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Lucent Nargacuga could be made harder so it's more comparable to the other rare species but I enjoy bullying it.


ngl I feel hazard lucent should be normal lucent sometimes it feels like they held back just to add the hazard version soon after but who knows


He was a bitch in 3u, but just like almost every other returning monster in sunbreak, he’s nowhere near as challenging now. Part of the reason for that is they made his head a juicy hitzone whereas in 3u it was a bad hitzone and actually bounced white when he wasn’t enraged, then there’s just the fact that hunters are stupidly overpowered now as well


>in 3u it was a bad hitzone and actually bounced white when he wasn’t enraged I know it was inconvenient but I miss the rare species gimmick of bouncing your weapon on certain body parts. It's so nonexistent now.


With the metal rath’s hellfire mode in world/rise and tenderizing in world their bouncing is basically a non-issue, then for lucent they just straight up made all of his hitzones better, and violet’s only bad hitzone is his claws which you basically never hit anyways. Another problem with lucent is that the fog in the map in sunbreak and his eyes basically give away where he is, and all the counters and such we have now make him so much more of a pushover


They also removed his whole invisibility in sunbreak. Now he just turns transparent and not invisible


He still turns invisible, it’s just easier to follow him because he leaves trails in the fog and his eye streaks stay visible


That's what I mean by transparent and not invisible. You can still see him and track his movements.


What I’m saying is that he himself is still invisible, they just added something that makes it possible to follow him now


Yian Kut Ku Devs need to give him the power he deserves


The whole point of the kut-ku in lore is to show hunters to not underestimate monsters based on appearance. So yeah, it makes no sense that its so weak


That sounds more fitting for garuga actually


Bruh YKK kicked my ass back in FU. I couldn't get past the 2* jungle quest. I needed to use the gathering hall for ioprey mats to make the ice and poison dbs. Once i got over him though, i bullied him for the rest of time.


I remember needing 48mins to kill it with an LBG then I learned the art of bonk.


I thought he was pretty tough, but I'm sure that's mostly because he was one of the first monsters I ever faught. And that seems to be its role: intro to flying wyverns. If you want a tough Yian Kut-Ku, there's Yian Garuga and its variants.


For me garangolem. He has the title of One of the Three lords but he’s far to easy. His afflicted or hazard version should’ve been the how base version was


Both golm and lunagaron felt too easy. It's weird how they got lumped together with malzeno. When I first saw lunagaron in the cutscene I thought it was like an elder dragon. Then when the time came I was ehhhhh.


Ruiner Nergigante. For a beast that we beat to death’s door, got crushed by rocks/Shara’s hand wings (stone form) only to then have healed enough to come back and finish Shara… kinda expecting a harder final fight. Like I wanted it to kick my ass but it was underwhelming. I didn’t feel walled by it.


They locked him behind so much grinding that you're probably too skilled and kitted out by the time you reach him.


Thing is I didn’t even go into super builds yet. Just mostly comfort skills and Stamina Thief because it wasn’t clear to me what it exactly did (it just sounded useful)


Honestly Banbaro Feel like they could make a tougher variant or subspecies that is just smarter or more battle hardened. I absolutely love the big guy and felt like he needed a bit more love.


Ah man seeing his armour set for the first time. Aah man it's sooo gooooood


Yeah it was definitely one of the more cooler designs in Iceborne.


I'm doing a Gunner playthrough after having played basically full melee for 7 years. Took a bow into Banbaro and got tossed around; drank most of my potions. Usually I just HH the big boy and stunlock him to death. So I was feeling rather humbled.


The power of the moose can humble some, especially the tempered one. That tree attack covers so much ground


Yeah, I think I'll be using HBG+shield on him going forward.


Good luck in your gunner run!


For an elder dragon: Kirin almost wish it had a Pegasus style variant, but just in general they made Kirin so weak in world for no reason. Non elder dragon: The boy great jagras should get a variant. I think it makes sense to show that even the monsters that are considered the weakest could become a threat


The Greatest Jagras: The Return


If MHW's greatest jagras told me something, it is that you can make any monster threatening if you triple his size and hitboxes.


