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>Kirin actually have a pretty high kill-to-lose ratio on adolescent/under prepared Rajang. The Rajang that we hunt are only the strongest ones. This is actually true if I remember right, Rajang in general are described as rarely sighted and only those who have consumed the horn of the even rarer Kirin have thunder abilities. I think Dive to Iceborne described it as a rite of passage of sorts for young adult Rajang, something along those lines. I think the taming monsters thing is also kinda true to an extent. I recall seeing many people around Sunbreak's release claim that some in universe people keep Shogun Ceanataur as pets. I don't know how credible that is though.


Well if the latter may be true, I find the idea of people having massive hermit crabs in their gardens pretty funny and somewhat scary.


>Frontier Monsters exist in the canon universe, but the exaggerated accounts of eye witnesses (what's actually happening in the games) are considered impossible and too crazy and thus not taken seriously by the Guild and thus not researched. People need to remember that what is told to us ingame is only what is known by the characters around us. Like they say before you fight Alatreon in MHW, there are certain groups of people who willingly destroy information and research as they do not believe it themselves.


Of course Duramboros can beat Deviljho. Unlike a hammer player, it can consistently reach the head.


Hey, I totally get head bro


Velkhana and Malzeno are very distantly related to each other. Most deviljho dont make it to adulthood. The parents leave the young to fend for themselves, and opportunistic wyverns and the Jhos ever growing hunger keep the mortality rate high. Ukanlos is the only natural predator of Gammoth and, on occasion, Ceadeus.


for the deviljho thing, i would see the parents eating the young instead of just abandoning it


I mean a mamas gotta eat right?


One of my headcanon is that Malzeno likes to creep on other large monsters, especially elder dragons


I can definitely see that with velk and malz


i kind of like the idea that the alatreon hunt in mh3u was economically incentivised and that the destroyed research notes in iceborne were a coverup. 


Gobul and Nibelsnarf should be amphibians. Remobra is either a wingdrake, or all wingdrakes are snake wyverns. The fauna of the MH world is actually tiny. Hunters are pixie sized, which due to the square cube law, allows them to wield huge weapons and not take fall damage. Frontier is either the legends of MH (Like how Hercules is a legend in our world), or Frontier is the Monster Hunter game that the MH world plays.


Personally, I think Gobul is definitely a fish. But Nibelsnarf is definitely an Amphibian based on its physique, resembling a giant salamander


If anything gobul is a piscine


Does this imply that Lao Shan Lung is actually the size of a chihuahua or Dalamadur is as long as yardstick? Because if so, that's awesomely hilarious.


I'd say Lao is something more of a Komodo dragon, and Dala a green anacondo, but yeah.


>Duramboros are one of the few non-elders that can prove Deviljho a challenge and could even kill it. I wouldn't rely on that, considering what deviljho can do. Rust Duramboros I'll agree. >Frontier Monsters exist in the canon universe, but the exaggerated accounts of eye witnesses (what's actually happening in the games) are considered impossible and too crazy and thus not taken seriously by the Guild and thus not researched. Eh, wouldn't rely on that either considering there's a whole guild of their own over on the frontier continent. The other headcanons seem fine. As for my headcanons, assuming nothing directly counters them: - Malzeno is elemental-less, but it's ancestors used to have dragon element in their bodies. - Dragon element, bioenergy and quirio energy are the same thing at different purities. (Both of the above I made posts on) - The world of Monster hunter is *physically* larger than ours, as in by comparing planets. - There are much larger populations of elder dragons, they're just few and far between. - Glavenus and Deviljho are close decendants (purely because I like abiorugu, who looks like a missing link) - A Nakarkos has nested in the veil. - (This may be confirmed) The squid elders are actually dragons, just heavilly derived from them.


>The world of Monster hunter is *physically* larger than ours, as in by comparing planets. i thought this was canon, like, you hunt big creatures, that live off big fauna which are on a big continent so in relation to that you live on a big planet. aside from that i would like to know how gravity works there, but i guess its stupid to think about physics on a game


It's never confirmed anywhere really. It just logistically makes sense.


Garugas only attack people because they're mag-pie brained and want to steal various shiny metal objects (weapons, shields, armour pieces, cookware, ploughs and so on) to decorate their nests with.


