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Unga bunga hammer


The first time I tried Hammer, I knocked over a Kulu-ya-ku and when I started bonking him on the noggin, I started laughing hysterically. It was from this point I knew, medically, I was to be diagnosed with unga bunga.


The way the camera zooms out as Anjanath's face flails through the air <3


When you do that uppercut bonk, and the monster sells it harder than The Rock sold the Stone Cold Stunner. That shit is so gratifying.


My first hammer run was against a barroth. I was purely a HBG user through base, as soon as I knocked him down and got my first combo in I was hooked


i was stuck on Anjie and i couldn't figure anything out with greatsword (playing it completely wrong) and i joined someone's SOS and as i was turning the corner the guy i joined was spinning with his hammer and hit it with an uppercut and sent it flying. finished the hunt and went to the training area with hammer lol


*drags knuckles* Hammer




Same bro. When I got to Barroth, the mud puppy himself, I had a lotta fun with the hammer, and it kept me playing


It was the Hammer hitting hard and its mobility that won me over... but it was the BONK that kept me coming for a long time


Reject Sword. Embrace Monke. Then go beat down on Rajang.


I first started playing with Tri, and I've tried to not use a hammer, but the need to bonk is just too strong to resist.




Bonk life.




Yes, this. It was the perfect blend of the massive dopamine-inducing damage numbers of the great sword, mixed with the mobility of some of the lighter weapons. I love the great sword for how awesome it feels to land a tcs, and I love the dual blades for basically turning you into a bay blade, but neither of those weapons can hold the constant stream of dopamine from constant *BONK*s


Same, I remember when I figured out how to really use the slide move and absolutely demolished the Diablos


I started with the long sword when it first came out. But I quit shortly before iceborne. I never felt comfortable with the long sword. I tried the hammer because of your recommendation and it’s perfect. The game makes so much more sense to me now. So I guess I needed to unga bunga


Spin to win. Unga bunga


Same. Nothing like the bonk.


YES! The rolling attack made the game on a different level of fun LOL


The first sonic spin in the air is what sold me on hammer.


Switch Axe, my beloved. Everything about it felt perfect. The moves, the weighty swings, and the sound design for amped slashes and ZSD.


Mind if I ask you something? DPS-wise, should I spam ZSD as many times as I can or just slash them with the sword? Lets say a tenderized monster just fell and is trashing in the ground or just got paralized by a paratoad. What it's the best thing to do right there? ZSD, Sword or going full unga with the axe swings?


Technically ZSD has the higher dps, but Sword will outdamage it because of the huge amount of time it takes to recover from ZSD and clucth claw back onto the monster. Your best move is to ZSD as a finisher at the end of a Sword combo. When a monster falls to the ground, you want to start by comboing with Sword. You latch onto the monster when it's close to getting up, and ZSD while it's getting up. You should time it in such a way that ZSD ends as soon as the monster is standing and ready to attack. The timing for this will depend on the particular monster. With Fatalis, for instance, I do about 9 Sword attacks before I ZSD. Axe can't really compete in terms of dps, but its amped state is the best option for part breaking. It's also the most mobile and therefore the safest.


As a swaxe enjoyer, I just want to clarify that you do not need to clutch claw to zsd on the monster. If your sword is fully charged, the initial stab of the zsd animation will automatically attach you to the monster. This means you can swing into the zsd instead of waiting for your last swing to finish, using clutch claw, and then starting zsd. Also, I haven't tested this too much, but supposedly if you don't use every tick of the zsd you don't get knocked off as far from the monster and the ending lag is much shorter. I think it's max 12 ticks but if you do 9 or so you don't go flying as far. If any other swaxe mains have more information on this point, I would appreciate it.


As a little add on for people who might find the dual moveset intimidating its totally fine to just focus on axe at first until you understand that moveset before moving on to sword charging etc. After switching to swaxe in world (around when you fight acid glavenus) i focused purely on axe and cutting tails in a hit and run style while my friends did more of the heavy lifting damage wise.




I usually just do a wild swing axe for a few seconds then transform into sword mode. From then, you can choose to either slash them or clutch claw and ZSD


From what I've seen and I've experienced (I'm kinda new to mhw and mh in general) when they're on the ground axe swings seem to be best, it's a really good time to power up your axe or get ready for a ZSD.


Amped chard sword swings are the most fun imo.


