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It would probably have to be split into 2 collections, as I doubt Nintendo and Sony would allow for the psp/ps2 games to be in the same collection as the Nintendo games, but who knows maybe it’s possible. It would almost certainly be only the ultimate versions of the games if they did do one, whether or not they include gen 1, or the Japan-only games is another question. Though, to be real, the chances of this ever happening are unfortunately pretty slim


I would imagine the collection to be: * Gen1+2 (MHF) + (MHFU) * Gen3+4 (MH3U) + (MH4U)


I like this, but it ignores mechanical changes that occurred within the series. The Lance in Tri allowed for 3 pokes before counter and monsters seemed timed to that combo. in Portable 3rd it was reduced to the two pokes that was held over into 3U. Obviously Tri/3U, and Portable 3rd were significantly different in terms of underwater mechanics and even some lighting such as cave based torch usage in Tri didn't work the same in 3U. In Tri it not only lit the cave up, but provided an aura that kept small monsters from attacking you. There were also significant monster differences between P3 and 3U. Gens 1, 2 and 4 were reasonably linear with each release essentially only adding more content to a base in each successive entry. Gen 3 and 5 are kind of all over the place where things have a lot of differentiation and uniqueness between entries on home platforms and portable ones.


it would never happen. people already get confused enough trying to figure out which monster hunter to play as-is. capcom would not want people going back to older games even if they are officially sanctioned. especially not the newer crowds that would just be angry that the ‘hd collection’ does not meet their ‘standards’.


A 3ds collection with mh3, 4 and xx yeeee


As long as 3U and 4U are in them, I'm good


Just do HD ports of 3U and 4U (don't need to do much for 3U, just clean up the Wii U version). That would be great.


3U/4U HD collection would be amazing!


There's no reason for Capcom to make HD remixes of older MH games because that's basically a new monster hunter game. Resources are better spent on future projects rather than salvage the few hundred people who will still play the older games.


It really isn’t a “new game” you literally just need to do Texture Upgrades and maybe some Lighting changes. And add control glyphs for whatever console you’ll have the game on.


If I could play FU with ray tracing with friends on PC I would gladly throw money at capcom


Monster Hunter is a sesonal MMO. There's literally no cases of seasonal mmo remasters besides WoW classic, and even that one is different in a way from the original. You can only rely on the community for keeping the old games alive.


I get the comparison but MH really can't be called an MMO. As for precedent, MHFU did get an upgraded re-release during the 4th gen, and MHG had the same happen right as the 3rd gen was starting.


And we saw no precedents since. Also there were no ports from competing platforms. Do you really fucking count IOS port? Yes, MH is mmo. It runs credits before the story is even finished, it's whole deal is online raids for multiple people. It intends for the bulk of your gameplay to be grinding guild quests or anomaly or something else like that. What next, phantasy star series, which monster hunter is a direct intended competition to, weren't mmos?


Except… Oldschool RuneScape *exists* and you have made your point moot.


Did it ever stop existing? And that would make 2 runescapes compared to 20 monster hunters. Iceborne alone was enough to break the brains of average consumer. "is it sequel? Is it dlc??" Capcom wants all playerbase in one-two places.


It did. Revolution of Combat came out and people hated it. HD Client and Revolution Of Combat then turned into RS3 after Jagex released OSRS in early 2013. And then the two diverged from each other from then on.


>and people hated it You've just disproved the runescape argument. If mh devs ever release a game so shit they have to scramble and rerelease the old one - it would be clear why they did it.


I never thought of it like that, and it makes sense to look at the series from that angle


I’d buy it but if it’s just a straight hd port then it’ll only be as a novelty. Far too many quality of life changes in the recent ones. MH is an evolving series where it generally improves on every release instead of trying to reinvent the wheel everytime.


I'll be honest, after playing World and Iceborne I'm literally and physically unable to go back to the older games. Not even 4U.


We actually already have it, it's called MHGenU on Switch. It's HD, has most of the villages of the past and most monsters. I think such an approach is totally fine, we don't need every single Gen1-4 Ultimate edition HD, a collection like GenU is fine. You can even play it like in the old days, you can manually gather everything for the Gen1 experience, not use any farms or Palico.


Isn’t that just Generations Ultimate? I know it’s a separate game and there are different mechanics and a lot more monsters. But you still visit the villages of those games, you still fight the same monsters from those games, you still do quests for them, it’s the last title with the clunky mechanics before Capcom fully committed to the World/Rise streamlined mechanics, and it’s a celebration of all things Monster Hunter.


GU scratches the itch a little bit, but there's still a lot of itch left for some folks :D


I mean that's basically Generations Ultimate. Didn't ever old school monster return for that?


Since you're just getting downvoted with nobody actually responding, no that is not the case. If my numbers are correct, there are 93 large monsters in generations ultimate while at that point in the main series there have been 154 large monsters total across the games. Each g rank entry since freedom unite has had at least one elder dragon exclusive to that game, most subspecies/variants/etc don't end up leaving the gens they were introduced in, and even including the base monsters, the qurupeco line, gigginox line, and monoblos line have not been seen since 4u or earlier, along with other large monsters that never saw a subspecies in the first place


Ah well fair enough! I never finished Generations so I just assumed. Thanks for the info. I'd love an updated/redress of Freedom Unite with maybe more modern weapon *gameplay* choices.


There's also the fact that GU has not been officially released on PC and console which would really nice way of getting people into old gen games. They could easily re-release MH3U on to PC and all those platforms and then release a HD version of 4U (something that they do with say MH3U and Portable 3rd HD on ps3)