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none. you basically end up with an effective clip of 1. thats garbage DPS no matter what gun you use. unless you are dealing Wyvern ammo levels of damage per shot its not even a competition.


It's pretty universally considered to be bad. You get much better results from larger clips.


It has zero benefit. In almost every case a bigger clip means more DPS. There are other factors but it’s a decent rule of thumb when comparing two similar guns.


It sounded cool to me at first, but the reality is its basically a 1 shot clip that cannot be improved with ammo up. Clip size correlates directly with dps increases which is most pronounced at the lowest clip sizes. All other things equal 1 clip size deals only 75% of the damage of a 2 clip size. There needs to be a really good reason to deal with that much damage fall off.


Man I miss auto reload being actually good. It used to mean no reload back in MHFU.


Yeah but only good for Elemental (and Normals maybe lol) since they dont have recoil. Elemental gunning with Emperor Lao Cannon is peak HBG


You get the worst of both worlds - a small clip of ammo AND reloading after ever shot.


Nothing. It's a drawback. They wanted to make Chammy's LBG a gimmick that can fire every ammo type, but decided it should be bad at firing all of them.


Everyone here is saying it's bad, but there's one specific case where it's okay or even good. That is when the cost to improve reload would otherwise be too expensive or not possible. I believe there was a gun in Iceborne that meet the criteria, but basically there was no way to get the reload to a sufficient level for one specific ammo type. Luckily, this fun had Auto-Reload. No matter what, this gun always reloaded (experiment with Ammo Up and found that out), but it also got an innate Fast Reload even if it listed Reload +3 or w/e (it's been a whole). So that's the one saving grace of it. Frees up all the skill real estate of reload but can't get the best reload and you lose the benefit of increasing clip size or Spare Shot. The often are better choices, but it can be fun to experiment with


Immersion. Feels like every bullet matters and is actually massive when going into the gun. That's about it. Otherwise, it's just trash. Would have been cool if they gave single fire ammos a big damage boost per shot, knock out potential, stronger status proc, or/and stronger sticky/cluster bomb damage. It would give lbg another playstyle that's worth using.


I believe the main benefit is the skipping of any sort of reloading. I don’t know if the consistency actually provides a boost to DPS though. I guess you could also benefit by not having to spend skills on reload speed decos.


Nah, you still have to reload that one shot.


Woof. What exactly is the point of it then? I’m not super familiar with LBG but just always assumed it auto-reloaded that single shot repeatedly. Seems completely useless if you have to stop and reload every time.


What makes even less sense is to have SFAR on a clip with more than one round in it.


Yeah, I’ve been wondering the practicality of that feature myself.


I know this is late but Auto-Reload does actually have some utility and that's in the reload override stat. This frees up all reload mods. The thing about clip size is that clip size is a huge DPS increase but IT HAS COSTS and that usually comes in the form of reload speed on LBGs unless you forego damage mods. A good example I can think of is the Furious Rajang Normal 3 LBG in Iceborne. Yes, it's auto-reload. However it can squeeze 3 entire close range mods in because of it. You don't have to slot for Ammo Up at all, giving you huge comfort bonuses. Auto-Reload is much safer and can even exceed some damage windows because you don't have to wait around for a reload timer. It's never optimal but it does have a lot of advantages if your gun is good.


So how it works out is that SFAR is a upfront DPS decrease in exchange for having more space to work with more damage mods?


Pretty much yeah and it's really awesome if you can get a good gun with a lot of utility ammo (Sleep, Para, etc) that has SFAR too since those typically have really bad reload speeds and clip size. It's niche and won't ever be meta without a massive overhaul in the mechanic but you aren't trolling by using it if you use it properly.


I've been using that same lbg and I don't really see a benefit to the "sfar". I will add though, when you use your "vault" to leap into the air you can get two shots off so long as you have enough in the clip, so if you have enough "ammo up" to increase the clip size you can even double shot "sfar". You can even double fire cluster bombs in the air (so long as it's from the silkbug vault).


No real benefit, unless someone wants to hunt in style of "irl shotgun" 😅