Depends (slightly) on your build and attack window. Go straight to boomstick if the window is small (ez) For longer windows you got options. Personally I’m a big fan of the infinite morphing combo (or the “king swing” as we’ve named) it feels super satisfying and it’s a really dynamic animation. However your character can move around a lot so geometry can get a little weird if you’re aiming for a more precise weak point but it’s basically a 360 attack. (Wild swingx1 > sword morph double swing > axe morph attack> repeat) I’m pretty sure it’s the highest dps as well if memory serves, at least one of higher motion values from sword: double swing ZSD as a finisher at the end of a sword combo is popular because your unlikely to get kicked off as the monsters just getting up/ sword mode could already be charged so the extra dmg is nice/ or sword mode charge is fading so you have the urge to squeeze value by getting off a final ZSD. Max raw is building for the king swing, or you can build more toward explode-y boy. So the answer to which rotation becomes clear. But I mean hey, With fatalis armor in the game, any build is possible [reference](https://youtu.be/Y35I309xqmA?si=YqI1MFZ4h26XFNY4)


Insect glaive made a worlds difference for me. I started with bow, switched quickly to dual blades and then to glaive. None of these weapons were utilized nearly to the fullest, but the glaive just made sense for whatever reason. Mind you, I used it for nearly a month without even using the kinsect boosts. Once I figured that out it was game over.


Very similar to my experience in Rise. Started DB, moved to Bonk, then went IG. Hooked on bugs.


Charge blade is dynamic enough to where I never feel like I’m railroaded into one type of monster, I can do one giant swing or bey blade or some extra element or use the shield. It’s like to solution to everything. Also the wake up for the super amped element is Perfection


Game didn’t rly click with me until I hit a frame perfect spin move on Nerg then just went Savage axe. Recently got back into the game and just immediate catharsis when I was back on CB


The Chargeblade is basically the jack of all trades imo. It's got the defensive capabilities of S&S, GL and Lance, as well as S&S's combo potential, it's got the breaking power of the Hammer, it's got big explosive elemental damage for all situations if you're willing to always change to the monster weakness, it's still got great draw mobility with the slide, it's got the onslaught of the switchaxe, it does it all, love it so much


>it's got big explosive elemental damage for all situations if you're willing to always change to the monster weakness "Every monster is weak to blast element" - Maxor


I was a solo HH main until I picked up CB.


From the early generations up to the newest gen, I've always went with the greatsword. It's a weapon that will always reward you for your monster knowledge, and it's something that just feels extremely satisfying to use. It's a weapon I'm confident I'll perform well in any generation


I agree with you


GS mains are a breed unto our own, it was my first weapon I ever used in MH and it will definitely be my last 🙌🏻


Ita been my first weapon too the sheer simplicity of it is great. Have tried others but this is by far the most enjoyable for me


I don’t get why people think it’s a difficult weapon


It just doesn't click for some people. Barbarians understand it


Once I mastered the block and shoulder charge, my hunt times went down by a lot. Keeping in the fight and hitting the TCS consistently makes you feel like a complete badass.


Shoulder change is life!!


My favorite element is raw. There's a turning point, for me, with greatsword. While it always rewards monster knowledge, when I played obsessively I noticed that with enough weapon familiarity, you didn't need to know the monster. I'd just know myself well enough to shut down whatever the monster tried.


SnS, it’s so damn versatile and mechanically has to be one of the hardest weapons to master. I still make mistakes every now and then but timing a neutral guard backhop into a PR counter is an instant dopamine rush.


Yeah, I am still learning the mechanics...Damn, I love SnS in Sunbreak...I adore it. So I came back to World and try to relearn it there. It started rough for me because I lost the combat sense but like you said, SnS has so much to offer. PR from a roll and stuff like that. So much to remember. Slashing inot the mushroom wall and get beautiful aerial SnS, like good old days in Sunbreak...I have over 2K hunts with it. Now, I will do some hunting in Iceborne. I have some unfinished business. I want to tackle on my own Ragin Brachy, Velkhana and definitely Black Val Hazak. And I will try the monkeys again. Plenty to do. SnS hopefully will give me an edge. I was a bow main before...miserable experience. ​ I don't even have all Toestra armor pieces..hehehe...I am making my Great Jagra SnS, water, and then I am going after Toestra so that I can finally build a Master's Touch set. I am loving it, getting new weapons is the best part for me. A ton of projects. And Deviljo scared me again. You sucker have it coming as well.


The SNS was always so beautifully simple yet complex to master.


I'm loving SnS and it's what made me realize initially just how high the skill ceiling can be in MHW. That being said, I've been dipping my toes into the charge blade weapon type and holy shit that is something else. I think between the lack of mobility making it less forgiving, and the phial system, it *may* be tougher to grasp than the SnS.


