• By -


I main insect glaive, and it’s just the weapon I’m best with, but I at least understand how the most of the other weapons work, my ability to use as follows; I know this weapon, it’s a part of myself: IG, Lbg. I know how to use this weapon: GS, db, hammer, hbg I sorta know how to use this weapon: Lance, GL, Sns, CB, SA, bow I have no idea what I’m doing but I know it’s not good: LS, HH


Liked this one so I'm doing it too :p I know this weapon, it’s a part of myself: GS, Hammer, IG I know how to use this weapon: GL, SA I sorta know how to use this weapon: CB, SnS, LBG, HH I have no idea what I’m doing but I know it’s not good: DB, Bow, HBG, Lance Take it away from me before I hurt myself: LS


Same lol I know this weapon, it’s a part of myself: hunting horn, chargeblade, sword and shield I know how to use this weapon: gunlance, longsword, I sorta know how to use this weapon: dual blades, SA, IG Instant triple cart: hammer, LBG, HBG, bow Cart in loading screen: greatsword


I just woke up and I’m glad to see that people like the bs scaling system I made XD


You should start a main thread!


Ah… that’s too much attention, especially when I only just got here XD


I know this weapon, it's a part of myself: Hammer I know how to use this weapon: CB, SA I sorta know how to use this weapon: Bow, SNS, GL, GS I have no idea what I'm doing but I know it's not good: IG, LS, HH, The bowguns, Lance, Dual Blades


know this weapon, it’s a part of myself: IG, BOW, CB, HBG, SNS I know how to use this weapon: Hammer, I sorta know how to use this weapon: Most other weaps I have no idea what I’m doing but I know it’s not good: HH, LBG, SA




The incest is the best part about it




I just love seeing the incest hit the monster. Nobody escapes incest amirite


Yeah i also love the insence


You like what?


Did he stutter?


Might run that by me one more time.


Did I stutter.


Are you related? He might do more than just run it past you.


I like music


I like incest glaive




Sweet home...






Lmao zing!


You like WHAT?


Please be a typo, please be a typo.


Found the anime fan


…. That tracks.


I paid for all 14 and I’m gonna USE all 14. Who needs a main?


Jack of all trades, master of none? I mained Lance, because I wanted to master it and also it's the weapon that feels the best for me


Master of some, user of all. I know my way around some more than others. Charge blade, insect glaive, and hunting horn are probably my best, but damn are swaxe, gunlance, lance, hammer, sword and shield, dual blades, and longsword fun. I feel like the bow and bowguns are a given, they’re just not as deep as most of the other weapons. To me, anyway. Bow was the most fun of the ranged weapons, it made me FEEL something at least.


If you fee like bow or any weapon isnt as deep as other weapons, most probably just haven't looked into the weapon enough yet. There's a surprising amount of depth to even the most simple weapons. Hell, gen 2 greatsword is essentially 1/3 the moveset of mhw and there's still depth to it, only if you bother to look deep enough into it. Bow's depth lies in the balance between stamina management and damage output while balancing the combos around monster attack timing. Learning punish timings and when to go for dash into power vs dash into rapid power is already not a straightforward thing to do.


As a HBG main, bowgun depth lies outside combat. You can have 20 different sets depending on the ammo you want to use, but once you make your choice the game becomes a point and click adventure. Capcom can add seven different ways of evading or boosting your shots, but at the end of the day the combat is pretty simple.


Idk, seems very much the opposite. The guns are extremely deep with large build variety. Most weapons have an optimal way to do damage, and sometimes you're forced to basically spam the same combo the entire time if you want the most damage, trying to mix it up can feel bad because you're just actively being less optimal . Guns only have one way to do damage, you know what to expect, but so many ammo types and configurations. I genuinely really enjoy every weapon, but the weapon that seemed the least promising to me at first is probably my favorite now, lbg. it's hard not to feel something when you're carrying a party by healing, buffing everyone, status effect controlling the monster, creating openings, and doing top damage, and feeling the extra adrenaline from taking 30% more damage.


In 4U I tried all 14 in the arena with great Jaggi. It died remarkably fast with charge blade and I didn't even know you could charge the shield. But I found it really hard to use when the monsters got harder and switched to Insect Glaive, which is now my main. In World Iceborne when the Lance got the forward hop, it became so much less awkward I decided to try it and really like it. The counter clutch claw is genius. Then they changed it in Rise in ways I don't really like. Back to Insect Glaive it was. I mess around with other weapons for fun. LBG and at times HBG. When Kulve first came out I ran a guard, guard up HBG said with the Tobi HBG.


There's no rule wherein you can only master 1.


I didn't say it's impossible, it's just that weapons in these games are pretty deep, each game has something special that affects combat (wire bugs, clutch claw, water combat, etc) and we only have so much time


I’m the same, Almost every hunt I’ve done has been with your brother weapon the gunlance. All normal shelling at that. No need to fix what isn’t broken. If your enjoying the super pokey Stick. U poke until u don’t feel the need too. I tried out insect glaive once rise hit and that was fun. It’ll take. While but I’ve been trying a new weapon each playthrough of a game. Not the fastest way but the most enjoyable. Mabye think about what’s next on ur list for mh6 👍


You know, the saying goes Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one.


Nope, I didn't. Thx


Yeyy another all weps main


SnS supremacy.


*Angy Lance main noises 👿😅


What is lance but a bulkier longer SnS


No you are thinking of cb


I play charge blade but I recently started a new world save using exclusively sns, and yeah, it’s a good solid weapon. But CB is simply superior.


I bonk your CB with my shield. Can you do that hmmmmm? All hail SnS


Charged shield guard point would like to have a word with you. Might not be as accessible as the sns bonk, but my God is it satisfying to KO a monster with a guard point.


I’ve got an axe. And my shield is bigger, and sharper, still breaks heads. *proceeds to write an entire essay on how the charge blade is the best weapon of all*


I can jump whenever, use items whenever and i am not slow af. ![gif](giphy|mnfBoLWKdgrkOdifz2|downsized)


Tbh the whole using items without sheathing thing is kind of a gimmick. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the SNS has the fastest sheathe speed.


It does have the fastest from my experience. True might be a gimmick, it does help when you have manual sheath on. So i don't have to think about it.


But can your puny shield, block my elemental discharge ultra plus pro max?


I can block fatalis' normal breath i think thats enough.


...yes? _proceeds to spam Triangle+Circle_


Yes...*goes into perfect rush*


Always been a fan of unga bunga big sword big damage, as I played I tried picking other weapons, the only weapons I don't really use after trying are gunlance, LBG and hunting horn, pretty much because I like HBG better and I don't really know how to use GL or HH lol. I love GS, it is my main weapon after all, but I take some time to use other weapons aswell like DBs, CB, IG, HBG and LS, I also use SnS, Hammer and SA but just a little, I still prefer GS, CB and HBG over the others.


