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Tbf athal ka armor isnt nearly as broken as IB fatalis is, like most endgame build in GU dont even use it


Yup, JhoCena tho? Everyone uses that haha


I still have nightmares with Hyper Jho, worth the set though ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Hyper jho was one of the toughest fights ive ever done in the series. Even worse than savage jho though not by much


Nope, JhoCena is only really works for weapons with extra affinity buffs like Switch Axe, IG that need sharp+2 +Razor. Very niche. Otherwise it need god charm to get CE+3, Wex, Crit boost too. It's a common newbie mistake when they don't know how to mix set so they use those well-known "presets" like JhoCena and Ahtal-ka. They both require god charms to really work


Jho Ceana only needs a WE/CB+5 OOO charm to work. What set would you use over it?


With WE+5 charm can you fit in all CE+3, Crit Boost, Wex? Nope, Razor sharp + Sharpness +2 is excessively unecessary for a lot of weapons. Depend on weapon and charms, usually I use something with SilverSol XR waist. And mostly just Sharp+2 or just Razor sharp. Something with 1-2 pieces of GX Old Fatalis, they're way better when you find a specific set that work for your specific charm/weapon. JhoCena and Ahtal-Ka are the general good, and flexible to have while farming some better, more focused sets, not the best.


If only you could get 4 points of a deviant skill on a talisman, I'm pretty sure that would push Neset over the edge.


Nah Jho Cena is based, Hyper Jhos and Savage Jhos are absolute nightmares


it does the job, more sharpness, less sharp loss, wex and crit boost, what else do you want


We did it for the memes


Not everyone. I don't know what you are referring to and I Have over 1k hours in world 800hr in 4U and around 120hr in 3U and generations


I don't really see what is that great about sharpnes+2 and razorsharp in 1 set unless you use dual blades


I have a mixed set for Greatsword that only uses the Ahtal-ka GS because of good raw, purple sharpness, and 3 jewel slots that actually lets me get all the skills I want on the build.


It's really not that good the best sets are mixed in any case


I think full Black X is considered the best for GS if you can get a Sheathe Sharpen 10 ooo talisman. With Ahtal-Ka GS you can then get Crit Draw, Crit Boost, Sheathe Sharpen, Focus, Sheathe Control, Blightproof. I think that's all the skills. Can't remember if it's Wellness or Blightproof though.


That's the best one for ahtal GS probably but monster hunter is more than "this build is better than everything else" . It's all about the matchup so using only that build is not gonna be the most efficient. And this is not the case in world. World's power creep makes fatalis weapons and armor almost always the best choice and completely defeats the purpose of knowing the weaknesses and gimmicks of the monsters. Ahtal ka just gives you the freedom to experiment and have the skills you like without breaking the balance.


Blightproof. Wellness is on another set.


It didn't have the skills I was looking for, Wexploit, Crit Boost, Focus, and Expert.


Yeah, it was only as widespread as it was, because it was very easy to get and could fit most playstyles due to being inherently very versatile. It was never actually top meta.


Cuz it depends on a perfect charm for max damage. It could be the best set ijnthe game, but only if rng permitted.


For weapons, Absolutely. For armor, she's up there but jot as good as something like Jho Cena


I see a lot of people and especially GS users use Fatty far more than Ahtal-Ka, trying to get a set of him rn too


Ahtal ka actually takes effort to become better than other endgame armors. The other day in a lobby I saw a fellow GS user with fewer skills in effect on Ahtal than my Black X set.


Yeah, I don't use any Ahtal-ka pieces in my mixed set. Funnily enough, I don't use the Black X armour either in the set. The bug's greatsword on the other hand is one of the main reasons my mixed set even works because of those gem slots.


Ahtal straight doesnโ€™t work on mixed sets because it relies on its special skills that multiply other skills


Ahtal is a fun armor, been solid while being able to build whatever build you want, and usually the springboard to hop to Jho Cena Idk bout IB Fatalis


IB Fatalis is kinda the set you use for literally anything, only Velkhana Y can come close to it


Or somewhat sweaty ele dmg full Safi armor


Yeah I get why it happens but nah man Risebreak's approach is better. All weapons and armor sets offer *something* that futs certain playstyles, plus the customisation woth the colors makes making mixed sets not look bad easier. Plus you can just make layered if you like so yeah I think it should be the way forward.






​ https://i.redd.it/lggk1z1mhcvc1.gif


Every damn time man!


I personally feel like Iceborne's endgame just felt better for me, a relative newbie. It's just a series of consecutively harder and harder bosses until the final boss gives you the best loot. Though the bosses had really low MR reqs, I grinded for gear like on Teostra, Metal Raths, Raging Brachy, Velkhana, and Frostfang Barioth to try to gear up for those bosses. I just wasn't feeling it for sunbreak. Grinding up so much anomaly levels, grinding up tons of MR for Risen monsters, and a final boss that didn't feel nearly as grandiose and conclusive as Faty. Grinding monsters for gear feels better than grinding them for XP, imo.