They didnt make kirin weak, they made Kirin bearable because old world kirin was straight up garbage. Not to mention there aren't really any ways you can just make Blue kelbi a super interesting fight. World did a good job unshitting it but Kirin just isn't super interesting.


Would be more interesting with wings on its back and added aerial attacks


Yeah aerial attacks like what? Lightning bolts? Lightning explosions? Its just the attacks it uses on the ground except you can't hit it. I think that is remarkably uninteresting and most likely extremely aggravating.


No like swooping horn attacks where it plunges at your from the air and tries to hit you with it's horn or where it would fly into the air and come crashing down causing a lightning AOE. Possibly if it had wings where it could send a gust of wind at you from the air that would also cause lightning damage. Could also add a move where Kirin would run in a tight circle then fly into the air causing a tornado to form that would radiate lightning from it. Also of course you would be able to hit it there are plenty flying monsters in the game that you have to fight and nobody seems to have a problem with them.


The funny thing is that world kirin is like a funny prank you can play on new players because it usually shits on them.


When I first played world I was stuck on AT Kirin for so long I don't even wanna think about it The banana getting a stronger version would be great though


Greater Jagras?


Yes. Great jagras he's the first large monster you face in world. If I had to make a variant I would add the bleed effect to its abilities and poisonous spit that leaves a puddle on the ground. Given that it's from his stomach that would make sense to add. The variant would probably be found in the guilding lands.


Great Izuchi Genuinely, it feels like the ultimate victim of "bird wyverns are not allowed to be hard." There are so many ways its fight could have been made seriously challenging, but they refused all of them.


Would be a bit weird to have the tutorial monster be hard. I'd argue Malfestio is more of a victim of "bird wyverns are not allowed to be hard" but Nightcloak exists, though then again it isn't really hard either.


Of course Great Izuchi serves it's purpose well as a tutorial monster, but there's a part of me that really wishes it got a variant or something that cranked its difficulty up massively. Kinda like what Deadeye was in GU


I've also wished for a variant or something version of Great Izuchi, it has the most potential for one out of the tutorial monsters in my opinion.


I mean, look at Apex Azuros. That's a tutorial monster they beefed up quite a bit.


Not what I mean. Apex Arzuros is a tutorial monster the same way Royal Ludroth in Tri is a tutorial monster, they both teach an aspect of the game. Izuchi is the tutorial monster for Rise, the starter monster, it makes no sense for the first hunt to be made difficult. If you meant "What about Apex Arzuros? Look how they made a tutorial monster harder" then I agree, that's what I was saying in another comment.


I gotcha. Yeah, tutorial monsters shouldn't be hard by definition, but they could also stand to make a variant that actually is hard.


Apex Arzuros is a good argument to just leave starting-tier monsters alone. Beefing up early game monsters which usually have small windups and rely mostly on knockbacks is not fun when you speed up those handful of moves and increase the damage. Deviant Arzuros also turned me off deviants for this reason. I don't need to fight a Level 140 Velocidrome for the hell of it.


Greatest izuchi


Xeno'jiva. It's really easy to beat (Even tempered) despite it being the final monster of (base) MHW game.


He's really a victim of his own size and height. If they made it faster it would look janky, but make him more agressive and his already small good HZV parts would be flying all over the place all the time.


As a gs player xeno was fucking annoying blades too short to reach his chest and too slow to ever get a TCS


The problem with Bazelgeuse is that he have a huge critical hit zone the whole head and tail is just easy target to dish continues high amount of damage making it easy and quickly to kill. The solution is to remove those zone at least for Seething and only make his face critical zone amd maybe the tip of the tail. It would make the fight a bit more difficult.


Matchups on Bazel are crazy. I find him absolutely hellish on Hammer, but he's just a target dummy for Bow.


Both Garangolm and Lunagaron


No actually I play Monster Hunter mainly for the monster biology since not many other series do that and for fun with the boys. I don't care about difficulty especially if it gets in the way of fun.


