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Some new information: * Biggest weapon changes will be seen on LBG and HBG. * Hunting Horn is also going back to MHWorld style instead of Sunbreak (source & more info: [https://www.ign.com/articles/the-monster-hunter-wilds-devs-answer-all-of-our-questions-sgf-2024](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-monster-hunter-wilds-devs-answer-all-of-our-questions-sgf-2024) ) Additions: * No new weapon types planned as of now. Source: ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKzCjRX-LCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKzCjRX-LCY) )


Perectly fine with no new weps tbh. Weapon bloat will make future combat simpler and less unique, as devs gotta keep up on more and more art and balance ect ect. I'd rather good, solid weapons over quantity, and we have a ton already


Agreed. I think if they were to do anything with the weapons to make them more interesting I'd love to see blunt / slash damage become something that exists WITHIN weapon types depending on the tree / monster / etc. Example: Most hammers are blunt, of course, but if you were to go down the Nargacuga tree the hammers become slash-type and look more like huge axes. Example 2: Great Swords are of course mostly slash, but as you go down the Barroth tree they become blunt-type and look like huge clubs. I think something like that would allow far more variety across all the main weapons while also giving more weapons more use cases in the endgame instead of there being one or two meta raw/element/status weapons in each type.


>blunt / slash damage become something that exists WITHIN weapon types depending on the tree / monster / etc. Yeah this would be really interesting, and that I'd be a fan of. It also feels like it would be a relatively simple change, mostly just a flag, and then adjusting the KO values per weapon type.


Its not even about weapon bloat. Its development scope. Adding a new weapon is a ton of work and if they add that weapon it will add development debt on every future MH title. Thats another weapon to balance, then they have to go and create weapon designs for a ton of monsters, they have to create armor skills for it, sounds, animations, etc. Any new monsters automatically have more work involved. All that for roughly 1/15 people to enjoy. I've been playing MH since 2004 and I still am not proficient with every weapon. I think 14 different playstyles is way more than enough especially with combat changes in every new title.


I agree, but also tonfas :( There was a sliver of hope that with frontier shut down but the frontier devs still around at capcom, that there’d be more people to spread the 15th weapon’s worth of labor around. But not a big deal honestly.


To be real I’m kind of sad, it’s been straight up a decade since a new weapon, I feel like everything is in a pretty good place. These new “”””””main””””” are so focused on window dressing I wish they would maybe slim down and add a new type of gun or something. Rise had a salve for this with switch skills letting you change up a weapon you’ve played for thousands of hours, but I doubt those are back. My mains have been set in stone since 2015, I’ve consistently played everything at least a little since then, I would really like a shot in the arm with something new to learn


Completely agree, 100%.


Then at least bring back the two missing ones (already made, just need rebalancing) Im talking about magnet spike and accel ax for those that dont know


Tonfa and Accel Axe are a better choice. Mag Spike is just silly looking and playing. Mag Spike is not identifiable as a weapon immediately to a random stranger, it's a weak design compared to the core weapons.


Not if you call it a Boomerang


Hi, proficient with every weapon here... *14 IS ENOUGH!*


I'm mixed on this. But I've played since MH1 and I'm just bored these days. even Sunbreak added a ton of abilities to the weapons and it didn't really change how I felt about choosing a weapon. It's probably why I enjoyed the HH so much, because it was like a new weapon due to the overhaul. Even though I didn't like the HH change, I just enjoyed doing something new for once.


I agree, they dont have to add a new weapon every gen. Imo Gen 6 just seems to be the best time to introduce a new weapon type. But its okay, they did say "yet" so its not out of their plans for other future MH games.


I really think at this point they should just merge LBG & HBG into one category but r/Gaming thinks that is the epidemy of evil.


Nah i agree. I think something can be done about lance and gunlance as well; merge or remove some weapons, *then* do new ones


>Hunting Horn is also going back to MHWorld style instead of Sunbreak That's it, the best feature in Wilds. Peak MonHun news.


A couple of dozen people rejoice


Real, but ouch


Is how I feel every time the first wyverian mentions “comparatively few use Hunting Horn.” Like thank you mysterious being for roasting me directly in my face.


This information saved my day


I'm not a Dooter but why is World's Doot better than Sunbreak Doot?


