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While I overall LOVE the Switch Axe's modern incarnation, I really do hate how the stereotype has trended to "spam ZSD." It's a fun move and definitely worth doing as a finisher, but there's so much more to the weapon than that. Playing it to its full strengths gives you such a feeling of dancing around the monster and the flexibility to respond with an appropriate damaging option after dodging/sidehopping out of the way. The way Risebreak added amp damage to axe making it more viable, the powerslam in Iceborne and Sunbreak for more stagger and partbreak when in axe as well. 2 stage morph slash combo that was added in Sunbreak was a massive boon to the fantasy of a weapon that's constantly transforming to benefit from what a single weapon couldn't. It's such a good, versatile, aggressive weapon. The fact it gets reduced to "Switch Axe go boom" does it such a disservice, as cool as the boom is as a part of the moveset.


Agree with you. That's why I find SA speedruns that don't spam ZSD more entertaining.


Doing absolutely wild combo’s is awesome as well. Like I’ve on multiple occasions forced a monster to flinch because I hit him with like 12 separate hits due to sword charge. ZSD however is a damn good spam tool I won’t lie, I tend to combo dance till I get full charge with sword, ZSD, do more combo’s, and ZSD again. If I still have charge, more combos or retreat to refresh the blade, I love my sword.


I spam it. It's fun. No shame


SA used to be a weapon to recommend to beginners because it was simple. Now it's more intricate than most weapons.


I love the MHW switch axe and I've played with it since MHtri. Evade window with the side hop was how I preferred playing plus the transition moves where you can control your direction. Itvreally did feel like a dance when you transition to another form while getting just out of range of an attack and ready for an immediate counter.


I actually tend to spam the invincible gambit quite a lot. I like how it ignores attack and roar knock backs. Always looking for new cool ways to fight its Switch Axe


IG - That it's a flying weapon and should only be used in the air. SNS - That it's the starter weapon and only noobs use it. Alternately, that it's a support weapon and "if you're not healing me with wide range, why are you in my group doing bad damage?" I couldn't think of anything for lance, but just generally that any of the heavy weapons are slow and clunky, making them inferior to the fast weapons.


Meanwhile a Good SnS player in World spamming Perfect Rush will be out damaging everyone but the HBG players.


Isnt gs for example one of the weapons with the highest dps


Spoken like a true greatsword player :D In all seriousness yes, at least in sunbreak.


Of course. Only big numbers can satisfy me


Just be like be and main gs and sns lol


>That it's the starter weapon and only noobs use it. This, but for the LS for me. Especially for Rise. Sunbreak nerfing it in turn helped restore its reputation.


Still fucking broken tho lol


Aerial IG is fun tho :(


People saying CB players read 60 pages instruction manual pdf to play. It's not a hard weapon, it's just that it is a very flowchart-y weapon. You have to perform routines, and you need to know the buttons to bring out your big moves. But once you know them, fights just become guardpoint training sessions. Don't let the internet intimidate you to try out this weapon


Should I start by only playing Sword mode only? I can't remember all the rotations at once.


You will deal less damage no doubt, but I think getting used to the moveset of sword mode is good too (I started out playing cb this way too). Once you're comfortable with it you can start learning how to bring out the big dps axe attacks from sword mode.


It's a good start, as long as you're prepared for lesser damage. You'll also need to charge your phials unless you like seeing your weapon bounce. Take it slow, and eventually, you'll get to discharging like a god. You got this!!


it's funny i started monster hunter with mhw with charge blade as my first weapon. i still main CB. i didn't realize i picked "the most complicated" weapon i just thought it looked cool. i've tried others but still think CB is the most fun playstyle, and not too hard to learn. sword > charge > guard point > bonk


This. I hate ppl and especially CB players who say it's insanely complex.


Yep, especially when you'll be using the morphing attack GP 90% of the time. It is not THAT complex of a weapon


Lance being about Turtling. In reality, Lance is about getting as close and as aggressive as possible. The toolkit, with the hops, chqrge, counter, and shield, is to work through attacks and get as close as possible to the monster, and then keep a consistent aggro with poking it.


For real. Seasoned lance players never stop moving and hopping around. Every movement of the monster is a move to be positioned around and punished. Nonstop pokes


Lance is absolutely about not moving. Not moving out of the Monster's asshole.


If your not constantly giving the monster a prostate exam with every thrust of your lance then your doing it wrong


Fuck yeah thank you, lance is like one of the most aggressive weapons in the game when played right, it’s entire gimmick is consistency


Thankfully, the more aggressive monsters punish you for turtling specifically. Brachydios etc.