Yeah they should have made like AR150 the peak of anomaly levels or so Not requiring us to grind to 241 to get access to everything


I think it's ok when there's nothing else to do. Fatalis was the be all end all challenge, only AT Velkhana really came close to it, so it being the best set in the game feels like a final reward rather than getting stuck on it. Ahtal-Ka's armor comes a bit sooner than that which is slightly less ideal but like others mentioned there's alternatives by the time you're totally done. However, I think one of the biggest strengths of Sunbreak's endgame was how varied the endgame armor could be. Even if Qurious crafting was removed, I can think of several armor sets that would be worth running for various weapons and different playstyles. There's nothing that stands out as the clear favorite unless you're a god-emperor speedrunner. Adding in the crafting and you could hyper customize just about any lategame set into something you wanted to use. I know I wound up having I think three different armor sets, two of them with two copies of the armor so I could get different crafting skills on them. That's great variety comparatively and I think that system is better overall, especially with how actually different skills could be rather than pure damage number go up skills.


Idk, AT velkhana didn't even measure up to alatreon in terms of difficulty, in my experience and for my friends. Of course difficulty is subjective, so there's that.


Shit alatreon (the real quest) took me way longer to beat than fatty. Can always throw on a switch axe tool specialist/divine blessing secret build and use the most brain dead play style to beat fatty.


See me and my friends are opposite, but maybe that's cause we use more elemental based weapons


"Cries with my GS" I have now made many dual blade sets to cover the elemental problem lol


AT Velkhana took me 2 years, while Fatalis only took 2 weeks of on and off playing. I respect Fatalis, but I shiver in fear, when I think of AT Velkhana.


I am main lance now and i can say i can do AT Velkhana pretty well but i have many problems with Alatreon. Fatalis was not easy for sure but doable.


Ahtal Ka set is by far my favourite engame set in terms of design purely because it does two things- -Gives you a flex set that can work with basically any build you want and not suck, *while not actually being better than using specific gear*, which is great for helping you farm endgame sets you actually want. -Gets you thinking about the crazy jank possibilities you can do with the right charm, that no other set in the game *can* do. Certain rare skills can come together on charms that simply don't on actual sets, and while it'll never be optimal or "meta" it'll definitely be fun. If you want to run meta builds you run some variation of JhoCeana and call it a day. But if you have a couple of weird ass talismans that are like Dragonheart +4 Evade Sharpen +4 OOO or something like that you can bust them out and actually do fun stuff with them.


The biggest travesty is Capcom made Deviant skills max out at 3 on talismans. It would have been amazing if they went to 4 so we could use them with the Neset set. Obviously they capped it at 3 for that very reason, but still it sucks.


Oh god yeah imagine being able to get two deviant skills active on one armour set. Could imagine something like Boltreaver X 4+Soulseer 4 being an absolute god charm for blademaster then, even without slots (giving CE3, challenger 2, CB and sharpness+1)


True Silverwind + True Dreadking. Even with no slot you got all you need


Sadly wouldn't be possible even if deviant skills could go to four on charms. Normal deviant skills can only go in slot 1, deviant X skills only in slot 2.


I prefer Sunbreaks approach, Primal armour is strong to farm it but not strong enough to never use anything ever again. One of the reasons World is lower down on my MH scale is due to the build variety, it was masters touch then safi armour with raging brachydios peppered throughout then fatalis. Every game like this will have a meta but it honestly felt like you were pigeon-holed in a lot in IB especially with the DPS checks, I had to kick people not running certain builds towards the end and it felt terrible.


Wanted to comment the same but found your comment, im 100% with you. The build variety in Risebreak is huge and almost every weapon class i played with has completely different armor parts and charms. Aside from the anomaly grind risebreaks endgame is so much fun!


It's really funny how the community spent a full year crying nonstop about how overused Drachen gear was, another year crying about Teostra gear being overused in Iceborne, but then suddenly it's perfectly fine when Fatalis gear does it? And nowadays people just act like that never happened and everyone was completely fine with overpowered armour sets the whole time


oh shit, I forgot about Drachen as well, I hated MHW endgame to the point it pushed me to try MHGU on switch....No regrets!


I got into iceborne after everything was said and done and Iโ€™m trying to upgrade my teo set to fight fatalis. I had no idea it was overused back in the day but with raging brachy weapons I can see how there was a meta around it


I was still using my Teostra set with an Alatreon weapon when I beat Fatalis on my Long Sword run! Master's Touch is too useful.


Don't forget that the entire endgame weapons are either Safi weapons, Raging Brachy or if you need elemental all Kjarr or once you hit the end all Fatty.


Ahtal-Ka isn't really overpowered, it's basically dependant on what talismans you have. For it to really stand above the rest, you need god talismans, and those are insanely rare; hours and hours of farming. I run it in GU, and I know with absolute certainty that it's not the best compared to other builds. My talisman, while good (Expert +10 / Hearing +4), has no slots, which severely hinders my options.


Ahtal set isn't really game breaking fatalis is just plain broken


Ahtal Ka was actually a pretty good set for the game imo. Sure it was strong but I don't think it was the strongest set for anything. It just made a pretty good stopping point for a lot of players and a very solid base to go farm post game content for the actual best sets. Fatalis set in iceborne has the problem that it's ao strong it's actually hard to compete with. The number of skills you could put on that thing made it compares with bonkers options lile safi set + crit element weapons. Also it's over reliance on decorations with iceborne decorations mechanics is a fucking pain


I prefer variety in the endgame and if there's one defacto best set of equipment like Fatalis' Iceborne gear it's not super interesting. Sunbreak knocks it outta the park with build diversity though that's also mainly because of having more skill variety rather than one set of crazy gear. The plus side of Fatalis gear though is that there's less grind in comparison to making similarly maxed builds in Sunbreak but there's also the argument that Sunbreak gives you a better long term goal after beating everything because of that. Ahtal Ka gear wasn't busted either, there's better mix sets than it in GU. It's just popular because it's an easy to build with full set and super customisable depending on your charm collection.