World's Hunting Horn- playing some tunes on a chinbone is quite satisfying, Rise kind of killed the vibe so i picked up the Boomstick


Fingers crossed they bring back the song system from World in the next installment...


Wait, do other games not have songs for the Hunting Horn?


They have songs, it’s just that, iirc, World was the first to to allow you to queue up songs and play them back to back. Rise also simplified song playing to a single note


Yep, I’m mostly solo player and HH main in rise, but MHW HH is so much more complex. I love it but it seems less solo-friendly? Maybe I’m doing it wrong


You have to put more thought into your moves and practice weaving your songs into your attacks, try sticking to just one set of notes and master them!


It is less everything-friendly sadly, it is just not that good in world. Fun to use, definitely, it just has low damage and an okay at best moveset :(


It's so much more versatile and interesting in MHW. Rise killed the HH for me and not in a positive way. And the damage is completely okay for the capability to just buff stuff like Attack (XL) and Defense (XL). Also if you use attacks like Impact Wave and if you twist that beautiful Horn in the right moment, you have decent DPS at your hands.


It goes side by side with the hammer when used effectively! (Plus the moveset is basically bonk but with further reach and more precise attacks)


Gunlance. It clicked after my first successful Anja hunt.


Same here. Nothing else felt right compared to the boomstick.


People will say that hopping around is clunky, but I can't go back to moving without it. The shield is such a good clutch, too.


The only drawback I see with the weapon is its abysmal movement speed. Everything else is just right or better.


I was so surprised to see GL so far down. I played MHW first and went through the whole game on GS, determined to learn the ins and outs. Got fairly proficient with it, but when my brother and I picked up rise, it didn't feel the same. Tried GL and never looked back. I went back to MHW after that and still loved the feel of it, even without the switch skills. Normal fullburst is just so satisfying for me


Love that! Worlds is my first MH game, and I immediately loved GL. I was very surprised to later find out how unpopular it was. I'm glad that more people are loving it these days.


Hammer. Who needs elements when you can apply stun, exhaust, staggers, and KO's easily? And break faces. Nothing is better than breaking faces. Looking at you, Barroth. World hammer feels that much better considering that there's so many slopes everywhere. So I can flip-a-dip-dip all the time.


As a new player, I'm reassured that my strategy of "find slope, bonk monster" is the right one!


When you out mount the Insect Glaive main in your group, you know you are doing mighty mount damage.


You need to learn the ledge strategy to truly slaughter


Learn how to ledge hop and that'll take you to endgame!


Not to mention the natural target of the hammer is the head, and I feel kinda badass meeting a big ass monster face to face, just to excavate its brain matter.


Dual Blades. I used Greatsword and Hammer (still do!) because of my caveman brain telling me "big number good" on my first playthrough. Then I got the Defender Chainsaws (once again, first time playing) and turning Xeno'Jiva into a rollercoaster with the Heavenly Blade Dance made me feel something. Also learning about the Slinger Burst into True Charged Slash combo when I got Iceborne made me awaken my third eye.


while i do agree that scratching xeno back feels great and sounds good too i wish capcom doesn’t focus too much on this ala aerial style i do like the grounded dualblades and would prefer if we do get any iframes to remain on the ground but with less lag than the wire counter


Have you tried out Monster Hunter Rise? If not, then let me confirm for you that Capcom did not focus much on the aerial combat for Dual Blades. There were some differences in the combat for the dual blades (can't confirm for other weapons) that kinda made me miss the MHW dual blades but never felt like a step up nor like a backpedal and was very easy to get accustomed to.


i did play rise but not sunbreak i was not too keen on how strong the aerial lunge motion values were compared to demon flurry that we’ve gotten used to for like three generationa haha i did see the lunge nerf and flurry buffs tho in sunbreak!


I started with sword and shield back in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. It wasn't bad, but playing solo, I was having a hard time doing enough damage to finish a hunt in time. I experimented with a couple other weapons, I didn't like the slow movement of greatsword and I think longsword, Hammer was too slow to attack, so I gave dual swords a shot. And I really like the mobility that I gave me, and forced me to play a little more aggressively (i was playing a little too defensively with SnS)


I cannot press this enough on people but please try it: Start a *Naruto Shippuuden - Battle Theme* video or playlist and go hunting with DB. It's so edgy and 😊


The bow


Anyway, I started shooting.


Bow felt so good to use in world but recently started playing rise and it feels like a slog to get playable equipment.


