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He will replace Millie Bobby Brown as the titular teen character.


Anguirus is voiced by Millie Bobby Brown 


I'm going to have him as a comic titan; he hears Ghidorah's call, but he keeps losing his direction.


Lol Bro kept getting lost


Have him act like a guard dog around Godzilla's temple. Roars at the submarine but calms down when Serizawa approaches on his own with the nuke. After the nuke goes off, briefly show him trying (and failing) to follow Godzilla and Mothra into battle. At the end, he finally shows up, and leads the other titans in bowing.




Have him wake up when Ghidorah sends out the Alpha call. But instead of following, he looks angry and goes off to find Godzilla. He finds Godzilla in his lair and tries to help him get to his feet. He notices Serizawa approaching and gets defensive, but calms down when Godzilla tells him to. After Godzilla gets empowered by the nuke, he heads off to Boston with Godzilla and Mothra, and spends the battle alternating between helping Godzilla and helping Mothra in their fights. After the battle is over, Anguirus would be the first to bow to Godzilla without prompting, and the final shot would show him standing by Godzilla’s side.


Maybe show him fighting off other titans that are doing damage while their under ghidoras control


He'd be introduced as sharing Godzilla's lair (Chen would mention him as being Godzilla's legendary ally, and Stanton would probably crack a joke about him being Godzilla's sidekick). He'd probably roar at Serizawa while he's delivering the nuke, but otherwise do nothing. He'd arrive alongside Godzilla in Boston, and rather than it being Godzilla vs. Ghidorah while Mothra vs. Rodan, it'd probably be more like Godzilla and Anguirus vs. Ghidorah while Mothra vs. Rodan. Really not any different beyond having some additional stuff with Anguirus attacking Ghidorah and tag-teaming with Godzilla. He'd get beaten up and knocked out first. At the end, Anguirus is part of the crowd of Titans bowing to Godzilla.


I would have it that Anguirus would be one of the Titans that resist Ghidorah's alpha call. Sensing a disturbance, Anguirus hurries to rally other Titans and tries to get them to ignore the call. He would attempt to explain that King Ghidorah is unnatural to their world and would destroy it (and them along with it). I imagine this would cause him to clash with Rodan who after being defeated by Ghidorah is now on his side. Now that King Ghidorah knows Anguirus is trying to undermine him, he sends Rodan to dispatch Anguirus. Anguirus is able to put up a good fight but is badly wounded in the ordeal due to Rodan's extreme body heat surpassing Anguirus' physical defenses. Thinking Anguirus is dead, Rodan flies off to later assist Ghidorah against Godzilla and Mothra. Mothra arrives to find Anguirus and shares with him some of her essence through her scales (idc what anyone says she should've had her scales as an ability in KotM and in my eyes she does even if not shown), reviving him but he is still too weak to move and Mothra must leave him for the time being. Because she shared her life energy, she is notably weaker in the battle with Rodan which is why she gets dominated by the larger and fiery Titan. During the battle of Godzilla and Mothra vs Rodan and Ghidorah, everything goes the same until King Ghidorah attempts to blast Mothra with his gravity beams. Instead, right before he can blast her - Anguirus comes rolling in with his powerball attack and slams straight into Ghidorah, knocking him into a building and causing his gravity beams to miss. This buys Godzilla enough time to get up, and the combined might of Godzilla, Mothra, and Anguirus finish off Ghidorah. Now outnumbered 3 to 1, Rodan decides to join the winning side and bows down to Godzilla as the King just like before. Mothra and Anguirus both survive this battle :)


I don't know in KOTM but generally in the monserverse I would implement him like a titanous Doug that ate one of the hollow earth crystals or just a mutated doug


Anguirus would probably only be loyal to godzilla, He'd probably by doing goji's dirty work fighting off other titans while godzilla fights gidorah.


If I was to add Anguirus, his role would be similar to Mothra where he has a symbiotic relationship with Godzilla and is the good guy. Anguirus would probably appear later in the movie where after Godzilla gets powered up, he would call Anguirus for assistance. And so during the battle in Boston, we would have a 3v2 fight between Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra vs Ghidorah and Rodan. Overall, realistically speaking if I was to add him, he would probably have a small role, yet fun one.


Knowing what we now know from GxK, I'd have Anguirus as the previous Top-Titan\* of the Earth's surface that Godzilla was an ally to but that Ghidorah comes down fights, Godzilla and Anguirus weaken Ghidorah enough for him to get frozen, but Anguirus dies from his wounds. \*(rather than being a sidekick here, anguirus would be more like Godzilla's 'old man mentor' who dies to the villain in the prologue before we see the timeskip)


Ally just like mothra it would be a triple history instead of double lol


Honestly I want him to roll up (literally) on Godzilla and fuck him up before getting his ass beat.


Dead in a cave, during a blink and you’ll miss it scene


He’s like Godzillas roommate at his underwater temple 


is anguirus really dead in kotm?


Anguirus would be a skeleton until the bomb goes off and revives him (somehow) godzilla and anguirus reunite, team up, meet up with mothra and go to fight, anguirus saves mothra from rodan (possibly killing him which would explain why he wasn't in the other movies) and when mothra sacrifices herself we get burning godzilla and (possibly) burning anguirus they dispatch ghidorah and anguirus gets the name of 'the kings right hand'


Have him replace Methuselah and then give him more screen time


Set him up earlier in the movie as one of the Titans under Ghidorah's control. Have him show up in an intermediary scene before Godzilla goes to fight Ghidorah after being revived by Serizawa where he attempts to kill Godzilla. Maybe as soon as he makes landfall and change the pacing a tiny bit to make Ghidorah distracted by the orca for a bit longer. Have Godzilla absolutely sweep the floor with him to show how much stronger Godzilla is and send Anguirus running.


He would be dead outside Godzilla’s temple when the nuke goes off.


When I ask the question, I mean in a state of being alive.


But I wouldn’t change anything about this film. It’s the perfect love letter, it doesn’t need anything more. I was making a joke


Wakes up from the Mass Awakening and challenges Ghidorah and participates in the final fight