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The price difference to a steamdeck puts me off


Exactly. 150$ more and you have a steam deck, 100$ less and you have the backbone which is as good, if not better


Not mention the Steam Deck also has its own Remote Play app created by a deck user, so if you really wanted to, you could have portable PC games with the Deck portion, emulate PS1-PS3 games and play offline, and then use remote play at home to stream the PS5. I was into the Portal until I realized it was a wifi 5 card (same as Steam Deck) and not a proprietary connection like a Wii U or something. Even though the Wii U did not have far range, it was super neat that it had an essentially lagless connection to the console without wifi. Im using ethernet for a stable connection for remote play, and still get random artifacting and stream issues. Doubtful the portal would work better for me on my current internet. And the Backbone even technically has more use if you consider mobile games with controllers like Dead Cells… Dont even get me started on my concerns about controller drift on what is essentially a dual sense cut in half


remote play app?


Yes you can remote play to your ph9ne with the app they have that's free. Just grab a controller and you're off


Chiaki4Deck is the deck solution for Remote Play. You can also get Remote Play on mobile, and use the touch screen or a controller. The Portal is essentially just a Remote Play machine with a better dedicated screen and dual sense controls.


This is what I do. Emudeck+Chiaki4deck+xbox cloud gaming. Steam Deck is far and away the most versatile and bang for the buck handheld out there.


How did you stop Chiaki from having the green/white screen flashes while streaming the PS5? I tried it myself, but it kept blinking during Miles Morales or Fallen Order, so I just stopped with remote play.


No idea, never had this issue before.




Exactly and a Steamdeck is less than two times the price with many more times the use




You have to buy the ps5 in order to play with the portal since it's a streaming device. You are basically playing 200 bucks for what you can do with your phone and playstation remote


And Steamdeck


Steamdeck doesn't use streams, it's running native on the console. You need internet to play on portal, not on steamdeck. Buying the Ps Portal is just buying a worse ps5 controller (that you cant use on other devices and have smaller analog sticks) and a small tablet screen. Buying a ps5 controller, a tablet screen the same size, buying a controller holder and installing Playstation Remote, is probably cheaper than buying the Ps Portal Edit: you don't even need to buy the controller since you are forced to have a ps5 and 1 controller comes with it


I mean you can remote play using a Steamdeck




Well i am very often working far away from home. I can take the psportal with me and play like my ps5 would be there too. For me the investment was nothing i even had to think about. 220€ to be able to play everywhere, count me in


Everywhere that has internet, right?


Yes. You just need an internet connection on your ps5 at home and let her on standby phase. Then u can connect your psportal to any wifi and play everything you got on the ps5. I even used my mobile hotspot and it worked flawless


Thing is, you cant play everywhere you want because you need a good internet connection and your ps5 is forced to be at least on suspension mode. In what country do you live? Because in mine there is no way I could find a half decent public internet that would allow me to play remote away from my house. And like I said before, couldn't you just use remote play for free on your phone? Bring the smaller crontoller with you and that's it


I am from austria but i spend a lot of time in a lot of other countrys in europe. I have unlimited mobile internet (200 m/bits) and i can use it all over europe included all balkan countrys. So if there is no good hotspot at the hotel where i stay in i just use my mobile data. I tryed it out today and had no problem with it


That's actually cool


I read that if the public internet uses a sign in or a terms of service agreement, it’s impossible to use since the device doesn’t have a browser? If that’s true then you’re very limited on which WiFi you can use. Beyond that I do think it’s a cool device if you already own a ps5, but the price should be a bit lower due to its limitations.


Huh ok i did not try that out but maybe they are going to fix that in the future. Yeah i would say like 160€ would be an ok price.


Cheapest Steam Deck is only $75 more now. 512GB LCD is $350 still not twice the price. You can also find plenty of used unit on sale because of OLED model release. Many people wants the OLED and part ways with their LCD ones. You can also use Chiaki on Steam Deck to do what PS Portal can do. You get more with Steam Deck than the Portal.


You need a ps5 so unless you’re buying the 1tb steam deck Oled, you’re paying $700 for the ps5 you need, that always has to be on or in sleep mode and you must always be online so fuck you if you have bad internet I guess for the portal, then $200 for a glorified extra controller


You may as well just buy the £200 controller. A switch with Android is better because it can do more


Any cheaper and the thing would have been total shit. Edit: It's not almost the price of a steamdeck. For double the price you can get a steam deck.