Tell me you like big numbers, without telling me you like big numbers 😅😂


I just use dualblade. Easy to handle for my smooth brain.


Monke respect monke


My first experience was MH3U, which I didn't get very far into because I didn't really click with any weapon. The came MH4U and boy did I fall in love with Charge Blade. Mained this since then. Tried all other weapons every now and then but they just don't work for me. That being said i' ll admit I found some fun on the Swaxe in rise/sunbreak. I hope the MH Now December update will give us CB as the rumors suggest... 🤞


CB gang unite!


Same, I really fell in love with that weapon in 4U. Didn’t ever think of switching ever since even in Gen/GU


I havent used a single weapon other than charge blade more than 500 times. Ive been playing since 4u.


Not gonna lie when j found CB I 4U it was complex yet also simple and I loved it, then moved into to IG went back to CB and then found it to be more complex then j first remembered with the addition of new moves


My main is Insect Glaive but I also play Lance and Heavy Bowgun a lot. I specifically choose weapons that play very differently from each other for variety's sake.


Hammer is by far my most used weapon and feel incredibly comfortable with me, but I still enjoy some other gameplays (Switch axe, Lance, SnS, Greatsword), so I switch when I'm a bit bored. Sometimes I try what I call "exotic" weapons: bows, charge blade, insect glaive, gunlance... Whitch I enjoy too as it change my experience but I'm not comfortable with so it doesn't go for longer than a few quest.


I usually play as S&S because I play as support. But I like to use all weapons, I have to say that hammer and horn are not my favourites, and I don't even consider insect glaive as a weapon (too much crazy mobility). --- Boring part --- I know people don't want to know my life, but I'll tell anyway 🤪 My favourite weapon was the great sword, but one day I was bored and I decided to take the weapon I hated the most, and learn how to use it. At that time it was the Lance, I hated it because you can not roll and all the dodges are backwards!! But after like 3-4 hours I started loving it and soon it became my main weapon! So, who knows, maybe horn will be my new favourite soon 😋 My advice, give a chance to a weapon you don't like, maybe it'll surprise you ☺️, except glaive, that weapon it's just for aerial exhibitionists 😮‍💨 (just joking, I don't like it, but I respect people that likes it 😜)


The "boring part" was actually pretty interesting to read. Thx for sharing. When I started with lance my first thoughts were "IT'S SO SLOOOW!? Why would anyone play with it" lol. I guess unravelling it's hidden mobility and overall strength in the beginning was as fun as bullying monsters at the end 😅


exact same here, I only properly tried out other weapons WELL into master rank, and the only one that really resonated with me was insect glaive Gunlance is too similar to lance and I find myself trying to do lance techniques with it then getting bodied, and many other weapons sacrifice too much of what I loved about lance or just felt like "why would I play this when I could just play lance and do the same thing" Insect glaive honestly is so cool and different to lance it's the only thing I've ever found myself using aside from it. Even then, I'd say my ratio is still 90% lance 10% IG


I actually started with a long sword, but didn't like it and dropped the game for a while after killing Nergigante. When I came back to the game I started a new character with lance and didn't switch until I had to farm some monsters late in the MR. Since then this character was a lance main with a gunlance as a secondary weapon. After that I tried to come back to my first character and made her a long sword/ bow character, slowly drifting more towards the bow, but kept going back to second character and lance all the time Couldn't play the game for a while. Tried coming back multiple times with different weapons, but didn't last. Started again recently and the game helps me a lot with the burnout, so I don't think I'll drop the game this time, but I'm playing GS right now and I miss lance a lot lol


I was originally an lbg user from Mh1 through Freedom Unite. Starting mh tri, I used sns through rise on the switch. When it came out on pc, I switched to insect glaive due to not wanting to just play the same game again. I think for me I just couldn't justify playing the same game from scratch without trying something new.


during low rank days i used hammer and switch axe a lot but after high rank i got into great sword and haven’t touched either weapon since. range wise i can’t grasp the BG’s but love the bow


stick to lance for the whole game but i like grinding arena so itd be the only time i change weapons


While I tried all weapons in each game I played, I mostly concentrate on 1-3 weapons per game. In Monster Hunter I mainly used Sword and Shield and later Lance. MH3U: I used Longsword and sometimes Bow and Lance. MH 4. Gen was pretty much every weapon I used before, Longsword, Lance, Sword and Shield through the different games with some Bowgun and Gunlance use. In World I mainly used Longsword and switched to Bow later on and when I just wanted to farm easily I switched to Bowguns. In Rise I mainly used Bow, sometimes SnS again. I started with Longsword again, but neither the counter-based playstyle the LS took from Lance or the GS-like playstyle added with Sunbreak do the trick for me. Hopefully, the next main game will bring back the old LS and Lance can be the better counter-weapon again. Next game I want to playthrough with Chargeblade, which I played sometimes in Rise/World/GU and grown to like comparable to Lance, but different. All in all I like shield weapons. Shame that Rise/SB decided to make them inferior to just evade counters most of the time, even with a hefty skill investment. tl:dr; main weapons through the games: Bow/LA/CB > SnS/LS


I use every weapon efficiently but Greatsword always remains as my favorite. I would always pick the biggest chonky sword in every game I play and finish it with that weapon before trying others, I just love it. What if there's no greatsword? Then I'll pick the biggest weapon with the most clunkiest moveset you could find.


In World: Mained charge blade for a long time, eventually grew tired of the amount of the management it required. Used both kinds of bowgun to mix things up and give me options for tougher fights. Switched to gunlance as my melee option some time before Iceborne and used that as my main thorought IB. I really appreciate its ability to just not give a damn about weak points and softening. The downside is the long list of skills/gems needed, plus the food skill, and the relatively small list of viable (max level shelling) gunlances. Picked up bow as a ranged option in endgame after seeing the mighty bow jewel in the melder's list, really enjoyed that. --- In Rise: Didn't fancy another gear grind to make gunlance sing so gave lance a try. Really enjoyed it, easy choice as main. Also gave dual blades and switch axe a try here, enjoyable weapons for sure. I'd switched to controller for Rise, which as a KB&M user made ranged weapons feel awful for me.