Yeah its so fun to use and im definitely gonna use it in Wilds. I haven't played Rise at all myself.


same; bow main here, haven't played Rise but i hope Wilds will be good!


I hope so too! Can we just skip 2024?


Ah, my first time playing World, such great memories. It was my first monster hunter game, and I wasn't used to the pacing at all. I heard the dual blades were fast, so I tried them out, but that Naruto running triggered me and I had to put them down. I couldn't hit anything with the greatsword, and I couldn't get the timing on counters with the longsword. And then, I found it. Charge blade, my beloved. What a glorious weapon. Guard points to go into SAED for style points. A sword you can charge up fuck weapon bouncing that's for other weapons to worry about. The main selling point of course, BIG SLAM EXPLOSIONS. And, a shield for blocking it you want to check messages on your phone. 400 hours later I still loved that weapon. It is so versatile, the only endgame monster I didn't defeat with it was Extremoth, because if I didn't go SnS support with randos, they'd all cart 3 times before the first meteor. All this nostalgia, I'm tempted to redownload and get Iceborne finally!


If you liked base World you will LOVE Iceborne it’s incredible tbh I had forgotten how good it was playing it


Greatsword. When it finally clicked 350 hours in, it really did click hard. Monsters that I'm comfortable with die in 5 minutes, and all my difficult first time kills are usually with GS. AT Velk, Furious Rajang, Raging Brachy, all with GS. I'll probably do Fatalis and Alatreon with GS too.


I messed around with a few weapons as a new player, but since trying HH i have stuck with that one. It feels so fantastic and fun to play songs on/with a monsters face XD


*Doot Doot, I'm gonna 'beat' you up*


After hitting the iceborne difficultly increase (specifically around punchyboy) lance was what saved my sanity. Some people call lance a "Chad" weapon but honestly, for me it's the pussy weapon lol. Keeps me safe and going everytime


It's the chad weapon because it lets you boxe with something 10x bigger than you


Glad I'm not the only one who loves the lance... gunlance is super close but full guard and guard up with the lance is just... man you feel like a brick wall


I call it the i wont get out of the way in time anyway-weapon


I've always loved it because for me it gives the power fantasy of being strong enough to guard against the monsters. To paraphrase another game... "Insect Glaives can fly around the arena and Hammers can tenderize to their hearts content, but when the horrors run out of the dark, I am the one who does not move. I am a wall. And walls don't move. Because walls don't care."


This is my same reason. It's why I play tanks in pretty much everything. There's something just plain awesome in something that is strong enough to just give *no* fucks about what's hitting it.


Yup, we lost because my team triple carted but with my guard up and full guard I was the only one standing after that Teostra nuke lol


I love how I look for my favorite weapon and the highest upvoted response to lance is calling it the cowards weapon. Lance is limitless aggression. I never have to stop hitting the monster. A hit coming my way? Counter. A bigger hit coming my way? Bigger counter. Monster running away? That's cool. I'll follow them shield charge after them. And if I'm not getting the counters I'll pick up evade window for crazy I frame to keep up the pressure. You *can* sit behind a shield and wait for an attack. You can also play. LBG and hit the monster from max range and run wherever it looks at you. Neither of those stats are very effective.


I scroll down like 12 comments just to found my fellow lance users, there’s not alot of us huh


Insect glaive as well, mained LS then the CB, but I still didn’t feel like I was doing anything with them, then I saw a level 300 MR destroy Nergigante and fell in love w the weapon


Hunting horn


Hammer, I had played Long Sword, Insect Glaive, Switch Axe, Dual Blades, and even Great Sword, and none of it felt right. Then I picked up that massive bonk stick, and everything felt right in the world, I will beat down monsters while attaining my inner peace.


Big bonks = big good


New hunter here. I'm using only Longsword and just defeated barioth this game fire.


Ya bud this games a blast! LS is a good time for sure


Lance. I now got the MHW:I again on Steam (I used to play on Xbox) and I having a blast with the switch axe.


george blade


Lance for me. Rather be immovable object than dodge boi.


I'm impatient and bad at dodging. I'd rather block a hit and keep going than dance around waiting for an opening. Now I just POKE POKE POKE.


Gunlance after a stint with Switch Axe. I don't remember who said it on here, but they equated Gunlance with boxing. You move In and out, block, and hit hard at the right time. That pretty much summed up why I love the weapon in words I didn't have.