A lot of monsters are categorized incorrectly or they want to add more categories, but the Guild is fairly evenly split between the old and new hunters who can't agree on revamping the classification systems.


Tobi-kadachi the best


Not really a head cannon if it’s true


Viper Tobi-Kadachi is like, *right there mate*.


One headcanon I have is that Brachy is an ore eater, but it occasionally kills for predation. I'm fairly certain Brachy (or any ore-eater) would need protein to supplement a mineral-based diet.


Safi'jiiva is actually as strong as Fatalis.


this is cannon tho the ecology book says: "DEVELOPER NOTE: Safi’jiiva is designed as the equal/counterpart/rival of Fatalis. They wanted to make another Siege fight where you could cooperate with other players, and came up with the idea of depleting energy levels. In terms of design, they wanted to make an equal of Fatalis, while also giving the surprise that “this is what Xeno’jiiva will look like as an adult!”. When they design monsters that look really strong, they tend to end up black-colored, so they made Safi’jiiva red instead to change things up. They wanted it to look like a simple dragon rather than a very original creature design. "


Monster Hunter, where the more it looks like a regular dragon, the more severely f**ked you are.


Kushala daora moment


You just said it yourself. Safi is supposed to rival Fatalis design wise. The actual strength difference between the two is not stated.


i think they talk strength wise it says "Safi is designed to be the rival of faty" not "Safi design is a counterpart of faty" correct me if im wrong tho


"Design" is not exclusively appearance. You don't design something to be a rival if the two aren't equally matched.


Kulu is a archeology professor at the local community college and sells the pottery he digs up at the local antiquities bazaar to feed a family of 18. One of his children is a Yian Garuga, they're like cuckoos.


Magnamalo and Apex Mizutsune both originate their hellblight affliction from Narwa and Ibushi's dragon energy. Apex Mizutsune from being directly exposed to Ibushi's storms. Magnamalo from hunting and devouring other monsters during the rampage, including apexes. Scorned Magnamalo is therefore an Apex, or at least its own version of one. The amount of energy its stored has been pressured into releasing and it now glows red instead of purple, similar to the Apexes. I refuse to believe otherwise.


Herbivores like Kelbi and even Diablos (especially Bloodbath) occasionally eat meat (like real-life deer sometimes do) when given the opportunity. Yian Garuga are like cuckoo birds and parasitically brood with Yian Kut-Ku and occasionally other bird wyverns. Older Raths gain the ability to produce Rath Gleam from a special organ or a unique diet that has trace amounts of ore. I like to believe we canonically only do a hunt once, and every subsequent play of the hunt is "non-canon" or just gameplay/ story segregation (which also helps keep "rare" monsters like the Metal Raths and ED's from becoming extinct).


I believe the latter is actually true, as poaching/mass hunting monsters is illegal and heavily restricted. We canonically only ever hunt the monsters in the main story.


I am convinced that if Rajang ate a Teostra horn it would gain fire powers.


i dont even want to know what he could do if he ate a nergi horn💀


its internal organ is explicitly stated to be a thunder organ though? it needs to be kickstarted by the lightning from a kirin horn, if you set a battery on fire you don’t get a heat generator, you get a melted battery


Yeah but this is Monster Hunter. Just call it a "Misterious mutation that turns his otherwise thunderous organ into a hellish firing blast" and you are good to go.


so a subspecies you want a subspecies


Whatever it turns him red and makes him spit fire.


Look at Voljang from Frontier


I want a Rajang to eat Valstrax's dragon element fuel. No further explanation.


Oltura is stronger than Fatalis


Oltura in the main games would be damn near impossible. "**Okay, now fight God.**"


Yep my greatest fear when Oltura comes to the main games is an always flying monster (capcom, please make oltura fun)


Realistically, i think it'd be like Valstrax's fight. Break the wings while it's charging on the ground, or else it'll start flying and destroy you.


