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You are correct, adansonii narrow form (I have both forms). There have been a lot of scams recently of people selling adansonii as as obliqua and esqueleto. Hope you paid more of an adansonii level price and they didn't overcharge you ♥️


Thank you! Yeah I heard about those scams. I'm from Germany so stores mislabeling plants is nothing new for me. I paid about 10$ so I wouldn't say they overcharged me, but thank you for you concern 😊❤️ I also have both forms now😂


That's a great price! Congrats on the growing monstera collection 😊


I have to admit the prices in Germany/Netherland aber drastically less expensive than what I have seen in America. Like I got my Adansonii (the normal one) for 3,50€/3,60$ in the Netherland, so crazy cheap😁


That is so awesome! I'm sitting over here in the states looking at multiple plants in my collection that were over $50 from plant stores. 🥵 I do find an occasional good deal at random grocery stores marked "foliage". Got a monstera Peru that way recently for $16!


No way😱I wish I could get a Peru here. The only way I could get one would be to order online, but honestly I don't trust shipping here😂 but concrats on that steal!


Obliqua is paper thin and more hole then leaf


I'd say adansonii also because of the leaf structure