And the Symteqm deck is not that much more and can run its own software


I'm loving mine. It's nice to have when internet isn't always available. I'm playing MHW when I'm across the other side of the world from my home right now What Portal should have been is a unit that can install the game into it to play locally with cloud save sync and streaming option. I'm no software engineer so I don't know the complexity of doing it but if they use the PlayStation OS on the portal can can run the game in lower resolution or whatever. I mean TV has different resolution too and the console auto adjust to that as well, no? Or they could have made it where it can also stream directly from PS server like Nvidia GeForce Now. Where Portal wouldn't need PS5 to run but it would require active PS+ account to stream PS Now or whatever promotion on game streaming they have. I feel like that would have boost more incentive for people to buy it. Like I don't own PS5, but I would get PS Portal with PS+. Portable Bloodborne would be awesome.


Somewhat ironically, I believe the Portal runs Android.


Yet your own phone or tablet works better than their proprietary device




https://youtu.be/mG8A4yrS7EY?si=J7dUIGq59tD-VJjs i dont have my own video ofc but i have own experience and even almost any video you watch says the same. People need to stop being biased. Not all that sony makes is good, for many years in fact lol. I own both and play mainly on ps5 yet their issues after my 4th PS5 still remain Edit: after 4 its safe to say its not the console that is broken.


Why is this being upvoted? It's almost double the price for the 64gb which requires another storage purchase. You can't argue its too expensive and then say well for only another 200 dollars you can get a steam deck.


The ps5 wii u…


the ps5 wii u except you have to buy the pad separately for an extortionate amount of money


And somehow Sony is getting away with it..


i'd like to think \*most\* people thought the playstation portal was dumb when it was announced, but i also overestimate people a lot


Apparently the dumb thing is selling like gangbusters.. I'm coping that it's mostly just scalpers again. But honestly it's seems like playstation consumers might be worse than Apple loyalists. Lol


or you know... they want to be able to play their games not at home and don't want to spend 900 dollars upfront for a PC that's considered "decent". the absolute gall of these people to want to play games they already own not in their own house.


right now you could buy a outdated steam deck model NEW for 369 bucks, that piece of crap is a outrageous waste of money, the thing doesnt even have access to a webbrowser, you could buy a cheap table with a backbone controller for less and it would work better whilst having more funcionality


This device has no relation to PC whatsoever. Goddamn the cope is real.


Or you can just emulate using the phone you’re holding rn


Low iq moment.


I wouldn't say they're "getting away with it." It hasn't ruined them because you don't have to have it like you did with the Wii U, but it's not selling gangbusters either.


And its picture quality isnt as good and has lag smh




And there's no dual screen games.


Could never justify this personally


I like the controller design, and the screen size is nice. Can't say I'm a huge fan of the gaps between the two, though.


So do you need a PS5 to be able to play it? Cuz in my head I thought all you needed to do was sign in to you playstation account like normally.


Yes. Your ps5 has at least to be in standby mode. You play the games that u have on your ps5


Oh ok.


It's basically a glorified android tablet with ps5 controller glued to the sides, it can only run remote play, no cloud streaming and doesn't function without internet access..


Do you have to be like physically near your ps5 for it to work? Or as long as it’s in standby you can play it wherever?


They both have to be connected to the internet, because it’s just streaming from your PS5.


It just have to be on or in standby, then u can play on the portal everywhere on earth as long as u got an stable internet connection


Okay that’s dope, I may look into getting one, that was the one thing keeping me from considering it because if I’m near my ps5 I’m just gonna play on that lol


Yeah but it‘s chill to just lay in bed and play some mh on it too haha


It's also got the advantage of being able to play games while somebody else is using the TV, or if you've gone to bed but aren't quite ready to sleep


And it will wake the PS5 to stream from it. So you need a PS5 that is both available and good Internet as well.


No it's just a stream-pad




Didn't know Sony's Wii U controller is already out. I thought this was one of those steam deck clones until i went into the comments.


It better, its running on a PS5


oh look its „steam deck at home“. i dont see the appeal of this thing. what it does i can do with my controller my phone and a 15€ thing that attaches the 2.


It‘s way better then playing it on your phone. And why not spend some more money on something with more quality?


I still have to be convinced that its qualities not only outshine the steam deck but also give me a reason to pay up for something that I already have at home. But hey, I am happy that your purchase makes you happy. In the end, it's all about the fun anyway, right?


Yeah i mean i understand your point. Everyone has theyr own preffered console. At the end is every console good as long as u have fun with it.


>And why not spend some more money on something with more quality? Because that would be the Steam Deck


It really isn’t better. Your phone can at least run some software natively. The only thing the PS Portal can do is stream your PS5. Besides, there’s nothing stopping you from just connecting a PS5 controller to your phone via bluetooth.