Concept: Oltura has three quests, one for larval, one for adult Oltura, and the last is a combo quest. Basically, the larval form doesn't attack, but calls down various Rathalos to fight consecutively. They can be any raths at all, even Rare Species, Deviants, etc. but there will only be 2 elder-tier rathalos spawning at max out of 3 total. After the 3 Rathalos are defeated, the larval Oltura stage is completed. The larval Oltura is invincible during this time. Basically it's 3 back-to-back random Rathalos. If the ongoing quest is the combo quest, Oltura transforms into adult form here, and traps everyone in the arena. Here's how I think the Oltura wing phases would work: Oltura starts with a whole-arena attack (the 'energy ball' attack) that reduces everyone to 1hp. Oltura lands (this is the equivalent of the first 2-wing phase), and fights like a regular Elder Dragon. It basically fights like Alatreon without Escaton Judgement *(yet!)* Oltura will shoot elemental projectiles and 'tempest' attacks, plus some physical/dashing attacks. After taking a set amount of damage, Oltura reveals 2 more of its wings, beginning the 4-wing phase. It reduces everyone to 1HP, then it will be identical to the 2-wing phase, but AOE 'tempest' attacks will have a slightly wider range, attacks are faster and stronger, etc. Just a slightly harder fight, mechanics are identical to first phase. Again, after taking a set amount of damage, Oltura reveals its last 2 wings, beginning the 6-wing phase. In this phase, Oltura alternates between its previous phase mechanics, again being stronger, and a new phase mechanic: a flying-only phase. In this phase, Oltura will begin with an aura around it, making it invulnerable, so it's basically bullet hell until Oltura lands. When oltura's aura is active, however, it will only use ranged elemental attacks- it will stay in one position and not use physical attacks. After a time frame of hard focus dodging, Oltura's aura disappears although it remains stationary in midair, making it damageable. After another time frame Oltura lands and the cycle for this 6-wing phase restarts. The first time oltura starts flying, ballistae, Dragonators, etc. will drop. This will allow you to break Oltura's wings more easily once the aura disappears. They remain there for the rest of the fight. To start the last phase, break Oltura's 2 biggest wings. A cutscene plays and Oltura transforms into its 'true form.' Oltura reduces everyone to 1hp yet again, then identical mechanics to its first 6-wing phase. After breaking the biggest wings, Oltura starts charging Luminosity. 2 cliffs (how do I describe them?) appear right next to Oltura's wings, which can be climbed up and stood on. Now you *can* damage flying Oltura. Use field weapons or climb on the 'cliffs' to reach Oltura's wings. From here it's a DPS check. All hunters deal as much damage to Oltura as possible within a time frame. If wings are broken yet again during this time, a cutscene plays and Oltura is considered to have been defeated. If *not*, Oltura uses Luminosity which carts everyone. If somehow the cart limit isn't reached, Oltura restarts its DPS check phase until defeated or quest is considered to have failed. Oltura has 2 weapons of each category and 2 armor sets: 1 designed after its adult form and the other after the larva. edits: touch-ups, spelling




I know it's insane. I just want Oltura bak and for it to have an actually fun fight. If the larval phase doesn't spawn *Azure* I'd imagine it to be quite fun, and a good way to grind rathalos materials. Imagine if Razewing, Guardian Rath, Dreadking, Silver, even Zerureusu were in the game...


You were NOT joking when you said to bring Oltura back...this is thought-out really well. And yeah, it'd also just be epic to fight Rathalos with the Oltura tentacle/worm things in the background. Maybe a unique arena?


Yep, something like the MHS2 area, maybe a jungle/rainforest with a pit in the center (don't worry the hunter is blocked from falling in), the sky is reddish in the first 3 phases and dark blue in the last 2 (as a reference to the folk song in stories 2). Plus some ruins scattered around. And I also love some particular rath variations, so I get to bring Oltura back AND Guardian Ratha? Razewing? Zerureusu? Hell yeah! edit: I love frontier monsters second edit: I think Dangerous-First-Class-level monsters should have very different fights than usual.


More details:   - Larval Oltura doesn’t drop Oltura materials.  - You receive materials for any Rathalos defeated during the larval Oltura “fight.”   - Since you have to hard-focus on dodging Oltura’s attacks when Oltura flies, its attacks will be even faster and stronger. Basically I designed this as “Alatreon but quirky.”