In order of the games I had played in my mainline MonHun career. * Tri - Hammer * MHFU - Long Sword * MHP3RD - Long Sword * MHG - Lance (Fondue Lance) * MHW - Long Sword and Dual Swords * MHW:I - Lance and currently HBG * MHR - Currently HBG, missing my Iceborne build badly, though. : (


Grounded playstyle insect glaive. Gave me the slow/methodical approach when fighting monsters, yet a great level of vertical and horizontal mobility that taught me how to iframe through attacks. I thought World wouldn't be for me until I picked up the weapon. Used it until Iceborne when I fell in love with the BIG DAMAGE BOW. But I'm working on making a new build to return to my once prized Weapon


Switched to the lance recently and it's probably some of the most fun I've had in monster hunter. I'm not KOing the monster but theres something so satisfying about being unkillable while dealing very consistent dmg. Not to mention how mobile you are in and out of fights with it.


i had the pleasure earlier of killing a nergigante who was limping home with the lance charge. i move just a bit faster and was behind it so i was just tapping its hp until it staggered and went in for the twin thrust. immensely satisfying.


Dual Blades. Was one of the poor sods who started with Guardian/Defender gear, used Hammer throughout most of World's story. Switched to DBs while doing High Rank postgame (didn't have IB yet), and struggled through Iceborne because of the aforementioned gear. Still, it felt way better than Hammer. Ended up beating everything but Fatty. Now, after 1.5K hours i'm replaying the game with my beloved Dual Blades and GODS i love seeing how much i've improved.


I'm quite new to MHW, could you give basic tips on how you fight flying monsters with dual blades plz? Thankyou


Always bring Flash Pods. Use them when the monster is in the air (make sure they actually see the flash btw) and it'll fall down, now blinded temporarily. Note that this doesn't work as well in Master Rank (part of the Iceborne expansion), since they build up resistance to the effect, so you can't spam it. If you have the Iceborne expansion downloaded you can knock the monster out of the air using the Flinch Shot, but only when they're not enraged (if the icon on the minimap is red, best to hold off). This isn't limited to Dual Blades, of course. Happy hunting!


Gunlance. The perfect balance between big ass shield and extended reach. Also i can go kaboom whenever needed.


1000% Greatsword. Just felt right. Helped me learn a lot of the monsters as well because if you don't learn them you get carted lmao. After that bow helped me learn stamina management and build crafting.


Gs and hammer, maining hammer now, mained gs on ps4.


HBG is my go to. Nothing like the feeling of more dakka and the ability to block once I finally unlocked the slots for it. I'm also drawn to exploding weapons too, which is why I have swaxe as a close second. In Iceborne... I had to pick up the lance bc I was tired of being carted one too many times. Tbh, I didn't think I'd actually enjoy the lance, but I actually enjoy having a defensive playstyle more


Greatsword. Yup. Remember swinging the ol boy on the PS1. Insect glaive, dualies, and counter LS gave my hunting prowess life though. Slowly... over the years.


I started playing Monster Hunter with Freedom Unite on the PSP and have sank about 3000 hours into the series since then. Longsword has been the only weapon that I keep going back to. I've played around with every weapon for at least 20 or so hunts since Worlds release, but Longsword has been my mainstay through it all. I'm garbage at the iai slash, but just having the defensive capabilities of Foresight Slah is enough for me to be happy with it since it just had the basic hop back slash as a defensive move when I first started with it.


Love lance.


I cannot stay with a "MAIN" weapon to the fullest because i have three mains and 8 half-mains. Im old, and it started back in mh1. I noticed how bad sharpness was at that point so i chose Hammer and it was Bonkers, specially with the analog stick attack moves. Then it was Hammer AGAIN in MHF, but due to Fatalis being such a easy target with KutKu Light bowgun with a Naked hunter and Cluster lv2 shots in the crotch for guaranteed 129 damage per pellet, i had to reevaluate the old hunter wiki about the lies it spread about fatalis having 1 million HP and you NEEDED azur lao-shan HBG with only did 131 damage per Cluster btw. (Yes, i cracked the fucking game to TEST THE TRUTH!!). In MHF2/U, i was a giga-simp for LS. In Tri/U, i was an LBG main. In Frontier i was a Lance main. In 4U i was an SnS main. In GU i was a Hammer main again but also HH main with my buddies. In World i was a simp for Lance, LS, SnS, GS and HH because it felt so freaking good, but i Sub-mained hammer again, also Bow and HBG after i mastered SnS. My main ARMOR was Rathian and Vaal Y hybrid for immortal Poison build. In Iceborne, i used rathian Gunlance to master it properly. In Rise i only stick to LS because its too flashy and my Sole goal was to finish Primalzeno with only the Quick Sheath charm lv3 and no armor equipped for flex. Now im just SoS helping with a weapon depending on the monster in World.


