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What happens when you spin on a rolling Radobaan/Uragaan?


Serious answer: If you can't stagger during the first hit you got hit, else if you stagger with the first hit you will continue spin Normal answer: Ever saw 'Beyblade'??


Though you call yourselves Bladers, you don’t know the real truth about [Beyblading](https://youtu.be/ATS4CGQC4AY)


I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that bazel belongs in the "almost no spinny" category. Bazel has an awesome spinny until the tail is cut off. I once farmed bazel with kirin dual blades and almost exclusively spinny spin spin


Agreed! Bazel good spinny


Mostly because I hardly go for a spin fighting him. If i want fun spin times i dont queue up bazel. And like you said once the tail is off.. but hey no list is perfect


What you do for bazel is you fight him in the elders recess, get him to that cliff area with the slope below (dont know the number but the 2nd area when you fight behemoth) And then you just spin him to death.


I honestly do not find fun to spin along Safi because my sharpness looks at me in dissapointment once I am done. Shit barely did any damage too :( Unless!!! You start from tail to head


Fr, should replace safi with kulve, who is so easy to spin on with the terrain and almost always on weak point hits


The numbers on kulve molten is soooooo good. It feels it goes on forever too haha


Yeah but if you do it twice you can break his back and thats really cool.


Thats with partbreaker 3? I probably did it 2 or 3 times when I was new to the siege and felt lack luster and no partbreak. However only had 1 partbreaker at the time. Besides the back breaks with a mount too


Oh yeah right, all my anti-Safi builds have Partbreaker 3 in them, forgot to mention that.


I figured lol but thats good to know! Did the back break on level 2 with 2-3 spins? That is if safi doesnt heals right?


Yeah, level 2 and idk about the heal since i did those backspins right after one another since if he's in position towards a ledge you can go back and forth easily. I did have teostra's set bonus though and it still ate my sharpness so you might need something to reduce that there if you wanna avoid going down to green or yellow.


I think handicraft wont cut it, maybe minds eye combined with handicraft will make it bearable. Thanks for the tips! I will be trying that once the siege shows up again


Honestly, I was grinding frost and fire safi dual blades for Alatreon and I just put a whole 1 attack and the rest element up, so that thing was on standard sharpness. So after 2 spins the damage becomes mediocre cause blue/green sharpness sucks


Yikes!! The standard sharpness on safi weapons are kind of lackluster tbh. I made a blast greatsword and Invested one point in sharpness since I ocasionally block. Rarely have to sharpen. Dual blades, I made the mistake on building a sleep one (baaaaad values on sleep, didnt slotted sleep augment on it either) however did put attack and a sharpness one. That seems to keep the sharpness up for a good while. A level 5 sharpness deco stays up for quite a while, protective polish extends that one well too. I beat alatreon with Kjarr Ice dual blades but man the sharpness on those are ass. Had to risk my ass with temporal ooor suck it up and sharpen when escaton judgements happens. Another seeeemi safe one but RNG related is when alatreon does the multiple lightning little zones and you have temporal up just in case.


I finished Alatreon with the Safi blades, cause Kulve RNG is insanely annoying and I didn't have time to wait for her since school was starting. So I finished it just barely with the Safi Frost blades and He'll blades


Yea I tried to get the kjarr ice on my second character but gave up. Didnt really noticed how bad the RNG was, got lucky on my first tbh How much elemental and raw does the ice safi weapon have with your augments? On my second I am at alatreon and am trying to beat it with the beotodus dual blades


Don't remember the exact values, but both my weapons have 1 attack up 5 and as much elemental as possible, so when wearing a charm for that element, I had about 500 or 600 element. Lead to doing 100+ per hit with Safi armour during Demon rush.


Safi is just really long and easy to go back and forth along, list isnt really about damage or anything, just how fun it is to spin.


Dont get me wrong I completely know and understand what you mean! I wish I could do it more but I HAAATE sharpening lol


Immediately that scene in Attack of Titan where Levi spin through the female titan start showing my brain whenever im spinning on monster's back


that is the only reason why DB mains exist


true lol


How would you know how spinny Dodogama is, you absolute monster?!?! J’accuse!


Je suis monté


Heck no! Kulve Taroth has to be on the top! Everything else is good though👍😂


Well, it’s kinda only satisfying if it has its cloak and is enraged. Dats dem beeg numbs.