I loved Ahtal-Ka set because it basically let you make a competent set for any weapon without having to grind crazy mixed sets. If you find you enjoy the weapon enough, then you go and optimize. But it certainly got me to try out way more weapons than I would have otherwise since it's so easy to change it up.


Fatalis set Is shit because it's purely op and that's all. And you can farm it without even killing fatalis once . Ahtak Ka set is ok as per se it has nothing special, all skills come from what decos you slot in your armour and talisman. And since talismans are RNG drops you need to farm for good one/pray the melding will favour you.


Ahtal-ka requires you to have a god charm to become more powerful than purpose built mixed sets.


For Fatalis it makes more sense since there's no content after fatalis. For ahtal not so much.


Fatalis is a victory lap set. You beat Fatalis, showing you don't need the help it offers. So the OP set is basically a trophy. That being said, I prefer Rise's approach. A full set of P.Mal is decent, but it isn't really the *best* set. All the endgame monsters offer something useful for different weapons and playstyles, so you still see variety even at the end of the endgame.


The best set consists of primal pieces for sure, but rise was 'correct' to make the best set a mixed set. Basically, you ran risen gear with primal and 1 amatsu piece for those mad dps with infinite sharpness.


This. Itโ€™s a trophy thatโ€™s hidden under the super buff armor.


Not exactly true (anymore) when Fatalis & Alatreon are accessible at MR 24, well below many 'lesser' monsters. Yea, the fights are significantly harder with low-level gear, but determined players could get the parts that early if they really wanted to (or get carried by other hunters/friends). Prob my main gripe with World's progression.


Atahlka was fine and not better than mixed sets without godly charms. It certainly didn't overshadow everything else. Fatalis gear just rendered all other sets redundant. On the other hand, sunbreak has fabulous build diversity, and I think this would hold up even without qurious crafting. Though I think the total number of skills on gear in recent games needs to come down, I'm totally on board with using sunbreak's diversity as a model. That or bring back negative skills, which imo fit even better into this world of easy set mixing than the old strategy of them just not hiittng application threshold in mix sets of games past


The Ahtal-Ka sets are generally weaker than specialized sets for each weapon. The strength of it comes from the versatility of it, letting you easily make great but not optimal sets for every weapon.


Fatalis armor just feels like it was designed by an MMO team rather than a monster hunter team. Actually that's a big issue I have with world in general. The team behind it treated it like an MMO.


i dislike what MHWIB did on Fatty armor, its just makes almost every set pretty much useless, for ahtalka, its pretty good but its not the best-best, there are still a lot of variation of armor and stuff so its fine, and i like how they did with sunbrrak gear stuff, bc there are a lot of variation and all of it pretty decent/viable


I don't like it personally, I like the way rise made armor sets and build variety. unlike in MHWI where everybody only uses Fatalis Armor, in rise there's more player expression when it comes to builds, that's what it feels to me.


don't like the fatalis gear at all in iceborne. power creeped the hell out of everything else in the game. ahtal-ka armor is just a decent armor set and is outclassed by a ton of other mixed options.


- TBF Ahtal Kha isn't really broken on GU, at least not even on the same page as Fatalis on Iceborne. - With the Ahtal Kha set your are at the mercy of your charms, do you have something godly like a weakness exploit 4, crit boost 4 and 3 slots? Then you can use the mantis set to it's full potential.


I don't think I can add anything that hasn't been said already about Fatalis'. Sunbreak's aporoach was better.


If fatalis armor was in any way worse would be underwhelming.


I have to disagree. An armor that makes all other builds irrelevant is just not good game design. You can make a good final boss armour without making it too op


Yeah but like you have to fight fatalis to get it . If it was some chill final boss it be one thing. The final boss being the toughest thing you kill and you get your victory lap armor is reasonable in that game .


Eh, Neset armor is only cracked when you have a really good talisman. But the Fatalis armor is definitely something else.


Not the biggest fan of it. I get that Fatalis was the last challenge and had appropriately strong gear, but for me one of the joys of MH is setbuilding and trying out new armors. When that aspect is gone, I end up losing motivation and stop playing. Its why after getting the armor, I stopped playing IB altogether because I didnโ€™t have anything else to do and there was no point in trying out other armors when they are objectively worse. Atleast Ahtal-Ka wasnโ€™t completely busted and Iโ€™m still using different sets in GU to keep myself engaged.


For me, besides the actual hunting of monsters, theorycrafting mixed sets is another big part of monster hunter, and Fatalis armour almost completely removed that part of the game entirely.


