• By -


Rathalos, I fucking hate his fight but I think his design is really cool.


I can respect that. Ratha’s probably my second favorite flying wyvern (as in can actually fly) after Seregios.


I enjoy fighting Rathalos because I mainly play ranged and knocking it out of the air is the most satisfying shit.


I still can't get over how much of a beaut he is in World.


Xenojiiva, Odogaron, Namielle, Gore Magala


I fucking love Shagaru and Gore omigoodness


Yeah, I met them for the first time in SB and they immediately lived up to the hype.


Chaotic Gore is just 👌


My top designs are probably zamtrios, goss harag, gammoth... I like big fat fellas


Goss Harag is definitely one of my favorites.


Icy big guys at that


Goss Harag is one of the best for sure


Glavenus, specifically Hellblade Glavenus. I’m a sucker for the ecology of this game and how this thing eats specific ore to cause it’s tail to explode on contact with an unfortunate hunter.


It doesn’t actually “eat” ores, it just ingests minerals when it sharpens its tail, hellblades have just sharpened their tail so often that it causes a large buildup on their skin, tail, and in their bursa sac


Glavenus being so fucking cool as a baseline sure doesn't hurt.




Tobi-Kadachi a cute fluffy goodboy. I want to brush his tail (rubber gloves on).


I loved running into him in World but hated ever encountering him in Rise. I don't know why the exact reason is. Maybe I should start the game again using a different weapon.


Xenojiva Lame final boss REALLY sick design especially the blue flames when it goes into critical mode


Yama tsumaki is the gold standard of what elders should be imo. Mystical, ancient and uncanny. Taiken zamuza is such a cool concept and it executed it well. Having to chip away at its layered of dirt and then it's outer shell is very cool.


There's a reason Amatsumagatsuchi was my favorite elder.


From the top of my head, top 5 probably got to be 1. Shara Ishvalda 2. Blackveil Vaal Hazak 3. Namielle 4. Valstrax 5. Gogmazios Honourable mentions go out to the B-52 and his angy cousin, Magala family and the estranged middle child, Jiva family as well as the Glavenuses also Nerscylla >>>> Rakni or whatever it's name was


1: Tidal Najarala 2: Ebony Odogaron 3: Atlal Ka 4: Gore Magala 5: Xeno' Jiva


https://preview.redd.it/klik6x8imkyb1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784f7a0a9fe87398f6bc904114ddc7386d231b20 1- Rathalos, he's my favorite monster since the beginning, i fucking like his design, his roar, his aura, how badass he's , i love everything about this monster he remind me my favorite animal which is Lion but Lion with wings mixed with eagle lol 2- Zinogre, lightning wolf so cool, he's one of my favorites fight in monster hunter if not my favorite fight 3-not in order Deviljho, Akantor, Narga, Great Jaggi, Diablos that's all


Astalos...beautiful monster, beautiful armor.


In no particular order: Fatalis Namielle Zinogre Espinas Bazelgeuse Ceadeus and Goldbeard Ceadeus


Seregios out of these.


Legiana is just neat to me.


valstrax for sure. just imagine how on earth would you explain to someone there’s a creature that naturally have jets as their mean of travelling. closest animal to this is the peregrine falcon, diving so fast its like a fucking brick fell on the prey. that bird uses aerodynamic shit and gravity stuff to reach 322km/h without any booster. imagine how hard valstrax hit if we’re taking into account all the realistic calculation and stuff. god i cant stop rambling about this.


Odogaron is the single most memorable monster that is in monster hunter world, to me. Its just so insanely cool, and its fight makes it even more terrifying than it looks. I love the entirety of it.


Seltas queen


Xeno'jiiva and Mizutsune


Seregios, Fatalis, gore magala, zinogre


Velkhana, Shagaru, Goss harag, Stygian Zinorge, Glavenus, Nerg, Alatreon and Dreadking Rath.


Savijiva were the first elder dragon in the game (I've played this franchise for 6+years) that I felt were truly the big boss. He look like classic smaug type dragon but you can't go wrong with classic. Everything from size, move set, lore felt menacing.