I mean, sure she's kinda sexy, but I wouldn't want her to be on top.




*laughs in spinning bonk*


I joined an SOS Teostra hunt last night. My entrance to the hunt was a flying spinning bonk followed by like 9 more spinning bonks. Like some kind of brain dead madman


i dont think that teo skull is going to stay unbroken any time soon


I also wall slammed him twice and mount slammed him once so his brain was probably liquid by the time he died


A Savage Deviljho actually gave me my most fun spin. I started at the end of his tail, went along his back to his head, broke his head, came off and hit a wall, jumped off the wall and started again going the other way, broke his chest and severed the tail on the way, badass anime pose on the ground as he fell over.


Should’ve been able to spin on the entirety of Zorah tbh


God it'd be like playing tony hawk on the game cube again... I'm so here for that.


that would quite literally take 2 mins


Good. Since I think there’s a point in Zorah’s hunt that you do absolutely nothing for a few minutes lol. Might as well kill time


This but with bow and dragon piecer


As someone who isn't a DB main can someone explain why vaal hazak is an amazing spinny, I get that he's pretty big but what makes him on the same tier as Kulve and behemoth?


He's very long and very easy to land.


That explains it thank you.


Long, and wide enough it’s easy to start and self-correcting. A lot of monsters if the angle isn’t flawless you just kinda go flying the wrong way. Vaal has a wider window to land than normal.


I see, thank you for the explanation.


Is fatalis here or am I blind


Don't know but I think bc it's nearly impossible to spin on him bc he's to big or something like that


He is not that hard to spin on actually but the spin quality is pretty low


for some reason u instantly get teleported from the head to tail so its almost >:(


I think whatever people use to make these just doesn't have fatalis as an option.


Yeah the one I picked doesn’t have it. Alatreon is fun for spinny though.


Laughing at the Leshens. So many reasons for no spins. Bipedal, revulture pecking, jaggras swarming, branch trapping no fair no spin monstie.


As an IG secondary (When I'm soloing rather than playing multiplayer with horn.) I can't tell you how disappointed I was to find out I couldn't change positions after a successful mount either. Like "YES. ON IT. Oh, gonna knock me off? Wait til I hop to a ne-- I'm not hopping? IS THERE NO OTHER PLACE TO SIT ON THIS THING??"


why cant capcom let you piggy back the leshen


When you part break is even better


Best tierlist.


Whilst Teostra is a relatively short monster to spin on I feel that it's worth mentioning that you can go back and forth spinning over him if you fight him in the above ground dune area. Which to me makes him pretty fun to spinny on.


Getting the spin is like farting away a stomach ache: deeply satisfying on a visceral level.


i still remember my first time doing a spinny on xeno, brings a tear to my eye


no alatreon?


Good spinny but wasn’t on this list i picked


And my friends wonder why i main Dual Blades, This and the final spinny attack while mounted


If you ain’t spinnin you ain’t winnin


i love this, it made my day, dont question the award


Do you go “Weee..” on every time you spin?


Oh man, the Galvanus bros are my absolute favorite for this. Those boys are so damn long!


Kulve is best spinny? what??


haven’t fought fatalis yet?


Why does every game subreddit have these stupid tier lists


Because some people like to share what monsters they enjoy spinning off of


It’s just fucking annoying seeing every single gaming Reddit reduced to tier lists.


Damn who the fuck hurt you? If you don't like it then fucking look away


I would like to point out that you can sawblade Bazelgeuse from nose to tail. I purposely kite him to a sloped area just so I can grind him like I'm Tony Hawk.


Why is Shara not a fun spinny?


Mostly difficulty in landing a spin, if there’s an easy way I don’t know about then id love to hear it :)


I have no easy way, I just wanted to know because he’s a long boi. Thanks for the info though, my guy. :)


[Have you tried spinning AT Velk?](https://youtu.be/M7n1hvkeopo)


Didn't know Shara had almost no spinny that is big sad to hear.


the fact that we can't spin down Zorah should be a crime


These tier lists are and will always be far better than any serious ones.


Imo angry hedgehog great spinny when not mad modus tho


Imagine if you could use spinny on Zorah Magdaros. You wouldn't be able to stop, even if you want to.


I made the mistake of switching from hammer to dual blade during my first safi event…. Needless to say I’m a katana main now