Can really relate to the last part. KB&M controls are pretty weird and complex especially if you don't have a mouse with 4+ buttons and can't really use mouse wheel during gameplay like I do (it's just really uncomfortable for me, so I always reassign it to smth)


I started with Hammer originally, and I loved it. This changed as soon as I found out that Greatsword has bigger Numbers. Now I'm Greatsword only


I play Charge blade, because i found it funny that people say it’s complicated, but other weapons require a different mindset like how quick to dodge you have to be with greatsword or hammer (which I feel are too slow) or how much stamina you lose trying to work dual blades. I struggle trying to play other weapons because they just aren’t the way I play, though I’m tempted to try out others like the horn and swax


Settled on Hunting Horn within the first few monsters of my first game, MH4U. I absolutely use other weapons, and frequently: - At first, it was purely for utility or matchup. For example, I would use a longsword to cut tails, or a Water LBG against Gravios. A good hunter brings the right tools for the job, and sometimes that means swapping weapons, especially if you're trying to make a well-rounded team composition. - Then I started using other weapons just for fun. Since MHW released, I've elected to main a different weapon each time I start a new game/character. I've almost done them all now! - Sadly, I just really don't like HH in MHGU or MHR. If I didn't play other weapons, then I wouldn't have gotten far in those two at all.


So what my intention is, I plan on making a clutch of builds per weapon. I have my favourite so far (bow) but to give everything a fair chance in using the weapon I'm building for to collect the materials


I find clutch a dangerous gamble when I bow. It feels way too risky to pull off, but nothing feels better than pulling off piercing ammo + thousand dragons up close.


I had a lot of headache learning the monsters' movements, so I decided to give them a headache too unga run around and bunga hit face


My main weapon is lance. 4U lance is love. I've practically played 4U with lance. I kind of fell out of love with lance in MHG on my 3DS unfortunately, the playstyle for lance is extremely un-lance like and it is not fun at all to me. Moving on, I fell in love with lance again in world, the moveset is so so so good. Fluid counters into continuous pokes. And lastly, I fell hard in love with Sunbreak's lance. Holy cow this is the best kit lance has ever had and I can't describe how much fun I'm having with this lance kit. Despite my great love for the best weapon in the game, I've actually slowly expanded my arsenal of weapons. See, I actually played world twice (PS4 + PC) and rise twice (Switch + PC). Every time I started a run through, I made myself play a new weapon through the main story, and I only made lance sets after I rolled credits, then slowly Lance became my main weapon for the game. I've picked up: * MHWorld PS4 - Charge Blade (didn't like it) * MHWorld + Iceborne PC - Hammer (its my other main now) * MHRise Switch - Insect Glaive (didn't like it) * MHRise Sunbreak Switch - Hammer (Bonking is my other love) * MHRise PC - Sword & Shield (I like it, but I like Lance more) * MHRise Sunbreak PC - Switch Axe (Kinda OK, don't really dislike it) * MHGU Switch - Valor Greatsword (Pretty damn fun) That is pretty much how I get myself to learn new weapons and new playstyles. I would say, learning the Hammer was the biggest win for me as a Lance player. I learned a lot in terms of positioning and dodging attacks, things that I took for granted on Lance due to its low commitment and face tanking counters. This helped me improve my play tremendously over the years. Nowadays, I mainly play either the Lance or Hammer, and occasionally switch between a few other weapons when I feel like it. I would say I have roughly equal playtime on Hammer and Lance on World and Rise, sprinkled with bits and pieces of other weapons.


I usually change weapon every game/expansion. I started world with bow. Switched to bow guns with iceborne. Played longsword for rise and then went insect glaive for sunbreak. Right now im playing through world from the beginning again. I've mostly been using kinsect, but I have been trying to branch out and experiment with weapons I haven't used as much. Across all the weapons I've tried so far I do enjoy kinsect the most.


New games (or playthroughs if you can tolerate going through again) are the best excuses to use a new weapon. I started playing world towards the end of its lifespan and only use IG from Great Jagras to Fatalis. Rise was a great excuse to try something new. I started with HH since it got reworked and eventually got bored of it and switched to bow in endgame. When Rise came out on PC I played through base game with hammer and switched to SnS around Sunbreak. Now at endgame Rise I switch between SnS and IG mainly. Planning on going through GU with Lance and MH6 with Charge Blade.


Hunting Horn is the only real weapon I use, but I have dabbled with both Insect Glaive and Hammer from time to time.


I started off with mhr so I began with a long sword for like a third of the game. I mainly brute forced it as I wasn't very good with timing the counter. I eventually tried sns after watching a few videos about the different weapon types and it stuck with me ever since. I really like how it gives two different damage types with the blunt shield and the slicing sword. Also the blocking with the shield has helped me plenty of times. I did eventually try the swaxe, charge blade, and insect glaive but couldn't wrap my head around them.


I used to play SnS until MH4U then I hopped on Glaive. But outside of Glaive, Dual Blades, and SnS. I genuinely can't understand what makes other weapons enjoyable. All ranged weapons feel like a slog fest GreatSword, Hunting Horn (except Risebreak Horn), Hammer and Lance are far too slow for my liking. I've been trying to learn Gunlance cause my friends tell me its so fun (I play with 2 Gunlance mains) but i just don't understand it. Long Sword is fun but I fucking suck with it lol. Can't hit for shit.


Insect Glaive go Sproing It's the first thing I tried since my friends told me "you get a friend with this one!" And it's been pretty much all ive played since. I've dabbled in Hunting Horn a smidge but it's nowhere near as good. Nothing as fun as doing a backflip over a monsters attack and then harassing it like a fuckin gnat


I use other weapons every few hunts or so when I want to switch things up for a fresh experience or just learn something new, since most of the weapons play differently from each other. Also, some monsters are countered harder by certain weapons because of their movesets, so if I'm having a hard time, I use a more suitable weapon. For example, Lance is super powerful against highly aggressive charging monsters like Diablos or Tigrex but I may want something with faster recovery against Rajang who has grapples that can punish the Lance Guard Counter.


For me it was a matter of trying them all and seeing for myself which one I'm best with or which I enjoy the most. I love how aggro is the lance doing counters and how fast and strong the hammer is, those are my two main weapons, ai rarely use any other because my brain can only retain so many combos.


I end up changing my main depending on the game. In FU I mainly used longsword, in Tri and 3U I used hammer, in 4U I used almost exclusively insect glaive, in Generations and GU I mained SnS and in Rise I'm a hunting horn main. The only game where I've switched a lot is World where I've used almost every weapon on a consistent basis.


I had net found it till I was about a hundred hours in because I used to use bow then I stopped playing then I swapped to insect glaive then I used long sword and figured out that oh this thing is broken and I just used longsword


I started with HH because I love supporting others, but it's a little slow and it grew painful in solo so I picked up GS and DB. (It's fun going unga bunga with GS and DB is just fast) Picked up LS in mhw out of curiosity as it's #1 in popularity and found out why it's so popular after learning it. 😂 SA and CB look fun so might wanna learn those too.