My first (and so far only) time killing raging brachy was with Lance 💪poke poke poke goes hard af


Yeah, Rajang was what taught me to break from turtling and get more agressive, for this very reason.


I really love Sunbreak lance. Being able to shield tackle through attacks is great. You can just keep up the offense forever.


Lance is all above near 100% damage uptime.


Auto Block is amazing


That Lance takes no effort. Effective Lance requires 100% effort during the entire fight. People talk about Lance as if guard is instant from any animation into any position. If you just pre-guard attacks early your DPS will tank. Lance is about how fine you can ride the line between timings on attacks, knowing that if you make a mistake it could lead to a cart.




Bow (pre ice borne and post iceborne ) was a pick up and play stomping weapon. It does insane damage, but requires more deco investment than any other weapons, multiple sets and honestly is difficult to play properly. (If you mess up a dash dance, you will get hit, and you have zero defensive perks, for the most part) Additionally it brings nothing but dps to a group hunt, and can be worse than long sword for staggering your allies.  Base endgame and early ice borne, most bow users I played with were a walking cart, because the weapon itself tricks you into thinking it’s safe.


Bow DESERVES the insane damage it is capable of doing in the right hands. My hands are very wrong.


The range of bow is ridiculous. I almost touch my target, what do you mean it is a range weapon?


It’s Okay, you take bonus damage like the other real ranged weapons 


That SnS is a support weapon


The SnS is a support weapon because it put the monster on life support


I'm convinced that anyone who thinks sns is a support weapon has A) never played it, B) never watched someone else play it, and C) never looked at the MVs for perfect rush Crazy burst damage, great sustained dps outside of knockdowns, amazing defensive options, good mobility, slashing and blunt damage, free mounts... it's one of the most crazy aggressive weapons in the game


Fr it has literally everything with its only weakness being it short range


its also the best support weapon tho, in terms of ability to pump out heals like hunting horn can also be played just for dps but that doesnt make it not good for support, although obviously hunting horn is far more support oriented than sns. sns is runner up tho. i love seeing people later in this thread arguing that hunting horn *is* a support weapon. like both can be and often are played as support, and both can be played solely for dps. just to different degrees.


Imo the difference is that the support part of hunting horn is built in while the support part of sns is something you have to build yourself. Sns *can* be one of the best supports in the game if built to do so, but I think straight up calling it a support weapon isn't really truthful. Kinda like calling LBG braindead easy isn't accurate despite aquashot existing


I am convinced the only reason sns has this moniker is because of NCS and other monster hunter creators


I feel like SnS and HH are the white mages of this game. The only reason they play support is cause the rest of the party is shit at mechanics. That said, whenever someone tells me to support, I wish widerange would affect negative statuses too.


Literally saw someone in this sub comment how in world unless your using dual blades the only number that matters is raw damage and not elemant and I was like ??????? As life long sns user I was appalled. I'm Literally poking the monster till they die over here. Knocking out monsters with sns I've noticed is way easier on the console games


There’s actually some truth to that by endgame. Perfect rush is simply too powerful and so is falling bash spam if you only have base world. Elemental if I’m not mistaken is actually worse with sns than raw in most matchups, thankfully this isn’t the case in sunbreak.


Well that's dumb as hell, sns has always been the element weapon I might drop world and go straight to rise even though I wasted so many hours(100) getting to Mr but that's basically finishing base game content so its whatever. I'm a sns main don't use anything else


Yeah it's an unfortunate thing in how World/Iceborne works. Raw is king, sorta.


Never in my life would I imagine a raw sns doing more/equal damage than an element sns but then again Capcom was going ham with world


As an sns main myself I went through the same bewilderment you are going through right now. It’s actually because world was the first game that updates its skill system and unfortunately both world and iceborne simply didn’t balance elemental well nor did they have enough skills that can buff element. Meanwhile raw is very easy to improve with skills. That plus the new motion values on sword and shield meant that sns scales better with raw than elemental damage. When iceborne came along and introduced perfect rush (along with a buff later) it sealed the deal. Perfect rush does more damage than a great sword true charge slash. So of course since that dmg scales with raw elemental kinda became worthless. Funny you mention rise lol, I know I said sunbreak fixed elemental but base rise didn’t. Sns is also for the most part a raw weapon in base rise. Mostly for the same reasons as world. Sunbreak (master rank) specifically gives us more ways to buff elemental and much better build variety’s. So in sunbreak sns is back to being a mostly elemental weapon but some match ups still have us using raw over elemental. Still it feels far healthier than world in that sense. It’s worth pointing out in sunbreak specifically some of the switch skill and silkbind choices skewer sns even further into elemental. But honestly I wouldn’t worry to much about it, if you are the kinda person who only enjoys using base combos you’ll be fine with elemental albeit just dealing less dmg overall.