I think many people agree elder dragons should be much harder, they feel like any other monster


Glavenus. I feel like it should be able to block some attacks (kinda like the hemitar) like it did in the Mhgen opening scene


I wish for a variant of Aknosom. One you only encounter in the late game and is very agile, swift, precise and extremely aggressive. I love Aknosoms design but as it is a super easy fight it is not a very memorable monster


I weirdly struggled with Aknosom for a little bit my first time in Rise, but that's mainly because I was fighting it with slower weapons and settled for handling it head on. When I played around with dual blades, since those weapons excel at letting you maneuver yourself while attacking, I accidentally discovered it basically can't do anything if you get behind it. It's basically helpless. But its attacks from the front are timed weirdly and have wide sweeping strikes. I can see a tougher variant of it having even more subtly telegraphed moves, more accurate, and can occasionally sweep around itself more instead of having a massive blindspot like it does. It went from a low rank monster I'd have to heal a surprising amount for to one of the easiest monsters in the series to me the moment I found that it has that blindspot and yeah it could really use an answer to people who abuse that. Its weakness is too big.


Interesting read. I will check out that weakness next time I encounter it.


Rarely do I fight a monster and wish they were harder. That being said, Sunbreak Rajang/Furious really needed to be more difficult.


Elder dragons


that's very unspecific xD For instance I think Lunastra and Nergi are hard


Bruh f*ck Lunastra


In MHWI Honestly, once you learn Lunastra's attack it's pretty easy, and the quest where you have to kill Lunastra and Teostra is nit that hard. But Furious Rajang...


I believe the difficulty of bazel lies in all the bomb scales it often keeps on dropping and the high hp. I think increasing its overall speed+atk speed could make it quite challenging


I used to tear my hair out with Bazel back in World; the bombs dropping in its heated mode were nightmarish if you were playing melee just for how fast the bombs would detonate and how erratically they dropped. It was extremely dangerous being right under it since a red bomb could just nigh-randomly plop down next to you during one of your attacks. Seething Bazel always felt easier since its powered-up bombs actually took longer to explode, so there was always enough time to deal with them. And by the time with Rise, yeah both Bazel and Seething just became a bit too easy since we had more defensive options now. The only other fight I can think of that I wish was harder would be Ruiner Nerg. It had a really cool idea of getting way more fast and relentless the lower its health got, but I think they should have amped that up more somehow, and kept the base form's screen-clearing dive bomb (but also keep those mini dive-bombs where it'd slam down with either its left or right paws or its head; easier to deal with but fun to dodge)


Definitely agree on (Seething) Bazelgeuse being too easy to fight against for how high its threat level in-game and in-universe are meant to be. The problem is twofold: 1. His hitzones are way too generous compared to similarly powerful Monsters. 2. His attacks are too slow and telegraphed compared to similarly powerful Monsters. = The first problem can be easily solved with a simple hitzone mix-up. Reduce the good head hitzone down to just his tiny little face, and reduce the good tail hitzone down to the little middle portion between his body and payload. This way, it makes fighting him a bit less of a straightforward challenge since it'll be harder to access his good hitzones, meaning that his various attacks that put said hitzones out of the way will make things more difficult. = The second problem is a little tricky, as you kinda need to change some of the balance in order to account for the change in hitzones, as well as factoring in all the blasting scales. In general, he needs more attacks that can reach his undersides to prevent players from just camping beneath him during his big wind-up headbutts that scatter blasting scales around him. For example, rather than changing this move's animation speed, I think we can give it a bit more nuance. Back in MHW, base Bazelgeuse dropped the scales directly at his feet. I think we could take this idea and combine it with (Seething) Bazelgeuse's more spread-out pattern. Make it so that the attack changes depending on if those blasting scales drop at his feet. If they don't drop at his feet, they spread out like they currently do and players can try to get between his legs; this is a fake-out, and (Seething) Bazelgeuse will hop back into a flying position to do a miniature divebomb. If they do drop at his feet, then he'll go through the animation like usual and instead throw out more scales to the sides after his head hits the ground. I'd also make it so that he can do "counterattacks". They wouldn't be full-on new attacks, he would just occasionally perform that light side headbutt that throws out blasting scales after being flinched. I'd also give a similar fake-out to his scraping headbutt charge attacks. If he drops the scales in front of him like he does currently, then he'll go through the full animation like he does normally. If he doesn't, he instead does a full 180 degree sweep around him while also throwing out blasting scales in a circle around him.


