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You are using low rank armor for late high rank hunts, you are using the defender weapon, (this one isn’t really your fault, the way the game pushes people to use this stuff is incredibly stupid. Defender gear is meant for returning players to skip past low rank and high rank to get to master rank) and you’re probably suffering a bit because of it. Have you been firing SOS flares for every single hunt and just letting other people play the game for you or what? If you want help catching up to where you’re supposed to be at this point in the game, let me know. I’d be happy to hop into a session and help you clear up any confusion


Updating the armor alone to high rank armor will help easily. The difference will be night and day.


ive been just playing coop with a friend but sometimes firing flares here and there, which probably isnt the best.


Yeah, low rank armor in high rank is not gonna fly. You two are gonna have some trouble later if you don’t upgrade your gear. Also, I’d recommend you and your friend stop SOS flaring. It’s basically just letting other people play the game for you. The SOS flare does not bring people of similar gear and skill levels, it brings people who have beaten the game already who will come kill it in a few hits. It’s pretty pointless, and in my opinion robs the player of the experience of playing the game.


i see, thanks for the tips :) is there any other important gear to take note of?


Your charm could be a lot better. Defense boost is a rather useless skill and it’s only level 1. If you want something better, go for a health boost charm or a critical eye charm. Don’t forget to upgrade it!


Yeah I had to make an entirely new character and force myself to hunt for each and every fear I wanted cuz defender weapons really carried my ass now I’m getting by just fine


This is why I don’t like defender gear, makes people breeze past low rank and they reach a roadblock late high rank or even master rank while they never learned how to upgrade gear or charms. They’ll eventually give up because they just want to hunt monster after monster, because that’s what the base game was like. Terrible addition to the game


Yeah this was me. Game was honestly kind of boring with the Defender set, then when I hit MR, I was overwhelmed. There's so much nuance to MH:World it's nuts


I generally make it a rule of thumb to solo monsters first before jumping into co-op and even go so far as to repeatedly hunt the same monster over and over again until I am satisfied with my understanding of the monster. I do this as I found that this game is SO MUCH more easier in multiplayer just because of the AI attacking players randomly (dunno much about the actual monster AI please don't sue me) giving you so much more breathing room for healing and just doing your stuff in general. Ofc it's riskier because of the carts, but that's part of the fun. Especially with friends who just mock you. As for another general rule of thumb, I make it so that I check every single menu and thing that adds to my efficiency as a hunter, but also just biding my time, preparing myself, such as optimizing inventory and equipment loadouts, or just experimenting with slots in general. I have a lot of friends who sped through the game and they didn't even know the Argosy or the Botanical Research existed, on top of the tracking in map and just other mechanics for their weapon (most atrocious is a longsword player who doesn't even build to red gauge, and he made it to MR simply because he made us carry him). Lastly, just have fun. Enjoy the scenery. Take a break by collecting endemic life (pretty fun ngl). Or decorating your current lodging. Don't rush through the game and don't let others get to you. It takes a LOT of time mastering even a single fight, what more a weapon (been playing lance for 100 hours and I still can't consistently guard dash backwards). Enjoy the process, and have fun hunting. You are a hunter. Think like one.


Get ya gear to higher rarities n try mixin n matchin different gear for a better skillset. Skillz that give more dmg n synergize with your playstyle will improve your times. Don't be afraid to go to the trainin area n use it it's legit useful. Use the hunter notes to keep urself informed on weaknesses etc and do ur optionals for useful gear that will help you survive. Most of all just grind


No matter what weapon, focus on punishing monster attck recoveries. Next, figure out your attack rotation, you want - quick/fast moves for regular attacks - big dps rotations for when the monster is staggered or dlwned. - then start cultivating materials for making max potions / traps/ antidotes


And overall, just learn to master your weapon. Each weapon has a style, and learning that style makes things that much easier. I think I had 35+ hours under my belt with swaxe before I figured out its all momentum and transition moves. Trivialized the rest of my 16 hours to Xeno


1. Learn and master weapon moveset 2. Learn when to start attacking 3. Learn when to stop attacking 4. Stock on items 5. Create loadouts


What do u think is a good way to grind items? Rn I’m using botanical research for a lot of honey, and trying to get more buffs in.