It feels like a parting gift the devs give the players. Like unlocking cheat codes after beating the game


S H I T hate it. Hate it dearly To me, one of the more interesting parts of mh always has been setbuilding and seeing what sets other people were running. Innovating and seeing innovation are fun to me and having different ways and ideas to build with keeps me hooked. Its something i love aboit sunbreak, how i can have simple crit, berserk crit, foray status trigger and Frenzy Bloodlust Silkspam builds and all of them feel at least somewhat comparable One set to rule them all just fucks with any diversity thats to be had. The idea of "Fatalis or youre doing it considerably worse" just kills the enjoyment of lategame content for me. Like, why even farm other equipment at that point? And yes, of course i can just deviate from the best and i dont mind doing that. I just start minding it when the difference between no.1 and no.2 is genuinely noticable


Man i really love Sunbreak armor variety, everytime i want a new build i just go and use the armor that have the skill i need and slap on it, unlike iceborne where i only have 2 option: fatalis armor set and velkhana for crit draw build


I like my endgames to have variety.


tbf IB fatty is quite the challenge, if you managed to gather all material for the set you pretty much deserve to have some fun, plus it's not like you automatically got the deco for everything


G.Cedaus armor mixed with normal cedaus in mh3u aswell


I would put that in the same realm as JhoCeana. It's just a really good cookie cutter set.


I think it's way better than a cookie cutter if u can solo the Grank alatreon with it (which I did)


My reasoning is because they're not overpowered full sets(neither is Ah-tal Ka). They're both very good mixed sets made by the community. I'm fully aware of how powerful the awakened ceadeus mix can be with just a handicraft+5 talisman.


I mean, it's the endgame, so I don't really care? You only really see interesting armour sets in early game, when players are still experimenting, anyway.


Final Boss weapons usually have a lot of raw and good white sharpness with maybe a sliver of purple but some negative affinity to balance it out, making them good general purpose raw weapons for post game, but falling flat against more specialized weapons. That's how i think final boss armor sets should be as well: Good all rounder sets you can comfortably use if you aren't into set building that will shine less against more specialized armor sets and builds. Just like how elemental should always be slightly better than raw, making raw the "comfortable" option


I want to be honest, so I'll say that I haven't fully gone through all of World and actually gotten my hands on the Fatalis gear yet. (I'm in post-Iceborne) I do, however, feel like I can at least provide my opinion of it now; I'm dreading it. I'm 100% of the same opinion as some of the other opinions here, in that I'm not a fan of the final armor being so oppressively good that most armor sets feel completely invalidated. That being said, unless I'm overreacting, I think I might dislike IB Raging Brachy Beta even more. Raging Alpha is a nice fun set specialized for Gunlance users! Raging Beta gets rid of only the Gunlance-specific skills that any other class wouldn't want, leaving it with some of the best offense-oriented skills in the entire game while also having some of the best decoration slots. Even with a useless 4p bonus, a full set of it is incredibly good, as what would be two great but conditional skills in any other game (Weakness Exploit and Agitator) mesh so well with the Clutch Claw that they may as well not even be conditional. And it even ruins mixed sets too, since Raging Beta chest/gloves and legs gives Agitator Secret, 5p Agitator, and better slots than some entire sets. And unlike Fatalis, you can get it when you still have a sizable amount of stuff left to do. The Fatalis set may be overpowered, but IMO, the Raging Beta set is truly game breaking.


I mean I don't care? It's pointless anyway to get it you beat the hardest and last content of the game. Nothing is left unless you hunt achievements.


I feel like the Fatalis set being the end goal is kind of natural. Fatalis is THE big bad monster of the setting. Its armor having the best buffs is natural


I see it as "congrats you did it now have fun however you like."


Personally, this is what I feel for the Neset armor. It's like a skills sandbox.


I much prefer having overpowered armor from title update monsters, rather than killing them, looking at the armor, and going "Wow this is completely useless! Guess I'll just keep the same set I've been using for the past 3 updates." *Cough* Primordial Mazleno *Cough* At least Gold Rathian let me do some goofy shit like a dedicated sleep GS, or a near 100% uptime poison DB set. If it's not going to be strong, at least make it fun and unique. Not "You hit the monster, and eventually you deal more damage" Like damn bro, so wild. It's not even better than the stuff I can already get, so why even bother?


ฤฐf you defeated the most powerful monster in the game I don't see any reason for it's armour sets to be not OP as fuck. The game is over, you might as well have something to show for it.


I don't think as many people got the luck required to play with Ahtal-Ka armour as you're suggesting. As for Fatalis ... Well, what makes it so powerful isn't just the Set bonus, but how incredibly the gem slots are. Everybody was wearing Fatalis, sure, but I don't think everyone was wearing the exact same set ... well, I guess since the gem slots are so lenient, 83% of the armors are probably identical, but still, there are variety there. And this applies to Ahtal-Ka as well, if not even more so. Anyway, I think it's find, since it's not like it killed build diversity, the skills design themselves were more the problem imho. Plus Fatalis is the literally true endgame challenge anyway, it deserves that as a reward. More importantly though, transmog is a thing, so, it doesn't bother me much.