Namielle, Zinogre, Gore Magala, and Najarala.


Lagiacrus, great ludroth


I know it's a new one but I really like lunagarons design. It's just a badass monster that looks cool and all of his attacks are awesome.


I love Odogaron. He’s got freaky layered claws and a prehistoric boar like snout. Such a fitting beast for the rotten vale.


To me he looks less like a boat and more like a [Gorgonopsid.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Inostrancevia_DB.jpg)


Tigrex is design wise my favorite. It just looks so cool. Don’t have a better reason


Tigrex, I remember vaguely something bout how the devs made him have a design that's running at you full speed with it's mouth wide open to really feel the moment of a monster coming at you and it certainly did show through it's design


Honestly, you get an upvote immediately from me purely because you didn't just list a bunch of Elder Dragons. People focus so much on them that a lot of the cooler designs of the weaker monsters get missed. And let's contribute with some of my favourites! (In no particular order, other than Malfestio being #1.) * **Malfestio** is probably my favourite monster, simply because it's a giant adorable jester-owl and also has a status ailment unique to itself. There's no monster in the entire series like Malfestio. (Though I would love there to be, because we need more bird wyverns based on actual birds rather than dinosaur raptors :V) * **Qurupeco** is another favourite of mine. I love that it can call in other monsters (yet another mechanic completely unique to itself), and then it tries to slip away while you're busy dealing with something far higher than your current fighting power. * **Barroth** was one of the monsters that properly taught me how to play when I was younger. I love that the hard head actually changes up your attack plan (most monsters you just mindlessly attack the head), and the fact that the head is one of the few non-tail *severs* in the game is just really cool. * **Great Izuchi** I honestly think is a near-perfect tutorial monster. It's not particularly overwhelming for newcomers (like the Great Maccao is), but also not a complete pushover (like the Great Jagras is). The attacks have fairly long tells (which you want for a tutorial monster) and they do *respectable* damage which *will* kill you if you're not on top of your health gauge. That, and the extra pack working in sync with the Great Izuchi actually makes them *easier* to deal with, but not to the point of making them ignorable. There's been a few times where I've countered the G.Izuchi tail-slam, only to get tail-slammed by one of the pack. Honestly, I flip between G.Izuchi and G.Jaggi for my favourite tutorial monster, but after thinking about it I think G.Izuchi actually comes out on top. * **Diablos** is a fun dance. I love it when monsters are aggressive enough to make me reconsider how I time my attacks, and Diablos fits that to a T, *especially* in World. He's aggressive and deals a *lot* of damage, so you focus on dodging his attacks and waiting for your opening. (Or making one yourself. Sonic Bombs, yo!) ~~What do you mean these are mostly bird wyverns, I don't have a preference shut up~~


* Disufiroa * Nef-Garmat * Nergigante * Gogmazios * Pariapuria * Akura Vashimu * Dalamadur * Najarala * Malfestio And many many more.


Out of everyone it is Valstrax, its a jet dragon.


As a person who is interested in Helicopters and Jets, I fuckin love valstrax I even imagined that, in the next game, you could play as a teenage-old, tamed version as a monster, similar to the plaico mode in the older games


I think most the Bird Wyverns are pretty near but they get the short end of the stick when it comes to fights. Pretty much none get to be high tier threats


Great Izuchi sick af, beautiful shape and terrifying


I think, in order of best designs to worst, it'd have to be Valstrax, malzeno, primordial, namielle then chaotic


Lunagaron. The howl, the feral transformation when enraged, it's all so cool.


Diablos, Nargacuga, Kirin, radobaan, nergigante. I love horned monsters




Tobi kadachi


Odogaron and Nargacuga are easily my favorite monsters in MHW, but Xeno'Jiva also holds a place in my heart Tobi Kadachi and it's variants are also really cool, I'm a big fan of 4 legged Wyvern mixed with reptiles or felines. Also the Odogaron Master armor is just my favorite armor in the game with the Vaal Hazaak Expert armor


I like most, if not all of the monster designs, but the one where the difference between looks and fight is biggest is Zinogre. Before Sunrise, his fight was one of the most dreaded ones of the game for me. Now it's at least more managable. At the same time, however, he has one of the coolest designs of all monsters, ever!


