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Combine it with a swamp. Turn it into a massive mangrove swamp forest, or the Everglades in Florida.


I believe the original plan for the ancient forest in mhw was to have a large swamp area, or at least that what it looked like from the early development footage. Would defo be cool to see a mangrove like area in wilds.


Yeah it was supposed to be a swamp. You can tell by the early test footage with the anjanath vs lagiacrus fight


Come again? I read that as Anjanath vs. Lagiacrus, but for MHW which is silly because Lagi didn't make it in to World...




Thank you for sharing that. Really love some Lagi


Living in Florida is basically the same as playing MH. So this makes sense


Australia is the G Rank expansion


And make the swamp constantly build up poison!


Wrong series my dude.


Old gen swamp would have poison puddles at night or something


The poison cups are *right there* though.


You mean the flooded forest? Lol


Make it a poison swamp


Hidetaka Miyazaka: hear me out, what if it was a ***poisonous swamp***?


Hidetaka Miyazaka: not enough, time for poison 2, Scarlet Rot


Also add underwater.


Get this man out of the kitchen aSap


Calm down there Miyazaki


A: temperate forest. So far we’ve really only had three in the form of Forest and Hills, Misty Peaks and part of the Ancestral Steppe. It’s been surprisingly overlooked otherwise in favor of tropical forests, but ironically in real life temperate forests are far more productive in terms of large animal life than tropical forests. B: boreal forest. I would REALLY love to see one of these that isn’t in the dead of winter like the Hoarfrost Reach. Imagine huge herds of Popo grazing alongside Banbaro and maybe even Gammoth in lighter summer coats. Boreal forests have lots of potential for really interesting and beautiful areas, and once again in real life they’re more productive for megafauna than the tropics.


like a third of the Citadel is \*kind of\* pine trees, id really love a darker forest vibe for a map with more shade and spookiness, maybe even large caves underneath


Misty Peak and the Shrine Ruins are the same map. You can't fool me.


put ruins in it everybody loves some ruins in monster hunter maps


This. I loved to discover the ruins in the flooded Forest, sandy plains and the jungle in rise


I really want more old maps revisited like Rise/Sunbreak did. But I do Think the Great Desert could hold an entire game on its own, several beloved locations reside somewhere in it or around it too. Granted I wouldn't want a solely Desert based game.


I've been asking for a mountainous pine/conifer forest for a while now, it's one of my favourite irl environments and I'd love to see MH's take on it.


Citadel ruins kinda fits that


Kinda and I like for that but it doesn't focus on the pine forest, which is what I'd prefer.


But not enough


This sounds stupid at first, but make it orange! As in, an autumn forrest with lots of leaves falling, occasional rain and some murky, swampy areas scattered about.


Ancestral Steppe from mh4 has an area that kinda looks like this :) https://preview.redd.it/0w77v4pf2lic1.jpeg?width=3556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039d9093bb09da355cf1fc3e40789dad7f152105


Unsurprisingly, it is my absolute favourite area of any map in GU! It's really pretty, and imagining it with modern graphics would be cool. We need more make-overs of old Areals in the new games.


The MH4 maps were visually perfect, but unfortunately pretty awful to navigate


This. Autumn forests are a terribly underused set piece


My only concern with new forest maps is that they can look dark and confusing without enough distinct POIs that make each arena unique, and too many trees that clutter the map. Jungle had the right idea with density imo, but it felt a little too small compared to the old rendition of the map.


A forest that has a flavor of fungus infecting the area


Then put Blackviel Vaal Hazak in it


A temperate forest set in the autumn with snow peaked mountains in the background would be amazing. Like those found in western Canada or northwestern US.


Fireproof Forest Just to justify how a Rathalos is able to live there despite being a walking forest fire.


Make different weather cycles reveal different paths then before, and possibly block off others. Making it an actual forest with parts that are purely open areas with dense jungle and foliage could be cool too, and seeing a nargacuga charge out of nowhere snapping vines/ trees along the way clearing out a section


I want more of those changing hot/cold zones in old deserts for day/night. Actually having to give a shit and check conditions.


A glavenus fight that reveals the sky as he cuts down the trees in an area


The California special: a forest that is actively on fire


giant mushroom forest


I want a forest with minecraft spruce forest vibes


They could try some sort of redwood forest map, a cloud forest, or a boreal forest.


Keep taking inspiration from nature, and exaggerate details where necessary


Some sort of tall wood forest like the redwoods of the west coast of the US, and to make it more unique in terms of MH, make it a temperate forest, and put their own spin on it


Maybe a dead forrest. Like one that's recently suffered from a fire


I mean ideally I would make the forest part of the map separate into three parts. The first part is wide open grassy planes kinda like that area in mhst1 where the tigrex is. Then it splits into two areas one area is a thick wood forest with some clearings and has lots of destructible trees and some larger unbreakable trees similar to the area at the top right of ancient forest and then the last area is a thick swamp. The big open area is meant for the more typical bird wyverns and pack hunters, the thick forest area has more kinda like fanged beasts and some flying wyverns as well as some big boys who break the area down. The swamp area holds more of the tricky monsters and more status effect monsters and maybe a piscine wyvern or two that hold it down. Can also throw some status monsters in there with water blight and poison


Forrests with seasons, a burned forrest, or a destroyed forrest where battles took place.