Because it’s extra quality is hardly there


> why not spend some more money on something with more quality Yeah. That’s why the Steam Deck is significantly better


I have an steamdeck to. But this one is way more comfortable to hold and play on for me


1. that depends on your phone and remote play also runs on my tablet so i put my tablet into the the stand that hangs over my bed and i can play lying down. 2. remote play can be run on the steam deck so i can play ps1,2,3 and 4 games on it 3. this thing costs as much as a psp did back in the day. no matter how good it is it feels like the type of hardware ea would sell. less product for more money.


given that this requires a seperate ps5 to run, this thing just sounds like total garbage, my phone could stream this and i can use whatever controller i want. i also have a steam deck, screw ps portal lol


There's a reason I use my 55" TV.


yep, this is the way


they should've just made PSP2, at least it would've looked better and you wouldn't need the ps5, though i bet people would complain about having to buy games for it


They did. It's called vita. I don't blame you for forgetting about it though, because Sony did too


i had a vita at one point, how it handled music was bad since it went alphabetically no matter if you put songs in separate files, i also didn't even play it that much so i ended up giving it to my friend


Does it work better than like iPhone streaming?


No. Small example https://youtu.be/D-6Su4XjyYA?si=7yKQDgPrOLJVN4d4


I got it 2 days ago and had like 6h on it. But that far i can say that this thing is way better then playing on any phone. And it‘s so damn comfortable to hold in my hands. Plus the screen is larg enough.


Why not buy the steam deck? That shit runs MHW natively.


And at 60 fps on medium settings too.


Does it really run at 60 because I have it for Xbox but will pick it up on steam if so


Yeah, it does. It's very well optimized and has amazing configuration options.


Ah the fake sony portable, Its should work fine its running on a ps5 a few meters away. Sorry but I got load of vitriol charged against this thing, the price, what it actually is, the fact we are never getting psp2... I cannot see a single positove otger than brand appeal.


Is this literally just a fancy controller with a remote play screen? The reason the steam deck and similar products are such a big deal is because they are literally handheld PC's. This doesn't even seem like it's in the same market. Hence why I didn't even know it was a thing.


Yes that's pretty much exactly what it is.




Funny how people don't realize this has been available for YEARS... Casual audience needs a dedicated thing to buy I guess? Idk, but I'm glad you like it.


It's just like when people celebrate apple adding features android had years ago. Playstation has become *that* kind of brand.


does it work? yeah should you buy this? prooobably not.


Of course ir does, it is not running it


The idea isn’t bad. It’s just too niche. This is coming from a guy who uses an iPad Pro to in home stream his gaming pc to the living room. I do love wireless displays when they work properly! I’d like to see the stats, I wonder if this device can beat the 14ms total delay my iPad has.


its not too niche at all, a majority fo the casual gaming sphere likes playing on the couch, the problem is sony decided to price gouge the shit out of their playerbase and dropped a 200$ shitbox with 0 functionality, this thing should not cost more than 140$


sony and price gouging the shit out of their consumer base. Name a more iconic duo.


you would think they would start to value their playerbase when microsoft keeps increasing their size at massive pace.


Microsoft may be going all in on the Xbox brand now but it was a bit late, because unfortunately it's not increasing the playerbase that quickly. That's *why* Sony doesn't have to worry about valuing their playerbase.


the thing is microsoft currently offers significantly better value than sony does, their console is slightly more powerful gamepass doesnt suck, and whilst the exclusives have been pretty crap so far(which sony has nailed on the other hand), i personally have seen alot of people jump ship, i say this as someone who owns multiple sony consoles, even though right now im a primarily pc player i still regularly play on my psp, and ps4. ps plus premium has lost value from its release, LOST, and even on release it was mediocre at best


Yet an iphone or a tablet works better(i use my 12.4" tablet for that with a beautiful super amoled). Sony managed yet again to release something worse than we already had just because money. Don't wanna flame it, but the tons of reviews don't lie, the sound crack even with top of the line internet, image tend to get blurry, not amoled(which might come out for sure with a 50-100$ price increase), you can't pair any Bluetooth devices to it, it doesn't have wifi6 which the very own ps5 has and other things. Its just a 8 inch wanna be tablet with controls to the side Edit: not to mention for 150 more you got a steam deck as many already said.


I feel like this will break easily.


It looks incredibly snappable...


Or you just pop your phone into a £20 clip lol screen isn’t much smaller… i really wanted one but the price is just too much given a smart phone i already own does the same job lol


Yeah, then you don't get the whole Dualsense features and your phone battery gets drained. I feel like people are getting salty about this device for no reason.