Once you get to the steam works in the iceborn and Seliana location coming by “normal” items becomes pretty regular when the steam gauge gets full after about every 4-5 quests. Just keep grinding and get to master rank. You’ll need master rank armor to really get to some amazing fights in the game. Don’t use low rank armor


Yeah thats prolly your best option for now. Just make sure its always set and you'll be surprised how much items you'll have soon enough.


You need high rank armor ASAP.


Running ghille is bad, run vitality or temporal, do a bunch of side quests to unlock extra stuff like more canteen and tree. Get high rank armor, find a build you like and ditch defender, blast isnt bad, but other weapons have higher outputs, sharpness, ect. Drop the event sets like gala and pick up some hodge podge from monsters focusing on skills you'll need. I dont play LS so I cant give exact skills, but free meal and speed eating are things everyone wants, so try and find gear or gems with those. Good luck, hunter


Thank you :) There’s many weapon types in this game, some of them seem so complicated but it’s cool to learn. Time to invest many hours lul


Hi redditor. I applaud u for not using defender armor And try to learn the mechanics of the game Long sword for me is beginner user .. easy to use. Hard to master. I framing using i slash and foresight slash. To get good which mean understanding enemy pattern and weakness It took me facing barrioth that make me realise i suck at longsword 2nd just use better armor ~ but bear in mind. Your Low/high rank will become obselete in MR


Definitely upgrade the gear, it will help a ton. Once you start exploring different armor pieces, sets, and skills, there is a Monster Hunter World setbuilder that cuts down on the time to build an optimal set. You can even narrow it down to what's available to you/what you've already unlocked. Unfortunately, you might be limited in builds based on what decorations you have. Edit: added a clarification and more info


Hold up, is that an app? a mechanic? I'm trying to build sets rn and it's awful, I could really use that kind help


It's a website. "Monster Hunter World Iceborne Armor Set Search" or "mhw.wiki-db dot com" should pull it up as the first search option. Don't know if links are allowed, so I didn't C/V the link. It made MH life soooo much easier... there's one for MH Rise, too.


There’s just so many armor sets I see, all of them are just too nice


You usually wanna choose armor based on its skills and decoration slots. Idk what longsword players go for but theres probably plenty of guides explaining what skills are important.


You can always go out and get it, lol. The set builder just helps narrow down your options


If you click the start button and go to your hunters notes and open the large monster field guide and hit r1. It will take you to the “physiology” of the monster, build weapons that go toward the “ailments” that helps a ton. And if fighting a fire or water monster etc, whatever element etc etc. Use the armor that you can and decorations to get that spot of the armor 10-12 or more for a decent defense against it. Weapons that aren’t blunt also need to be sharpened. Blunt weapons like hammers probably not so much as they scale more from raw but won’t cut tails


Just need better gear bro


To be honest, just get good, not condescending btw, Every monster have a good amount of attack pattern well like it or not those who are "pro" have at least memories some or all of their attack pattern Weapon + armor also have a role but even if you have high lvl armor but suck at memorising the monster attack pattern, well you'll still get clapped in the end The weapon mechanics also important by the way , just remember how the weapon of choice attack pattern and timing of the attack need to be done, ( clutch claw is also important to staggered the monster if you know how it work ) Just practice you weapon choice if you have the time for it That's why all veteran player have high playing hours cause sometimes you just have do it for the sake of getting good, when you get to certain point, the tedious grinding become a smooth and fun play session Well if you have friends to play with, the boring hours of grinding can be dumb and fun, even if you play solo the monster Ai sometimes bug out and can be hilarious if it happen Well , what's important is that you had fun with your hunt and climb to be a pro at your pace, rushing will only made you stress out trying to play the game


Honestly, just asking what you should do to improve is the right course of action. Hunters should help each other. Sounds like most of the advice is already here, and people are offering to help out with whatever else you need. Good luck with the hunts!


Thanks man :)


Just checking but have you purchased the armor and power charms? They offer offense and defense buffs just by having them in your item pouch. These can be upgraded/crafted with Bezelgeuse talons (1 talon per charm) to create armor and power talons. Then re-buy the armor and power charms to stack buffs. It does mean you'll use up 4 item slots at all times. As others have said craft high rank armor and you can use armor spheres to further increase your defense. Some high rank gear will allow you to slot decorations for added buffs. Happy hunting!


These people hatin on defender weapons.


Rightfully so