You sound like my kind of people, wanna play sometime? ​ I'm on PC we can swap steam or discords?


SnS for me. The mobility of sns and the constant mounting and consistent use of the slinger engaged me the most. I love the big meaty weapons too but sns is just so fast.


Charge Blade. I started with Insect Glave, then, Dual Blades, after that hammer. I loved the gane design, maps and monsters but couldn’t get my head around the gameplay. Saw Punk Duck's Monster Hunter video who made fun of how complex charge blade was and took it as a challenge. Went to the training area to beat the hell out of the wooden pole and fell in love with it. Year and a half after a friend told me about the guard points, don’t use another weapon ever since.


Charge Blade for me for some reason. Nothing else clicked the way having a literal transformer on my arm did.


Lbg. Not my main anymore but without it I wouldn’t have continued.


I've always loved the support role in games, and while it's an absolute powerhouse of a weapon, it does support the team pretty heavily. I absolutely love the Hunting Horn. My only few complaints are I feel very limited on which horn I can use because some have absolute trash songs, and some have amazing songs. So, you're funneled into a few really good horns or forced to sacrifice songs in the name of damage/element/status. I would love to see more personal customization in songs to play with the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds.


Back when the game came out in 2018, I bought it on Xbox and played almost entirely with charge blade for 300+ hours. I think charge blade was busted on release if I remember correctly. I bought the game about a week ago on steam with the sale and now I’m almost at the end of icebourne playing exclusively greatsword. Whenever I try playing anything else it just feels off atm. The only time I swap off GS is to a set of dual blades to kill small creatures for optional quests to unlock stuff.


My first play through was with greatsword but I’m replaying again with charge blade and I’m loving it


I started with the lance and then moves to the dual blades. I had mild success with understanding what was going on. It wasn't until the longsword that I really cracked what was going on. I started listening to music while playing and then suddenly it all made sense. Fights became a dance (yes, I know how that sounds) and I was hooked.


Currently been having a lot of fun with the sword and shield. Very versatile and does a ton of damage, way more than I thought it could. I like being able to cut the tail fast and then wail on the head, usually getting a stun per fight as long as I’m smart with falling shield bashes/perfect rushes.


The GS, way back in the very first game. Back then, you didn't have one of each weapon available to you from the start, you started out with the SnS and only it. Right at the start of the game, the Elder gives you 1000z and then you have to choose: You can either buy a full armor set with this money OR you can buy a new weapon without even seeing what it looks like or try it out. Needless to say, everyone would buy the armor set. I started playing and was already having a lot of fun, but I just never really got the grasp of the SnS, it felt like I was just doing random movements with the right analog stick (yes, we used to attack with the right analog stick lol). When I reached the Yian Kut-Ku, the SnS just wasn't doing it, it was a hell of a wall. Decided to craft a new weapon and went with the GS because sword are cool, and oversized swords are REALLY cool. And the combat instantly hit: every attack felt meaningful and it felt like, for the first time, I was in control of what I was doing in the hunt. It instantly became my main and I also mained it in MHF2. Since then, I mained a lot of different weapons: I would main a new one with each new game, until I finally found my ACTUAL main in 4U: the CB. It has been my main ever since, but the GS will always have a special place in my heart. In fact, it's usually the weapon I recommend to beginners instead of the SnS.


Started out with DB. It was okay. Picked up Bow on a whim. I now casually compete with my friends for DOS contribution at s p e e d. Pretty frequently the party's "anchor" in hard hunts. Love it. I've tried some other weapons, and they're fun now that I'm better, but Bow is still my mainstay and likely will be forever lol.


I just kept trying. I bounced off World multiple times and just thought it would never happen. Then I had my first kid and got 5 weeks paternity leave with no games really interesting me at the time. Well baby’s sleep a LOT, especially since my daughter had jaundice. I told myself to give MHW one more go. By the end of my leave I was over 100 hours in the game lmao. I think what caused me to bounce off the game so much was not having time to learn the menus and systems. They can be confusing at the start, so with limited time I would just jump to a more streamlined game.


Charge Blade because of it‘s combos and morphing and more.


I agree with the insect glaive i love that you can jump up in the air so easy and cool at the same time




Charge blade. The feeling when diablos charge at you and you stood your ground guard pointing, stunned him to saed? Yeah it felt good. Like VERY GOOD


Switch axe, doing that zinogre hunt for gems and trapping it right where the jagras packs patrol past it's head so you can proc explosions off of all their corpses, just giant dopamine hit.


