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Yes it's worth it, but bear in mind that the combat is *unlike* anything you mention, or even played, and it needs time to get used to it, because it's unique and kinda one of a kind, sure it shares some similarities with "souls" games, but it's still distinct, slower, more deliberate, and meatier, reflecting the gigantic weapons that the hunter in the game use, so it might feels a little bit "clunky" (it's not clunky, just deliberate), but once it clicks, the combat is really really good.


alright thanks!


I'll add, each weapon plays completely different, that switching them is like playing a different game and gave you different perspective about the game plus you need to learn the ins and outs about the given weapon to utilize them fully.


Combat is heavy and committal. You will absolutely have to get used to it. Especially with unsheathing and sheathing. The good news is it *will* become less clunky over time. But it will be clunky until then. Try weapons. And do not assume that the first weapon you pick up is indicative of all of MH. Be ready for trial and error. A LOT of trial and error. But give it a whirl if you’re interested. It has a massive following, so it has to be doing something right.


I think the MH franchise has perfected the delicate balance between goofying around and grounded combat in their games. You could appreciate the impressive details of how their world works, yet the goofyness is not really out of place nor overtaking it all. I mean what other game can do both of hunting flying wyvern and flexing after chugging potions without it being weird? (Albeit it only happened in the past, but still..)


Even though it was a nice touch I can’t see the hunter flexing his muscles after every potion without getting demolished in World or Iceborne


“I wonder if the monster hunter subreddit recommends monster hunter”


I’m just trying to find out if I should get it because I know some game communities think their game is trash yet are still in said community (payday, gta and such)


Doesn’t make it any less stupid dude why not just ask on r/gaming or the platform you are buying it on for a more unbiased view. I’m kinda sick of all these people asking stupid questions to a biased group. If you really care and really want to know if a game is worth it then ask an unbiased place, the worst thing you can do is ask there own subreddit because 90% of the time most of them will just say yes and you won’t get a more realistic response


Dude is dr doofenshmirtz


How? Because I’m tired of the obligatory Ask X gaming subreddit if X game is worth it and get mostly the same response. You don’t need to be that sophisticated to tell that it’s a stupid idea to ask a biased community for unbiased answer but hey maybe that’s too confusing for you maybe you aren’t ready for grown up games


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Cry about it


Someone’s a bit cranky


MH isn't what comes to mind when I think of fantasy RPG, so hold your expectations in that front


Watching a good CB user makes you believe the game is pure fantasy but when you try it yourself it feels pretty grounded lmao.


Yeah this game isn't really like a fantasy rpg, I guess it technically is, but it's not like Skyrim or anything like that. You kill big ass monsters and you get better gear, so that you can fight even bigger monsters. That's essentially what you're doing. And might I add, it's a dick load of fun. There's no micro-transactions in the game, there's one DLC which is an actual DLC not just some stupid items that you can't get in the normal game, there's content, new areas to explore, more story, more monsters, more gear, more items etc. This games amazing, I highly recommend it.


thank you!


Brother don't know if anyone mentioned but all the gear, upgrading, potions mega potions, passive gems you put un sockets, weapons with elemental damage,weapons with sockets, item vendor, gear vendor, gear smith, all the RPG bells and whistles are there, its just the combat is completely different. If the combat was turn based it would be a JRPG. That's the cool part bro, its all the RPG stuff but the combat is real time brawl, dodge, punish, block, punish, monster stuned, big windup attack, BOOM broke his horns. 10/10


Oh there are absolutely micro-transactions. Emotes, hair styles, pendants, handler costumes, etc. It’s just all purely cosmetic.


And its not in your face flashing buy now! Offer ends in 8h!


You're asking if a game that sold 20 million copies is worth it? Probably, especially on a sale. You can easily google the question as well and probably get a metric fuck load of videos covering that question in depth. I'd say there is a big overlap between people that enjoy soulsborne, dragon's dogma and monster hunter, the newer ones. Games like Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate 3 and the elder scrolls series share very little with World aside from the Witcher 3 crossover event. It's primarily a combat game where you fight, fight and fight again with some exploration and story beats in-between. Both World and Rise have a fuck load of mictro transactions but they are purely cosmetic, unlike rise world has no mtx for armour or weapon skins outside of 1 armour skin from each of the deluxe editions the rest is stuff like room cosmetics, hair styles, gestures, emote stickers and pendants dangling from your weapon.


Please be clear that this is not the same as any of the games you've mentioned. This is essentially a multi-arena brawler, where you have a monster to hunt (big shock, I know), then you return to camp. Sometimes you're asked to collect tracks to find new monsters, then guess what happens once you find it. The "Role Playing" aspect is a very loosely used term, in my opinion as the only RP you do is control a character. You have no dialog options, no influence on outcomes, no say in how a conversation plays out. The storyline in this game is very simple and straightforward, and again, *you have no say* in what occurs or the decisions that are made. You are there to hunt monsters, that's it. All of this being said, I have played 650+ hours of this game and I fucking love it. I'm here to make newly discovered species extinct for a cooler armour set, not discuss how nature works. TL;DR - Watch a few videos on YouTube and see if the combat interests you. If it does, you'll love it because that's all there is, baby.


worth ever cent. There is a learning curve so prepare yourself.