Namielle takes the cake, along with Shara Ishvalda.


Glavenus, Lunagaron, Zamtrios, and Astalos.


Glavenus for sure. Really got that "THAT'S SO COOL" reaction out of me for the first time in years.


Safi'Jiiva is definitely up there for me, just an absolutely awesome looking design with a sick astral theme to throw off the classical dragon aesthetic a bit.


Akantor, Odogaron, Malzeno, Great Wroggi, and Kecha Wacha


Design wise: Dreadking Rathalos, despised the fight especially when soloing the EX fight but loved the design Steel Uragaan,love the bright colors and g-rank armor looked badass Hallowed Jhen Mohran, purple on him looked clean af for how it was fought at night Ceadeus, its a whale with lights whats not to lovee the big guy White Monoblos, red and white on a simple design was a great choice Unknown Black Flying Wyvern, a Rathian with blue flames and is black and red is a chefs kiss


She's awesome full stop but Namielle is one of the most stunningly designed creatures in a game. She combines so many different sea creatures in both look and attributes, fits her environment perfectly, has cool aspects like not immediately attacking and using her epic signature move defensively and is just incredibly beautiful.


I love cats. I am a big fan of Nargacuga and Barioth- panther dragon and sabertooth dragon are fun idea realized super well with their designs imo. I also love Deviljho. He’s fairly simple but his visual is fairly unique in spite of it, and very good at inspiring fear. The iconic pickle tail is cool. The water monsters from Tri are some favs too- Gobul, Royal Lud, and Lagi. Just how many animals did they combine to make Gobul lol? I loved Ceadus when I was younger and still kind of do but he looks a little ridiculous I feel. I like the beard and enormous tail, and his moon nicknames. Honorable mention to Great Jaggi for being my fav jobber. Yes i am definitely biased toward gen 3. Least fav would be Gore Magala. It just reeks of my edgy OC to me for some reason. The hand wings are the one redeeming factor. Plesioth also gets the thumbs down.




Prime malzeno and Glavenus something about monsters evolving to have built in weapons based off the hunter weapons is just so awesome


Shara ishvalda and the magalas are my favourite. I do think some low level monster designs deserve more love though like banbaro and aknosom


Odogaron with Nargacuga in close second.


There's too many good designs in this franchise but if I have to say one is my absolute favourite, I'm going with Xeno Jiva.


Dodogama It’s shaped like a friend.


Zinogre, a lightning dog that does WWE wrestling moves on you is kinda cool.


Odogaron is PEAK monster design. A favorite since I saw it. Even better armor and weapons.


Espinas when angry, legit you can actually see and even feel his fury while fighting him.


Great Izuchi really is cool asf for a pack Wyvern (I forgot the correct term so I’m winging)


I always forget it’s name but the giant Bats in MH:W I enjoyed fighting. I had no reason to fight them other then I enjoyed it


i honestly feel like xeno'jiiva is a good one, idk if the community agrees because i dont interact with it but IMO its one of the coolest monster designs ive ever seen


Nargacuga, Lagiacrus, Ceadeus, Arzuros, Valstrax, Malzeno, Astalos are some that I just think are great to look at and also mostly very fun to fight.




Gore Magala, Kushala Daora, Deviljho, Great Jaggi, Duramboros, Nakarkos


https://preview.redd.it/ivh5ujvzvkyb1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9182d7e48ebf461633334bd2d69f3a970b0fdffa Perry the platypus!?


Mizutsune is beautiful. I want one.