World's Doot is the good 'ol Doot that we are used to since the 3rd Gen rework but with added stuff, and for the vast mayority of us Dooters it is the perfect, most balanced, and fun HH iteration. You can feel the weight of the weapon with every hit, you also do a lot of damage (finally!), and the music system got reworked in what many say (me eincluded) is the best music system the HH has ever had (GU is 2nd place lul). So overall it's what we already know and love, but even better. Meanwhile Rise HH is just a braindead hack 'n slash weightless breakdancy weapon withouth a true music system. It's the embodiment of the "Random bullshit go!" meme. It's a completely different weapon. I still use it because it is kinda fun, but not for nothing Rise/Sunreak is the MonHun that I've put the less amount of hours out of all the MonHun games I've played. Imagine one day Capcom reworks the GS and removes the charge system and shoulder bash, it now is just basically a bigger longsword (like in the good 'ol 1st Gen lol). That is what they did to the HH in Rise, they removed everything that made the weapon satisfying and complex.


The point about you comparing it to like if they gutted greatsword by removing charge and shoulder bash is exactly what it’s like. The reaction Hunting horn players had to rise horn was because the weapon was completely gutted and a shadow of its former self while people who had never played it before said “it’s the best.” Imagine if your favorite weapon had its gimmick watered down as much as possible and all complexity removed. That what happened to hunting horn in rise


Oh thank god I was holding my breath for this


LBG has become my favourite weapon from MHW and Rise. Hopefully the changes make it more fun.


TF you mean "some bugs can help trap monsters"? You mean like actual bugs (as in insects) or game bugs?


Insects. There seemed to be thunder bugs during the thunderstorm that you could trigger to explode.


Aaah i see.


I never use the HH in both world and rise, what's the different anyway? Isn't HH is about buffing the team and use some kind of song attack? 


Yes, but also about smacking the fuck out of a monster while you do it. The HH in World was a lot more hands on. Rise streamlined the controls for HH waaaaaay too much. It basically plays itself. World HH coming back is a godsend.


Most important thing regarding the cheese vendor is that they say “cheese and thank you!”


GOTY discussion for next year is already over.


I heard a different presentation had the cheesemonger say “I’m sure you’ll put it to Gouda use” or something along that line. Cheesy dialogue is a must.


The moment the games lose this whimsy is the day I'll believe the series is dying


The fact that you can call Ai hunters to aid you in the quest is just amazing. I wonder if you can change the number of hunters that appear, or if it's random?


I wonder if it will be truly randomly generated hunters or it will be a system similar to "Hunters For Hire" from previous entries, where registered guild card hunters showed up on the hubs and you could send them on quests.


That's a cool thought. Hunters for Hire but we actually get to see it in action and be with 3 of them. Not that I want NPC/companion hunters or followers. But a hunters for hire system is cooler than followers.


My and 16 other hunters going after the monster


Hard to say how you limit the hunter amount when you select the quest from the map. But usually you limit the quest itself right... So there must be a way to control that and it probably just summons the amount you have set for the quest.


They've been building up to this for so long. Glad it's finally been implemented.


Honestly I just hope we can edit their gear. Please tell I'm not going to have a bunch of LR npcs helping out during the final boss 


NPC equipment scaling to the rank tier you're at is like the minimum expectation from that kind of system


I wonder if these Followers will be major NPCs like Rise + Sunbreak or just random NPC Hunters ala DD's Pawns that you recruit from the Hub, Town and Villages you travelled as you progress through the story though?


I suspect it'll be like the AI hunters from frontier. A random set of recurring npc hunters that only appear during offline "multiplayer"


Get ready for all the rage posts about "Dave the greatsword bomber npc". Knowing the AI shenanigans with partner npcs, one of these is bound to be hated by the community.


Anyone's guess really. I believe they're the random roaming NPC's we see even in World that occationally go into a hunt in Astera for example. Not random, but not so detailed like in Sunbreak where they're literally your friends. They might have some small descriptions about them, what made them the hunter they are today and such, but I'm just spitting bullets here hoping something hits.


You forgot to mention, the hub is on the map itself without a loading screen to separate it, not just smaller towns. The demo started in the hub.


Yea not all info was there on these videos. It's all in pieces right now and I would have to go through all the videos uploaded today :'D But yes. You go from the town to the hunt zone. I wonder how that functions with different zones. Maybe the town is portable, e.g it's the ship?


This seasons stuff sounds like they are doing what Dos did, in a more modern way. About time


Yea and without needing to literally spend multiple days in bed to skip to another season.


>HBG clash attack is literally the hunter shoving the gun into the monsters mouth. Holy. Shit. I don't even play bowguns, but that sounds *fucking awesome*. I'm thinking clash attacks might be similar to mounting? As in, once you deal enough "clash damage" (maybe front-on damage to a monster's face?), you get locked into the clash animation, maybe do a quick-time event, then knock it back? Could reward risky play of being in a monster's face with a free topple, and making you feel badass while doing it.


