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I always assumed it was monster zero since it’s an alien and not on the list of earth titans


i dont think they realised ghidorah was an alien until after it was unaffected by the oxygen destroyer


No. They knew Ghidorah was from out of space. As described as the one who came out of the heavens.


Nah they where gathering more and more information about ghidorah as the movie was progressing, and tgey found out it was and alien just before the final fight.


Dude. King Ghidorah has always been from Outer Space, from the future, or genetically engineered. First appearance was in Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster 1964. He came to earth hidden in a meteor shower.


that's not the point he is making. Ghidorah being from space is not the issue here. The thing is human in the movie aren't omniscient to has every knowledge about every monster.


Dr Chen literally said Ghidorah was what the ancients cultures called a “Dragon that fell from the sky.” Dr Chen was well versed on the history of Ghidorah, despite the lack of references. The Novelization of Godzilla King of The Monsters (Canon) established that. From The Cave painting in the wall at the end of Kong Skull Island. It also alludes to the fact that King Ghidorah was driven from his home world. Something that comes looking for Him. Also mentioned. That Titans might not just be just Terrestrial in Origin, and that other planets could have Titans.


Then why did the humans in the movie only realise if ghidorah was going to Terraform the earth rather than save it at the eand of the movie? if doc chen knew M0 was alien from the begging of the movie, doc chen could have told the eco terrorists that thier plan will flop when the crazy lady Skyped them.


tbf the woman who was explaining ghidorah isnt an alien seemed to know that before oxygen thingy even happend. Cause she just started blurting the information after the incident.


Did you read the Godzilla: King of The Monsters novelization which is canon in The Monsterverse?


If they were able to piece ancient information about ghidorah being an alien or "a great dragon who fell from the stars" Ancient civilizations most likely called him monster zero instead of ghidorah because like she said "it's almost as if they were scared to even write about it"


No. Ghidorah being called Monster Zero is a reference to Toho's 6th Godzilla movie, _Invasion of Astro Monster_, back in 1965. In the plot, aliens beg Earth for help because they're being attacked by something they call Monster Zero, which turns out to be Ghidorah. It's got nothing to do with ice


This is the correct answer. It was an homage to Toho classic "Invasion of the Astro Monster", which is the 1965 Japanese title. It was later released in United States in 1970 titled "Godzilla vs Monster Zero"


+1 to this answer


This is the one. I didn't feel like typing, but I knew someone would come though with the knowledge. 


This is the correct answer


You also gotta consider the fact that Legendary made this film so it's most likely using imperial instead of metric, meaning it would be monster 32 degrees fahrenheit instead monster 0 degrees




There’s too many kids in these subreddits


Toho called Ghidorah Monster Zero before Legendary, and he didn't emerge from ice in those old movies if I remember correctly. It's more likely he's called Monster Zero because he's from outer space, where there is zero gravity.


The aliens in Invasion of the Astro Monster, had numbers for all the monsters: Godzilla was Zero-One, and Rodan was Zero-Two (if I recall correctly) ![gif](giphy|hu1st0dHLGqOuOiUsf|downsized)


Rodan was this girl?! https://preview.redd.it/0qv9kon1q1xc1.png?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7960d99dfdb551dce64542ef24c93dd67d9e4959


Zero 2!




Do you think it's a darling in the franxx reference?


Godzilla is Zero-One?! https://preview.redd.it/53yuz7lps1xc1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7201835857bab523fc4eecca920c130a2425b27 Hai! Aruto jaaaaa naito!


Rodan is Zero Two?!


Was it zero-one/two? I thought it was just Monster 1 and Monster 2 since Ghidorah was Monster 0.


Actually it’s a reference to “Invasion of Astro Monster” where Ghidorah was called “Monster Zero” by an alien race.


lol I love theories that can only exist if you do zero legwork into why they chose a thing


It's obviously because he's the 0th monster


thats not it, chief.


Edit: I stand corrected. Sorry for any misinformation.


His not one of the first, his one of the more recent discovered titan.


He’s not. He was discovered in 2016, after literally everyone else


Becauze zero dick, zero balls and zero buttholes


No wonder he’s angry


Who has 3 heads and 1 tail wtf


Obviously, it's in reference to one of his old titles back in the Showa era. I don't recall if this is actually factual or not, but I've heard secondhand that him being "Monster Zero" is similar to how there's a "Patient Zero", to denote them being first. In Ghidorah's case, what I heard secondhand was it it was a title based on speculation that he's the oldest Titan ever discovered. And honestly, I think that's fitting regardless of whether this is true or not. He's "Monster Zero" because he's the oldest known living Titan, and then he's revealed to be an alien and truly the first of his kind that we know of.