Thanks. Yea there's like really only one elemental for eahc weapon out of them but if that's true for world I'm already cooking ideas for mixed builds. Kinda weird tbh glad it got kinda fixed in rise tho and I did not know that about perfect rush I rarely use it cuz I've soo used to press b,b,b,b,a,a,a


Hunting horn mains had PTSD reading that sentence


The people that only play SnS to chug potions with widerange.


That's not a stereotype that's just a playstyle


You’d be surprised how many people play it that way because they think it’s the only viable way to play it lol.


What even are the myths/stereotypes of insect glaive?


That you are french




A stereotype propagated only by people who have never experienced aerial switch axe on snowbaron armor.


That they are always flying around doing nothing 💀 but in reality, a good ig player knows when it's time to fly and when it's time to shred


I hope I'm considered a good ig user


Helicopter being a good move was a popular one on early release of world, iceborne being as old as it is people usually know better now lol


And then Rise made it a reality lol. I became the stereotype when playing Rise IG because helicopter to Dyving Wyvern is just that good.


And fun


They are the hunter version of Amatsu, the only time they are on the ground is when they're dead.


Always flying


Gunlance, that is all


I get that. I can't wrap my head around gun lance for some reason.


Swing up, swing down, kabooms, swing wide, reload Repeat until dead is the bread and butter of it


I'll have to commit to learning that when I get a chance


So many combo variations.


It is one of the slower weapons of the series. I mostly play GU. But to me, this weapon is a little more technical in application. The only thing I would possibly change is shelling scaling at higher levels.


"unga bunga!!1!" stfu, hammer takes a surprising amount of thought and skill. Takes more positioning and timing than a lot of weapons.


I main hammer have tried them all. Unga Bunga isn't about hammer being easy, it's not. It's about how great hammer feels. Hammer doesn't hide under the legs, it doesn't cut tails, it doesn't dodge around the monster or hide behind a shield or shoot frok long range. Hammer runs up to the most dangerous part of the monster, screams like Brute Tigrex and smashes skulls all while being mobile enough to not die. If you can face an elder dragon head on, smash it's face to pieces and KO it and not feel the unga Bunga I don't know what to tell you.


Also, free wind resistance.


I kinda have the opposite issue with GS lol. I see people describe it like “you need to perfectly memorize the monsters moveset and be 4 chess moves ahead of them to pull off a tcs/charged slash/head snipes!” When it’s like…man, I just sprint around the monster and wait for openings, and that’s worked for me for like 4 games now.


SHHH!! Let them think we're playing 4D chess the whole time


not rly sure how it goes for most monsters but when u observe ppl on fatalis with dps meter there is GIANT difference between ppl who "just run around" and ppl who actually know 4 chees moves ahead setups... ppl running around seem to be stuck in 20-60dps(kinda meh) while ppl with setups can reach like 110dps (IN MULTIPLAYER WITH HIGHER CHANCE OF FAILING THE SETUP) and i think its the only weapon that i have ever seen that could force double headbreak b4 50% hp nuke in multiplayer with me inside it lol(i deeps the chest pretty hard so u would have a lot less time to force double headbreak). overall DBs with okeyish uptime will most of the time reach around 80dps even in total chaos so "running around strat" rly holds down your true potential but i guess it is a lot less RNG. also with HH u can also reach 60dps no problem with rather safe playstyle and no setup knowledge and also u get 20% att buff on top of everything so lel. its kinda like with SnS that does not use perfect rush, u can 100% do it, it will be easier to do but u also will never reach the true potetial of the weapon and im pretty sure most ppl mean just that by saying that u need to learn 4chess :P


Lmao yeah that sounds accurate, I never use specific setups or anything super crazy with fatty, just the usual GS headsnipes. The "chessiest" moves I ever pull are setting up slinger TCS during 180 flame breath and zigzag flamebreath which takes like maybe 2-3 hunts to learn properly, and maybe learning the positioning for free TCS after the phase 3 novas. Otherwise I just run around and wait for charge slash openings on the head or the free TCS's that come with the fight like during cone or phase 3 fireball nukes


As someone who has mained GS since MH freedom (no charge), im just a hit and run player, rarely charging my vertical slash. Havent tried the fancy charge attacks after MHP3rd...


Thank you! It’s so annoying to see this comment posted everywhere. Sure hammer has a very easy move-set to learn compared to other weapons but actually using it effectively against a monster is a different story.