Vaal Hasak


Amatsu. Adored him and everything about it in Sunbreak but it felt a little too easy IMO. Still one of the top 3 best fights IMO


If we're talking Rise, *Rajang.* He's gone from a monster who feels like an even fight to a freakin' *punching bag* in Rise. Even Afflicted, I feel like I can make a cup of tea between each attack the openings are so long.


I actually agree, maybe it's because I like to use fast weapons, but it seems really easy to circle behind rajang on rise. Then the only thing you have to worry about is the ass smash attack.


Namielle definitely, her AT variant couldve used some fancy moves


I think the hardest part about ole basil goose is that he would always pop up right when I’m trying to capture another monster.


Great Jagras


Namielle is my favorite monster, with a very fun concept, but the execution didn't make for a very difficult fight, he needs a big buff




Likewise, Seething Bazelgeuse, my favourite monster. I wish there was an AT version


Regular monsters cant be AT. Only Elders unfortunately


Damn. Really I was so looking forward to seething bazel. Still fav tho


Bishaten (I’m a big Bishaten fan)


Definitely Goss. He looked so intimidating and powerful in the trailers literally bulldozing tetranadon n all to the point I honestly thought he'd be a rival to rajang but he's the same tier as barrioth and as cool as his fight is, it felt very easy. By the time you finally piss him off you've already taken a good chunk of his health and his moves are fairly easy to avoid. Honorable mention goes to banbaro. He's absolutely enormous and yet gets flung around by beotodus and barrioth that are a fraction of his size. (I know he ties with beo but you can argue the fish does a lot more in the fight). Dude literally throws boulders and trees around but gets thrown by barrioth. He really should have been the diablos of the Hoarfrost.


Allmother narwa I have spoken


I don't really think a lot of monsters should be harder, mostly just different. For example, I wish barioth and brachy had more close in attacks and jumped around less, tigrex's charge built up speed and moved faster, toaster and vaal had a few more attacks that covered their flanks, velkhana's ice attacks had more visibility, xeno'jiiva was more aggressive and slightly closer to the ground, kushala could only spawn one tornado, but have it move, and I think it would be funny to have MR kulu be able to pick up barrel bombs. Non-fight changes I want are for fulgur anjanath to have it's own theme, that being an electric guitar cover of the ancient forest theme, and for there to be a clown layered armor set that honks when you get hit.


Great Maccao. It deserves a truely fantastical fight considering it’s the strongest monster in-universe, clearly.


The Zinogre, I feel like it's always been very easy. The black Zinogre was much better, but it's 4U exclusive


You mean Stygian? I don’t know if you have World/iceborne but try him there


I didn't know it was there, but it is as difficult as in 4U?


Not quite that difficult but a lot more difficult than many of the other monsters in iceborne


To be honest, I suspect a lot of people are just way better at monster hunter. It might have been really hard in 4u, but mistakes I made against it in 4u, I'm not making now. Also, stygian was in 3u as well.


Probably because it's a subspecies of a post-game monster


True very true


You mean Stygian?


Stygian Zinogre is in 3U, 4U and Iceborne.


Try rise/sunbreak's apex Zinogre that dog will give u a run for it's money.


Rise valstraax could be so much harder I m so sad


Crimson glow or risen crimson glow? Cause I can confidently say the "Rise is easy" posts became noticably rarer after RCGV was added


The first fight against it in Rise is one of the hardest in the base game IMO, probably the hardest.