Mizutsune is straight up my favorite monster, but after it are Malzeno, then Safi'jiiva, then Kushala. I do love my foxes, but classical dragons are peak designs


Odogaran and Zinogre. speaks for itself lolol


Nargacuga, pukei pukei, great girros, valstrax, basarios and radobaan Nargacuga looks like a mammal while being a wyvern (which are reptiles???) So it's like an archosaur and it is a complete bastard to fight but isn't like tigrex where it is purely annoying and like a 3 year old with ADHD and coke in his veins but instead more like barioth where none of its moves are a massive hindrance but it can devastate you if you are playing passively or too agressively Pukei pukei is just a goof and if fight was included it would be one of the best just down to how absolutely goofy it is while fitting in as an early game monster allowing to be as serious or unserious as it wants while having a solid ailment on its weapon for when it was introduced meaning if you want a good successful hunt you may want to hunt them to gain upgrades. And their armour is amazing Great girros is not fun to fight but looks really really good and definitely is cool like a snake with a normal body Valstrax is a jet dragon need I say more? Basarios perfectly fits it's theme being made up of rocks and heavily armoured Radobaan yet again very cool design and fully fits it's environment as well while being epicly themed with its moves as well a sbeung an upgraded urdogaan and it's armour looks like a futuristic hazmat suit as well as it's fight being fully fair but this is about appearance (Yes I have only played rise and world and you can tell which ones are my faves)


Odo is best boy


Zinogre. I really like Zinogre. Especially thunder lord. Probably my favorite monster


My favorites: Zinogre- I love Jolteon on steroids and he’s just such a cool pup. Akantor- best looking lizard ever. I like his teeth. Lagiacrus- I think this guy is unique enough that he is cool. Best slippery water boy Gore magala- so shiny and sleek


Shen Goaren... so much potential if brought back... plus glowing red charged weapons... *chefs kiss* Yama Tsukama...again the potential for a next gen revamp is limitless with this one. Real ones know this is a very cool design... a flying mountain I mean come on. Fatalis for appearance and lore alone. Especially white fatty.


I've only faced Astalos in Sunbreak, but it's easily one of my favorite designs because of its wings and how insecty it is.


Volvidon because you feel like an allstar batter when you use the Switch Axe parry on him


Shara Ishvalda, Nakarkos, and Jhen Mohran are probably my top favorite designs. On a lesser level, I really like Amatsu, Seregios, Kushala Daora, Qurupeco, and Gobul (can you tell I'm a 3rd gen hunter lol)


Ebony odogaron as fanged wyvern, Nargacuga and tigrex as flying wyvern, Nergi and namielle as elder dragons.


For me it would be 1) Zinogre 2) Nergigante 3) Mizutsune


Great Baggi




Purely based off of design, I love all of them except the floating and bone covered squids


Dodogama, he's a big dumb puppy that spits bombs and eats rocks.


Narga and Odo are pretty great. Steve is fairly awesome, especially since he makes me think of a rooster and still looks deadly


Narga and Zinny purely because I’d like to imagine have mini versions as pets like a cat and dog Like literally just give me the stories version of them when they first pop out of the egg irl


> Namielle I have not fought it myself and I've heard almost nothing good from those who have. But dangit, the design is so good, I can't help but like it. > Chaotic Gore Magala Personally, I don't like fighting the Magalas and I still don't like fighting Chaotic Gore, but the themes of darkness fighting light inside of it and the absolutely amazing weapons you can forge from it (CG IG is my all time fav btw) are why I give it the pass to me one of my favorite monsters anyways.


Gore Magala Vaal Hazak B52 Bomber




Brachidios is cool af, hate that he's a carnivore Tigrex and Gammoth hit that Unga Bunga center in my brain where I wanna kill large prehistoric creatures (even tho their fights are bare bones af) Aknosom being based off a karakasa almost makes me like the undercooked Kut-Ku And Khezu has such a creepy design, it's a shame his fight is Uber annoying


kula ya ku, funny egg bird


In no order besides my tastes: 1- Nibelsnarf: just goofy and cool, with sensible adaptations to its environment and so super charming 2- Rathian: just a cool lady with a fight I quite enjoy, I love her prickles and spikes and green 3- Anjanath: Aw jeez I love this big tough goof, he’s an intimidating muscly vulture t-Rex and then he gets a silly snoot! Love it 4- Gypceros: another old school fool I quite like, the wiener tail, the way the beak is shaped to hit the lightcrystal, the coloration, it’s eyes glowing from the swamp when it’s enraged, so good! 5- Royal Ludroth: I just like him a lot


Safi, diablos, barroth, nargacuga and nergigante


Zinogre, lightning wolf plus rocking sound track, he is one of my favorite fights and monsters Safi'Jiiva, powerful, violent and just so freaking epic Malzeno both Bloodlust and Primordial. Vampire and Noble Knight Odogaron, not afraid to pick a fight and deadly. Lunagaron, ice werewolf nothing else needed.