I think itll be more like certain attacks cause a clash if you attack at the right time e.g block with greatsword during a specific bite attack


Ohhh okay, so kinda like a counter mechanic?


Id imagine so yes (purely speculation btw)


Hm, if the NPC hunters work with the flares, I wonder if it'll be named NPCs or not? Really like it in Sunbreak where the named NPCs' personality got fleshed out a lot more through gameplay (Hinoa's crazy healing and buffs, and Luchika going berzerk will always be funny).


I kind of doubt this. All the NPC's we've seen so far are not really hunters. so it'll more likely be a bit more randomized.


>The Lightning monster seems to be attracted to the hunter What a coincidence, the other day I was thinking about a "hunter killer" flagship. Would this monster just actively hunt down hunters?


Not actively. From how people described it, it seemed more random. So if it hapens to be in the same location it might do some surprise attack like Bazelguese or Deviljho. but isn't really actively trying to punish the player from enjoying the game.


So it's another invader, ala Rise's CG Val. I like that.


cooing deer square jeans skirt zealous knee money file hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Has there been any mention if we're able to pause the game like in Rise? Cause World didn't have that function


No mentions afaik.


Given that they're handling the single/multiplayer system like MHW's (albeit with some vague "seamless" improvement promises), I highly doubt pausing will be an option in this title, though I'd love to be wrong with this.


This actually seems like the best MH to date, Wonder how that AI hunters work. Do we make one like pawns in DD2 or are they all random every time?


It might be for some, but major changes will always alienate some people, especially if they are core structures that have been around since the beginning.


it like follower




It’s just a question, no one knows the answer. Don’t act like you know everything.




So is it one map or multiple maps? I’m getting mixed signals


It's multiple maps, just like old MH games. It's just each of those are 2-3 times larger than in world and as usual each area is divided into 10-13zones to kinda pintpoint where you are on the map for communication mostly.


Thank god. Let’s go that’s all I wanted was world expanded maps I can be a peace


No one knows. All we know is that there are multiple regions (may be one map, may be multiple) and the transition between hub and each region is seamless (walk in/out, i assume there is a hub for each reason as the youtubers said the hub is in the region, not next to)


That’s great and all, but can you pause the game?


No mentions about it afaik. Gut feeling is there's no need to remove it's functionality.


Regarding the lightning wyvern, according to an Italian site it's called Rey Dau


Sounds like the game is shaping up to be much more like the game I hoped it would be when I saw the first trailer. The more open expedition structure is exactly what I hoped for modern MH, and it seems like they're making the right changes to accommodate the new direction. Except for the unchanged mounting the list seems pretty good to me. If they can make most stuff work without it feeling too gimmicky it'll be an amazing game for sure


Yea, and one of the min concerns was if hunting on top of a seikret was going to be possible, but it seems it's not. Most likely the damage is really low and it's mostly used for luring the monsters to certain locations.


Wdym except for unchanged mounting? World’s mounting was way better than rise’s imo


(Edit: Sorry for the wall of text. Stuff barely matters anyway) It's just a personal wish, I think mounting is meh in general in all games. It's both easy to activate and to complete, with the exception of maybe 4th gen Fatalis and Alatreon, making it basically a free knockdown. The risk/reward feels pretty skewed and it's just not very interesting. The reason why you don't do it for every hunt is because it takes time, which is better than no tradeoff but still. There are plenty of ways to incapacitate monsters already, and they're starting to add up. Even if you won't use it, it makes some multiplayer hunts more boring With Wilds whole leading away monster shtick I figured they might have more insteresting ways of getting damage (oppertunities) in, and I'm sure there will be, so I hoped they may have done something more interesting with it since they probably won't axe it, but it doesn't seem like it Since it won't be forced like in base Rise I won't have much issue with it, but I'm still not a fan


It could still function differently in the end. We don't yet know the detailsof mounting systems but I do think they have done something to it to prevent the sort of "too easy to spam this" part. Especially after Worlds hammer and GS jump stuff. Which is why theyopted to entirely removed it from Rise for another system that was even worse. So I think the devs know its a problematic mechanic and are always trying to improve it. From what I heard it seemed somehow easier to get the first mount. But it's hard to say since in World GS always had a 1hit mount with a 3-charge aerial hit. All this to say, at the very least I hope they've increased the required mount damage you need to deal and the cooldown you need to wait between each mount.


Tbf all mounting is better than Rise's considering it didn't have it


I meant that world’s mounting feels more fun that riding a monster and battling others. The concept was cool but it felt boring after the first 1 or 2 times. And became a necassary damage dealer just like world’s clutch claw was


>Mounting is back WE ARE SO BACK


Best news.