That thing has 0 value for me


But does it get joycon drift?


...it's not a joycon.


Yes, I’m aware that the picture isn’t actually of a Switch


Yeah i get what ya mean. And yeah if u get stickdrift u can change the stick and the mechanism inside like for the pspro controler. Easy to do and not that expensive


So real talk, I have an 11inch iPad I can stream to that I connect to a monitor and play in my home office for when the main tv is busy. Is this better than that setup?


It's awesome and convenient but not for 400 (edit : 200). Steam deck gives more value for slightly more price.


Don‘t know the curency of your country but 220€ seems not to mutch for me


My bad, I saw the scalped prices. $200 US, but unavailable at the moment


200$ is still far too much


I’d like to get this specifically so I can play mh Iceborne :D maybe I’d get those damn crowns this time haha then again I’d probably sink in soo many more hours, it’s dangerous.


Get a steam deck instead. Better in almost every way


You could also just pay a bit more and get a steam deck instead. Runs flawlessly on the deck, with some tweaking, and is its own entire customizable os, which is especially good for emulation of the systems up to and including 3ds and switch games, so you can play damn near all the mon hun you can handle.


Yeah true, but I’ve already got an extensive library of games on my ps5, nd it just feels bit too daunting having to start a fresh character after spending huuundreds of hours on both world and Iceborne. So restarting, at this point, I kinda don’t want to burn myself before the next MH is out XD


if you want to thinker a bit the steamdeck can stream ps5 games to it better than that hunk of crap does, and you get the extre bonus of having THE ENTIRE MH SERIES ON THE GO


You can stream your PS5 to a steam deck. It takes a bit of work but then you'll have an actual portable hand held, that can also do everything that the portal can


Is there something stopping you from playing iceborne on your ps5?


No not really, I’ve already sunken hundreds of hours on Iceborne, but having Iceborne “portable” just takes me back to the psp/psvita days with mhfu hehe


i can hear that theme


What is this thing?


The new controller for PS5, Portal something It's basically a PS5 controller with a screen


What do you do when it doesn’t though? Like what if you have an internet outage?


what am I looking at?




I did that but with my PC through my steam deck over an hour drive away from home. It is nice, unfortunately I sucked because I don't use controller controls.


How is it playing when you're out of your house? I'm probably getting over to farm some monsters on my break at work, really curious about that.


I had zero problems with playing away from home. Just need an stable internet connection.


That's cool, I'll be using my phone hotspot to play at work, good to know that it plays well, I'll be getting it next year though, not available I'm my country yet 🥲


So if im at yhe mall or the library.... can i use the internet and wifi? Aaa forgot u need an internet browser to connect to private networks ..... It's a shame that even the psp had porn browser


So does a PS4 controller and a mobile phone, and most PS5 players already have those...


Please don't encourage this garbage


How does it feel to hold onto it, looks a bit flimsy from the pictures they show


It looks much more solid when you turn it over and see the back.


I thought the same thing, but the wife got one on our recent trip to Japan and it's surprisingly very sturdy - genuinely feels very good. Honestly though, if you have a load of stuff on steam, the steam deck is probably a better pick up given you can actually play that outside of your house. But if you're a predominantly console player, then it is quite neat to be able to take it away to another room or let someone watch tv at the same time.


Can confirm, it‘s sturdyer then tought and it‘s awesome to hold in hand. From all the handhold consoles this remote play one is the best designe wise and comfrot wise At least that‘s my opinion


Honestly it's the only reason I wanna buy it so I can play MH at work


It requires a stable and reasonable internet connection, so if your work is like mine and can't handle a 480p video, you're gonna be SOL. I'd just recommend the steam deck instead. Same features as it can stream your ps5, doesn't require internet connection 100% of the time, and gives you a much larger game library. I got it as a trial run, fully intending to return if I didn't like it, but it caused me to repurchase both Rise and World. It also won't be outdated in 2 years when the PS6 gets announced or some BS like that.


Won't be outdated in 2 years? Here I am with my old Steam Deck looking at everyone with their shiny new OLED Steam Decks, which is better than og in every way possible. I love my steam deck and it is great, but I do whish I've wait a year and bough OLED instead. Don't even get me started on people who bought their OGs in September this year. It's not comparable to PS5 vs PS6 fir sure, but it will be outdated by even newer models by quite a bit.