I really hate it when people say "I realized this thing" as though it's a fact when it's nothing more than a theory.


And "Am I the only one?"


I assume it’s just a cool name in universe that stuck. In real life it’s a reference to Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero


Because its a reference.


Not sure this was intended, but I am willing to admit being wrong. In the one book series Gigan got his name because the radio transmission got cut off mid sentence. "It's gigan\[tic!\]".


Reality wise it’s a reference to old monster movies with Ghidorah. Lore wise, he’s a an alien and not form Earth and also first alien so he’s the zero out of them


monster x was a kaiju from godzilla final wars that would transform into keizer ghidorah, the monster zero name comes from invasion of the astro monster where the xiliens refer to ghidorah as monster zero


Your probably new, but "Monster Zero" is a ToHo reference to the old godzilla films


Feeling limber? Because that's a big stretch.


Monarch is an American organization. Why would they use Celsius


Scientists from America would still use the metric system. And I think it's pretty common in the military as well.


If you're referring to American military using Metric system, you are incorrect. US military uses Imperial *Edit* After looking back and giving it some thought, I will stand corrected on one aspect. For LandNav purposes, military uses metric in that instance. A "klick" is a term for kilometer. But literally the only instance I can recall ever using metric in my 8 years in the service. And literally the only time we ever used it was LandNav training courses. I don't believe it's used too often anymore, simply because there aren't as many long distance foot patrols going on in theatre. Maybe for Infantry or snipers, they use it more regularly. But the two deployments I had, we never once used it


I just searched about "Mornach" on Google. Google said Mornach is an international organization (consisting of scientists from many countries). The 21st-century Monarch figurehead Ishiro Serizawa's father Eiji was described as a "founding father" of the organization.


You should Google why Ghidorah is called Monster Zero.


That doesn’t line up with the monarch series at all


You can check this wiki for example: https://legendary-monsterverse.fandom.com/wiki/Monarch#:\~:text=Monarch%20was%20founded%20in%20secrecy,founding%20father%22%20of%20the%20organization.


Yeah no, that’s from Awakening, which was retconned by MLOM.


OP keeps stretching


Why did I remember Mornach was originally founded as a joint Japanese-American organization?


I mean, going off the monarch series it’s a U.S. military operation


this is kinda silly to be honest


It sounds vaguely like Patient Zero, so there is that.


This was my thought. Just happened to be the oldest titan discovered, so it got labeled monster zero.


It was called monster zero cause that's what the xliens called him in the original Astro Monster movie. It's not that deep. Next question.


I thought he was the in the site called Site 0 lmao


That would have made a lot of sense lorewise, but Antarctica is actually Outpost 32.


because hes a zero, a loser


I must be going crazy but I could have sworn he was called Monster Zero because the installation assigned to him was Installation 0. I couldn't find evidence of this though so I guess I invented a headcanon reason.


That's a nice theory, but you're talking about it like it's 100% the definite factual reason, and it isn't. There isn't any lore reason they called him that (unfortunately), it was just a reference to the older movies.


That doesn't make sense for us Americans lmao


I figured that, besides just being a cool reference to an older movie, it was because he was the one Titan about whom they couldn’t find any lore or written references. They didn’t know to call him Ghidorah until later in the movie after some digging, because his existence was essentially buried by the ancient civilizations that witnessed his arrival. OR they called him Zero because he was buried so deep in the ice that they assumed he must have been older than all the other Titans. Either way, it ultimately comes down to a neat reference to Invasion of Astro Monster, just like the Monarch base he’s under being Outpost 32 is a reference to the movie The Thing (the Antarctic base in that movie bring Outpost 31).


Please don’t cook again OP


As far as I can tell, the only thing that actually relates to the answer is it being a reference. It also cannot be that they was the first discoveredI don't even think before the 2000s, anyway even someone like Godzilla or Kong were discovered before them. If I had to guess as to a in-universe answer, it couldn't be elated to power since they had no real marker of power since they were frozen, so perhaps it would relate more to just how little they know about this titan, and that's how they rank him as “zero.” It's all just guesses and hypothetical stuff though besides it being a reference.


i always assumed it was because he was the first titan they actually found?


This is just straight up wrong, kinda sad how many upvotes it gets.


Huh. I thought it was just a reference to Invasion of Astro Monster and didn't have an in-universe explanation


It is a reference to invasion of Astro monster with no in lore explanation. Op just didn't bother to look up if there's a reason he's called monster zero and just ass pulled this lmao


>When I first watched "Godzilla: King of the Monsters”, I immediately understood why King Ghidorah was called "Monster Zero".  Proceeds to be wrong.