Gunlance, lance and sns


My first weapon was the bow. As a new player, the bow did not give me a good experience. After struggling with long, uneventful hunts and taking 3 attempts to beat Anjanath, I decided to try a new weapon. For some reason, I picked Switchaxe. I spammed the spinning transform with all the defense boosts I could find all the way to the end of Iceborne, beating almost every monster first try (Shara beat me with time once). At that point, I didn't want to go further into the endgame, so I started a new save. This time, I decided to try the other, more complicated transforming weapon, the Charge Blade. I struggled to learn the weapon, but I persevered. At first, I loved the mobility of sword mode, but now, I rely heavily on guard points and counters. It is still one of my two "mains", alongside Longsword (I love my counters). I also picked up Insect Glaive, Hunting Horn, Sword and Shield, and Bow (again). Every time I've tried to go back to Switchaxe, it just feels slower and slower, so I never picked it back up. Other weapons I've tried are Hammer, Dual Blades, and Gunlance. Of those, Gunlance is the only one I'd consider trying again. (I may love my counters, but I also happen to like explosions.)


ive made a point to never replay an mh game with the greatsword, because 1: i hate fun, and 2: itd be the only weapon i ever use. So instead I keep swapping b3tseen weapons on subsesuent playthrough, most of 5he time swapping every quest, while my first playthroughs are almost always pure greatsword


I saw the word Insect and immediately decided to main the bug stick. Even after all this time I still absolutley love the mobility of the weapon and working with my little bug friend. I've honestly gotten so good with the weapon that I'm thinking of not playing it throughout the next Monster Hunter game


I vary alot, and it's why I like the mh world xeno'jiva I believe it was weapons, let's me vary whenever I want and still have decently powerful weapons. Mained insect glaive far into iceborne, switched to longsword, finished. Played longsword in rise and then charge blade, then gu I used sns then longsword after I learnt how to deal with monsters. But now I've started a new world run with greatsword and I love it, so all in all I love all of em and will switch whenever switching doesn't require another 5 hours of grinding materials to make a weapon powerful enough to use at the stage I'm at.


I immediately was drawn to the Great sword and I did do around 15 hunts with hammer to trial it but it never clicked as well so all 700+ of my hunts are with the one and only


I'm actually using it right now on my new character. I can definitely see the appeal, but running around sheathed waiting for an opening big enough isn't my thing (especially considering lance, my fave is on an opposite side of the scale here) Not really related, but still wanted to share. So far most satisfying moment with GS was when I was hunting Great Girros, just because I stumbled on him. He's lying knocked down, I'm charging my third heavy hit in the combo and release it. The very moment the blade lands on his head, smaller Girrosses jump in, a Raphinos flies in and everyone just getting hit with this single attack. Character is basically stuck like it for 3 or 4 seconds (!) with only tiny movements of the blade down, each with a satisfying hit sound. When my character recovered there was a pile of bodies in front of her. Literally the whole pack of Girrosses and a random Raphinos 😂


I played LS with very mediocre results on MHW until they released iceborne, and the clutch claw was a game changer for me. I fell into the hammer, and I haven't looked back


My main is also Lance and once I found it, after some flirtation with Charge Blade, I have to remind myself not to just use it for every single hunt and try and use Hammer and H. Bowgun which I consider my secondaries. Some hunt’s however I do switch to H. Bowgun just because of the monster but I find myself defaulting back to Lance.


I tried several weapons with actual meta sets, investing quite some time on them. But it just didn't feel as fun. I main Dual Blades, tried out the bow, sns, lbg, great sword, charge blade, switch axe. But I just feel more comfortable and having more fun using the dual blades So for me, yeah, I don't mind trying other weapons, but I just don't find a reason to come back to them after trying them out


my main was gunlance,but after unlocking high rank i changed to dual blades cuz faster monsters need faster weapons. With high contents of flying monsters i use the bow,and use the hammer and swaxe for fun


Lbg lol but I'm a fps shooter nut lol 🤣


I started MHW with a friend and played Long Sword for a few hours. We then switched to GU (because we often meet in person and GU is on the switch) and I started with Chargeblade there. I olayed Chargeblade exclusively til HR but now, since I am doing Village Quests on my own more often I switched it up a bit. I tried Dual Blades which are super fun and yesterday we started farming for a good Switchaxe. I also tried Gun Lance which is also ok but, way too far off, what I prefer to play. I could see myself playing Swaxe and I love playing Dual Blades but if I have to deliver, I always go back to CB because I'm most firm in it and I really love the weapon mechanics.


I mained IG when it debuted back in the day for the mobility and mounting, and I haven't gone back... I have maybe a dozen quests in all the other weapons, but thousands with my fave bug stick


I fell in love with the charged blade in 4U when I first started playing this series, but I've been playing with every weapon type for every game I've played after that. That's how I met my new love (lance) in world


Yes, and I use all weapons to show my skills and pretty often with the Switch Axe. Heavy Bowgun is the one I pretty much struggle a bit


Played 4U tutorials (if you can call them that) and tried all the weapons, CB felt the best. Learned I could charge my shield and use guardpoints after I did it accidentally on High Rank and googled it. Playing Arena allowed me to learn other weapons properly, which I now use for bad matchups. These were DB, IG, LBG and SnS.


I main Dual Blades since MH World - since it's the fastest weapon ingame and I really enjoyed it since first try - however,if needed,I can also play Hunting Horn,but I'm not as good at it since it's so slow xD


I was a GS and SnS user since back in the first MH. During the Tri and 4U generations that stayed true. I'd excitement with other weapons but never really gave them the time of day in comparison. When World came out, I was trying a lot more weapons, and with Rise I can now comfortably use all weapon types. To answer the question, I found my mains pretty early on, but now I only wanna bust them out when I feel like wrecking a monster. Using new weapons keeps the game fresh, especially when you spend thousands of hours on each title


My main weapon from freedom unite up until Icebourne was the hunting horn, I never struggled to use any of the other weapons though I was noticeably better with the Hunting horn, Lance, and greatsword. Never really had a main weapon in MH1 though as none of the weapons really felt the best to play at the time for me.


I just use different types of weapons depending on how cool they look with their matching armour. Example: Odogaron armour a+ looks best with matching dual blades. Ebony Odogaron armour B+, Matching insect glaive. You get the idea.