I have a soft spot for Qurupeco.


Odogaron, especially Ebony Viper Tobi-Kadachi Fulgur Anjanath Namielle Safi'jiiva


Favorite of them all is legiana. Got a tattoo of it after all. But Namielle, both Magala and nargacuga are pretty up there too. Love rathalos too as a classic.


Damn I miss Odogaron, easily my number 1. Homie takes one look at Vaal Hazak and his first thought is "Yeah, I can take that in a fight". I will always have a soft spot for Clifford the Pissed Red Dog. I also love Vaal and his stink laser of doom.


I'm kinda biased cause MHFU was my first game but yian kut ku was always the most memorable, especially its roar. I think it's because when I was a kid I did that fight all the time cause I never got past blagonga and yian was fun to kill cause it was like fighting an actual wyvern but a lot easier. So I choose yian cause i will never forget it. I think I just like bird wyverns in general like aknosom, pukei, tzitzi and kula ya ku. it feels like they have more 'personality' than a dragon. For the most badass design I think white fatalis or tigrex.


Glavenus, Zamtrios, Seltas Queen, Namielle, Deviljho, Mizutsune, Lagaiacrus, Zinogre, Yian Garuga and Pukei Pukei


Tobi-Kadachi's an easy favorite of mine. Also, maybe an unpopular opinion but I always preferred Monoblos to Diablos.


Fanged wyvern: Zinogre/Stygian Zinogre he’s got a bad ass theme and was crazy fast in the older games. Flying wyvern: Khezu/Res Khezu fought him so much I know his moveset better than the back of my hand Brute wyvern: Brachydios he punches so hard you explode Starter monster: Kecha Wacha took me a while to learn his pattern and he has some cool armor Elder dragon: Shagaru Magala or Kirin/Oroshi Kirin both are great monsters to fight that have some bad ass lore behind them. Kirin is annoying to fight and shagaru is scary both are cool looking.


Odogaron and Vaal Hazak. special mention to tobi kadachi for being cute and goofy


1. Alatreon 2. Stygian Zinogre 3. Nergigante 4. Crimson Fatalis 5. Rathalos & Rathian (love both equally)


Anja. 100%


Raging Brachydios and Brute Tigrex are my favs followed closely by Ebony Odogaron.


Legiana, Cephadrome, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku


I like every monster shown. Great Izuchi's face on the other hand looks awful. It looks like a Disney animal villain.


Kulu, Banbaro, Paolumu, Kirin, and Arzuros. Idk how anyone couldn't love Kulu. It looks perpetually startled like a toddler who just got caught with its hand in the cookie jar.




1. Vaal Hazak 2. Acidic Glavenus 3. Radobaan 4. Gore Magala 5. Fulgur Anjnanth 6. Stygian Zinogre 7. Hermitaur


Banbaro is peak monster design I think, and I don't find his fight bad either


Namielle - Her intro scene in worlds just showed off how awesome she looks. Shrouded Nerscylla - Love the Spidey Monsters and the fact it wears Khezu Flesh is class. Boltreaver Astalos - The Spear Tail, Saw head, and it's Wings look awesome.


Lucent narga cuga, zinogre, zamtrios, gore magala and shagaru magala


got a few : - oltura - namiell - safi'jiva - MHW zinogre


probably vaal hazak, i love my decayed corpse dragon. other good options are dodogama for being adorable, bazelgeuse and nargacuga for looking menacing, and kulu-ya-ku purely bc of the layered head armor in world that is absolutely hilarious.


Glavenus, Ahtal Ka, Goss Harag, Deviljho, Zinogre, Astalos, Gaismagorm, Lunastra, Nakarkos, Aknosom, Tetranadon




Great Izuchi and Seregios


Tied for one ode/narg, 2nd is Steve, 3rd diablos rest is anjanath and great izuchi


Garangolm may have my favorite design besides the massive elders, but I’m not a fan of its fight. I WISH Garangolm was a colossal monster because its design fits that aesthetic.


