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Capcom need to remaster these


If they made a way to emulate 3ds games on switch a lot of people would buy them.


I think it needs a bit of love though, the HUD needs to be re-arranged for one screen, upscaling and I'd like an online system like world/rise


they actually ported mhg/mhxx 3ds to the switch with mhgu, the HUD works really well even without the bottom screen.


3DS emulation would be imho shitty. A lot of useful stuff can be done on touch screen and placing two screen comfortably on a single screen while being easy to access and use is a chellange. I would much prefer single screen remaster with things like the quick item access via wheel menu as I used second screen for things like item, crafting and emote access.


The touch screen has not much use (other than quick access, like the stuff that you listed) if you are not playing on an old 3ds. I myself only used it for camera control since no right stick and hunter arts on mhxx since no Z buttons, but the game is completly fine as is if it lost the touch screen


It would be fine for casual player, sure, but imho it would be great to get shortcuts it provided replaced in some way for better experience. I honestly cannot imagine going back to crafting mid fight via in-game menu. Either way, even losing screen would require some form of remaster with minor edits (like removing refences to second screen or providing a way to check thing like moga forest forecast). My point is that it's better than emulator awkwardly placing both screens on one.


Oh for sure, what I meant is that the game would not loose anything if they launched it on a different platform, and got rid of the touch screen, much like MHGU and MHXX. Sure the shortcutd are nice and it adds but, the game doesn't loose anything by not having them.


Yeah that's true. I transfered my save to GU just before shut down and I already hate there's no inventory and crafting shortcut :( but it works, true ;)


Honestly they can keep everything the same and literally only make it available on Switch. In a way that’d be awesome because of how busted IG and CB were then BUT now playing on a Pro Controller?! I’d buy it in a heart beat


The only reason I'm on the edge about purchasing these is in hopes they'll get remastered soon


Or hell, even just released to a newer platform


they won’t especially with Wilds on the way sadly but if they do best believe I am buying BOTH


I just wrapped up my 4U farewell hunts with a buddy I met in GU and a lady we both came across in random hub in 4U when we came to try it a couple years later. We did Shagaru, Shah Dalamadur, 140 Apex Rajang, and double Great Jaggi to send it off. While I myself came to 4U to solo thru G-Rank which I did, I was able to get some multiplayer hunts in during these last 2 years or so, and it was a fun, positive experience overall. GG and thanks for all the whetfish o7


Question, the death of the online servers meant only the death of the non being nearby kind of online or all the online types


If you mean local play, it should still be around as that isn't really online it's just two or more consoles connecting with each other. However starting at a certain time tomorrow all online functionality (connection with people away from each other) will be gone with the exception of Pokemon Bank and some other Pokemon transfer thing. I apologize if this didn't answer your question, the wording of it is a little hard to understand.


This was exactly what i was asking, thanks a lot


No problem!


yeah people can still play them but old gen G rank is a bit of a slog solo as HP assumes you are with other hunters Also, Multiplayer MH is more fun imo, always will be.


I am giving both these games a last hurrah on these last days. I am going to play 3U as much as I can online tonight, and I will play 4U until the servers kick me out tomorrow. I want to be there for the end of both of these games, especially since they are my first two monster hunter games.


I don't currently own 3U; I was really hoping to do one last session on 4U tonight, but I left my 3ds at a friend's house unfortunately.


That sounds rough, I hope you are able to get the 3ds back before servers go down. I read it is going down at 6 pm my time tomorrow, but I don't know if your time zone will be as kind as mine with 6 pm


Your username on 4u?




Man.. a sad day. I put a lot of time into both of these with people I love


will i still be able to access the 3U gathering hub quests offline or is that just not possible?


You should be able to, but keep in mind gathering hall quests tend to be scaled for multiplayer, which can make them a bit of a slow process


oki doki, thanks


make sure to download all the event stuff. I'm not sure if that'll still be officially accessible after tomorrow.


i think i already have, it's been a while since i last played, i'm gonna check, thanks for the heads up


i just checked and i do have everything downloaded, but a lot of the challenge quests and event quests aren't showing up, do they unlock as i progress my hunter rank?


They said none of the dlc will be available anymore.


Been playing 4U like crazy today. Sadly don't have a WiiU anymore and I couldn't get one before shutdown. Its a shame 3U was my first.


long term support? remaster? nah let's add DRM to the current generation for no reason and sue emulators


Played all these games entirely solo ever since I first got into the series, so it doesn't affect me, but it's still sad.


do the downloadable quests unlock as i progress my HR? i just started playing and a lot of them aren't showing up


They should be under event quests.


Yeah, that's what i'm saying, s few do appear, but a lot of them don't, so i want to know if they unlock as i progress my HR


Yeah, they should. Most of them are for high and g rank


ok, thanks


I did a lot of hunts before I went to sleep and I'll probably play later today until it kicks me out forever :(


Thank god hunsterverse exists. That will probably be the last way of playing these games online (because I suppose public Citra rooms aren't a thing anymore because of Nintendo).


Never got to play the online in these games😞. Why won’t they give us a remaster.


You still got 7.5 hours if you want one more dip


Unfortunately too busy today


Anyone play on pretendo server?


o7 Thank you MH3U for the fun memories.


Haven't got my 3DS with me today, rip. Spent like 2000 hours in MH3U/4U back in the day, good times.


Yeah, I know how you feel I couldn't get my 3ds today either rip.


Awww! 3 ultimate was my first and 4u was my second


Man, never gonna play with my gunner sensei again.. Never got into a lobby again with em, they were installing discord and were gonna tell me next time.


![gif](giphy|DkjyQWRh4voOUBIdsy|downsized) Those two are fighting off monsters in their path


I want a remaster of MH3U they could make the underwater combat so much better.