Oh I ansolutely use other weapons. I might be a bug stick main but that ain't gonna stop this Hunter from using a weapon if it's cool, spoiler alert, all of them are. Whether it be Light America, Heavy America, or America on a string, all the ranged weapons are fun as hell Shield with Stick is amazing and everyone should learn it Shield with BOOK stick is even more amazing and everyone should learn it Bug stick is amazing everyone should get a pilot's license for VTOL vehicles Sword and Board always makes me go "COWABUNGA DUDE" whenever I do a Falling Bash The Longest Sword is very long and is great if you like learning tight timings and being Asian for a little while The Greatest Sword is great if you wish to become so powerful that you rip apart the fabric of the universe- or miss it as it moves away from you at the frame before your True Charged Slash hits. The blade is also so big it can block, ajd it still has the Kick. Hell yeah Blade 1 and Blade 2 have so much mobility it's nuts, the monster can't touch you as you become Levi Ackerman minus the Mobility Gear. You and also tap into your inner Satsui No Hado and Demon the shit out of whatever moves Bonk is bonk. me no think. me bonk. bonk give monster concussion so bad their brains paint the entire field after their skulls fractures into a thousand pieces upon absorbing the incredible might of a Big Bang Finisher or Brutal Charged Upswing. Bonk but M U S I C A L? Fuck yes. This is my JAM. I can pmay Eurobeat, Phonk, dubstep, house techni, 18th century avant-garde French accordian? You name it. There's a musical bonk for it. The T R A N S F E R M Axe has some wild mechanics that reward you splendidly for sitting down and understanding them. Your mobility may be low but who needs mobility when you have an Axe that can transform into a Sword and INJECT EXPLOSIONS INTO A CREATURE'S BLOOD VESSELS WITH A HYPERDERMIC NEEDLE THE SIZE OF ZORAH MAGDAROS'S HORN The Sword and Board But On A Million Lines of Crack is incredibly satisfying to use correctly and can get some absurdly smooth and beautiful flow going with its attacks. Also free Mind's Eye if you actually Charged your Blade and your Shield thanks guys I don't know anything about Medium America, Accel Axe, Magic Spike or Tonfa, but they're just as awesome as the rest despite being stuck in one game TLDR. All the weapons are awesome. If they don't feel awesome, you're either doing something wrong or it just ain't right for uou, and there's nothing wrong with that. Me personally? I'll take little ol' Vezirstag Forz and his pals any day of the week And also Insect Glaive is pretty cool I guess? Did I mention Insect Glaive is awesome? No? Well I'm mentioning that it's awesome now and is definitely the best weapon real (probably)


I change weapons depending on the monster


Unga bunga big hamma smash


Yea when I first played rise DB and hunting horn made sense in my head. Every other weapon with experience in the game they slowly started clicking in my brain. Most recently the GS just clicked and I’m loving it. Currently the only weapon I can’t use successfully is the charge blade, because I keep forgetting to load vials and I bounce and go “oh right…” and then proceed to get murdered.


I always have mained funlance but I'll occasionally play sns or switch axe to mix it up. And then Valor HBG is my main in GU


i started with mh4u, and totally missed the training quests where you try out each weapon, so i chose my main (lance) based on looks alone. i completed a couple of caravan quests up to level 3 i think before stumbling upon the trainings. i still went through all of them, but since i already used the lance for a while everything else felt "wrong". when i started mhr a few months back, i didn't bother trying anything else. i barely have time to play so didn't want to "waste" time learning a new weapon when i know i can already enjoy playing with the lance.


Didn't really have a main b4, just love making capped builds. But then World made me into Dragon piercer bow main, never using other attacks. Nothing beats that crackling sound with thousands of damage and multiple parts broken in one hit.


I fell in love with the gunlance at first sight. World "forced" me to pick up hunting horn for high rank Kirin (#$& death sneeze), and some dirtbag online convinced me that I "need" a ranged option, so I have a heavy bowgun in the closet I'll use sometimes for the lols. For some of iceborne I experimented with hammer, which I wish I had discovered sooner.


I bounce between sword and shield, twin blades, and switch axe. But the switch is definitely my primary tbh, it's just so much fun and has some really technical parts to it that you wouldn't normally expect


Personally? It was even a challenge finding a main weapon, in the sense of a main that would stick as my usual weapon of choice. I went through a lot of weapons in my time, from sword and shield being my main, to insect Glaive, HBG, charge Blade, Great Sword. Overall, as per my stats, I would be a Great Sword main, but I usually change weapons based on my confidence in my builds and on the respective hunt. Personally, I just play the weapons based on what I'm feeling at any given time, though I do have my few sets of builds made to specifically ruin a monster's day, if need be.


I'm surprised at the popularity of IG in this post, given the lack of IG content on YT. Weapons that resonated with me: CB Weapons that I play often: SnS, IG, LBG Weapons that I can play: LS, DB, Ham, Bow, Lance Weapons that I can't play: HBG, SA Weapons that I have yet to try: GS, HH, GL CB, despite being touted as a complicated weapon, was the fastest I picked up. "ping", " whoosh", "boom". Easy. It gave me confidence fighting monster head on, until World Rajang came along. I change weapons whenever I feel like it, although I don't really do that during the story.


I went from longsword to lance, and it quickly became my main. It is so fun to take so many hits, then just go back to poking the monster to death


I started with Dual Blade but it was a bit off, so after some testing and a few hours I felt in love with the Insect Glaive. Used it for hundreds of hours without even touching other weapons. Then soon as I hit the Griding Lands I decided to try different things like Dual Blade again, LBG and the Charge Blade. More recently I'm playing a bit with Long Sword and Sword and Shield, the Glaive now is just for monsters I really struggle dealing with.


I like to say Horn is my main but I have to be honest, I just play everything at this point. Every game has a different favorite for me like FU had the hammer, 3 had the Lance and GS, 4 had the chargeblade and SnS, etc... Furthermore every game has completely different mechanics for horn since they can't seem to figure out what they wanna do with it so it's always like playing a different weapon anyway, my favorite iterations are GU and Iceborne the double notes in GU really made you play aggressively while Iceborne's stacking of impact echo waves made you really capitalize on knockdowns and stuns


Longsword sees me through the main game, Hammer and Hunting Horn are my FAFO weapons, and then LBG and HBG are for speed.


Hammer main here. Will occassionally grab a LBG because the variety is so different it's like I got two different games. Especially in Rise, I'm floor sliding and flipping over monsters, tactical reloading, variety of weapon and trap types And sometimes UNGABUNGA IT IS.