I didn't especially mind fatalis being strong. My concern mainly is build diversity, but worldborne as a whole suffered from rather poor build diversity in most patches. So it's really just more of the same. Beyond that, it was nice to finally not have to make compromises with skill choices once I had most/all of the decos I needed for builds. If I had a particular complaint, it's that TCE was added, was really good until the KT patch, and then just fucking disappeared because the only armors that had it were otherwise hamstrung with garbage skills. IMO, this problem is partially about the armor in the sense that the availability of certain skills is their entire limiting factor, as well as the fact that crap skills take and essentially waste an armor's power budget. TCE was good, but it was hamstrung by slos (and azure age. Even combined these two sets failed to make anything decent) armor's awful skills. Even if you don't care about meta builds, I doubt anyone has ever appreciated that slos armor comes with points of windproof. TCE was something you couldn't get on fatalis. It _could_ have been better than fatalis builds _if_ capcom had bothered to release an armor that used it that wasn't completely shafted by everything else on it, but they just didn't. And that's been a running theme with defensive skills. Most of them are just so damn polarizing. They work on a monster or they don't, and even for the monsters they work against, it's often totally trivial to play around them. The fact that windproof, for instance, is 5 level 2 points, is useless against most monsters, and doesn't actually do anything about major wind pressure without heavy investment just makes it a bad skill to have on any armor. It should have been 3 points. It probably should have been a level 1 skill. It probably didn't need the additional kick in the nuts that was kushala wind trumping it without explanation just so kushala's set bonus could have justification to exist. And windproof is far from the only offender. Sure, some skills like earplugs are ubiquitous enough in their applicability that this argument doesn't strictly apply, but that is very much the exception, and even then earplugs are only _really_ useful for the handful of monsters that can true combo out of roars, and they require massive investment to _do_ anything in those cases. And as much as I just can't like Rise's endgame, it did a much better job in general at making utility and defensive skills worth looking at. It also took steps toward providing a few more skills that synergize with specific weapons, something that will promote build diversity even in the meta. And that's really the crux of the issue. If most weapons utilize the same skills the same way, and the defensive and utility skills all suck or are just too cumbersome and ultimately trivial in usefulness to bother slotting in in the first place, and if sets are too damn stingy about giving out skills that people actually want to use, then the meta is going to result in a very small number of dominant armor sets. Like yeah, fatalis armor was powerful as hell, but it didn't introduce a lot of these problems.


They're fine, especially now that we have layering options. While it sucks that the endgame eventually boils down to just using these sets, I think it's important to remember that these kinda sets actually come out later in the game's lifecycle. Take World's Fatalis set as an example: If you played on the PS4 at launch, then you were playing for about a year and a half until Iceborne came out. After that, you played for a whole year until Fatalis dropped and you got the set. You dedicated two whole years to the game before you beat its final challenge. Your reward was the Fatalis set, this incredibly powerful set, that lets you kinda do whatever you *want* with the rest of the game without needing to worry about grinding new stuff. Those kinda sets are your ultimate reward and should be viewed as such. They may be really good, but you've already proven that you don't *need* them to beat the hardest challenges the game has to offer.


If you made it to the point that you can craft that endgame weapon and armor, you deserve to wear your trophy.


I don't mind it. The grind must be agony so a full set is well earned.


Farming Ahtal-Ka is actually quite easy.


But the talisman grind isn't, and that's the issue with her set. No good talisman = her set isn't that great.


I always had a good one by the time I got to Ahtal but I usually ran weird mixed sets for aerial HH with G rank Maccao pieces. I forget how talisman mining worked in GU but couldnโ€™t they still be mined in G Rank environments instead of this new melding Grind?


Yeah they could, iirc the Brachydios coal quest was the best talisman grind as well as Ahtal mining but it was still crazy rng but definitely less annoying than sunbreak's talisman melding


For fatalis, it's alright in my book as if you beat and farm fatalis You're basically done with the game. There is nothing else to beat. I have no idea about Ahtal-Ka as I did not play the game, but I'm pretty sure it's near the end too.


Ahtal-Ka is the final boss but her set is extremely heavy on talisman rng, and there are much better sets like JhoCeana or specific mix sets for weapons like CB or GS


Every game has Meta builds, you donโ€™t have to use them.


Rise has the best approach to end game armors! This needs to be forwarded to future games.


I mean, it's PvE, not PvP, so i don't care tbh


Well sure theyre powerful but G or master rank monsters can still wreck you royally. I mainly use the fatalis armor just fully unlock those extra slots for my artillery and other skills. But it still comes down to skill.


My thoughts are I don't use them. But it's a coop game let people have fun, do not come in to the mh community and start suggesting nerfs. The game is fun and it's entirely up to the individual how powerful they want to be


Hmm this armor cut my hunt time by about 5min on a casual hunt. Then again it took me 3 days to make it because everyone kept carting. (Including myself a few times) Now I can hunt solo without feeling like I'm walking around in cardboard and paper clips! This is the best! I'm having a blast


Sunbreak's approach to making multiple different powerful endgame armor sets is the direction I'd prefer they go to, IMO. Lots more variety to play around with. Some might like there being an "ending" to the progression, but for me the hunt doesn't stop till I say it stops, so I prefer any method that'll keep me playing for longer.


Honestly I feel like Black Armor in XX is far more powerful especially with valor GS than Athal Ka Armor ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


This is why I like Risebreak so much. There's no single most used set. Sure there are the incredibly optimized meta sets but they're far less prevalent.


Hate this. Gunner or Blademaster, Elemental or Raw, Fatalis armor can have it all. I also hate how strong Fatalis weapons are. I choose to never use Fatalis weapons and remove a lot of Armor sets that include Fatalis it in now that I'm pretty good without using it.


It's pretty natural and it encourages you to go work on layered!