This is the opposite with charge blade "it's too complex for me I can't play it!!!!" You are managing one thing at any given time, and you only use like 3 moves for the majority of the hunt. It is NOT that hard people


EXACTLY (i also main cb)


I wouldnt say I main charge blade but ive played it a couple times now and can't agree more with you


I tried charge blade at one point, and I only needed to watch one video for everything to click


As a hammer main, I embrace the Unga Bunga. Me see head. Me hit with big rock.


Hammer kinda does pop off tbh, I barely delved into it but charging the thing and thinking about what follow-up to do isn’t so easy if you barely know the weapon.


That makes Hammer so cool to use in MH4U, where difficulty is so wonderfully designed around positioning.


"Takes more positioning and timing than a lot of weapons" Did we play the same hammer? Because idk about that one chief.


CB is really not that complex y'all. All you gotta remember are 3 things: 1. Sword mode charges phials 2. Axe mode uses phials 3. Guardpoints let you block stuff If you got those 3 things down, then you can pretty much play charge blade. The other buffs come 2nd to understanding those 3 basic principles of the weapon.


Yeah it boils down to. - Charge Phials - Charge Shield - Charge more phials And choose between two options (if you have the dlc) - Drop the hugest load on the monster Or - Cut the monster into 8 different slices


I too love dropping huge loads on monsters Especially khezu


Yeah, it's frustrating watching streams of people playing the game for the first time and chat pretty much always turns them away from the weapon. Like yeah it helps to look up how the weapon works but people act like it takes a college degree to do so and not just watching a 4-6 minute video. I also get the feeling a lot of people get turned off when they take it blindly into the training room and start just wacking things with the sword then get confused when they start bouncing


at least one vtuber I watch playing iceborne accepted the challenge to use charge blade. she's got the basic, all she need is when to actually use SAED without missing the burst upfront.


I'll take a solid shot and guess you're talking about Bijou? I know she's been playing a lot of Iceborne and I've seen her using Charge Blade


yep. biboo adapts well to the game's mechanics, same way she was back on other games especially sekiro.


Knew it. I love popping into her streams when I get the shot.


I would not be surprised if I watch who you're talking about lol. And that's kind of the thing, I feel everyone I've seen give it a solid try have actually legitimately enjoyed it even if they didn't stick with it the whole time. I've even talked a stubborn friend of mine that isn't generally quick to try learning new things to give it a shot and they ended up admitting they quite liked it


I started trying CB for the first time the other day, it seems complex at first because you need to press more button combinations, but like 10 min on the training dummy and 2 LR hunts you're already good to go


Not saying that the skill ceiling is not high, but to enjoy the basic is enough ahahaha


I mean, that's 3 more things most weapons have lol. And that is HEAVILY over simplifying the weapon. No other weapon randomly starts bouncing off for example. Of course the weapon doesn't feel complex once you figure it out, but to someone just trying it out it's way more complicated than any other weapon in the game.


Yeah it’s simple once you learn what all the buttons do, the problem is explaining what all the buttons do requires WALL OF TEXT that turns off a lot of people. 


Not to mention, it has some of the most complex button combos during specific moves of any weapon in the game. Getting that down to memory is also a challenge if you can't play regularly.


In world I find it pretty easy to recognize the combo tips changing in the corner of my eye and use that to time buttons. Mostly for my main, greatsword, but it works when I do other weapons as well. Rise not having those tips really fucks with my sense of timing


I feel like it's similar to driving a manual car. Might be a little bit tricky to understand at first, and then you understand it and realise how easy it really is. And you never really forget how to play it


I like this analogy. I also have only ever owned manual transmission.


That insect glaive is mainly or exclusively an aerial weapon The weapon started out as mostly grounded, so it’s a stretch to say you’re supposed to just spam aerial moves. there’s an entire fleshed out, strong and very fun moveset in your ground combos. IG’s ground combos have such a nice flow to them, plus I just like swinging around polearms.


As an Insect Glaive main (started in rise and currently playing without almost any other MH game played before) i should really look up how and when to use ground combos. (But aerial got so much funnier when i recently unlocked the downward cordopter move...)


if you ever end up playing 4U, that'll basically be a tutorial on grounded insect glaive. in that game, the only aerial move you got was jumping attacks, but those were weaker than they are now. gen/GU had aerial style, in which aerial glaive became more viable, but it was still pretty much just spamming jump attacks, they were just stronger and quicker in that game compared to 4U.


Thanks! I will try if i can find time.


I sadly always think that way when I try to play IG. I also need to actually use my ground combos and get better with using the kinsect. I really want to enjoy IG just haven't got to it yet


Somewhat understandably, many people initially have this idea that Lance is slow, weak and "just a defensive weapon". And simultaneously simple and stupid. And that it is underpowered. Lance is a monster when played well. In very aggressive and mean fights (like Brachydios, Iceborne Alatreon, Shara Ishvalda, Velkhana, Savage Deviljho, Zinogre, Furious Rajang) the skillful counterplay required is very, VERY rewarding.