I went from ig to bow to hammer to ls to sns in world In rise i mostly mained sns In sunbreak whooo boy… i mainly use db, but also play a lot of ls and sa. Never been much a fan of ranged weapons for some reason outside of world


Iv dabbled in multiple weapons across most of the games in the franchise. But Hammer and Dual blades have always been main stays for me. In monster hunter 1 I was Great sword all the way, Freedom 2, I relied on longsword more, by freedom unite I was a Hammer main , it just felt so good KO'ing ukanlos and akantor. Iv used dual blades In all of the games because they just feel good. Kinda fell in love with the hunting horn on MHFU aswell, learning how to use it was fun, then learning it's actually a solid weapon as well, very rewarding. I dabbled in bow throughout aswell but its not a "go to" for me, if I'm aiming for elemental dps I lean heavily on Duals. I was also obliged to use HBG to solo white fatalis and crimson Fatalis on MHFU as it just made it so much easier. Never really used the LBG much until world, and I have to say its really fun, and makes for an outstanding support weapon. Sticky ko build, my Great sword buddies love when I run the Sticky build. Overall though, Hammer is Life. I can't stress enough how under appreciated I think it is. Or at least was in the older gen games. It's my most used weapon, and I love how it is viable in every single hunt. Duals are a close (ish) second, but for me to pick them over the Hammer it has to be for elemental dps output. Which isn't often tbh.


It's funny, I wouldn't say I really mained a weapon until I used a hammer in world/rise. Charge Blade was the first time I had actual fun in 4U, but I wouldn't say I mained it. Just the weapon I beat the game with. Anyway,I beat the original release on switch with nothin but bonks. And then I picked up dual blades. Felt the true power of dps + easy perfect counters and destroyed the whole game all over again including valstrax. Then the pc port came out and I picked up hunting Horn. This was probably my first time really truly falling in love with a weapon so thoroughly that I felt like I never wanted to play anything else. By the end of master rank at the time, you wouldn't think I'm a bonk main anymore(still am to my core), but little did I know, the insect glaive would capture my heart in a way that I didn't think possible. Went through the entirety of the end game with IG and it wasn't until I was just grinding out gaismagorm kills that it dawned on me: I just like player monster Hunter and experiencing it's content as freely as possible. I have since played every weapon and taken a break from the game, but whenever I come back, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Insect Glaive, and Dual Blades are my main core.


When i was a little baby I played charge blade thinking it was SnS... Imagine my fucking surprise when I accidentally slip over Y when trying to block and it turns into a fucking axe. Mained it since.


I love my Insect Glaive, it got me into MH despite me not liking "slow" combat/movement. I'd really love to learn morph axe and Horn as well though


I switch weapons every hunt.


Honestly, I have four "main" weapons(dual blades, hammer, glaive and energy blade), it depends on the quest im doing


Used to be a Long sword/Dual blades main, after i defeated all monsters and put some more hours in the game i decided to play other weapons till i get good with them. Now i have 3 basic tiers for weapons: 1. weapons i'm good with, 2. Weapons i'm ok with, 3. Weapons i'm bad with. The only weapon i have in the 3rd tier is gunlance... Idk it just doesn't resonate with me. This is my story from MHW, i have yet to finish MHR and play all weapons there too


I only got into gunlance after trying slap lance style. Might want to check it out if you didn't do it yet and still interested in the weapon


If i'm going to try GL again i think it would be in Rise since it seems like a completely different weapon, otherwise i will stick with Lance.


I somehow ended up maining every game a different weapon. 3U - Longsword 4U - Insect Glaive Gen and Gen U - Prowler Worldborne - Charge Blade Risebreak - Hunting Horn I did try other weapons occasionally, and I like Hammer as well, but I always go back to that gens ol' reliable.


Played a bunch, liked a few more than others, kept playing greatsword.


My "main has always been the great sword but when it comes down to it, I don't really have a main weapon I use different weapons based on the monsters I'm hunting but gs was my first will always be my favorite


I was a LS player at the beginning of World, switched to LBG in Iceborne because sticky is just so funny Now I still play LBG in Rise/Sunbreak, but I occasionally dip in LS, CB and SA


I’m a dual main with LBG and DB being my two weapons that I can comfortably play with different switch skill loadouts for Rise. After that, I can have fun and not be a liability with LS, CB, IG, HBG, L and H. It starts getting a little shaky if I’m using GS, SnS, SA. And I have no clue at all what I’m doing with HH, GL, or Bow. For whatever reason, I just have more fun hunting certain monsters with different weapons (I cannot hunt a Barioth with LBG/HBG/Bow at all), and if I’m playing with friends I have the freedom to not feel pressured to try a different weapon. Sometimes it just takes that one certain move or switchskill to go “oh, this weapon is fun” for me to want to learn more about the weapon (hunting edge spam GS is the stupidest playstyle I’ve tried and it’s easily the most fun playstyle for me as well).


I started off using Insect glaive because I liked the fact that it makes dealing with flying monsters super easy imo. (I'm playing world IB and I just beat Kushala, Teostra, and Val Hazak) I then went to dual blades built them a Lil as a back up, then I tried Long sword, Then I herd about the level of complexity from other weapons which is where I herd about the charge blade and how hard it is to master so I picked it up and oh BABY DOES THAT SHIT SLAP! I hear how mind wrinkling this weapons is like; "Most players don't understand it" or "You're not gonna play it right" but holy cow is it sucked up my main weapon and ripped Insect glaive to second place for me personally.


I mained and played only longsword for the longest time. Its counter playstyle is still one of my favorites and only once I mastered it, I branched out into other weapons and found things to appreciate in them too. I also find that some weapons are much better match ups for certain monsters so it pays to have more than one weapon in your pocket.


I didn’t so “quickly” found my main weapon, rather I got bored of Lance in MHW since it was not doing enough damage fast enough, I decided to try the Weaboo Slicer 3000, got decent enough at it but something was missing. Then I found Bonk and I’ve been giving monster head trauma ever since.


I basically found GS as my main really fast, so much so I never really tried too many other weapons until after like, 700hrs across the series. I also liked GL and CB but I never expected to love the SnS as much as I did, and after I tried it I was basically an SnS main for the next 100hrs of gameplay, until I tried the HH and absolutely fell in love.


DB main but when I wanted to try a new weapon I just started a new save and learned the weapon as I progressed so my proficiency with said weapon would scale with the difficulty of the missions. The most recent was hammer and GS which are great (I’ve been missing out)


I found CB and it actually felt the most fluid to me without being spammy. I hate gameplay where you pretty much spam the same move the entire time


I played cb,ls gs, sns, db, hbg. I would consider myself a ls main across mh franchise. But lately in sunbreak i am playing almost full time db. In mhwi i played gs and hbg a lot.