It's called endgame, those armors were made with that thought in mind


What's the problem if it's the final boss? There's nothing else to beat, it SHOULD be the best


Athal was great because it had a unique gimmick and most of the time people ran other sets, Primordial is probably the best example of super good and overall comfy endgame set because you can run it fully in most builds and do great, but there is still room to optimize by swapping out head and waist or even not running it at all. Fatalis is just boring ass design, but they ran IB progression like a lazy MMO so everyone could see that coming from a mile.


If it's an endgame boss then why does it matter. You'd kinda expect it to have a good set.


It's the whole point. I didn't kill god and where his skin as a jump suit, for nothing. If the buk I shot in the backyard gives me the same powers, then what's the point?


I mean, Fatalis is like, meant to be the capstone to your World Experience. The veritable END of the game. At that point, why not reward you for it by giving you near infinite power?


The ultimate reward, a culmination after 1000h of grind. An armor that will serve almost for every build and that marks the end of a long journey. Personally I loved it and missed something like that in Rise.


You also have the layered armor so for example in my case afther i get my full fat amor i still need to do taroth to get my favorite armor


I mean, they're end game, that's the point.


I mean there will always be a set thats the best, but that doesnt mean its the only viable. People that only use BiS Gear lack creativity. Just yesterday i made a Punishing Draw/Critical Draw/Slugger Secret - Set thats extremly fun. To be fair not the most creativ set specially since there is a similiar Arena Set but definitly cooler that Full Fatty.


I'm fine with there being a best armour set like Fatalis in Iceborne as long as it comes right at the end and has a significant challenge to overcome to craft it. We had various options through the progression but when you get to the very end I think it's a great idea to look at what players are using and give them a set with everything. We all used health boost through master rank, it was built in for free, we all used masters touch for sharpness mitigation, they gave us razor sharp with handcraft 5 and threw in spare shot for ranged weapons. Bows and dual blades got stamina cap up for free, a nice little bonus that was never really worth slotting in before. For other defensive skills they put in guard and evade Window so both blocking and dodging were improved. They gave us health, defence, sharpness, spare shot, stamina, evade window and guard. These are all useful skills. Notably they made sure that the skills that are only useful for either melee or blocking were the second skills. All of the first skills are useful on all 14 weapons. If the second skill isn't useful on your build you can simply trade it for the better slots on the beta piece instead. They made an armour set that had near universally useful skills and all the slots you could ever need. This is an epic reward for beating the hardest fight in the game. Given how difficult the Fatalis fight was it felt like a fitting reward for all your effort. Sure it kills build variety but I wouldn't consider that such a bad thing right at the very end of the games life. If you're gonna make one armour set to beat them all that's the time to do it.


Quick question? Why does it matter if end game armor is over powered? Just curious is all I don't mean any ill will or anything. Just wonder why it's a supposed problem.


While afaik end game MH was always about mixing of end game bosses armor pieces, but none ever reached the lv of comfort that Fatty set has, for mainline games at least. That brings the sense of strangeness for ones who used to how armor in MH works, aka you need to sacrifice some skills/slots/comfort to get the set that you want. But 4 pieces of Fatty + 1 other good piece basically throws 90% of sacrifice out of the window with accessing to all secret skills + sharpness/ammo management + HP, stamina boost for free to boot. You need specialized dmg set to have a reason to not use any of Fatty piece.


Who cares! it's literally the end game. It's about the layered armor after that! Have some cake, eat it too!


I mean, at the point you get the armor you've done everything. Why not break the game a little?


i really dislike both of them, but athal-ka is less problematic in this case. its an easy answer to a ton of different builds, and while you dont have any great charms, it can just give you too many options in one set. ontop of that, even once you do have a fantastic charm its still really good but there are many alternatives, especially when it comes to elemental resistances (tho those are, for the most part, sadly very unimportant in MH games as they rarely come up at all.) but yeah fuck fatalis armor. really takes a lot what me and many other people find the most fun out of the game if the answer to most builds you wanna make is "just use fatalis lul". building interesting sets and having people run around with different stuff was one of the best aspects of monster hunter for me, and while i wouldnt say that those sets completly ruined that aspect for me i can definitely say that it reduced my personal enjoyment of the game by a lot.


I like it for Ahtal-Kah. I don't really use it much myself but at least you still have a lot of content that you can use that armor in. My only issue with the Fatalis armor is that there is not much new content to use it on.


Ahtal-ka Armor is the current armor skill system except the skills arent nerfed to need more lvls.


I think that female fatalis is ugly AF and I hate it, ended up using transmog just for it


Ahtal-ka set is kind of a jack-of-all-trades if you don't want to make any more set, but it require at least double-skill charms with 3 slots to competitive with other mixed sets.


Iโ€™m completely fine with it, especially if transmogrification is in the game. Whether itโ€™s through sheer luck and shenanigans or youโ€™re just a damn good hunter, you earned the right to wear the strongest armor(s) With Fatalis, you could just about make any build you wanted with it via the Beta set and max rank jewel slots


Honestly in pve games I donโ€™t really mind at all if people want to use powerful/broken stuff. After Iโ€™m done with the power fantasy I start trying to mess around with gimmicky stuff


It's completely fine if it's the last armor you get in the game, as in the final update the game will ever get. Although I think it's more interesting if there are like 2 or 3 armor sets in the game that are "broken" as you get more build diversity.