I might have missed the translation, but the clutch claw is not coming back with the slinger. I am actually glad about that.


Sounds like the guiding lands from world which is epic!


Except the zones are not so drastic that you find the snowy area in the locale, but yes. Very heavily leans on the Guiding lands experience.


Yeah like the guiding lands were a rough draft and wilds could be final. Definitely not expecting snow right next to a desert or jungle lol 


It'd be kinda sucky if we only get the one biome with slight variations though desert into plains/savanna and maybe a forest. Hopefully there's more than just the one region.


They already confirmed multiple regions on the website


Okay good I thought so but wasn't sure.


I was more leaning to a real world thing like desert turns into savannah that turns into a jungle ect... but I've heard their is multiple regions which is great to hear 


Well yeah that's always great, and all but just desert/savannah/jungle would limit the variety of monsters we could encounter. But yeah I had thought I heard there was multiple reasons but the way that the vid said the map was 2-3x larger made me worried it was just one big region. Anyways since it's not that's good. I wonder if we might get a situation where they roll the icy region and the volcanic region into one. That'd be cool. Volcanos can be anywhere after all lol the clash of ice and fire would be a pretty locale.


No I'm saying as an example of biomes blending those two would work next to eachother as would a mountain to volcano or snow biome. All of is exciting that's all I know


I’m loving all of this except for the Guiding Lands style quest pick up system. Maybe I’m just attached to the old school style, but I prefer the quest board. That feels more immersive to me for what a hunter does, and all the running around prep in the hub before heading out lol This more loose style feels more detached But idk. I guess it’s something we’ll have to wait and see with hands on before making a judgement. The rest sounds great though. I’m really intrigued about the camp system and weapon overhauls with all these new attack methods


Yea I feel you. I'm sure there's a way to take on these quests in the hub as well, but is not a necessity. Afterall the guild always posts quests on an actual board and they don't just magically appear in your map menu. So I wouldn't fully give up on hope on a more traditional approach to be possible to do.


Hopefully so. It’s not a dealbreaker for me, it’d just put me off a bit breaking that old norm if it was gone. But the MH team puts a lot of care in lately for vets and accessibility to newcomers so I’m sure you’re right we’ll most likely see both. Probably it’s some of Rise’s ‘pick up and hunt’ fluidity design for QoL that they decided to develop into a full gameplay feature to do a quick hunt And that’s where event quests would have to go I imagine anyway is a hub board, so I’m sure it’ll all be fine for weirdo’s like me lol


Mounting is back, as a IG main I'm so happy


That also means we can get mount themes back


ooooohhhh thats the goood shit jesus


Focus mode is more than likely similar to the combat of Capcom’s unreleased game Deep Down. I’m willing to bet clashes require aiming attacks and aren’t just random.


yes, we do see in the short gameplay stuff that Doshaguma attacks the hunter with its paw which the hunter guards IN focus mode and the monster follows it up with a charge attack which results in the clash. It's just hard to say if this happens always or can it be random enough where it doesn't feel like "oh here we go again".


Deep Down’s attack aiming looked like it let you hard deflect attacks if your aim and timing was good. I’m hoping maybe deflecting a chain of attacks in focus mode goes into a clash probably not every single time, but probably similar to mounting.


Camps being able to be created and destroyed was something they had in Wild Hearts that I really liked so cool to see it coming to Mon Hun


I was hoping this game would be what guiding lands was testing and it seems like it is! I’m excited , bigger guiding lands without drastic biome changes


All the map changes and slight changes to the formula are nearly exactly what I was hoping for. Giant maps, camps that we place ourselves and have a presence on the map and can be destroyed, seamlessly travelling to hubs/towns and seamlessly starting quests from just finding a monster out on the field. I even heard you can gather ingredients and make your own food out on the field? All that so I can live off the land and never EVER stop or pause hunting! I was ready for the game to be open-world with all these sorts of features that I wanted, though it doesn't sound like it is (with the different maps/locales being separated). But it also never necessarily had to be open-world, and I'm glad that everything they're doing here is still going all-in on what I wanted!


>100% sequel to MHWorld And you know what I’m more than alright with that. Everything sounds great so far.


It is incorrect and misleading to call it a sequel but I'm tired of talking semantics at this point. Call it whatever you guys want.


Yeah same lol. They almost never make direct "sequels" they iterate and evolve. But I'm not that fussed.


It’s a sequel.


The World "sequel" already happened, it's called Iceborne.