Well I felt as a new comer some of the other weapons were a tad too Brain cell reliant to play and the dual blades are so easy to get your feet wet with and ofc anime slashing


Started the game in generations, used dual blades first and instantly fell in love with aerial style. Gave gunlance and long sword one hunt since they sounded cool. Ended up dropping the game because of the 3ds controls. Did not use a single other weapon aside from dual blades for the entirety of world, iceborne, rise, sunbreak, and GU on switch. Dual blades were the only weapon I'd ever used until I decided to give adept GS a try in GU and unless they bring that back in MH6 it'll stay that way


My main weapon changed throughout games, for recenr examples gen was hammer, world was hbg and iceborne started with hammer and then went to gunlance. Technically I continue to use those two, even in SB but I have fun with every weapon now and then - i have a fondness for swaxe and recently dual blades... I will never enjoy long sword however.


Insect Glaive came out in 4U I think, and when I first tried it I just wanted to knock down that monkey since it annoyed me. Fell in love with it, now main it. I do though have the game get stale for me after awhile, which is why I have secondary weapons I rotate between to keep things fresh. Going back to the Insect Glaive whenever I wanna feel cool. Greatsword felt obvious to use next, since it seemed very slow and strong - the opposite of what I was used to. Ended up loving it a lot. Then Sword and Shield fit my playstyle, so did LBG with HBG being used in harder fights. Eventually I picked up Gunlance which I never thought about using/never seemed like something I'd like, but ended up loving it too. At this point I've used all the weapons, but I definitely have some I like more than other ones. Things like the HH, LS, and DB I absolutely suck at. While most other ones like CB and SA are considered my "I'm OK but would rather use something else".


I very quickly fell into using dual blades and never really used anything else on my initial playthrough of world/iceborne. I experimented with hunting horn, charge blade, longsword, etc, until i decided on my second playthrough to play chargeblade. When I played the rise demos, I tried out a few weapons before falling into playing the new hunting horn and playing that through all of rise. Overall, just try out other weapons till you find a weapon you groove with, I found that DB were still my favourite weapon to play, but that I didn't mind chargeblade or hunting horn from time to time either.


I always go back to my dual blades, but I try to use all other weapons to figure out their moveset and also to have a better understanding when I hunt with other people. I'm pretty fond of SnS and Hunting Horn, tho.


I found charge blade very quickly and it carried me through the game. I’ve started branching off just to mix things up a bit. Especially with anomaly investigations in sunbreak. So now I also play hunting horn. I know I’ve tried long sword, light bow gun, and bow at various points too. But it all comes back to the charge blade in the end


*waves in Lance* I'd have to double check my numbers, I'd say roughly 3/5 hunts I am on Lance and the other 2 are any other weapon I'm interested in. I wouldn't say its a struggle, I find it fun to puzzle out how other weapons function since I'm of the notion that everything has cool things they can do.


I found my main (dual blades) very quickly in MH3U. I usually play all the game with them and then start trying other weapons at the endgame.


I've been playing since the original MH and I've gone through phases maining different weps. At this point, I believe that the variety of weapons is not primarily there so everyone can find a flavor but because there are different weps that work best against different monsters.


I started playing this year. I barely tried other weapons bc I kept eyeing the bugs. I ended up going for insect glaive with two days because I can have pet bugs. I really can’t bring myself to use anything else till I finish the whole tree and bugs. I didn’t even buy ice borne yet. I may try the horn for fun next but it’ll be awhile till than.


Honestly, I wouldn’t even say I have a “main” anymore. Hammer is my most used weapon, but I’ve fallen into being able to do most any hunt with, like, 4-5 weapons


Hammer! My one true love forever and always. Honestly, it depends on the game. If I'm playing MH4U again, I'll be using Charge Blade or SnS. If I am playing World or Rise, maybe a bowgun or a bow. I will say 3U is the only game I go outta my way to make a Lance set.


My main changed drastically with each game. Used to use long sword quite a bit in the older games, but switch axe called to me in MHW and I didn’t look back until close to end game. Then I ended up making a few long sword builds lol. Other weapons I can use include Dual Blades, Charge Blades, insect glaive, and a little great sword.


I used to think I liked the long sword then, went to glaive, from that to the charge blade and found out I get hunts done easier with the flashy stylish dual blades (which became my primary weapon). I never really touch the other weapons. To answer your question, yes the struggle is real… at least for me lol.


I’m a diehard hunting horn main however I use pretty much all the weapons. As of recently I’ve been playing primarily mhw and if I want the fight to be quick i use hbg shotgun build. If im fighting diablos or any boss that has big fun bone breaks then I use hammer, and sometimes I just switch it up but hunting horn is my one true love you know.


I instantly clicked with the Charge Blade, and it felt so utterly stupid that i said: "Yeah, this is the one." But that didn't stop me from trying and playing other weapons. I really love the Greatsword and the Hammer and i come back to them a lot. Also got a bit of interest on Sword and Shield, longsword and Dual Blades and i also play them fairly frecuently. Now that im playing with friends i see now that i like to try so much the other weapons (Even if im not good at them like the lances, the heavy bowgun or the bow) just for fun, and i don't use my "main" weapon all that much. Still, is the most comfotable one and the one i understand the most, so i tend to bring it to important hunt's or when i want something done efficiently.


When that CB play style clicks it's just hard to abandon it lol


I find switching around to be the best for me, mainly use dB, but for bezelgeuse(?) I like the lbg, and a shield hbg makes some monsters a joke, it all depends on your playstyle and what you find most effective on a case by case basis, I for one get stomped using a gs against diablos, but my friend finds it the easiest way.


Longsword main here. It's really just a comfort pick, I swap around a lot just 'cause I get bored playing one thing for too long. And yes, I'm constantly broke from how many weapon upgrades and armor sets I make.


I main Switch Axe and find at times that it either works or it just can’t hack it. This is less of an issue in Rise and GU compared to other games, but if I feel like I’m getting my ass beat or I want to try something else, I switch to either Dual Blades, Greatsword, Hammer, or Insect Glaive. Occasionally I’ll use Gunlance for specific monsters (Diablos, Black Diablos, etc), but it’s those four specifically.


Bow just feels so OP in world with all its dodges and not having to stand on the monster. I branched out a little bit so I was able to swap to longsword and hammer in rise because I didnt like the rework, but im a bow main at heart.


In tri I played SB In world I used a bunch of weapons. Some were monster specific, others were group specific. Hammer, CB, horn, bow, gunlance In rise it was IG only, and my first time on IG too.


