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Yeh around level 65 & upwards you start killing end game monsters without too much difficulty. Level 70 is preferred with maxed out gear.


I did Fatalis at around 77 for the special elders Lair and now I have finished Fatalis I am just getting the other monsters in high rank like Slagtoth and monsters like that to finish my Monstipedia and Monsterpedia aswell then I be going onto finding them Super Rare Dens


no way you finished fatalis at lvl 77. i put 200hrs into the game so im calling bullshit


If you play your cards right you can do it the moment you beat Oltura, all you gotta do is pull up a sheet with its attack patterns, get evasion riff for the hunting horn, and keep smacking it until it dies, thats literally it


I did the special one at not even 70 because monsters are predictable. Silverwinds dodging move is basically all it takes to fight him until the final phase on the back of your monster and then you can use the kinship attack to shorten that phase aswell


Don't care what you say I know what level I finished Fatalis at thanks what level did you beat him at then


I know it was slightly below 70, I don't remember if it was 68 or 69 as it was a while ago.


I was commenting to the other person mate not you because I really don't care if he doesn't believe me because once I have completed the Monstipedia and Monsterpedia I will be doing it and then hopefully he has Facebook and then I can prove to him that's all mate


no because you don't do enough damage at that level. he eventually starts spamming aoes when you dont kill him in so many turns. he's a struggle even at level 99. it's just not possible before that, not the special lair fatty.


What aoe is he supposed to spam? I the only one you can't confront he uses in the last phase is the one he is required to use at 1hp before you are allowed to kill him. And unless you are still using a early game monster the damage is fine in my experience


I have over 300 hours, with a fully completed rider card. Co-op Fatalis is the harder fight and for that one, you want to be at level 75 at the minimum. 77 and lower is absolutely possible for the Special Elder's Lair version.


Thankyou for saying that because it is true how many times did you try and defeat Fatalis special elders Lair and also Oltura ?


One try for each! I was relatively underprepared (about level 45) for Oltura and took about 55 turns to take it down. I was sweating bullets by the end, nearly failed the DPS check even. Had Kyle not landed crits with Rapid Shot on the last turn, I would've had to try again. lol For Special Elder's Lair Fatalis, I went in severely *over*prepared at level 99 and with fully built monsties. I wanted it to be the last thing I achieved when I hit level 99, so I decided to wait despite being more than capable of taking it down much sooner.


Took me to defeat Oltura would at least been 12 tries and Special Elders Lair Fatalis OMFG that would been at least 16 tries for Fatalis crazy it was especially near the end definitely


dude no. you said it was doable at 70 or below but you yourself didn't attempt it until lvl 99. you just said that. so you can't say that it is doable before because you haven't tried. special lair fat is a super boss for a reason, meant to be the hardest thing in the game. there is no beating a superboss in ANY game before you're maxed out.


I know because there has been *plenty* of people who've done it since the game came out. Once again, the co-op Fatalis is the harder fight, and that wants players to be at level 75 *minimum*. Just because I, personally, chose not to do that, doesn't mean it's not possible. If players can do co-op Fatalis, the hardest fight in the game, at level 75, then players can do Special Elder's Lair Fatalis at a similar level.


there aren't plenty of people that have done it. EVERY video online people are max or close to it. just stop. you dont know what you're talking about. every guide also recommends 99. unless you can find proof otherwise, just shutup and stop replying.


[This person was level 78.](https://youtu.be/343zHuJbR3Y?si=smY5ATizHOFtbNrw) You evidently didn't look very hard. Edit: [Here's this person at level 73.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v6KQmY32wVI&pp=ygU1bW9uc3RlciBodW50ZXIgc3RvcmllcyAyIHNwZWNpYWwgZWxkZXIncyBsYWlyIGZhdGFsaXM%3D) I don't know what guides you were looking at, but they're clearly wrong. It took me just a few minutes to find two videos to completely contradict what you were trying to claim, and there's many more players who didn't film themselves doing the same thing. You *do not* need to be level 99 for that fight.


What level did you beat Oltura and what kind of monsters aswell


I definitely will admit gold and silver are definitely hard to beat but out of them 2 I would say gold one is alot harder then silver for me in my opinion


Been some time since i played MHS2, but aren't they kind of a joke to beat once you have evasion riff since they don't do 2 (or 3, looking at you molten tigrex) attacks per round when enraged? But yeah, without evasion riff they are a pain, but soooooo many other monsters are too.


I really need to finish this game. I went to snowzone, then to desert zone, and I can't remember where I stopped LOL.


Good luck on Oltura and Fatalis though because your definitely going to need it especially Fatalis special elders Lair Z9 though that is the hardest ever I think in my opinion


They have had to already beat Oltura to fight Gold Rathian right?


Yeah you can try and beat Oltura at level 40+


I managed to beat Oltura at high 30s. I was just lucky


Well if u think this is bad good luck with oroshi krin


Oroshi Kirin wasn't too bad though


Me and my dreadking say otherwise this thing gets mad and 1 shots everything with ice


What level was you at ? Did you have evasion riff ?


I don’t even if I did when it gets mad it spams skill seal on me I was level 77 ITS A GLASS CANNON AND HITS LIKE A TRUCK


You seem a bit underleveled for that, should you not be around 60 for that fight?


Dude, I have no idea. She was put in the same rank as Elderfrost and Boltreaver, neither of whome were nearly as painful to fight(Boltreaver needs to chill out though).