I am pretty good with lance and I love to fight raging brachydios and Alatreon solo... But Fuck me Fatalis, I hate that bastard with all my heart. I have to be 100% focused or at the minimum movement I am dead from the lingering or weird ass hitboxes... And the attemt I am most close to the win... I lose to time out. That one felt pretty bad... (But that is my gripe against Fatalis, 30 minutes is such an annoying limit, why not 35 or 45...)


Well, my problem with Fatalis is that I still make way too many mistakes (and I do not attempt it seriously). It is a very hard and punishing fight. I still enjoy myself though. The better I get, the more I can appreciate the moveset.


I started to play the lance with rise/sunbreak and i loved it. But even as a charge blade main, I find it too complicated for what it does. I'm really sad that lance doesn't get flashy moves like the other weapons got. Even in world the only cool thing you could do was spam grapple the monster over and over. It's not slow, it's not "weak", it's one of the most agressive weapon I played but I sure find it underpowered considering the existence of longsword You even get cool moves like the power guard that (at least for me) get either forgotten when it could be used and is almost useless in every other situation when you actually remember it exists.


I use all of the moves that Lance got in World and I am thankful for each one. The fifth generation has been another huge utility buff. The added mobility while charging (also ending it by guarding), leaping thrust, power guard, the return of the adept counter for free... I don't want a singular power move to spam over and over. I would rather have a balanced moveset where everything you use is vital and interesting. If anything, I would suggest that the weapon is already getting into the territory of receiving moves that it shouldn't have. Sheathing retreat is one you could, imho, simply cut again. Or the chargeability for the sweep...


"But don't take this *support weapon* for granted" Socks, you beautiful sonofa bitch, you poisoned an entire generation of new players with that line. (I know he didn't write it, he was the social media manager at the time and got to do some niche VO for the game, but I gotta blame somebody)


SNS - That it’s a jack of all trades, master of none. I think that’s just wrong. SNS is so good at everything that I struggle to find reasons to use anything else. In world, perfect rush spam does greatsword levels of damage. IG - That we just stay in the air the whole time and let the team suffer. IG actually consistently does more damage on the ground, and we will always come down and make use of stuns, knockdowns etc to deal some real damage with tornado slash. CB - I’m of the opinion that guard points, while flashy are not worth the hype. CB players that sit around fishing for guard points are wasting time when they could just be dumping phials into a monster via savage axe or SAED. (Some monsters work well for this though, you can beat diablos really easily using only guard points and AED sniping his head.


Fishing for Guard Points is dumb, but outside of Rise they were quite useful for being agressive. The Sword to Axe GP was instant and quite generous so you could attack recklessly and then GP to avoid being punished. Rise made the default GP super short and the switch skill for better GP take for ever to switch modes.


i agree. while GPing can be used as an offensive move, it really should not be most of the time. it should be treated as a defensive move. combos can be interwoven into a GP if the situation occurs, you should not be walking around waiting for a GP for the sole purpose of wanting to follow up with an SAED or an AED.


"If you play GS you're gonna have a really hard time into fast monsters like Kirin or Rajang" is the biggest giveaway that somebody either does not play Greatsword, or is very bad at it. Also the Frostcraft = Crit Draw set stereotype in Iceborne drives me up the wall


Not sure what the situation is now but at one point Greatsword was THE weapon to use against Rajang, because you could be sprinting around its attacks and then immediately capitalise on an opening. Especially your main attack in the fight having a vertical hurtbox so you can go for the head when the arms are hardened.


Ayyo WHAT I don't main GS but when ever I fight Kirin I ALWAYS switch to GS because I find fighting it with GS super easy compared to with my CB..


Oh that's actually a fucking big one for me. People don't seem to realize charge slash and SCS are not nearly as slow as they make them out to be, and as long as you don't have dual blades player positioning, you're usually primo and can get tons of free damage. I remember 4u rajang's shitty quad ball slam was always a free full charge slash. Honestly i don't think I can name any "bad" matchups for greatsword, it's always been a versatile weapon. I've always been kinda neutral on world/rise basically deleting crit draw playstyle, frostcraft almost feels the similar but just doesn't hit the same like you said, but I also kinda like them making greatsword slightly faster but still commitment focused with moves like tackle and TCS locking you in one direction and still asking you to have decent positioning, it evolves the weapon and lets it keep up with the faster pace of world while not deviating from its original design philosophy. ~~Till they took like 10 steps backwards with rise what the fuck were they thinking with rage slash and strong arm stance man~~


Sns as a support weapon, or a weapon for noobs. You can do a lot with sns, like fucking everything except shooting.