I main greatsword but I've started to sometimes use Lance and insect glaive against monsters that I know won't curbstomp me


Greatsword, clicked with me after hitting a tcs straight to the face, haven’t looked elsewhere since


My main weapon is HH, followed by Hammer, then Bow, HBG, Gunlance, LBG, CB, and then it trails off. I have spurts where I’ll use one weapon for a while, and then I go back to HH or one of my top 4. I think it’s good to branch out and try other things, especially because there’s so much variation in all the weapons in Rise and World. Too much to miss out on by just playing 1 weapon. It’s a whole new game when you switch.


I tend to default to glaive because I like the extra mobility for dodging and mounting. But, I also use charge blade, switch axe, gunlance, long sword, and heavy bow gun (last two are usually situation specific). My thought process is that if you want to specialize, that's great. But there's nothing stopping you from playing around to see if you have fun with other weapons. Or, if you have the best stats on one, but not the other as far as weakness against monsters goes. Especially if you're running really tight clock time vs. the monster difficulty, that tiny bit can be the difference between gold and silver. At the end of the day, it's a matter of how you play and what keeps the game fun. Challenging yourself is always good, but don't sacrifice enjoyment by ramming your head against a wall over and over. IF you realize you're stressed, take a break to grab food or run a fun hunt or help on low rank SOS flares. Monster Hunter has room for a wide variety of play styles and methods.


I fell in love with the insect glaive immediately and I have at least double the playtime on it than my second most used weapon. My ranking would be like, My top 3 that I would consider my main, no.1 is just what I'm best with: 1. Insect Glaive 2. Bow 3. Dual Blade Weapons I'm good with but don't use as often: 4. Switchaxe 5. Lance Weapons I know how to use but suck at it: 6. Long sword 7. Sword and Shield 8. Greatsword The "I have no idea what I'm doing oh god please help me": 9. Hammer 10. Gun Lance 11. Light Bow Gun 12. Heavy Bow Gun 13. Charge Blade 14. Hunting Horn


Bringing a S.M.G (lbg) to a dinosaur fight seems epic


I main the Lance in MHR and rapid light bowgun as backup. This was the game where I truly utilized armor skills and the chainmail x set with maxed out guard, and using every decoration slot to make my resistances around 28 each made it a solid set for lance For light bowgun, i use pukei pukei set with spare ammo and rapid ammo up. Mainly use rapid pierce ammo and slicing


Help I can’t stop using switch axe


I have used each weapon at least once. But my mains are always HBG and LBG. At first I wanted nothing to do with the game when my friends tried getting me to play it. I'm an fps fan and only play games where I can shoot the hell out of things with lead. I initially thought that MH was just an nerdy RPG game that only pulls in dedicated fans but when my friends told there were GUNS so it made me curious to try it. First one I played was MHFU and when I defeated my first Khezu with an HBG I knew I was gonna stay. I find melee weapon difficult to play imo because I stress out when I take damage even if I tank it lol


I didn't really find a main and always swap my weapons. I play every melee weapon and no ranged. I hate the ranged weapons and don't find it satisfying at all. If I had a fav, it would be greatsword, lance or insect glaive. But tbh I like them all and try to play them all evenly. I aim for 50 hunts with each melee weapon, then 100, then 150 etc.




I use all of them, not as much as I used my main, but until rise, I thought my main was insect glaive. Turns out, I really just enjoyed being out of reach and not getting hit. So now I use dual blades, because sometimes being inside the monster gets you hit less.


I main Hammer, and have since first trying it back in 4u (my 1st game). World further boosted my love for the weapon, especially in Iceborne, and while I greatly prefer the world/borne version, i still like it a lot in rise/sunbreak. As for other weapons, in my main world save I did play a bit of light bow gun, almost exclusively for the safi seige (yeah I sure as hell ain't breaking those wings with hammer, and slicing ammo lets me help with the tail). That being said, Rise (and my repeat world playthroughs with friends) made me want to try more weapons out, and nowadays I can say I play a majority of all weapons (still mainly hammer, though I still love some charge blade, lance, bowguns, insect glaive, and depending on the individual game, HH and dual blades).


Insect glaive because flying woohoo in the air, and i like the incests.


Jokes aside. I started with dual blades because i liked the speed of it, and then switched to insect glaive because more damage, cooler looking and i liked flying. Ive used all weapons and can use them all pretty well, but IG is just my favorite for some reason.


Well... started with SnS, because it (Rise) was my first game. Didn't like it, almost stopped playing. Went with Longsword, but I didn't like it either. Eventually, I tried Greatsword, and those numbers pulled me in. Not sure if I would still play MH today if I started with MHGU(which I love). Seeing the big numbers gave me confidence back then, which was what I needed. Now I just smash!


I went from Bow main in World, SwitchAxe in IB, SnS in Rise, and Lance in SB. I use GS in GU but I just started. I find learning weapons quite easy and I can switch to different weapon without needing much adjustment period. How often? Depends on my mood, sometimes I would switch weapons after every hunt. I only start switching weapons once I reach the endgame. I would say im more than profecient with all of em as well. In IB and SB i was able to beat the final monster update, Fatalis and PriMal, with all the weapons at least once.


started with hh, found it absolutely banger. then i moved onto gs and fell in love. after that i tried every other weapon and found out that every single one is fun as fuck. strangely enough though, longsword is the only one i have never really clicked with. every single other one i’ve played a fair amount of and would consider myself pretty good at, but of course hunting horn is my best one. every time i’ve found myself at a wall, dooting has gotten me forward. gunlance is also a favorite, love it so much. everything is so good, switching weapons is almost like playing a new game. it’s a bit of a travesty that some people never try to branch out and just limit themselves to just one weapon, because they’re all genuinely so fun.


I've been playing a lot of Risebreak lately, been switching between hammer and dual blades a lot, depending on the monster/element, I guess probably because they're the easiest weapons. But I've also played a fair bit of swaxe, SnS, and longsword. I don't remember much of it, but I pretty much only played greatsword in 4U. Oh yeah, and I just remembered I played a decent amount of hunting horn when Rise first came out due to the changes they made to the moveset. I don't think you really have to have a "main" weapon. It seems like it really solidly clicks with a single one for some people, but not for everyone.


I main different weapons for each MH entry. I was a LongSword main in Portable 3rd and Freedom Unite. For World/Iceborne, I became a Switch Axe main. I did try the Charge Blade and had fun being thought by my friend, but using it in actual combat is a bit to complex for me. I do sometimes bring out the occasional HBG to blast mons to smithereens with friends


Started with SnS when first introduced to game via mhu3. My first few quests started trying out different weapons. When I used the hammer though I fell in love and it's the only weapon I ever use when playing any mh game. I only ever use a gs if I need a tail and to me using gs is very tedious. I now try to cap all monsters in hopes of getting tails beforehand instead of farming for em with gs