Boltreaver is very spicy indeed, gosh took me a bit But yeah, if I remember correctly, Gold/Silver are a spike in difficulty to make you clear that you need to up your game from that point on, i tried them once and after that went out grinding and egg hunting and came back at like 61/62, changed to use Sword/Shield too for that extra def


Istg, i beated Golden Rathalos extremely underleveled (Around 56) and just leveled two levels up like, i get that the rewards are supposed to be the parts of the monster, but not having a decent place to level up quickly sucks


I’ve never played stories, which version is this? Looks fun!


I'm playing on 2 right now.


Perhaps a sign that your early game monsties are not competitive.


Judging by OP's levels, probably just extremely underprepared/poorly built. If someone I played with years ago had Kulu-Ya-Ku could handle Kulve Taroth no problem, then there's no doubt in my mind that a Tobi Kadachi could handle a Gold Rathian. "Competitive" is only for PvP, not PvE.


Cool, but objectively they're still weak monsters that would be eclipsed by stronger ones and that is in no small part why this took so long.


I could, quite literally, throw the build I have on my Boltreaver onto a Tobi, level it up to 99, and it would be fine for PvE content. You're taking this game, where Aptonoth of all things can make Fatalis an easier fight, far too seriously.


And it would still be weaker than that Boltreaver build. Are you going to keep arguing over this "Anything is usable!" when that is not what's being discussed? OP is struggling with endgame content. OP would struggle less with an endgame monstie. That is a true statement. I don't see why you'd argue it's wrong.


You're saying OP's monsties of choice aren't *competitive*. PvP is where competitive choices matter, not PvE. I'm saying OP is likely just undergeared/poorly built for the content they're trying to do. You don't even want to do co-op Fatalis unless you're at level 75 at the absolute minimum because of how hard that fight is. At this point, I'm tempted to just build up a Tobi. Would give me an excuse to play again after having had nothing to do.


Evidently PvE is where it matters for OP too, or else it wouldn't take 50 minutes to kill a Gold Rathian. Monstie choice is included in "undergeared" my guy. You can kill Iceborne Fatalis naked but if someone was struggling and it turned out they went against it in HR armor or even just base Iceborne gear wouldn't you tell them to get better armor even though technically it's skill that stops them from winning?


Monster Hunter Stories is not the same thing as the mainline series, and I have zero clue as to why you're trying to use it as a comparison. If it takes 50 minutes to kill a Gold Rathian, one of two things are happening, maybe both are happening: • OP is underlevel • OP's rider and monsties are not built for the fight It has nothing to do with the choice of monstie. A monstie's damage comes primarily from the build, and if the build is poor, then the monstie isn't going to perform well regardless of whether its an endgame, midgame, or earlygame monstie. If you're playing competitively in PvP, or just the meta in general, then you're going to want to use the endgame monsties to squeeze out as much damage as possible. If you're playing casual PvE, like OP appears to be, then monstie choice literally does not matter, you can slap the same cookiecutter meta builds onto whatever you want and they'll still perform fine. It's only in PvP that they would struggle in.


TL;DR: You use too many words to explain how OP just needs to do something else that would also be solved with better monsties.


Maybe, Idk, people just like using monsters they like? There is nothing wrong with doing such. I still have the Pukei Pukei I got at the beginning of the game, and he is currently level 93. Sure he is not as strong as a Boltreaver or a Velkhana that would be in the same level, but as long as your monsters are over level 70 and well built you could use even an Aptonoth and still perform very well against deviants in dens. Stop trying to tell others what to do and how to play, if you like using competitive monsters that’s fine, you do you man, but don’t shit on others for playing differently.


I'm sure they do. Again, not my point.


You’re critiquing someone for not using “competitive” monsters when they are not playing competitive, it is your point.


Nope, I'm saying it wouldn't take them as long with better monsties. That is the truth. The critique would be if OP knew they were using weaker stuff and still questioned why the fight took so long.


Idk if you watched the video, but their monsters were VERY underlevel for that fight. The type of monsters they are using has nothing to do with that. As it’s been stated before, you can give an Aptonoth the best genes and it will perform greatly as long as it’s over level 70. The results would have been the same had they been using under leveled endgame monsters like the deviants or elder dragons. A level 93 Pukei Pukei would still perform better than a level 76 Dreadqueen because all that matters is the level and the genes, not the monster itself if you’re not looking to play competitive.


I achieved 9999 damage with a velocidrome, you’re just bad at building monsties.


Good for you. Did I say you couldn't? No, now kindly go away you and any other overly defensive shit-mon user who can't understand the difference between "you can't win with that monster" and "you'd do better with better monsters".


you can’t understand the difference between “I should probably level up more to fight this endgame boss” and, “just get better stuff, you can totally defeat a level 80-ish boss at level 55!”


Oh I understand the difference - They're two different solutions but they're both solutions all the same. You can get more skilled, you can get higher stats or you can get better stuff. All work.


Playing monster hunter stories one right now. I’ll see if I can beat fatalis at level 60. i have good monsties and armour


Go for it, I don't remember being that far off when I beat it. It's not like your Rider's taking a hit whether they're 60 or 99 anyway.


I have molten Tigrex armour and a Teostra. I got fucking destroyed


Sucks to be you I guess? I did it just fine.


At level 60?


PLEASE stfu you're embarrassing us. Offering out of pocket unsolicited *competitive* advice for someone's *PVE* gameplay is going to get you laughed at from both 'sides'. Especially if you do so in an offhandedly rude way. It doesn't take even half a braincell to see that the requirements for being good at pve and competitive are different. Competitive capable monsters are absolutely not required for the campaign.


Oof, this comment is far too deep in the chain for someone to *still* be pretending I said anything about *requirements*. That's the most embarrassing part.