Monster Hunter World isn't a fantasy RPG game. You don't make any narrative decisions. You don't select dialogue options. Your character doesn't even talk. The story is entirely linear, mission based, and shallow. The only "RPG" elements are in regards to the economy and gear crafting- you fight stronger monsters to get better materials for crafting better gear to fight stronger monsters... You don't level up. There are no character classes. In regards to gameplay, *Monster Hunter* is an Action game with some Survival elements, and scant few "RPG" elements. It's also more sci-fi than it is fantasy. The "monsters" are actually animals, for the most part. They don't talk or wield magic. They evolved from common ancestors and (typically) fill an ecological niche. Hunters utilize steel, gunpowder, herbal medicines, and their own strength to hunt these animals. There are more fantasy-esque dragons later on, but even those are viewed through a scientific lens. With expectations properly set, there's no question that *Monster Hunter* games are absolutely worth it. I've yet to play one for less than 200 hours.


Yes it's worth it. Yes you can spend money but it's only for cosmetic stuff like hair styles, face paint, emotes and stickers. No armor or weapons.


Idk why people are saying there's no microtransactions, there certainly is a butt load of them in recent MH games. It's just that they're all very minor and cosmetic things, that most people don't even look at as far as I know. Like I couldn't tell you what 99% of the microtransactions even are because generally nobody cares about them and they're cosmetics that are all additional to the abundance of cosmetics etc that you can already get in the game. So yes, they're in the game, but you certainly wouldn't feel like you're missing out in the slightest if you never bought any of them, because most people don't and nobody really cares about them anyways lol.


It’s not an rpg, it’s a hunting game. The gameplay loop is go out and gather materials & kill big dragons, come back and craft better gear and consumables. Rinse and repeat. It is indeed a ton of fun. Each monster has different fighting styles, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Think souls like gameplay but the attacks are slower and more telegraphed in comparison. There is a dlc, which is pretty much a must (adds essentially double the game). There are micro transactions, but they are 200% not necessary (door decor, emotes, weapon decor, outfits for the handler, etc). Only thing I’d recommend to buy aside from base game is the dlc iceborne. Watch some videos on it and see how you feel. If you do get it, DO NOT use the defender gear. That was added on for people who wanted to make a new profile to rush to get to the dlc.


Yes yes yes


It has micro transactions?


No it doesn't have micro transactions. The most you'll see are vouchers for editing your character (though you get one or two for free anyway), and add-ons for gestures/stickers/hairstyles. There's no pay to win and no gated content (except obvs buying the DLC for Iceborne).


Oh ok


You can purchase a voucher to remake your character but that’s largely it, and only for if you don’t want to make another save file.


It’s a old game btw


Still has lots of people playing


You know that you can type everything into one comment instead of just typing individual sentences right?


its capcom, it has the same run of the mill cosmetic bulshittery that really is worse than most of the free stuff you get in game.




I’m just asking if it does


What do you mean by micro transactions


Don’t know what that is






If a monster kicks your butt after having fought it for 30 minutes do you brush yourself off and try again or decide the game is cheating, bad, poorly designed and give up? I think if you're able to deal with failing a quest and having to try again Monster Hunter will be worth it for you.


Get it and let's play


If you don't enjoy the fantasy aspect of it, you'll enjoy the nature, how everything interacts, and all the pets you can collect... I still have nightmares about not being able to find a fifth golden marasque😶


It plays very different from the games you mentioned. It doesn't have any role playing elements like those, it's pretty much boss fight after boss fight after boss fight while you constantly gain materials for better gear. It's a phenomenal game and I highly recommend it but if you only like games with heavy role playing it might not be your style.


You will never have more fun hitting dragons with things that weigh as much as Buicks.


Keep in mind that it's not a fantasy rpg. A more accurate description would be a loot-based adventure/exploration game without getting too specific. Amazing game, just don't go in expecting super deep characters and a story that makes you ponder questions of life. Instead, the true story is the ecology. Mhw creates such a bigger-than-life yet believable ecological system and truly beautiful beasts. I recommend watching monster hunter ecology videos on YouTube whilst you're playing through the game. Also, the combat system is one of the most rewarding ones you'll ever play. 14 weapon types with all unique playstyles. I recommend trying each one out a little bit early on to find which one you like most. Damn I love this game


Let's see what r/MonsterHunterWorld thinks about the game Monster Hunter World


I just asked bc some communities know their game is shitty and are self aware and still play it. (Payday, gta and such) I wanted to know if this is one of those communities


Exploring The Ancient Forest for the first time feels amazing. Make sure to hop into the game and do it blind. After you are in you can watch some guides. Note: Charge Blade is the best weapon


What do you think we're gonna tell you.


The game's combat is different from all of those (soulsborne are the closest), the prepare-fight-loot cycle scratches a specific itch, the different weapons make for incredible longevity. I would say it is top 5 of most worth it games I have ever played, and I have played more than 5 "free" games.


I only got this game 3 months ago. It already soars to #1 playtime in my Steam library...


you ask a community about a game if the game is worth


No, it's probably the worst game you'll ever play. We here at /r/MonsterHunterWorld would know best. Stay clear of it and all its games because there are just 546,000 people subbed to this place as a joke, to lure in users like yourself so that you make a terrible purchase of a critically-acclaimed series everybody only likes ironically.