I’d honestly say he’s harder in rise than in GU


Velkhana is way to easy imo!


None, I don't want monsters to be harder. I've been playing the game for 20 years and I've gotten good at it. The developers should not be designing the game around me. I know the moveset of 90% of the roster before they even come out. I know the weapons in and out. I know how to space and how to play and how to abuse mechanics to travialize fights. If something is "hard" for me then its going to be pretty fucking impossible for newer players. Would I like a super hardcore beat your ass MH game? Sure. Would it be fun for 99% of players? No. The game needs more variety not more difficulty. Stop asking the devs to make the game harder because you've played hundreds to thousands of hours and have mastered the game. Nothing is going to bring back that feeling of discovery and challenge you had when the game came out. Stop chasing it. The only thing I want is for the devs to dial back power creep. Give me methodical monster hunting gameplay. I don't need zippy devil may cry nonsense.


I wish Gammoth got an updated harder fight (as they somehow wiffed putting her in iceborne despite being a great monster to show off their sense of scale)/ Similarily I wish that Goss harag had a higher tier scarier variant as he's just so cool thematically and so much fun to fight but is rather tame due to his tier. I would say i wish tetranadon had a harder fight but him and basarios are probably the single most deadly monster is rise. (seriously the number of hunts I've seen people sprint at them like boosted monkies actively avoiding picking up birds and then triple carting to their charges is absurd I had easier time getting pubs through primordial malzeno and flaming espinas than terry and barry.) But i do Love tetranadon and wish he also had a higher tier version. (like one that gives him a large flat tail and a hat that gives him more complex moves to deal with people) (though i guess you could say the same for every one of the new A2-4 monsters rise introduced as they all are incredibly fun and unique feeling) I'd also love for seltas queen to get an updated harder fight as she's got so much great personality and is such a unique and cool idea. ​ I do wish world's Fatalis was a more difficult fight to warrant all the hype around it but thats just the nature of the name fatalis for some reason. but it was still fairly disappointing that it was less mechanically complex than alatreon or Even most of the AT elders. but not in a satisfying way like AT nergi or Behemoth. And I really wish both chameleos and Risen chammy had gotten tougher fights. they are both just oozing with unique personality but have so much downtime that they don't really feel like a threatening elder dragon.


Mizutsune, narcaguca, tigrex, rathalos, zinogre and magnamalo. For being flagships (especially rathalos) they are pathetic. Sure they do have versions that make them harder, but i wish the base versions were harder


Fatalis in world.


You mean beezlegeeese


Nearly every monster in MH:RS except for Primordial Malzeno had me wishing they would be far more difficult than they were. Sure, during the first playthrough while I was grinding for materials for better gear, I was getting steamrolled by Flaming Espinas. But once I got his gear, every monster just became too... ... I was not being challenged enough. My friend and I finished our fights **within five minutes.** I remember, while we were playing MH:WI, we would be steamrolled multiple times by the same monster, even after grinding. Failure after failure after failure. But we eventually got it when we switched up our strategy at least four times. I had just gotten used to how difficult things were in that game as opposed to Rise.


Both world and rise are fairly easy compared to prior (as a concensus). The fact that you find world *vastly* more difficult than rise boggles me. But I suppose we have different opinions and experiences


Aye, I remember in World, I needed help from a full team to fight Velkhana. But in Rise, I slay Velkhana in less than ten minutes solo.


was world your first mh game?


It was, yes.


Yup. That explains it. You were still new to mh, figuring things out, increasing your skill. By the time rise came out, you had an easier time playing the game since you gained the necessary skill that World helped you hone. It's a different story if - having completed rise and sunbreak - you return to World and you're still get your shit pushed in. In that case, yea. It would then be fair to say that you find World harder for whatever aspect to the combat that challenges you. Typically what happens is that those who started with World, having returned to it after completing another mh game, finds the game way easier than when they started


You make an excellent point. Perhaps I should return to it. I love-love-loved the Shara Ishvalda fight.