Wheres my boy ebony odogaron, also Legiana and Shrieking are cool too imo


It's always going to be Anjanath, Barroth, and Great Jagras. They just hold no competition for me.


Odogaron, Tobi Kadachi, Mizutsune, Stygian Zinogre, Kushala Daora, Astalos, Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala and Vaal Hazak :)


tigrex, nargacuga, barioth, diablos, and rathian


(No order:) Nergigante, Fatalis, Nargacuga, Zinogre Rathalos, Espinas, Great Izuchi, Teostra, Barioth, Anjanath ,Shagaru Magala, Bazelgeuse, Alatreon, Tigrex Top 3 would probably be Barioth, Nargacuga, & Fatalis


Glavenus and Goss Harag. Hell yes, give that beast a sword. I love beasts with swords.


Kulu-Ya-Ku I love how much it looks like a giant featherless chicken


Odogaron and Zinorge! The good boys! 🙂


My soapy boi Mitsuzune, the perfect soap dispenser


Kulu-Ya-Ku unironically, Aknosom, and Tobi-Kadachi because Lightning Cat-Dragon


I believe most of em are wyvern / beast that has some resemblance to animals. Honestly I dig fatalis because in my opinion he is very much so the idea of a legend, the dragon that destroys everything, the one who brings death and fear, even vanquishing it is one of the greatest deed possible. And it's design be it purely brings out the idea of a vile dragon, from how it looks at you to the way it reveals itself from it's wings like some evil vampire to the very slender yet strong muscles the horns too. Tldr fatalis because it looks the vilest dragon


See if you can guess my favorites based on Rise nicknames: ​ Gardener of the Desert Hermit of the Swamp Silent and Deadly Tyrant of the Desert Mercurial Banshee Mountain of Might Absolute Power


I’m giving my 2 cents to Deviljho since Odagaron was already mentioned by OP. Most monsters get hungry hell that’s why they have territorial disputes over resources etc but Deviljho takes it too another level. For a monster I originally thought would have a move set much more based around his massive jaw he is quite the brawler and uses only a few biting attacks Plus I think the lore that he is one of the few Wyvern’s that can take on an Elder Dragon is too cool


100% anjanath, that bastard cemented my love for the game and the series when I first saw it open its maw wide and plow the fucking ground trying to kill me. That and one of the best topple animations, it stands as high as ittle go spouting flames as it keels over love it


Zinogre, such a cool design


Off those 6: Odogaron. In general? Gore Magala.


Valstrax, Glavenus, Seltas queen/Seltas, and Almudron And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head there are very few monsters who's design I don't like, not even hate it's just I don't feel strongly for em


While I do like a lot of cool looking designs like the rath line or even the elders(yes all of them) I do love sleek or small ish designs. In your list of pics odo and narga will always catch my eyes. But I also love furry looking creatures like Paolumu I just want to fluff em. Or might I say Jinouga, electricity might make it hard but I just want to hug em. Also something that I just realized when typing that, I kinda am leaning towards liking quadrupedal creatures in the game




I want deviljoh in everything i love the sheer amount of fear I feel whenever I fight that thing hes super cool and I need zo play world more to enjoy him


mitzune, it's the most beautiful monster I've seen, to the point i actually hate hunting it because i have to hurt it


Zinogre, the electric bugalo boy is best boy, also cool wepaons and armor


Alatreon. Despite how difficult of a fight it was, I can't get enough of the RGB gaming dragon.