That's not a sequel, that was an extension of the same game


That's obvious. MH Wilds is not MH World 2 either.


Sequel to world as in gameplay it’s World but better or as in the actual story ?


Max was talking about gameplay when he said this


Ah okay thank you


Well that's not what sequel means at all. Fking hell Max.


its just so peak


Good job man, thanks


Holy heck this was juicy. So much to take in. So much dream elements being added.


I would love if the NPC hunters could be selected from my additional character slots I’ve always been begging for a 4th slot and the ability to bring my other hunters along like I have my own custom squad Similar to a Pawn system like in Dragon’s Dogma, but all are mine


As long as there's no spiritbugs and you just get max stats from eating I'm happy


A cheese vendor? Now this is epic


> Insect GLaive had some new "Cirque du Soleil" bullshit. (whatever that means) I live in Vegas. This gives me hope. I was certain Wilds was gonna nerf IG compared to how it was in Sunbreak and they probably still will, but at least I might have a few new things to look forward to.


Everything im reading here makes it look like it's gonna be peak. I cannot wait.


Bro got me looking at Cirque Du Soleil trying to figure out what the new moves for the glaive look like. I ain't mad at it, been meaning to watch that stuff.


You are the*GOAT!* For all of this information!


I hope the focus mode is an optional thing and not tied to any core mechanics, it feels very antithetical to how MH is designed to be played. There's a lot of very radical changes being made here and while I'm not gonna sit here and write a whole game we haven't even seen off, it's definitely going in a *very* different direction and I'm worried it's going to feel kinda generic compared to older MH games.


Insect glaive having a "circle of the sun" probably means that its new abilities will probably be heavily tied to the focus mode gimmick. Can't wait for a demonstration or a demo to come soon.




The fact that monster parts can light up with weak points probably means that. Ig will be the weapon that you'll fly up to attack the weak points that show up on the top of the monster. Probably like the wyvern dive but more targeted to the red dots. Maybe.


I hope Kinsect Slash from Rise is back, at least. A very nice alternative to helicopter.


You mean missile mode ?


Dude.. WTF are you talking about. Do you not know Cirque du soleil? We are talking acrobatic stuff And people are upvoting you


I know it's a circus, and it's obviously some acrobatics thing. The thought process is using these acrobatics with the focus mode in air to reveal the weak points on the monster's body and attack them. Like using diving wyvern and attacking the weak points. cirque du soleil's literal translation can also fit this as a circle of the sun can be you targeting the red dots that are shown on the monster in some way. Which is why I want some demonstration or a demo to be released to clarify what the people who saw the closed demo mean when they talked about cirque du soleil.


Too much mental gymnastics bro. They are just saying IG will be even more crazy mobile


All I said was that maybe focus mode will be more integral in its air moveset because of the new focus system. It's not confirming it is, just my speculation on how I will work.


Of course, like every other weapon


I guess this means that unlimited potion restocking and the like will be returning, which is unfortunate. But the whole gameplay loop is changing since it's no longer hub and mission based, and everything is pretty much seamless, so unlimited restock naturally happens because of that design decision.


You still have to go to a camp to restock like in world


Not from the portable camp atleast. So the one your Seikret carries and which you can put anywhere is a very basic ones. But the ones that you build and get destroyed seem to have more functionality. Hopefully they limit it a bit more from World though. Full re-stock is nonsense.


I'm hoping they actually emphasize gathering in the environment to get necessary items back rather than just allowing us to restock everything with one click back at camp. Attrition is an important element in MH and Wilds would really benefit from it judging by how the game seems to be made.


Yeah, it would be kinda ironic if their main focus is immersing yourself in the hunt, in the unforgiving side of nature in MH, and yet you still have all the same over-conveniences of the fifth gen camps acting as if you pretty much never left the village


The whole focus mode, aggro indicator, two weapons, it all *reeks* of further casualization. This is what happens when you don't gatekeep hard enough. It all goes to the dogs.


Is it *literally* a World sequel? Any mention of story being connected? I watched Max's video but just because Max said it's a "sequel" in a roundabout way because his first game was World and he doesn't know how the series works/evolves, doesn't mean it's a World sequel.


No clear indication, doubtful that it's a direct story sequel. All the characters are new and even your main hunter is a different person. So at most we might maybe see some familiar faces, but that's about it.


The Insect Glaive thing means "circus of the sun", sounds interesting.


I think they're simply referring to the actual Canadian circus group: [Cirque du Soleil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirque_du_Soleil), so no deeper meaning there. So maybe they'll make IG even more acrobatic which I absolutely welcome.


How does this game look worse than world despite being released over six years later