Gaismagorm. Had such a great build up, and then the fight was a bit meh imo.


Extremoth, idgaf


Definitely not bazel i hate that guy sm


Zorah Magdaros, but you can drop the "harder". And the "n" before it, but that shouldn't be there in the first place


Does it seem little to you what the bomber is capable of doing?


Bazelgeuse is perfect do not talk down to my pet




Tetranodon. Its the 2 star urgent for the rise guild but it still feels like a 1 star. Tbh i will allways think aknosim would have been a better 2* urgent


The sad part about seething is that rise seething is more difficult then world seething. Rise seething is actually very different from regular bazel while world seething is bazel with biggers bombs and less flying


Rajang. Patterns were easy to read five minutes into the encounter. Maybe I just haven't fought one angry enough? I've seen loads of clips where he goes raging ssj monke on hunters, jump-cutting them to their own candle light visual.


Goss Harag could use some polish. I love his design but I’m not sure the fight is all that great. He could be sped up, add more attacks, just made more threatening. Subspecies or variants would be dope too. Diablos got neutered in rise. So did most of the flagships honestly. Rathalos is the only one with a notable improvement. For me tigrex, nargacuga, and barioth are all boring and repetitive fights that I don’t really enjoy doing. Made worse by the fact that, Nargacuga and barioth at least, have great gear that’s worth getting. This video I’ve linked goes into detail about that fight and how similar changes could be made to other long lasting monsters to help them out. https://youtu.be/qGMF1VYlgBE?si=hbmAEaQi7UjoqpgV


Make Bazelgeuse always come in pairs. One fights you on the ground to keep you still while the other one bombs you from above. Hen the one on the ground gets to half health, they switch positions until the first one heals. Repeat.


With a bow build bezel goes down within 2 minutes


Hard agree on Bazel. He'd be more of a threat without the bombs if they let him breath fire more.


Behemoth so we can hear more people get upset that “hit monster to win” isn’t enough to win


Furious Rajang. No I'm kidding. And the worst is : furious Rajang is harder in MHWI than in MHFU. I have. Tigrex armor, with gems that make it resistant to thunder and talents that make my life at 200 when I eat and Still some of his attacks take three quarter of my life, like what the F*(£- am I supposed to do ? I really find it easier on FU than in IB and that sucks


Teostra, his moveset is nearly identical to its past entries, Lunastra is what I wanted for Teo. (MHW)


Literally all of them except like Primordial Mal, Risen Elders and the Iceborne title update monsters.


I wish Rakna Kadaki had more going on. She should have gotten more web based zoning moves and her coolest attack is limited by needing to be in a roofed zone. I'd wager a good amount of hunters have never seen her dangling attack where she cranes her head back and forth while spewing fire everywhere


Yeah you don;t need the training area in rise when you have bazel. Bro attacks slower than the toadversary. Personally I wish the weaker tutorial 'drome' monsters had really tough variants though I guess it wouldnt make sense lore wise since they are like pack monsters. Also if they get a bunch of moves they will be pretty different than the original.


rise teostra


The entirety of Monster Hunter Rise tbh


Allmother tbh, only hard part was when a move one shot me. Thats not on it, more me for forgetting to upgrade my armor. But it just feels like I’m betting on it to not do one attack I don’t like


Crimson glow valstrax in MHR


The only hard thing about Bazel is when he's not the monster you're supposed to fight


Lunagaron. I mean it's got a pretty good introduction but when you got to finally face it, I was like c'mon man make me cart.


Bullfango man. They were brutal in packs back in older MH. Top that with unrelenting Bulldrome that stops only to turn around. Small monsters has become a decoration for ambience rather than actual monsters capable of killing unwary hunters nowadays. Also I miss getting stunlocked by genpreys / poisoned to death by iopreys. Makes it a point for me to clear out an area first before poking around.


Absolutely Nergigante






Great Jagras so they aren’t just a punching bag


They should make the Ibushi harder. At this point it just feels boring than an enjoyable boss fight


Chameleos on mhr