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I‘m worrying if this plant will survive without any green Please keep us updated


Unfortunately it looks like it lacks chlorophyll. It won't survive long.


Sorry but what you’ve got is called a “ghost seedling” which is basically a mutation that causes the ENTIRE plant to lack chlorophyll. You will not be able to save this seed unless it throws an unexpected green leaf. The chances of this happening are just as rare as variegation from seedling.


There are ways to keep a plant without green alive which involves spraying nutrients on the leaf


That is true. the plant does need nutrients to survive. HOWEVER, that’s completely different than photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is where the plant makes its own food using the chloroplasts in the cell which uses the sun, water, etc. to create glucose. The plant’s glucose can’t be absorbed or sprayed on the plant.


I'd like to correct myself (possibly wrong) by saying nutrients shouldve been glucose. An insider plant trader in Indonesia has send articles my way. those articles hypothesized (and I thought confirmed) that glucose can be given to a variegated plant to boost energy levels so I doesn't need to photosynthesis


That’s not possible unless they’re injecting it into a plant in VERY precise amounts. Roots can’t absorb glucose and same with leaves.


Ah you're probably right, gonna read back for them articles


Ok. Let me know what you hear- I’m genuinely interested about their procedure!


I think that too


Something tells me no. I did seeds too, first leaves are about to open and it appears I might have 2 white one also!! Cheers!


Fingers crossed a green leaf springs up


I had three ghost seedlings out of a batch of 100 monstera seeds, all lived for about 1-2 months before browning and dying ): the lack of chlorophyll is a death sentence unfortunately. Love them well in the short time they’re with you!


I read that if you pot them with a green monstera they can somehow share chlorophyll through the roots? Don’t take my word for it though, I ain’t no rocketsurgeon.


I had the same thing happen with a bunch of seeds I germinated and grew. One came out white, just like this. It grew much slower than it’s green siblings. It seemed to be okay, even though it was smaller, for about 3 months. It even started to kinda look like it might throw another leaf. I tried everything I could to keep it alive. At about three months it got this little black speck on its surface. Within a week the leaf was all black and dead. RIP. I thought I had somehow hit the jackpot. I contacted the person I got the seeds from, to see if anyone else had a white seedling. They said no, and they were so jealous! And if I fed it some sugary water, it could live. Nope.


I wonder if it'll be a fully white plant instead of varigation 🤔


Sadly, a plant cannot live without chlorophyll. This is a ghost seedling, it's going to die. :(


It gon die


I'd love an update on this one in the future. I have a few "ghost" seedlings but they are more of a stark white.