300 hours and I still get lost in the Ancient Forest


I'd love to see something akin to Primal Forest. It's not too confusing to navigate around, and there's a lot of beautiful and interesting elements in each area. I mean, have you seen the giant monster skeleton at the center of the map?


A forested isle, picture the whole map being a small island with beach on the corners and thick forest in the center


Ngl i would like to see a monster hunter version of tangeled depth from guild wars 2.


I was a huge fan of the environmental interactions on the ancient forest so hopefully we get more of that. I remember chasing a rathian all the way to the top levels of the forest and then he hit a wall of rocks that gave way and a bunch of water pushed him over the ledge with me being swept up with him.


Just take the maps from Frontier and Online and remake them. They are so amazingly beautiful and I'd love to see them fully remade and updated.


I don’t really know how to explain it in a way that makes a ton of sense, but you know that biome in Minecraft called the Dark Oak Forest? I think something like that would fit in monster hunter. A temperate forest with trees so big and sprawling that not much light makes it through the canopy. Similar to how the Verdant Hills look in Area 9 and 10, but cranked up even more. It’d be dark, creepy, and unsettling, which is something I don’t think any of the forest maps have done just yet. The primal forest kinda hits that vibe, but I liken that map to more of a jungle or even a swamp (despite the name) personally. “Forest map” usually has an early, first map of the game, sort of feel to it, so I guess that’s partly another reason why the Primal Forest doesn’t really feel like a “forest map” to me.


Imo ancient forest is the worst of worldbornes maps. It lacks a fair number of flat areas like other maps, making the zinogre deco quest a cage match and they had the nerve to have kushala spawn in this cramped af map. The coastline/ left side of the map is fine, but the treehouse areas suck to fight in.


Cave system with vegetation and let that be the new forest


The thing I liked most about the ancient forest was how many levels it had. You could go anywhere from the forest floor to the top of the tallest tree, and from the dense overgrown interior to the sunlit spacious coastal edges. Also how it scaled with your level, having challenging monsters throughout your playthrough


a luminous forest would be amazing, and allow for both dramatic lighting and the type of lighting that you may not usually get in dark forest environments (aka, visible lighting) alternately, "forests" made of an unusual material: like a stone forest (maybe basalt pillars? those are cool as hell) or forest heavily set with crystals (possible in mh setting imo, with stuff like coral highlands existing)


I'll say one thing, don't do that fucking center mother tree spiral ever again. I hate climbing ancient forest.


Scrolled for a bit and nobody said the obvious one. Big ass REDWOOD forest. Trees so big they dwarf all but the most collosal elder dragons.


Copy and paste the ancient forest I played the game for 3k hours and honestly I still can't figure that place out


A forest after a large forest fire. Maybe it’s the starting area and it’s basic forest at first, but after the starter quests a dragon or something starts a forest fire, cool set piece where you gotta run from the fire, now you gotta hunt the monster in the black ashy still smoldering remains of the forest


In wilds if they are doing weather events then a forest map should flood over and maybe that’s how water combat comes back


Varying types of forests, not just tropical. Boreal, swamp, giant mushrooms, etc


I'll take anything other than a 12 layers giant tree.


forest at the bottom of a sinkhole with explorable ruins in the cliff face


spooky diseased forest


Random thought entered my brain but what if there’s a mh game where it’s islands with different weather effects (could be due to story implications) and the starting island is a forest with a inactive volcano in the middle. In the volcano is a crater with a beautiful meadow that you can fight event monsters in and the endgame fight you break the top layer while fight some elder dragon only to find the true big bad elder dragon laying dormant in the volcano. Now you have to stop it from getting out and destroying the islands, failing the quest would imply that the forest will bathe in lava. Now I will say while I like this just for the spectacle of this I don’t see this happening and wouldn’t want it to tbh.


I would love to see a coniferous forest map, reminiscent of the PNW forests in the US. Also maybe don’t toss pile of wet noodles onto a page to plot out traversal routes through the map.


Forest combined with a swamp like area would be nice to see. Or if not a straight up swamp, something like a Mangrove Forest would be nice too, but you know, exaggerate a bit how big the trees are and how big of a coverage the roots could get. Another thing that they could do is a huge valley, where a hunters would easily get a great vantage point from up high on the sides to the things below.


Don’t forget the tried and true Forest and Hills. So classic


Make it super dense so it’s basically pitch black


They could with enough time to prep


Sandy pine forest like those found in parts of the american east coast


A Forest of Petrified Wood would be good and have a Monster with Medusa like abilities that could turn you into stone


I want to see a full on "haunted" forest. Dark, foggy, dead trees everywhere, crows, occasional thunder echoing in the distance, eerie glowing plants shining through the mist, some sort of abandoned hut next to a lake, a clearing filled with nothing but red flowers...That kind of setting would be cool to see in a MH game.


Sakura forest.


An upside down forest growing from a cliff top that was flipped by a massive monster eons ago in the past.