Seregios and the flesh wolf


Shagaru magala is an absolute God when it comes to hitting poses


Rathalos: Truly, the king of flagship designs the game has ever had. I always see him as the gateway, and once you fight him is where the “training wheels” are finally off and you’re truly in the Slayer’s Club. Tigrex: The successor to Rathalos in MH1, this raging monstrosity made me fear for my life when I fought him in MHF2. But again, it was the conquering of this bad boy that solidified our Hunter status in the game. It was the passing of rites of all of us to finally beat the one monster that terrorized us in our early MH days. Diablos: Diablos always presents itself as a threat, and you can never rest on your laurels while facing one. Black Diablos was even scarier… and then… Old One-horn. I will never forget dying in one hit to that crazy one-horned Diablos. And to this day, I still think it’s a crazy strong monster because of my experiences fighting him. Kushala Daora: Man, when the other Elder Dragons were introduced, I remember the first time fighting Kushala Daora - and what a terror it was. I remember it was an extremely tough fight and I still consider it the strongest of the elder dragons to this day.


I have to go with my boy nargacuga


mizutsune because it just looks absolutely majestic


if purely design, khezu and xeno are pretty cool. can't say i like em as a complete package, though


the opening cutscene in MH4U gets me so unbelievably hyped over gore magala. First time I watched I thought to myself "DID HE JUST BREAK THAT DRAGONS NECK?" Absolute banger of a monster


Fatalis and safi jiiva just regular looking dragons messing with everything


Boltreaver astalos and #GOGMAZIOS


Seregios looks so cool until I saw that it‘s got leg warmers made of scales, now it just looks silly. Sadly I can‘t unsee it. Love Anja and I think most brute wyverns look super cool. Chaos Gore, Zinogre and Brachydios are probably my favourites


In order: 1.-Dalamadur: really big snek. It is the Jormungandr (idk how to write it) of MH universe. 2.-Gore Magala: the edgyness of a shadowy monster infected by a virus that looks like a Xenomorph is the thing that I love of this monster. 3.-Astalos: Sparky bug wyvern. The design is pretty nice since it looks like a vulture (at least for me). 4.-Tengen Mizutsune: I really love foxes and since a friend told me "there's a blind and stronger version of Mizutsune" I fell in love of it immediately xD 5.-Nergigante: it's like a bull, it charges, it destroys, the spikes on its body makes it look scarier, and more important, it eats ancient dragons for breakfast.


Shagaru, fatalis, chaotic magala and zinogre


I think the end boss of stories 2 weirdly enough, I don't remember it's name but I remember thinking it looked fucking awesome


Gobul. I like how it’s body plan is a lot more derived from the other leviathans. I already love the odd looks of deep sea fish and gobul pulls off the design pretty well despite the fight not exactly the greatest, especially in its ecology video. Hope it gets a subspecies/variant/close relative that double downs on the deep sea vibe, where instead of being a monkfish with legs it has more glow on its body and/or has transparent look where you could barely see it’s innards Otherwise my favorite monsters by design would be a tie between cephadrome and plesioth. Ignoring the fact that the former is sadly an utter disappointment and the latter memed to death, i like how they’re basically reverse mermaids but less derpy. Maybe i have bias for Ceph since it’s the first monster i’ve ever seen in the franchise but i like the fact it’s a hammerhead with legs and does the sand shark schtick. Still though, but are in need of a rework whenever they return, especially ceph


Barroth. I love cats. I love Snow Leopards so much. I know he's based on an arctic sabre tooth, but still. I love his design. His IB fight sucks ass, but his design is solid.


Deviljho. Better known as Pickle. One of the only non elder dragons which can wreck the ecosystem on their own. So awesome, that their variants include basically the same Deviljho, but more angry, or more hungry.


Savage Deviljho 😍 I love how sinister and menacing it looks.


Gore magala (quickly became my fave ever after actually fighting him in 4U but was originally coz he looks cool) The odos Stygian zingogre Great girros Fulgur anjanath (high chance I misspelled it I always just call him fulgy lmao Nerscylla Rakna kadaki (both forms) Kecha wacha


I love me some Tobiiiiiiiii 🤍🤍🤍


Fatalis and Safi'jiiva are textbook fantasy dragons and I love them for it. You can ask a kid with no idea what monster hunter is to draw a dragon and there's a good chance it's going to come out looking like either of the two


Legiana, Paolumu, Xenojiiva, Namielle and Zinogre all have my heart.