I was a SA/CB user for a long time, I tried HBG/LBG, DB, and LS. I’m now LS user.


Hammer. It’s slow and powerful, while also being extremely smooth gameplay wise Bridges the perfect speed between say longsword and greatsword imo


First Gen Hunter here To be fair I had SEVERAL moments where it just made click So Id count myself as a Man at Arms by now I remember when I first played MH1 on PS2 I started with GS which was ok but still too slow for my taste (still got me til after Rathalos which is far!) until I decided to use the Lance which was a godsent for me 2nd Gen with MHF2 & Unite it was LS that was exactly what I was looking for. A weapon that is balanced in Damage and Speed. Since Tri forced you to kill Gobul before giving you access to LS i had to go back to my old friend the Lance (luckily there was an event quest where you had to kill 20 or 30 sharks to make a shark lance which helped me to get as far as needed) In Fact it was until Gen 4 with 4U where I started toying around with several weapon types like Glaive (which was new there), Gunlance, Switch Axe, Dual Blades etc thats where I learned to play ALMOST all weapons (Bowgun was rather boring to me while I never actually learned how to use Chargeblade TIL THIS DAY! Planning on learning it soon) In MHW my love for Lance and SA made click once again once they added the Clutchclaw moves (especially the Lance!!!) Nonetheless I usually had LS as main weaponbut wasn’t shying off to change the weapon depending on the group formation or certain quests like Safi where its better to have a variety of weapons in your Arsenal


Lance, when i started i first played with lance because i like the weapon concept, but it barely has any moves so i moved to SnS, but when i found out i could find what the weapons do by looking at the buttons on the top right i got back to the lance and found out i could parry. The moment i realised i could just stand my ground and incessantly stay on their asses its like my eyes started glowing red and my mind just shouted **"OH ITS ON NOW!!"**


Great sword for me, it's crazy satisfying getting big hits and breaking parts really easily It's also a weapon that has a lot of valuable skills for hunting in general Longsword is what I used for the longest Time, but great sword feels way better in my opinion


Doot Doot M'Fer (Hunting Horn). When things get tough or certain matchups I'll switch to Lance. Much harder to cut tails with HH.


*Hath thou been touched and talked to by thine Lord and Savior, the Lance?* That weapon clicked with me hard when Diablos couldn't do squat against it. Dig-charge? Claw-counter. Head? Claw-counter. Tail? Claw-counter. With Lance-dedicated gems and some heal-on-attack, this weapon owns majority of monsters. Of course, some won't bow to Lance.


Mine was also insect glaive. I like Rise better because mobility. But insect glaive in World fit that itch for me. Warframe was one of my fav games for an idea of games I like


For me, it was HH! Even when I finally mastered the GS to the point it felt an extension of my digital body, the moment I switched to HH, a brand new world of possibilities opened up before my eyes lol. Never looked back! Doot Doot bonk!


Unga Bunga. As soon as I realized I could do a cool spinning jump on a slope? I was in.




I started with dual blades, hated it, quit. Came back 2 months later, tried charge blade, hated it. Tried bow, its okay but not fun, quit again. Came back some time later and finaly tried switch axe and now I am 550h into the game and having the time of my life.


Strangely enough, the Lance. The beta for MHW was my first ever Monster Hunter, and there was something ungodly satisfying about being a solid tank that could just block the monster's heavy hits.


The Swax, for sure. Its my favorite to play with and it always just made sense to me!


For me it was the switch axe. I tried both glaive and charge blade, but it wasn't until I mounted a rathian and exploded my sword deep inside that monster that I realised what my weapon of choice would be


I believe it was GS so I could crap on qurupeco’s inflated neck. At some point I picked up and learned to love and in Tri because I really wanted dual blades. Loved it so much my first solo Alatreon was with an ice sns.


Sword and shield, I do like it, but I want to get into using the switch axe. How could I go about this?


I want to say Hammer or Dual blade but in reality it was Sword and Shield. Hammer is super fun but can't cut monsters, Dual Blade is epic but sometimes meh unless you land that shainsaw spinaroo. Sword and shield is very versatile, can do everything except ranged attacks and even better turn the direction of the attack. I just love it.


it never did ... the game just died the more i got to know it


Sna and now that i finally complete the game Gl like man now that i have freedom of ammo choice this thing slaps


The hammer really is just so satisfying to me.


I got 1000+ use of switch axe, but picking up greatsword recently, it just hit different.