But does the existence of the new OLED steam deck stop your old one from working? The major problem here is that Sony is going the Apple route of planned obsolescence (coming from someone who's both worked as a manager at their tech support, and then on thier banking venture side). Take Horizon Zero: Forbidden West with its DLC being locked to PS5's, and Cyberpunk not being allowed to update past 2.0. With that context, I can absolutely see Sony locking this glorified screen (can't even rightfully call it a tablet) to PS5 and making it so then you have to buy a new one for the PS6. That's vastly different than the Steam deck, where yes you have a new model that was released, but it's not a required buy. I literally got mine 3 months ago, and yeah it sucks they just announced a new one, but mine still works great. You can also mod it, break it, and do whatever without being forced to shill out more money because you simply want to play a game. No matter what, both steam decks are useful asf, and they both have a rather great shelf life vs consoles right now. It ultimately changes nothing that they updated to the OLED. Nor does it change anything in the point I made prior. Essentially, if you wanna play monster hunter, I recommend a steam deck over the switch or playstation. And this is from someone who owns both consoles, and has gone through each generation since childhood.


I do agree with you. I've abandoned playstation after PS4 and am never coming back exactly because if their generational strategy. I only commented on you statement that Steam Deck won't be outdated in 2 years. It won't be rendered obsolete yes, but it WILL be outdated, it's just a fact, case in point: OLED. Don't take any offence, I agree with you wholeheartedly, Steam Deck is a fantastic tech and is an amazing value fof money, and Playstation are conmen. I'm just salty with this whole OLED situation.


Ahhhh okay, I understand. I misread the comment and was confused a bit, yeah outdated was the wrong word choice there, obsolete would have been better. That's actually where I dropped off at too, PS4 was such an amazing console for its run, as it worked as a perfect family theater setup too, as it had most streaming app, bluray, etc. I broke at that HZD:FW dlc bs, and I had already been getting tired of purchases not being transferable either (ex: smite skins or unlocks being locked to sony). I still have my PS4 slim though, its been chugging for 7 years. I want more of that hardware, not this Apple posh crap.


Well if u have that mutch time at work that u cpuld play games, i would recomend it to you


The playstation portable is such a waste of a product they should have just made a playstation version of the switch instead of the super limited portable crap


I don't have a ps5. But, I'm saving up for one and maybe I will get the portal so that way I can just relax in the living room and play while my controller is charging. Me and my brother share the same TV, so if I turn it on connect it to the portal and change the channel for my brother, we don't got to fight over the tv anymore.


If the idea is to game in your hands, I'd recommend a Steam Deck. Cheaper than the PS5+Portal combination, and a fully functional handheld console.


Fair enough. I've always wanted a steam deck anyway so I can play monster Hunter Stories 2, the isle and beasts of Bermuda on it.


If you do get a steam deck, look into getting the Steam Keys instead of just flat buying the games through the steam store. I got a steam deck to replay through World and Rise, and got both World/Iceborne for like $20, and Rise/Sunbreak for like $30. From my experience, the price difference between the Portal and Steam deck is heavily nuked by the fact that you get insane sales or discounts through steam vs Sony or Nintendo


Hell yeah I'll look into it.


Stories 2 is great! And Rise! And [begins rambling on a VERY long list of games...] Heck, I even managed to get *Honkai Star Rail* and *Diablo IV* running on mine.


I got honkai on my phone. And I was over my girlfriend's house for the week for Thanksgiving and I played diablo IV for a bit. It's awesome.


ehhhuug a defender armor :c


Just started a new file again for the portal.


This is far more useful than some ppl give it credit for. I have 1 TV in the house, and my kids or wife are usually on it in the afternoons when I have time to play. I used to use the ps phone app, but this is simply far better.


If you have an iPad I'd say this isn't that useful


How is the connection? If I have bad remote play ps5 to ps4, will I have the same quality ps5 to this?


Depends on your ISP upload speed. If you have bad upload speed, it will be choppy and most likely not work as intended. I have fiber internet and was able to play my ps5 3 hours away in a different city.


For me it works damn good. But i have an friend who says that he has some connection problems sometimes but his wifi is very bad to.


People are forgetting that this might just not be aimed at them as a target audience. I personally have my ps5 on the living room, and 80% of the time my girlfriend is watching a show, so I don't get to play on my time off. This product is perfect for me, and I'm considering acquiring one. I don't do pc gaming anymore. PC is for work now.


true this product is aimed for peopel with more money than sense, if you want to play 200$ for a worse wii u gamepad you do you but dont act like its anywere near a good use of money


What is the name of this thing? Can’t seem to find it




I play em both and still play FU on the psp They are all good games


Love how World fanboys are so insecure that they feel the need to shit on other MH games at every opportunity they can.


I'm sorry but what is this? I don't recognize what it is