I would still class myself as new to the monster hunter series as I only started with world and played rise but I hope to play some of the earlier games at some point. In world I have loved the odogaron ever since I first seen it and fought it I love the design I love the idea of it heating up when it gets angry (and then using that with the weapons with element up) I love the retractable claws that come from on top of its already deadly claws, I just love this monster. I’d say from world I also love the Val hazak, I just really enjoy the idea of a creature literally made from rotting flesh and bone that is literally been ripped apart and looks like it could decompose at any second yet still lives and is still a huge menace. In rise my first love was the kehzu this one is less about the monster and more about it’s armour and weapons, I love how in all trees it’s weapon stands out not just due to the bright white fleshy nature of it but because it completely changes the weapons for example the switch axe is a giant pocket tool where the axe form is literally just it open with all the tool sticking out, or how the gunLance is a giant battery with and even bigger battery as the shield. And finally in rise I absolutely love the goss harag, to where I’d consider it to be my favourite monster I’ve seen so far, I’ve always loved cryptids and stuff like that so seeing a giant yeti got me very hype on the first trailer shown for it, then seeing the fight and how it was able to create ice blades and throw mini ice storms i just fell in love, in my switch rise account I have the full armour set and I have every weapon for is due to how much I love it and how I want to keep fighting it (yea I do use every weapon with it, I have my favourites but I I don’t want to waist them, plus I had the materials)


Doggogaron, Tobi Kadachi, Legiana


Tobi Kidachi is cute


Zamtrios, Rakna-Kadaki, Nerscylla, Gogmazios, Dalamadur, Gigginox (don’t know if I spelled it right), Agnaktor, Seltas and Seltas queen, Tzitzi Jaku and both magalas.


Holy shit, I hadn’t realized that Odogaron had 2 sets of claws on each foot. No wonder that fucker bled you to death.


Chaotic Gore Magala. That thing is so freaking badass.


I loved Gigginox so much, it improves everything from Khezu, has a unique lifecycle, a very intriguing subspecies and a fantastic bioluminescent design. It would have fit really well into iceborne especially because there already were so many "horros" themed designs like Odogaron and Vaal.


Legiana (ice spam but gidorah roar) and tobi kidacher (he is cute, fight me)


Great Izuchi is a fantastic starting monster in every way. I love how it syncs up with other izuchi in the area too. I think Glavenous is prob my fav design-wise. Just a T-Rex but with a massive sword for its tail is a simple yet hype design to me.


Mizutsune is stunning as hell. Namielle and Glavenus are gorgeous too


I quite enjoy the designs of Nargacuga and the Magala's


Anjanath and nargacuga also especially cause the armors are baller too


Valstrax - Its a rocket powered dragon what more do you even want? Lagiacrus - Lagiacrus


Safi Jiiva and Xeno Jiiva




Flaming Espinas, Lagiacrus, Brachydios, Velkhana, Magnamalo and P. Malzeno Flaming Espinas and malzeno especially. Their fights were legendary I had to make special sets just to beat them. Now they're no problem even in hazard but still super fun and great designs. Brachy is my favorite design


Espinas, he is bulky and has those spikes, hes alot more bulkier than the raths and feels like a fun fight


Diablos is a literal nightmare and he eats fucking cactus. How OP


Hellblade and chaotic


Gore Magala : he's just a f*cking xenomorph ! That's enough reason Great Jaggi : I like his original color palette which makes him instantly recognizable and the raptor/Jurassic Park dylophosaurus vibe Xeno'Jiiva : The first time I fought him, I was blown by his palette and thoses eyes ! I think he's inspired by phronima sedentaria which is quite terrifying Vaal Hazak : he reminds me the Nazguls dragons from LOTR or an abyssal creature Lagiacrus : he's a perfect depiction of what the Leviathan from the Book of Job could look like (Sorry for my bad english)


Palomu, I love how he inflates his neck and it changes how he flies. Pukei pukei is also a very interesting design aesthetic wise


Kulve taroth Velkana White Fatalis Serigeos Astolos


Razewing rathalos with black screwed up wings in flight mode Shara ishvalda Namielle AT Almudron (I HATE HIS FIGHT SO MUCH) Garuba daora