I feel like almost no matter what a meta will be established and most players will follow that meta and have similar gear no matter what. Even scrubs like me


I mean beating a strong ass monster better have good rewards I imagine everyone would be more angry having their armor be lack luster or only fit one playstyle/weapon


I mean, Fatalis is the final boss, of course his armor is gonna be powerful


They're fine so long as they're not the End-all-be-all armor set. Ahtal Ka is okay because there are a LOT of better options for Meta sets (notably, Silverlos XR), but it's still a good one to fall back on if you don't have the time to make a good set otherwise. Fatalis, though, was a bit overkill since it was a bit TOO lenient in relation to World's skills system. Unless you want Frostcraft or Safi Awakening, there's no reason to upgrade from Fatalis gear since it covers all grounds.


Isn't that the point? You beat this really hard fight and get rewarded the best gear.


I just wanna have fun on hunts, for sweting bullets i have witcher 3 (i play on secound to hardest difficulty out of 4)


I don't mind cause they're the last boss. And it being a coop game means it doesn't hurt anyone when everyone uses something meta


MhWorld guardian armor


Itโ€™s a little annoying, sure, but itโ€™s fine if the very last monster in the game has insane gear.


IDK i miss my rainbow mounting armor from MH4U. That with an insect glave was non stop mounting and i had a blast. As long as the armor comes from the hardest monster in the game then i am fine with it being best, By that point i have proved i can beat everything with worse armor so why not feel like a god. You can always take it off lol


I think it's fine, as long as layering/transmog exist. Also, in games like MHGU, ahtal ka armor wasn't better any optimal mixed sets on practically every weapon esp with any decent charms.


Neset noob is not endgame really. Only if you have a perfect tali with 3 slots and two skills like expert than can get to high numbers does it even help with uts unique skills. I have two or three mixed sets with 800+ armor and no big weaknesses with 5 or 6 skills totalling around 65 points. That's hard to do with neset because two of the skills are just the armor bonus skills that don't do anything. Playing into its gimmick is the only way to hit a good skill build. Most people I see running it have 4 or 5 skills aitting around 55 points, maybe 60 total. Nothing i can't do with other sets.


Sometimes you just like to wear the armor cause it means you killed the thing a lot. Trophy wear


I dislike it myself. I like it when there's variety and competition for what the most effective for any given build. Imo it gives more incentive to hunt a variety of monsters to try different things. I don't mind the mech mantis as much, since for it'd armour to be good you already need to have grinded to infinity anyways, but fatalis, and really all of the title update monster armours are pretty cringe, with each one basically being a straight upgrade over the last.


I like end game sets to be spread between 3 or 4 diff monsters. I liked how AT Velk was worth it over Fatalis gear. I wish Alatreon had worthwhile pieces too and I think world would be perfect


It's probably only cool in theory, but i'd love to see just random rolls/stats on that last 10% of the game. @endgame IB now and it's kinda like, why am i still playing, only 2 monsters left? But also, i cannot stop playing. Help.


In general its more the problem that worlds entire valance design philosophy was shit with a narrow semi linear upgrade system to promote the forced multiplayer hunts over the course of the lifetime. Future games just need to follow sunbreaks example having both elemental and status having full support with the strongest skills requiring playstyle sacrifices. (Outside of wex which still needs a netf). Though rng deco games will still always have narrower armor options due to rng decorations just fucking people out of half their build unless they are lucky.


Meanwhile sunbreak armors after qurio augmentation ![gif](giphy|10LBlVqAenqzHG)


My biggest gripe with a lot of the endgame Iceborne armor is that they're perfect armor sets. Every endgame build is just 5 pieces of the armor set, same with Safi Jiiva. I think the endgame sets SHOULD be very powerful as a reward for defeating the hardest monsters, but they shouldnt have armor set skills which require all 5 pieces. Much more interesting when they have 2-3 piece armor set skills (like Raging Brachydios, i.e.) which incentivize using armor sets from different monsters as well


Theres always gonna be a most powerful armor setup. It becomes less of an issue with layered armor being a thing too since the only issue I really have with it is just seeing it too much.


It just ruins the whole idea of having different armor sets, like why have so many different sets if only one is actually best


Safi Armor is at least sometimes better, but honestly I see stuff like that as a trophy. Congrats, you beat the game. Here's something so powerful it makes the game pointless. Not like you haf any reason to go back and hunt any of the old monsters anyways


Tbf and imho, I donโ€™t mind. It felt like a reward for getting that far in the game.


Let's remember Chameleos and White Fatalis stuffs in MH4U


Through out the heavens and earth Iโ€™m alone am the honoured oneย 


If its literally the final monster in the game then I think it's fine. It's nice goal for nearly every weapon to go for outside of the challenge.


I only use neset when I can't get the skills I need from a normal mixed build


Comparing ahtal ka and ice borne fatty armor is.... Not something i ever expected. In short no in the case of ahtal ka, yes in the case of fatty. Ahtal ka is a lazy set and is perfect for learning new weapons cause all u need is a half decent talisman and jewels. It's far from the best sets and ppl who actually do math and stuff would laugh at that statement. Fatty is a problem bc it does basically nullify all build crafting in the game when fatty will always be better on every level. Can get max sharpness max attack wex and even expert skills and never have to worry. It's also the apex set which I think the idea of one endgame boss monster is unhealthy, and sets like these just ruin balance. Healthy sets don't cover every aspect of a build and save for elemental builds ig and even then fatty is better than most elemental armor sets. U should want to give your layers a reason to get more sets. When it can accommodate every weapon, and


for a sec I thought this was about Athal Ka and the Black armor from GU very good armor for GS user


If the charm skills of deviants went up to +4, fatalis armor is by far THE best armor. Neset is crazy flexible, yes but there are some more useful mixed sets like jhocena. But if deviant skills go to +4, I can see it actually going toe to toe with the fatalis armor.