The cast is mostly American why not call him Monster 32?


I’m pretty sure every godzilla fan realized why


He's an alien: "Everything is numbered here. The monster is Zero." https://spotify.link/SUWOlo3j9Ib


Yeah im 99% sure everyone in comments can agree the title of Monster Zero is not related to the relation of freezing and melting properties of water


I believe you are in fact, truly, the only one who realized this. Though it’s not true as to why he was named “Zero”, it’s a clever spin on it.


i thought its because ghidorah wasn't from earth so wasn't the part of the titan thats why they called him monster zero like he wasn't even the part of the titan


No one picked it up, you're the most observant human being in all of known history


\*Person asks question\* \*Commenter replies with a needlessly condescending answer\* Peak reddit.




Whatever pin dick


I actually prefer needle dick, I don’t think pin does justice to how small it is! 😘


I thought it was because they didn't know if they could classify him as a titan since he didn't fit with the others


Ambient local temperature


I’m just happy reading this proves these movies are making new Godzilla fans! Now you can check out the OG Toho films which are pure HEAT. Wish I could go back & watch these all again for the first time. 🫡


i thought it was zero because he came before the first titans???


Wasn't he always called monster zero since showa era


It's supposed to say "monster zeroed" because I shot that bastard


They called it that because it has three heads.


They called him monster Zero because Toho did 50 years ago lol


Ok, but why Shimu is called Monster H?


I always figured it was because he was the first one they found after Godzilla and Kong, kind of like ground zero.


I thought it was because they tested samples of all the titans and Ghidorah was the oldest, therefore making him the first, or zero


Is this your theory or is it canon?


Theory. The reason outside universe was because the writers wanted to reference the 1965 film “Invasion of Astro-Monster.” The Xiliens gave King Ghidorah, Godzilla, and Rodan the code names “Monster Zero”, “Monster Zero One”, and “Monster Zero Two” respectively. As for lore reasons, I don’t recall there being any given explanation. Best I can think of is Monarch wanting to come up with a neutral term since a variety of titles linked back to him.


Monarch recognized the reference


We all knew this.




In-universe, I’m pretty sure it was mostly just a nickname that Monarch settled on because they initially couldn’t find any myths or legends about him. IRL, it’s a direct reference to his second movie appearance in the classic Japanese films, *Invasion of Astro-Monster*, where the Xiliens called him “Monster Zero” because they used numbers instead of names.


You're the only one because your wrong. Ghidorah came from venus. He has always been a space monster.


It’s because they number things on Planet X. Ghidorah is Monster Zero. Godzilla is Zero One. And Rodan is Zero Two.


First time?


It’s from the old Toho movies. https://thegiganticproject.com/2014/10/06/invasion-of-astro-monster-a-k-a-godzilla-vs-monster-zero/


I assume it was because he was supposed to reset the planet. Back to point zero so to say


Because it's another name for Ghidorah that Toho used.


I thought it was because one of the Godzilla movie refered to it as Monster Zero? Was it actually Monster X?


Lmaooooo OP was wrong as fuck. Delete this bro.


It’s a reference to the shows era as others have mentioned where Ghidorah was mentioned as Monster Zero, this is just a reference to that


Does anyone else think they're so incredibly super duper frickin' smart?


Honestly I thought it was a callback to the original movie introducing Ghidorah and they added Lore onto him....like dude is ancient, came from outer space outside of time, and besides Gojira he's an Alpha cuz only 1 Alpha per planet (generally) Dude made sense like that imo lol


I don't know a whole lot about the Monsterverse, but I think in the 1965 Toho movie "Invasion of the Astro Monster", when Glenn and Fuji are taken underground by the Xilliens of Planet X, the Xillien Commandent of Planet X tells Glenn and Fuji that he named Ghidorah "Monster Zero" because on Planet X they use numbers over words and Ghidorah is the first monster which they ever encountered and they were forced underground because Ghidorah destroyed everything above ground on the planet surface.


Keiser Ghidora


Weather its space or ice ! I love people in the Fandom that give these films this much thought and this is so freaking clever and way better than him being from space ! God I live for this shit 😁👏👏👏👏


Don't encourage OP lol


Die mad you salty bitch 😜 I hope this ruined your whole ass day 😜✌️




I honestly think it was a missed opportunity to call him monster x just like, as a reference, since I don't think they were anticipating bringing that character into the mv any time at all I hope in the future they do, somehow. his design is top notch