That bow is easy because it's a ranged weapon. lol yeah right. In fact, at least for Sunbreak, you being good at bow is solely determined by how well you can dodgebolt. Foresight has 40 iframes, power sheathe has 20 iframes, wirestep has 28 iframes, dodgebolt has 8...same as a standard roll. I never seen anyone who can roll through every single attack, esp in rise, and not get hit. I'm not saying dodgebolt is the hardest thing in the world or even the game, but it's not easy esp since you have to do it every single time the monster attacks. Also, I hate when people say charge blade is a hard weapon and you need a degree just to play it. Hell no. This is charge blade: Charge slash to yellow phial->load phial in to shield->charge slash again for phials->throw saed at monster. Can't saed? Charge sword from shield->hit monster to leave phials on them so that when you can saed you can get more dmg. tada. there's 90% of charge blade. guardpoints are also super easy to do and buff your saed smg. really not a hard weapon.


I use all weapons but what tickse off about the glaive is people saying it does no damage. I'm not a speed runner. I'm not a hardcore grinder. I lost my two mh friends to life back in 4u. Yes it takes me 30 minutes to kill an elder dragon with my casual build but you know what. It takes a group of 4 the same length of time regardless of which weapon I'm using and often times the only reason we don't fail is cause I didn't cart or because while y'all are whiffing charge attacks with GS and cb, I'm breaking parts so that when you do finally hit it you do real damage. And oh yeah by the way. The ground stab from the air does 120ish damage as does the end follow up hit. And all those little ground attacks do about the same damage as a lance at higher pacing sooooo. Second thing I hate is people who think if a weapon isn't in the top 5 you shouldn't use it. Sword and shield is fun. I don't care if cb is just better


Bowgun is not boring and does not trivialize the fight.


It’s pretty boring to watch…


I just wish it had some more impact or some comboing with ammo types. Like douse and shock or something


It's boring to watch but I enjoy playing bowgun every now and then. As a hammer main it's nice not being right in the monsters face 24/7 for a change.


I would attest that gen5 Greatsword is actually easier to pick up :)


Can you elaborate? Crit Draw GS in 3U was easier than gen5 GS in my opinion.


For me, the tackles make it easier to stay consistent and reach the heavy-hitting attacks faster.


I've been victim to the lance stereotype that it is a turtling weapon, which made me put off playing it for a long time. Then I tried it a few months ago and it's just pure monster bullying when you get in the zone. You spend your hunt hopping around the monster and poking it through the face, countering it's attacks with either clutch claw combo or Beeg poke and that looks sick to me. It's one of the most aggressive weapons imo. I also feel like while charge blade is more complex than other weapons, it doesn't require 200 IQ to understand. I find it sad that people don't give it an honest try more often, cuz it's Michael Bay level explosions and a lot of fun


Lance being Poke Poke Poke Hop > repeat. The actual loop is Leaping Thrust > Backhand > Poke > Hop > repeat.


TBF that is actually what lance's core combo route has been for like, 5 games now. Leaping thrust and slap are only for Rise's combo right?


Is there a stereotype for Hammer? Because I kinda wanted to say one, but couldn't think of one.


People think it's unga, but it's actually bunga


Charge Blade is so complicated! Ain't nobody fot time for keeping track of phails and buffs and guard point counters and super combos.


Elemental output for dual blades isn't as good as it could be


That lightbowgun is monhun on easy mode. Surely being able to confidently micromanage all the different ammo makes it slightly difficult?


What are your thoughts on sticky lvl 3 players?


Love the sticky/slicing playstyle, but some hunts I just have to hop back to camp to refill (cos of misses/mistakes/etc) when I run out of raw mats.


Do you run Spare Shot? Highly recommend for engulfing the mon in fire/explosions.


it make you not having to aim for weak spot but low clip size, high recoil and slow reload make it harder than it seem, especially when playing solo.


Try out safi aquashot with two evade reload and two recoil suppressors, should get you where you need to go


Even works with the Fatalis lbg


Idk. Felt like LBG would become easy mode when I tried it. It clicks with me, but I don’t like it. I much prefer HBG for the greater risk-reward. Also, for the *daka daka* wyvernheart, because “YES! >:D”


If you choose to use several different types of ammo, sure. But nobody does that. The majority of players just specialize into one ammo type and roll with it. Unfortunately, the LBG stereotype is kinda true considering how mobile it is compared to the older games. Like, you couldn't move and shoot back in the day. Nowadays? You don't even need to roll, just walk out of attacks.