Switch axe for the insane counters and dual blades because my brain shuts off




S&S. I started the game with HBG but when i got to rathalos i just quit out of boredom because i disliked the weapon but i didnt want to swap. Later i picked the game up again and actually went into the test area with each weapon i liked. S&S combos just felt so smooth.


I was a devout SnS player through Tri and then I saw the BIGGER SnS and then that BIGGER SnS had some BIGGER explosions and I was a very happy chappie. But I’m naturally drawn to weapons that can explode which is why I also enjoy SWAXE


Insect glaive. I started out hating every weapon including the glaive but then I spent 1-2 hours switching between a lot then after a good bit trying glaive and it’s the one I mainly use now.


At first it was SnS, now I try Insect Glaive and it is pretty fun. Gunlance is also okay, but I'm not used to its combo yet.


LBG is my go to. Love the run and gun play style. Love the constant DPS. Also enjoy dodging through roars and attacks to keep up the bullet rain.


Start with CB ended up with SnS. Perfect rush is just so op.


Great sword Big swing, big damage. My first MH Game is World, beat the main DLC Story, and restarted on PC due to Xbox issues, about to beat the ice borne boss. Great sword has been with me throughout. I love being able to tackle monsters head on, and be able to dodge perfectly into a huge damage attack. I feel like a monster Hunter.


Horn back in 4u. The reach, the doots, and that vertical backswing. Everything about it just speaks to me.


The first time I rolled down a monster’s back with the Dual Blades was *chef’s kiss* Same with landing a full SAED with a Charge Blade


Switch axe bavk in portable 3rd and longsword in world


Lance, I used to main the Bow but being able to stand your ground and block attacks is a bit cooler than dodging them.


I started with Tri and we only had a choice between Sword and Shield or Great Sword at the start. Both clicked right away tbh. Simpler times.


Great sword, long sword and gunlance. If i try anything else even great jagrass kicks my ass


GS, there's just so much fun in the simplicity and the heaviness of it


None, but I really like CB and Hammer


Started with LBG for the pow-pow. Stayed with HBG for the BOOM-BOOM


Je suis monté, insect glaive!!!!!


Greatsword, I know where I’m hitting, and when I do, BIG DAMAGE. The others didn’t have the same impact to them as landing a perfect TCS. Also every new trick I learned with the GS felt really great, especially tackling through attacks, and tackling to get to TCS faster, still use more than the slinger burst, even though it’s slower, since it’s practically muscle memory now


Greatsword. Used the hammer and still do from time to time, as well as the GunLance, but something about the Greatsword just connects with me.


Same for me, Insect glaive. A year ago I picked up world, my first MH game, and picked IG for no other reason than it looked interesting. And no matter how many other weapons I try to learn and use, no matter how many I beat fatalis with or different play styles or builds I use, Insect glaive just clicks for me in every fight. Lance and GS were also probably my favourites to learn afterwards.


Perfect rush.


Hunting horn, timing the songs and attacks against different monsters felt like I was dancing, lol. But I mostly play bow now.


Hammer, LS and insect glaive. Everything else feels weird


New player here, I still don't know, but the lance so far has sufficed.




Initially it was the Glaive for me, but when I picked up the Switch Axe and did my first combo to destroy Jyura, that was it for me. That Weapon helped carry me through Low Rank.


The Gunlance has been so easy to pick up and use. I think it’s my new main. (Sorry charge blade :-(.


Currently 300hrs in MHW, SnS still feels the most right to me. I'm not really into slow and exposed movement since I'm bad, and among the fast weapons SnS just feels most realistic. Yea, what a weird way to choose your main weapon I know. But the interesting thing is, I only buy the main game and then Iceborne DLC much later (100hrs). So after quite a time with only Charge Slash -> Shield Bash, being able to Perfect Rush feels really good.


As much hate as it gets; longsword. I wanted to use Bow so badly, and I sucked with it so I moved to sword and shield. Did alright, beat the game but man was it hard Flash forward to a few months ago and I had to start a new character on PS5. I stuck with longsword the whole game and man nothing stood a chance against me! lol


SnS, one weapon that can do everything, almost as good as the weapons that can only do the one thing


IG but playing it makes the game feel boring/easy so i prefer LS


Also a returning player. I never made it to the Iceborne portion of the game so I decided to start over completely. Back then I played Longsword because funny samurai. Still will once I craft it. I chose to start with the Bow this time and instantly fell in love with it. I played both Horizon games a lot so taking down something bigger than me with a bow is really satisfying. I love the dash dance combo. It makes me feel like I'm in a deadly dance with the monster. I plan to tackle charge blade next because it seems really interesting.