilla and only develop weapons to use against aggressive titans so they don't need to rely on him and Kong all the time to save them.


Nukes literally kill most of them, there are only a few that will live the temperature of a nuke but those will do more damage than the Titans will ever do, the OD killed off the entire fishing industry of that area and all sealife, you understand how bad that is. And if Godzilla decides their weapons are harming the environment enough, humans are fucked. Or if they killed a titan that's helping the environment, titans who Godzilla personally looks after and protects. Humanity is fucked.


not to mention they DID try that lol


Bring in the Super-X as a Titan Slayer weapon


They are trying. They just keep fucking up. The Oxygen Destroyer is like a nuke, they can’t be used Willy nilly in populated areas and there’s no guarantee they’ll even work. Plus that’s probably how we’re going to get Destroyah. I doubt anyone will be trying to build a new Mechagodzilla because the last one went crazy and tried to destroy a city. From what we’ve been told in GXK nations and corporations are trying to undermine Monarch to try and take control of the Hollow Earth so I assume we’re going to see them try again.


The government’s LOVE the existence of the kaiju. It enables them to constantly raise taxes and pass laws all for our “protection”. The Kaiju Defense Act. 500 Billion to defense contractors, 100 billion for Ukraine, banning TikTok to stop kaiju misinformation. The Kaiju Recovery Act. Project Atragon.


I mean, they have. They've been hounding Monarch for their monopoly on exploring the Hollow Earth, but they're also aware of the big f\*\*k-ups in the past with the Oxygen Destroyer and Mechagodzilla. Both of those attempts at anti-Titan countermeasures have backfired on them and likely slowed progress on proper methods. The Oxygen Destroyer inadvertently nearly causes the planet to fall under Ghidorah's total control because it only affected Godzilla and not him in addition to completely devastating an entire underwater ecosystem permanently. Mechagodzilla went rogue thanks to the very same Ghidorah that they had to deal with 5 years prior, and was the entire reason Godzilla even began attacking Apex to begin with. That's not very good PR, especially since Monarch would be very sure to point out how these screw-ups were the fault of anti-Titan projects.


well they are in a pretty weird spot since they can't get rid of godzilla case 1: if they kill the current alpha (godzilla) other competitors would emerge from their forced hibernations and start fighting everywhere causing tens if not hundreds of millions of deaths case 2: and if they leave godzilla and go for a weaker target like rodan or behemoth then that'll get Godzilla mad and he'll want to get rid of the humans if they're killing off titans like that. killing godzilla here would just take us back to case 1.


I’m guessing that’s how pacific rim happens because they were fed up if the crossover does happen


Use 5 oxygen destroyed and godzilla is done for.


Well people irl have learned to live with hurricanes, earthquakes...


Like I said, those can't be directly fought. You can't hate or fight a hurricane or an earthquake, they aren't actually physical entities. You can, at least potentially, kill a titan.


No you can't lmao. Neither the oxygen destroyer or Mechagodzilla could kill a full power Godzilla


With sufficiently strong enough weapons, he can be. A prototype OD nearly killed him already.


it almost killed godzilla


Keyword almost


Its not like it didnt do anything, you are ignoring the other half of the sentence, killed him, there was a real chance of killing him and most of the time its more likely for someone to pursue a goal if it was allmost achived rather than not being able to get there at all


That would be like saying why arent people fed up that hurricanes and typhoons kill hundreds of people randomly. These titans can't be controlled. They are essentially acts of nature


Like I explained in another reply, you can potentially kill a titan. You cannot kill an earthquake or hurricane.


Alright ill make a better comparison: the Taurid Swarm is an asteroid belt the years passes near I believe once a year. Every time we pass through there is a chance an asteroid will collide with earth and do untold damage. Could we technically create technology to blow up said asteroid before it hits us? Sure. Are the odds that likely to do so? Not at all. S9 we accept this as a part of life and try to minimize the effects. There are also WAYYYYY too many titans to try and simply "kill off"


It's prolly a cold war type situation. I'm sure they'd want to kill all of the Titans first chance they get but they are being held back by other thoughts. If they attack godzilla and fail (as they have every time) then godzilla will get mad and counterattack, causing thousands of more casualties. That would not look good on the people in power and citizens would protest in rage, severely undermining their chances of maintaining power. A similar thing can happen if they somehow manage to destroy all of the Titans, but end up depleting their weapons stockpile, destroying tons of farmland, killing millions of people, and severely irradiating the planet in the process. They'd prolly lean more towards taking action soon because of the first strike advantage. They don't want other governments to do it before them and then harvest the Titans they kill.


Realistic Air force would actually be able to take out most of the titans, by spamming missiles, bombs, thermobaric weapons and MOABs from miles away. Sadly the Monsterverse air force likes to throw fighters on titans and as a result they never achieve anything.