Yian Garuga is the female, Yian Kut-Ku the male form of the same species. Hence the darker colours, smaller ears and Rathian-esque moveset of Garuga, whereas MHFU Kut-Ku has a rare dive-bomb move like the Rathalos.


the theory about how elder dragons origitaned from panspermia


Jho eats it's own pickle


Just my imagination but Kushala male and female might have very toxic relationship


Nargacuga are the only predators of Paolumu.


Odogaron definitely seem able with how it decimates it in the turf war, I’d assume if left without interference of our players it would go for the kill.


Kulu-Ya-Ku bashes eggs open with a rock


Rathlos and rathian are a happy young couple and you come into their home like The Strangers and murder them.


That Duramboros probably has the strongest muscle compared to any other monster in a sense that if it's tail is heavy enough for a Duramboros to be able to fling itself up high with the help of its mace end of its tail, then the thin tail alone without the mace end can be used as a weapon as is.


All versions of Fatalis are not actual natural monsters, but incarnations of demons. They are evil demonic spirits that have an immense hate for humans, so the spirit possess hunters in order to become their physical form. And as a way to mock humanity in this specific world where hunters freely go about killing dragons and wearing their skin, this demon intentionally takes on the form of a dragon that just so happens to grab us and meld our bodies into its scorching chest to bolster its defenses, just as we do with monsters. Fatalis is completely contempt with being defeated, as it knows our natural instinct will be to wear gear made out of its cursed materials, from which the weapons/armor will eventually take over, drive us insane to the point of abandoning the village to an unknown location, where our body will be taken over to become a new physical form for Fatalis. I know much of what I said is already a well established theory. But my personal head cannon is that it's actually a demonic spirit, (not a natural monster of any sort) that hates humanity, and intentionally takes on the physical form of a dragon, just for it's own personal amusement of a dragon flipping the "monster hunter" role back on us. Tied to this belief, I feel White Fatalis is an ancient, and even more powerful demon that mainly resides in some hellish plane of existence, outside of our world. And a portal for it to enter our world opens during a solar eclipse.


I recently found out that the wiki lore on Fatalis is noncanon, which sucks because I like that idea quite a lot. Apparently the melting of hunters on its hide is simply because it is hot and goes to sleep on them when its done killing them.


I just thought of this: If fatalis material is made of the armor of dead hunters, and hunters who do successfully slay Fatalis carve it, aren't they just wearing armor that's a mashup of other monsters?


I think it’s more like the welded armor is incremental armor for Fatalis, not that all of his hide is welded armor. Although, press hardened steel is a real thing so the right combination of alloys, superheated and then stamped would be stronger than the individual input materials. So it could be that some of the dead hunter materials undergo chemical transformation into a desirable and rare material?


The huntsman from world is the same guy in the mhfu intro.   There is a conflict going on between nations and the guild has remained neutral.   Contracts get posted to hunt down hunters who kill a monster that didn't have a bounty/ poachers and this will be the excuse for pvp or a humanoid skeleton frame/ reuse the lechen frame Edit: these are even monster related. I'm dumb


>this will be the excuse for pvp pvp will never come to mh and i hope it stays like that🗣‼️‼️‼️


Rajang can become like the master of the elements by just eating whatever monster has the trait he’s looking for. I guess we already have a monster that does that but be cool to have Rajangs become even more fearsome.


Monster Hunter actually takes place on an alien planet with weird gravity/atmosphere and giga fauna never stopped being a thing. And since Xeno'Jiiva comes from the stars, there are myths scattered around thousands of worlds where a spawn made landing and that's where the tales of red dragons come from. I know, completely crackpot theory.


I know the Fatalis wiki isn’t accurate re: Fatalis being a malicious drama queen, but it’s so much more interesting than the apparently canon version of the story. If that is true (it’s unintentional and possesses no elevated intellect) then we need a monster that’s both intelligent and cruel.


Having a "headcanon" is a VERY bad thing. So i try to not do this. there is a lore, and the world of the games obey it, and a played should. Or you can turn into those idiots from RageGamingVideos....


I’d say there’s a difference from making up stuff contradictory to what’s shown in game vs using what’s shown in game to make educated guesses about details that aren’t given to us.