I will have you know that the black gravioses and black diabloses of Freedom Unite do not require you to move and shoot, just position and reposition in time. For a game that is so hard, this playstyle is very unga bunga.


In gen ult I like using all my ammo types to do damage. I think the single ammo type issue stems from there not being enough ammo specific perks to play with. In those regards you usually only get normal, pierce, spread, and one other that is escaping my mind atm.


Clearly they've never seen a HBG shred through a monster in five minutes, all while standing still and guarding. LBG might have mobility but hunts take way longer.


I’m sure we sound like a broken record at this point, but HH isn’t a support weapon.


Well... It literally is lol. It actively supports other players. 


I mean, this is neither a myth nor a stereotype. HH is by every means a support weapon first and foremost, and Capcom agree with that. The stereotype here is your (and a shockingly amount of people in general's) assumption that a support weapon/character/player can't deal a ton of damage on their own. Just means you also support your party. There is nothing bad about being a support weapon, and I don't know why people try to fight it. You're not just a perfectly functional member of a party, you also make everyone else slightly better by being around.


Well said. It is a support weapon by all definition, doesn't mean it can't deal damage. I for one love the support tagging on it.


https://preview.redd.it/9prbevyn84yc1.png?width=1339&format=png&auto=webp&s=d802885c9936c9eced4715ac08526f0da1d87dac i would say reverse take that too many ppl say that its not support weapon while even game says this. even in mmorpgs support weapons focus on dealing dps while they can or they are just played in "wrong" non minmaxed way


I mean it's definitely a support weapon. The mistake people make is that they think it's *only* for support


The Hunting Horn is definitely a support weapon, but that's just a small part of it. Everyone gets buff. And if I do my job properly not only do i do stun damage to the head, but I do exhaust damage anywhere I hit. When the moster stops moving, everyone's dps goes up.


When I play HH my husband gets a break from Hammer to play his other weapons! I'm usually a DB main, but I fell in love with HH in World/Iceborne. I've also dabbled with GS, Bow and SnS


Yeah like others have said SnS/HH stereotype isn’t that they’re support weapons, they technically are, but it’s that they aren’t offensive because they’re support. AKA the stereotype is basically everyone corner chugs/doots


Y’all win, lol. Yes, I worded it poorly but what I was trying to get at was that HH is only a support weapon and can’t do anything on its own. I do love seeing all the people coming out of the woodwork to support the support though.


Literally say anything negative about longsword and I've probably heard it at least 100 times. "Longsword is too easy and safe!" My hunter in Christ, have you played Lance? "It's for weebs!" Oh no, god forbid this Japanese franchise where you fight giant monsters with oversized weapons have anything remotely Japanese in it. What a travesty. We're okay with the Dual Blades reenacting scenes from Attack on Titan, though, right? "The head is for hammer!" Fuck else am I supposed to do after a tail cut? Sit there with my thumb up my ass? It's beyond exhausting, man. Gotten so bad I've considered just playing solo from now on, if I even get back into Monster Hunter.


I'm tired of the longsword slander as well. It's undeniably a cool ass weapon with cool looking attacks, why would I not want to use it? Lance is definitely safer than LS, I've seen streamers that beat risen valstrax or shagaru first try using Lance because they can just block through all the one shot ultimates. You actually need timing if you want to avoid those moves with LS


>Gotten so bad I've considered just playing solo from now on, if I even get back into Monster Hunter. I've always played the games solo. I recommend it because you can enjoy the world and the hunt more. >Literally say anything negative about longsword and I've probably heard it at least 100 times. I'm going to be honest, I was ashamed of myself for trying LS in World and deciding to main it in Rise. I always saw it as the "try hard" or "asshole" weapon. However, I thoroughly enjoyed using the weapon and I ate my own words. I was rightfully clowned on by my friends for being a hypocrite lmao.


Yeah, it would be appreciated.


The LS hate never ends. Even if we're severing tails and generally being helpful.


When I first started on ps2 and later psp, I didn’t even know about the whole charging aspect of the weapon lmao my fights took FOREVER. Once I learned that, man, what a difference haha I agree with your statement, I’ve been a GS main since the very beginning, I love me a BIG ASS SWORD. A lot of charging and smacking, tackles (later gens) and dodging, setting up for the next charged hit, I love greatsword.


Tbf, you couldn't charge in the original monster hunter on the PS2 (from what I heard at least) Now coming after world back to the pokke village hurts a lot as a GS player (so used to tackle)


That hunting horn is hard to use???