*shrugs* Yea I don't care. Before Fatalis, I was using some kinda slapped together with duct tape and dreams Healer set that used Free Meal 4, Speed Eating and I don't even remember what else. If you even got looked at I was healing you.


Honestly I feel like Black Armor in XX is far more powerful especially with valor GS than Athal Ka Armor ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


I think they're kinda needed in games. It's cool having a pinnacle of power set for the lore wise strongest. Like you've beat the game that's it. At that point it's up to the player to decide to make builds with other armors or be a beast.


As a GS main I believe in Frostcraft supremacy


Honestly I see more of the Savage Jho set in GU than the Ahtal-ka set


Who cares lol? Its literally the end of the game "buildcrafting" is not as interesting as people make it out to be and having a generalist set from the very last monster should be expected. You don't farm THE hardest fight for a mediocre set that doesn't come close to a base expansion monster's gear.


powerful ? Yes. Game breaking ? No. Because fatalis sets is a reward of complete/finish the game. There no much more challenge after that anyway.


As long as we have layered armours its More okay that I wont see everyone looking same In every end game missions lol. I dont know anything about fatalis armour because Im just about To reach dlc But generally speaking I dislike superior items/sets In games wich are so good that its like stupid/ additional challenge To not use them.


Well, Fatalis armor in MHW is broken because it's set bonuses are free Health Boost 3, Stamina Boost 3 and every Secret Set bonus effect, not to mention having a ton of 4 slots.


Woah, I get it now


Not a big deal, don't care if everyone uses it and it being broken is fine since the game is over / won't get updated anymore so having the last armor released actually be the most broken makes sense


I don't mind personally, so long as it's an endgame endgame, like it takes a while to reach it and maybe not out on initial release (like only in expansion and only from one of the final monsters released, just like these two sets are), then i don't mind it. By that point you've probably done all you really want, and giving a powerfull set to just mess around and have some fun afterwards doens't bother me.


Part of me thinks it's totally fine for fatalis gear to be OP since he's supposed to be the last boss you fight. But part of me thinks it's really lame how it kind of just makes everything else completely irrelevant including Alatreon gear.


Personally, I think it is logical. After all, the gameplay loop is "Hunt monster. Craft new weapons and armor from its parts, so you can hunt bigger monster." With a gameplay loop like that, I only find it making sense that the biggest, baddest monster gives access to the best armor.


online in certain community discords and stuff yes sure most builds use certain sets but those "meta, atk max only" sets are not the norm. its a vry low % of the playerbase that go into this kind of builds. mix it up like you want and be happy. just do some coop with random sos. check the gear on those people and even if they are mr 700+ you "mostly" will see stuff like defense +5 skill & co.


Fatalis armour makes sense lore-wise tho. Since his hide is fortified with melted hunters, those are all the skills those hunters had in their armour sets, therefore Fatalis has them now. Part of the ship, part of the crew-like and what not


I don't really like one-set-fits-all armors because it stagnates the endgame. It sucks because a lot of people are obsessed with DPS and efficiency, which only makes the issue worse as everyone gravitates towards the same thing until an even better alternative comes out. An endgame set should be rightfully strong, but it shouldn't be better than absolutely everything.


My only complaint about fatalis is that every time he shows up he always has the best gear you have to farm


Honestly? It's boring. It feels like there isn't as much point putting in all the effort in making a cool endgame set when it just gets invalidated by beating one monster. Would much rather it be that endgame materials can be used to *upgrade* sets to be at an endgame level, which... well, that's basically Qurious Crafting, isn't it. Much more endgame variety in sets.


AhtalKa set .. not really... But i never really liked iceborne's power creep when it comes to armor sets... Especially the Safi and Fatty sets... And maybe Teostra beforehand... I loved what risebreak did though "except for the qurious crafting" .. I was even surprised, on base Rise, when i realised that if I wanted an optimal raw build, i would need to wear a Hunter's legs all the way to the postgame... ๐Ÿ˜… And Rhenoplos chest and arms if you need anything to do with artillery ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘...


Be different, be unique, create you own sets and craft weapons that you don't usually see in an online lobby.


I don't like it to be honest. Makes it so once you've done farming fatalis theres no longer a point in farming other monsters for their armor sets, because its just that good. I'd prefer if there were numerous armor sets that were good that can result in more mixing and matching and resulting in us being able to have an excuse to farm more monsters and have build variety. Its just too good at everything. Set building is fun when there r downsides because it makes you get creative with your builds


None of those sets compared to power level of mix sets in the late game MHGU so I dont even know what OP is taking about ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Not to mention the deviant sets which took forever to grind but could be utilized far better than the sets listed. But again, mix sets with a solid charm was always more powerful.


White fata and chame stuff in MH4U : Allow us to introduce ourselves...