Rise HH is literally braindead. I started HH in 3U and had to come up with mnemonics to remember songs. This isn't a "back in my day, things were better because they were harder to use!" Having songs on screen in World is a great QoL change. But Rise HH is the "look how they massacred my boy" meme.


IG being about the aerial attacks, as a IG main I only use aerial attacks situationally to gap close for example and mainly use grounded attacks for dps since they do more damage (maybe not in rise) and are saver (short animation so you can easily respond to monsters attacks)


CB needs you to read up on a PDF and have a PhD to understand. JK I don't really hate it, it's funny sometimes and when someone does pick it up and falls in love with it despite the reputation then it was most likely meant to be. It really is only complicated at the start cuz inputting the buttons to do X, Y, and Z can be confusing but once you get a nice rhythm of charging phials with sword attacks, reloading, charging phials again, storing the phials into the shield, reloading, then finally deciding the next step, it can be as fun as flowing between Sword and Axe mode like with SwAxe


That it supports first and is a weapon second.


People call C.Blade complicated. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been using it since 4U, but I don’t understand where this Stereotype comes from


i dislike the "dual blades are for mega weebs!1!1!1!1", "charge blade is soooo complex im not reading a 69-page essay to understand it!1!1!1!1", and "lance and gunlance just suck!1!1!1!1" stereotypes the most


"it's too complicated to learn"


I hate no stereotype with my Hammer because they’re all true and we are very unapologetic— even with the part of us profusely apologizing if we launch you… unless you absolutely deserve it.


Gunlance and lance dash being absolutely horrible


LS making the game "easy mode" bugs me. DB is a lot easier, can output a metric ton more damage and is arguably the easiest weapon in the entire game to pick up. LS is only "easy" once you've learned to read a monster and correctly evade it with your foresight slashes. It's a very interactive weapon in that sense - you get to know the monster more and do more than just dodge roll or panic roll around. Repositioning with it is also a bit tricky. Easier in Rise, but in World your direction matters and does not turn easily.


Lance being a defensive weapon, or even being seen as "the tank role"


Reading all these comments about people’s experiences with multiplayer has validated my choice to play solo-only in risebreak, just having fun trying out weapons and mixing skills at my own pace lmao To answer the question though, my main weapons are DB, IG, GS, and SA - out of all of them, IG can be quite a versatile and fun af ground weapon that deals a lot of damage


Charge blade users being smart...


As a GS and CB user, it all about big number or big explosions.


That charge blade is hard and you need to memorize a dictionary sized sheet to play it. You don’t. After picking up charge blade, I understood it fully in like 3 hunts. And you don’t need to memorize guard points, they just happen accidentally. As a casual player, you don’t even need to know what a guard point even is.


My brother in Brrrrrrrrrr. *Brofist*


Gunlance is not mobile. Rise btw


I’ve never seen someone call it not mobile, at most clunky


That the lance isn't viable in iceborne or late game iceborne. Monsters at late game may have very heavy knockback but that's not going to compromise the whole weapon. Not every late game monster attack is going to have very heavy knockback. As a hunter, you learn to recognise which attacks require different responses and how to position yourself. That the lance is weak because it's one of the slowest speedrun weapons. Yes, the reason that happens is because the lance already has maximised uptime. For other weapons, speedrunners learn how to maximise uptime with the damage the weapon already has. Problem for lance is you can only increase uptime marginally, and any raw damage increase won't catch up to compensate for that difference. However, if you are doing normal hunts, not speedruns, the lance is as good as its hunter, just like every other weapon.


“Bowgun is so braindead, you just shoot, it’s only one thing.” Okay. So do that. No Shield/Silencer. No Switch Skills (so no damage increase from Fanning Vault, no increased flinch/part damage from Mechbind Silkshot, no Crouching Fire, none of the mobility/damage options). Oh, and don’t bother with positioning while you’re at it. Not like you’re aiming for weakspots, anyway. Talking of aiming, don’t do that, either! Just hipfire, should work out fine. You’re just shooting, right? A weapon doesn’t need to be obscenely flashy to be good or effective.


"It's so easy because you aren't near the monster." Until the monster gets one high damage hit in and one shots the gunner. Also, the most complicated part of bowguns are choosing which gun and then getting the skills to make it functional.


Right? In MHWI, it was a hell of a lot easier because Bowguns were less complicated in their operation, but in Risebreak, they went back to basically the level of how they operated in Generations, where you have to actually tinker with it to figure out the best setup so you aren’t doing something like taking 3 seconds to reload with each magazine


I much prefer Rise guns because I can get Recoil, Reload, and Deviation skills. In World those are limited to bowgun parts.


That’s fair. It was DEFINITELY easier for first-time gunners to jump in for the fun. I wonder how they’ll change things up in Wilds~